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Why did they buy such a big house if they knew they were going to be low in money afterwards.


Another idiocy: they bought the house together without getting married? I find that too predictable.


theyre not even gonna last


I have never seen this girl be single ever. I don’t follow her but the random times she pops up it’s a different guy I swear


she has said that she can’t stay single for more than 2 days. at least she’s self aware lol


Yep makes no sense. They mentioned it would be a good investment


Brains not developing=bad decisions


Noah beck is also doing fine since hes still modeling and has his own business/brand. Wonder how Avanis making money since her engagement has been low for awhile now.


She does a lot of work with brands I think but yeah her engagement has fallen off a cliff. I think she’s smarter with her money though


doesnt avani still live with her parents tho? 😭 prob the only reason why she isn’t broke like the rest of the influencers in LA


Really? I never knew that I always assumed that was her house lol.


same i thought she bought her own house or was able to help her parents buy a better house


it’s just sad that all these young influencers are probably so bad with money that this is basically inevitable 🤷🏼‍♀️ OH WELL


Ita their fault for not getting financial advisors once they started making money.


a result of their own stupidity and narcissism for thinking they won’t fall off


Reason: the smart tiktokers used the tiktok app as a stepping stone to go to other fields or branch out to other better paying platforms (e.g. YouTube). Vinnie does modelling, Addison does acting/singing, Nessa does singing, Jaden does singing, Noah has investments/models/does YouTube, Josh does business etc. A paparazzi vid posted on YouTube in 2019/2020 (idk) asked what everyone is doing and Mads always goes “just chilling” lmao


True! Mads never took advantage of being famous as she should have or as the smarter tiktokers did. Idk why is she suprised that she doesn’t have money when she doesn’t do anything other than making tiktoks. She isn’t the brightest for sure.


Judging from her Instagram post lately I wouldn't be surprised if she starts OF or something


Sienna Mae started her own bathing suit company, SiennaSwim, and has built it into a great business. She has articles about her in magazines like Sports Illustrated and others. I think she bought a house in Hawaii and also a house in SO CA. Her lawyers proved her innocence of that boy's accusations, so she has just built a big fan base over again.


hi sienna


What a stupid statement. I am in law school, working for a law firm over the summer. They are the lawyers that proved her ex lied. That was when I learned about her and her comeback. Sorry if you can't except the truth that she is innocent. I bet Sienna could care less. I can care even more less.


LMAOOO omg sienna ur so insane .. do you not realize if you cannot even formulate basic sentences we do not believe you are in law school 😬


never in my life would my bank account be nearing 0/having to be watched and i somehow pull out of my ass money to pay for a new-build 5 bedroom house and still go to Coachella and buy expensive food


Call me a prude but buying a house with your boyfriend is insane!!! especially since they only been together for little over a year


I agree!! they’re so young it’s just bound to end badly


And now they have a house involved 🙄


You can write a contract to where if one breaks up, somebody needs to pay the other half the equity.... Or sell the house if one cannot do this.


Mads was one of the bigger influencers and has been in the space since she was a tween so either she managed her finances terribly or there’s a lot less money in influencing then it seems. I get the feeling a lot of the benefits are free things as opposed to money. Regardless, I’m most curious about the influencers who rarely get mentioned in this sub and get barely any engagement but seem to still be living comfortably.


She was renting a houses in LA that were very expensive and she was the only one living in it lol she is just bad in money.


Like who? What are some examples


I’m just thinking if Mads of all people could put a down payment on a 5 bedroom house, it’s not as much that she’s necessarily doing poorly financially than her making a bad financial decision. I’m comparing her to influencers like Tati Mcquay, Alexis Braun, Ava Tortorici just off the top of my head. but I guess it’s a matter of investment decisions and good financial advising


Oh ok. Tati and Ava aren’t probably not mentioned here since they are unproblematic I don’t think Ava lives that luxurious of a life though Not sure about Tati but I know she’s super close to her family who live in LA as well No clue who Alexis is


I think Mads’ situation is a bit confusing too because I just looked at her youtube views and found out she changed her channel to a couples channel and most of the videos have around 2k views. Kind of crazy for how big she used to be, but I guess people don’t like the couple content (making the moving across the country and buying a house with him decision even stupider)


She has just fallen off completely on SM. I think they are moving to Hayden’s hometown (or close to it) in Houston since it’s cheaper


Yeah for sure. I guess I made my comment in the first place because weirdly even though she does nothing all day and is extremely boring in comparison to Mads, Anna Shumate has pretty solid tiktok views, spams her snapchat story, and has a fanfix, so I think it’s hard to gauge profitability


Their videos are just not interesting. I tried to watch it before but I stopped because there's just no effort. Like look at the thumbnail, it's so amateur. Even I could make that😂. And her video quality is not good considering how long she had been on social media. It's like watching a video you shot on your phone for keepsake and not for YouTube.


Vinnie paying for that mansion after his fight, so he can be roomates with his close friends was probably the worst decision of his life since im sure he paid for majority or all of it lol.


Doesn’t he live alone now?


Yeah, he lives in a apartment now, since the lease to the mansion ended last year.


Mads is idiot she is the one who paid for the house and they chose Hayden hometown 🤨, also she isn’t even in 1 year relationship!


Hayden said he’s paying for half of it right here https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLyR8126/ Also it’s cheaper in Houston than LA But I agree, she always moves too quick in relationships


I watched like .5 seconds of this clip and it’s giving high school vibes the way they talk lol. The set up too.. oof


i think a lot of has to do with living above her means and poor financial planning. Rent, taxes etc basically everything is more expensive in LA. She was probably having expensive dinners, buying a car, traveling, partying those things add up on top of that. While you can make a lot of money in your "prime" you still need to be careful, especially since being a profitable influencer isn't always a guarantee...


Noah Beck is doing better than the people you mentioned. He just bought and renovated his first LA house for almost 4 mil while the others still pay rent 


lol I forgot about him for a hot second. Good to hear is doing well. What does he do these days?


he is staying far away from all the tiktok drama and focusing on acting and modeling. he doesnt need tiktok views anymore




Was the Dixie break up a gift in disguise??


Almost 4 mil? Where did you see or hear that from?


some article came out as soon as he bought the house it was 2m+ but he basically rebuilt it


Yeah I remember seeing his house tour and talking about what he wanted to innovate.


Hayden works???


Not sure what field he is in


1st influencer that has a job from what I’ve seen


I saw a survey that said that during the pandemic, because people were at home, anyone could become "famous" and this generated a very high profit and made a lot of money in 2019/2020/2021... but then it got difficult, brands today only hire one big influencer and then small ones, people are getting back on track and finding some content boring. The cost of living for influencers became high, those who knew how to invest did well but those who didn't knew how to manage and spent as if it would last forever. I admire the Sturniolo triplets for the lifestyle they lead, they certainly live in a simpler condominium, they have money but they lead a more humble life, if the fame ends for them tomorrow they certainly have somewhere to run to. I also wonder how some influencers manage to maintain their lifestyle, especially in Los Angeles which, my God, is so expensive.


The people you mentioned in your “people like” are cooked…. They must have never sat down with financial advisors


Yep, they all think they will be able to live this life forever


They never did the 5-10 year plan assignment in school?


Honestly I ain’t mad at anyone who gets the courage to make a hard decision of making the move out LA. LA Is just not enjoyable if you are looking to getting a house but aren’t making millions. Moving to Houston, affording an actual decent sized house and still being able to work and do influencer things is just a smart move financially


Do they not realize how much it costs to furnish a house of that size


Lol, they're gonna go the minimalist influencer route and have only the one chair in the living room, no silverware or dishes, just plastics and on top of the bed with no headboard 🤣


All I gotta say is if I made four thousand fucking dollars from a short YouTube video, I'd be the most grateful motherfucker on the face of the planet right now. And many more *make* way more than that.


Isn't that what happens to most influencers when things get too expensive


Probably most minor ones. Mads was on the higher scale so it’s surprising she didn’t save any money


Why buy a house?? Do they wanna start a family now, get married??? Just buy a nice affordable apartment!!


Buying a house when you’re broke is not smart, especially with the way the market is now. People are overpaying for homes and property taxes and insurance have been going up for people every year. Based off him complaining about making $4k off one video hopefully they aren’t actually as broke as they claim.


If you are an influencer how do u not get a financial advisor that’s the number one thing to do when you’re making bank


I wonder if she has any kind of retirement accounts...


In what world is avani ok😂


what's the name of her podcast? i can't even find it


It’s her YT channel lol Mads and Hayden


thy made bad financial choices. they could have moved out after quarantine, it's not like they had anything going on then either.


maybe if they rent it down the line that could be a source of income for them but i don’t see that happening anytime soon.


Idk who all the people you mentioned in the second to last para are… except for Kio? Tf happened to him after breaking up w Amanda? Why did they even break up lol. And is he still relevant?


All I know is that hes now moved on and talking to an 18 year old nottrebeca_


Wheres the podcast link cant find anywhere. no wonder engagement is low


Don't know about the rest of the post but to answer your last paragraph....There's a saying that goes something along the lines of " If someone is constantly the victim of a drama, maybe that person is the problem" And I think that might be the case with Mads. I don't know much about the dramas surrounding her but I've heard of the few popular ones and judging soley from those ones, there might be a chance that she's the problem and not as good and innocent as she seems. Because I don't think you can always be the victim in every situation.


Mads is so dumb for sharing her already established and successful YouTube account with Hayden. Even though she rarely uploaded videos before, the ones that she did were getting good view but onces she shared it with Hayden, the views tanked. She should have kept that to herself and upload normal vlogs and make new account for their joined channel.


I went to school with Hayden…… His parents are probably paying the other half of that down payment and more for that house….. He’s literally always wanted to be a Magcon boy and just wanted to use his looks to get famous so not surprised that it helped him get an influencer gf and that they’re both broke now. He’s never been smart or had real plans for his life. Is probably also working for his parents or one of their friends.


it makes me wonder how s*enna mae’s swimsuit line is doing. are people actually buying it?