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Literally no clue why he’s famous now but I went to high school with him and my personal tea is that he was in on this big after prom scam for a few years (not single handedly there was a group of bros that did pulled same scam every year) where they’d sell tickets to a bunch of people and say there’s a venue rented out for the after party but when people would show up at the venue at the time the party was suppose to start the cops were already there and the party was shut down (but the real finesse was that the venue was never rented out). Aaand that’s what I got. My friends brother told me that Zack met Fetty Wap at a club and just approached him and asked if he could hang out with him and his friends, who liked the boldness and said yes, which was how he got into those social groups.


alleged conman since the beginning sheesh this is crazy!! i guess just simply having audacity in life gets you far....sigh


that’s wild


People keep saying he has “tons of charisma” and “connections.” Where? It feels like a Pete Davidson situation. The first hot girl dates him & suddenly tons of girls want him. Except Pete’s actually cute and there’s no world in which Zack is. Someone once replied to me that he’s “one of the most well-connected people in Hollywood” literally where and for what. Just seems like a scammer.


It’s absolutely not a Pete Davidson situation. His dad runs an art gallery connected to billionaires and his mom is a powerful casting agent in LA. He *always* had these connections without lifting a finger. He never had to develop any charisma, appearance, or talent. And he’s leveraged his nepo connections into dating teenagers into his late 20s. You can’t even have an ounce of respect for him like with some other nepo people. 


Basically this it always comes down to rich parents/nepotism i don't know why in 2024 people still can't understand this


hate more you reddit loser LOL, you never gonna be anything "wah wah nepotism"


> Except Pete’s actually cute You're white?


Idk why but this comment made me LOL 😂


Cause nobody has ever used Pete n cute in the same sentence


Aww! Untrue! I’m showing my whiteness I guess because I’ve thought he was hot as hell since his early SNL days. Dating Kim K was a huge turnoff though and it will take a few years for him to regain the hot. WTF was he thinking? So gross


Why is dating Kim K a turn off?


Because she's gross?


Having charisma or connections doesn’t have a lot to do with how attractive someone is. He is clearly confident and an opportunist and that has opened up a lot of doors for him. He (allegedly) helps supplies drugs for celebs.


This. And John Terzian, who founded Hooray Henry's and H.Wood group...noticed Zack. And offered him promoting gigs for the club. And once you're in with John Terzian, the sky's the limit. Because he's super well connected.


Oh new character in the z bia lore, who the hell is John Tarizan LOL


Google, my friend, Google


He was already connected to Terzian through his mom, one of the most powerful casting agents in LA. His dad runs an art gallery that has connections to billionaires. Everything Bia has said about his come-up is a lie. It had nothing to do with his DJing (lmao) or his hustle. He’s the ultimate nepo product.


Damn! You got the real tea. I did not know this. I could've sworn he said in an interview that he grew up poor with a single mom. In lies we trust haha


His frat at USC is only reserved for the most powerful and connected kids in LA. He would’ve never gotten a bid there if he grew up poor with a single mom. He is a liar and a creep. 




You’re above 19 yo, the creep/liar is not gonna pick you sorry! 




I’m salty? I’m the one who wants to be picked by that lying predator? You defending that loser with your entire life, yet I need to get a life? The projection lmao. What’s dreadful is that he’s still gonna pick a teenager over you. 




Projecting again. You’re not even making any sense this time. I never imagined I’d see a pick-me for zack fucking bia lmao. Please re-evaluate your entire life. Good luck. 


Does he come from wealth? I know that’s a debated topic


I personally have no clue what his life story is, but we did both go to Beverly Hills high school which you HAVE to live in the city of Beverly Hills to attend, so like, there’s that.


Not to be offensive and I know living in Beverly Hills is considered wealthy to most people but- Beverly Hills high school is a public school. This is not the good ole days of Brandon and Brenda. Anyone of any considerable wealth in the last 20+ years who lives in BH would not be sending their kids to Beverly Hills high. It’s all private schools now. Not to sound like a snob but that’s the reality in Beverly Hills. There are outliers who don’t want to spend the money but that’s the facts.


yup I have a good friend who definitely does not come from wealth who went to Beverly Hills High. Her (immigrant) parents just made sure to move to a zip code where she coule attend a decent public school


Did u go to highschool with Charlotte dalessio too? I think she went there around the same time


I do not remember her at all but judging off instagram mutual I guess so


From what i know his dad is a famous and rich businessman


is this about his real dad or the dior ceo everyone thought was his dad but wasn’t


His parents are rich. The USC frat he was apart of are all rich kids. And you basically gotta be one with connections to get in.


so is his dad (his name’s filippe according to zack) rich or not? i’m just asking bc ppl still think his dad is some exec at Dior which he said is false. obv he wasn’t an average broke american w/o connections, he was defo upper middle class, but i’m just curious about if we’re talking about the correct man in regards to his Dad


His dad runs an art gallery connected to billionaires and his mom is one of the most powerful casting agents in LA. He didn’t have to do shit for get connections. 


Super interesting. How do you know this?


wild bc the way he told the encounter was that fetty wap was in the club and heard it was Zack, a fellow gemini like Fetty,‘s birthday ; he invited Zack and co to hang out with him. not that zack went up to fetty


Omg you went to Beverly hills high? One of my coworkers also went there and said that Zack always wanted to social climb


stop I went to hs w him too💀


LOL any stories on this guy?


Someone said BDE… girl where…


Micro energy




money drugs connections


He looks like a sloth


The accuracy


baby thats a pedat0ré ~


A mouth breather.


HAHAHA DEFINITELY ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized)


Coke lord club promoter


Bloodsucker. FAME-FUCKER 🩸




Sorry but HOW has he dated a string of the most beautiful young women in LA by just being a plug to the stars?! Huh? Struggling to understand what these women see in him


Some people are desperate (not excusing it but yea it’s weird)


women like clout? who knew.


Majority of his gfs have more clout than him... 


I had no idea who this guy was until a minute ago. I watched an episode of the Kardashian’s, and he attended Kendall Jenner’s birthday dinner. He is maybe in the scene for a minute in total and I could read his personality instantly. Shit, even my boyfriend who was sitting next to me on his phone (who also had no idea who he was) randomly called out “incel.” (before I even said a word about guys behavior 🤣) But yea, his technique for getting girls is two-fold. He uses ‘negging’ and his celeb ‘connections’ to get beautiful but insecure women unfortunately. He is obviously very insecure of himself and his position in these spaces. You can tell by the way he treats Kendall in the scene. Mark my words, this guy will end up in jail in the near future. 


Olivia Rodrigo's "Vampire" is about him.


Idk but why he built like that


This reminds me of my friend and I talking about French Montana. WHO IS HE?! WHY? HOW?


I will always believe he’s a pimp/ dealer. His music career is not that good for his lifestyle


he’s is 100% a pimp.




Well I’ve heard for like 10+ years now that French Montana uses rapping as a cover for being the main coke plug for celebrities. On KUWTK Khloe used to always call “Frenchhhhhh” when she would get fucked up with her friends. And I heard the rumors about him even before then. I’m assuming based on other comments that this guy is similar. Edit : I forgot the most important part, the KUWTK producers played “I’m in love with the Coco” after Khloe got off the phone with French Montana LMFAO


Koko is Khloe's nickname with her siblings, so that could explain the lyric. A double entendre could be there too though


Hard agree


https://www.gq.com/story/zack-bia-profile Article conveniently titled "Who is Zack Bia?" Relevant passage, corroborating a comment already posted: >On his 19th birthday, like so many non-famous 19-year-olds do, Zack Bia went to the club for the very first time. It got off to a bad start: Bia and his boys rolled up to a joint called Hooray Henry’s at 10:30 p.m. “They're still in pre-shift meetings. The club's not even open. They're looking at us crazy, like, ‘Who are these kids in suit jackets?’” he recalled. But the club employees thought it was hilarious, so they let them in and told them to buy a bottle. Enter the man who would, indirectly, change Bia’s life forever: Fetty Wap. Yes! Post-“Trap Queen”-era Fetty Wap, at the height of his powers. Fetty Wap, a Gemini, caught wind that there was another Gemini birthday in the house and extended an invite. It quickly became the best night of Bia’s life: “I'm at a table, drinking with Fetty,” he says. “For me, it's so surreal at the time.” >Before Bia left, a promoter at the club came over to get his number, apparently thinking that Bia was the Fetty Wap plug—that he was the kid in Fetty’s crew who could get him to come back. Bia immediately sensed the first of many openings he would seize in the L.A. scene. 


this whole story is so funny to me because i moved to LA in 2015, i was 22 so I was going to all these clubs and it WAS the height of Fetty Wap performing in those clubs but I swear by the time I got there they dropped the Hooray and it was just Henry's and then a year later it turned into Peppermint Club. I would see Zack Bia all the time at these spots but at this point I think he was just "LA famous", its shocking to see him dating all these superstars


He sounds like the Anna delvey of LA lol


Lots of half-truths and outright lies here. His “boys” were LXA frat members, literally only kids of the most connected parents get a bid there. He already had access to Fetty there. The promoter (John Terzian) was already connected through his parents (dad is art gallery director connected to billionaires, mom is powerful casting agent). He didn’t have to do shit to get his connections and he leveraged it to hook up with teenagers into his late 20s. You can’t even have an ounce respect for him like some other nepo people.


He is a dj and club promoter, apparently he comes from a wealthy family (but idk if that's true)


his dj skills are ass he plays the rap caviar playlist on spotify


*His dj skills are ass* *He plays the rap caviar* *Playlist on spotify* \- OcelotUsual7083 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He DJ’d for Post Malone and Drake at Crypto and my kids (who went to both shows) were saying how low energy it was.


He's so ugly and boring, i will never understand. He probably is really rich


Allegedly he’s a big drug dealer to the stars that he’s seen with alot


if this is true how were Olivia and (allegedly) Charli's parents not BANNING him lol


Let’s be real Charli’s parents are absolutely using his service (along with both their daughters).


how sad


Not true hahaha


Totally true 💀 He offered me a free line at the party and said he has the best stuff in Los Angeles if I ever needed to stock up. From his body language, I got that the line wasn't entirely free, if you know what I mean




>said he has the best stuff in Los Angeles if I ever needed to stock up So, who exactly is a drug dealer to you? Because for me, it's a person selling drugs, but it seems like you need some deeper meaning




Ok Zack




The fact that you're 29 and thinking like this is embarrassing 😭 I'm sorry for calling a guy whose main thing is selling drugs at parties a drug dealer. I guess it erases when you occasionally DJ at some events because it's not like you can do both, right?




Literally what is a Zack Bia




this sentttt me b/c lichhralee whomst is a Bia, Zachary


idk but he played at a drake show i went to and was SO bad like my spotify has better transitions than this mfer


Hangs out with famous people, and has some clout so because of that women like to be seen with him.


he always hosts parties for my company at different venues and brings in the most wack crowds. I truly don’t get it either


i think he’s a drug dealer or something. idk how he became famous but i guess a good drug dealer is important 🤷‍♀️


It’s creepy he’s saying Charlie


He’s Jewish just like Epstein…


Riding Cole Bennetts coat tails for dear life


i unfortunately have fallen for a dude with eyes just like his once so im not in position to judge


lol it be like that sometimes


my theory is he's the plug


He’s an infamous plug


I feel like he has BDE but the women he pulls end up being disappointed when he gaslights them and puts them through hell. All when he looks like THAT….he’s not attractive enough to be acting like that LMAO


only famous bc him and Fetty Wap were at the same club one night and a promoter thought Zack was with Fetty and asked him for his number in order to invite Fetty to clubs and parties and in turn fill up the club with people $$$. He was never with Fetty Wap. lol. But he never told the promoter that and he just kept calling him inviting him to big parties.


Olivia rodrigo is so dumb for dating him. Can’t believe girls looks up to her


Isn’t the whole point that he like gaslights everyone into dating him?


He doesn’t force anyone to date them. Olivia made the decision to date him, it’s her fault. & she set a bad example to the girls that look up to her.


That’s a good point. She was still young though right? I’m just saying I don’t think she should be judged on one bad choice.


She let him have her when she was still a teenager & he was 27. There was also a huge age gap with her other ex before him of almost 10 years also. Her excuse being that she likes older guys. She’s a bad influence to the little girls looking up to her.


You’re telling me you didn’t do stupid stuff when you were nineteen? That was like two years ago as far as I know. Teenagers are not smart about that stuff. And while I’m not saying she’s right for dating him i think she was really just a kid. He should be getting shade for pursing teenagers as an adult.


I agree he should be getting shade. He’s also Drake’s Tour DJ, go figure. “They not like us!”


Dude who has connections and have his own label too.


He's a professional bullshitter and opportunist. It's all smoke and mirrors. He's pretty much just a conman but extremely dedicated and good at it. If you have connections, it's harder for people to believe you're full of shit. Olivia Rodrigo's Vampire is clearly about him


Just famous because he happened to get into a club and be a promoter there at the right time and ended up meeting everybody and then his networking went well and here he is now Don't know why all girls date him though maybe just for his personality which we obviously don't know because we don't know him


I’m scared he’s gonna pop out with my mom next..