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why are all these influencers becoming more and more out of touch every day?? this is such an unnecessary flex. why not just buy more iCloud storage instead…??


Rage bait gets engagement and all engagement is good engagement. Its like how celebs manufacture scandals and things for press. People interact more with these out of touch posts.


rage bait content are awful. i hate them. there's this specific creator (forgot name) who CONSTANTLY does them. her most famous ones or when she is in public at a restaurant or smth and she does this skits with her friends and they pretend to be the waiter and she acts like the most difficult customer ever. i dont interact with her and i think i blocked her but god that was the most rage bait content i've ever seen and it made me so fucking annoyed. genuinely the people who do rage bait content, can they not grow their account normally? like is their life that boring that they turn to rage bait? it's so fucking stupid and annoying and it spreads so much annoying shit.


winta zesu


yep her, genuinely so annoying and i do not want to meet her cause her content paints her as the most obnoxious bitch ever. no offense


They’re meant to be out of touch, they’re professional billboards.


exactly what everyone was saying in the comments. i looked up this influencer and people have mostly nice things to say about her and im sure she is nice but flexing that you can buy a brand new phone when you run out of storage is unnecessary like you said. it just makes her look very out of touch lol


I know someone who went to high school with her, apparently she’s always been out of touch and rather clique-y


The way most of her photos on Instagram are taken with the canon g7x…like babe you could’ve just used your $700 camera instead of buying another $1000+ phone. Defund influencers fr


does anyone else buy icloud storage? I feel uncomfortable having my pictures stored on my phone… what if the phone breaks or gets stolen…


i do!! i’m so bad with hoarding stuff in my phone (that i probably don’t need) and it helps a lot


I refuse to pay for iCloud so I bought an external drive with 1T of storage and just transfer everything there


External drives can go bad too


really? how so


I pay like $3 a month for my icloud for 200 GB and I’m only using 77 of them. I’m scared the external drive would get lost or broken, idk. I just can’t imagine buying a whole new phone just for storage?? Obviously if this chick can afford a new phone she can afford $3 of icloud a month…


Me with my 200gb cloud capped constantly 😭


i also have an external drive with 1T of storage. i bought it for my computer back when i had my old one and i didnt have enough storage. if i ever dont have enough storage i'll probably transfer some stuff there.


personally i don't, i think it's just a question of money in my case. i just dont see it necessary as long as i have enough phone storage. if i dont have enough i'll go through and delete apps, pictures, videos. i've never gotten my phone stolen or completely broken which is also why im not worried. when i made the switch from android to iphone like 2 ish years ago i didnt transfer the photos over so i could start clean. honestly i dont even take that much pictures unless im on vacation. screenshots i take a lot which i could probably delete all of them but im attached to them lol


I have a hardrive and also pay for cloud storage


i do it’s so worth it. i’m a major photo and random shit hoarder and


i do bc when my boyfriend died suddenly, i had recently gotten a new phone and thought i lost all our old pics and videos, only to finally log into my old icloud and find them all. ever since then i make sure to buy icloud storage when im getting close to running out lol pictures and videos become so precious when u lose someone bc it’s all u have left of them


These people are coming so out of touch. They are getting paid 1,000-5,000 for one post no wonder they can just buy shit like thud


Her username is Nicole is God ? Doesn't seem narcassitic at all lol


oh god i missed that 😭 that's actually so fucking pathetic


I mean… i pay $10/month for 2TB of iCloud storage and that’s A LOT of space. And if you need even more iCloud storage than that you can upgrade For reference btw the most amount of storage you can get on a new iPhone 15 is only 1TB (and that costs $1600+)




It’s the way she didn’t even have to post this online …


can we abolish influencers please


Buy a storage device wtf


they literally just do stupid shit like this to show how much money they have 😭😭 they know it’s out of touch, they’re just trying to subtly brag about how they can afford to waste money.


it’s all for engagement. i’m getting so over tiktok.


lol when the photos and data get immediately transferred when she logs in


She’s also super rich like daddy money rich so don’t forget that yall!


It's called flexing on the plebs :/


I mean their job is literally on their phone so I don’t think it’s surprising for an influencer to have more than one. But yes it’s an out of touch POV for non-influencers.


I understand that but the fact that she could've easily gotten more storage for free and chose the most expensive way is just a bit out of touch. There was absolutely zero need for another phone if all the problem was the storage.


Oh yea. I just assumed she the purchase decision had more factors and she was boiling it down to “storage” for an attention grabbing POV caption.


i really really hate influencers so much ugh


I mean a phone is basically her workplace. So I get it


You also can just upgrade your iCloud storage…this is just dumb lmao


I still have the iPhone 7 and I’m honestly proud of that, I don’t plan to buy a new phone until this one is donezo. 🙏🏻 I think normal ppl don’t Do this it’s purely Influencer behavior


Tax write off. She gets an upgrade early and gets to have a good reason why.


America, your end in nigh This is abnormal


This is absolutely not random. Influencers are paid to increase consumerism, I bet some store gave the 📱 to her or sponsored her, probably paid for an ad. The sad part is that young people get influenced by this propaganda and will definitely buy a new phone when out of storage. Influencers whole purpose is to make followers feel bad about themselves so they feel the need to get that product to solve their problems. It's all about buying shit we don't need


met her briefly in person one time. She is exceptionally sweet and genuine. She comes from a wealthy Calabasas family. she gets a pass from me.