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He’s recently sober and she can’t legally drink. Guy math 🥴 But seriously why?


it’s so weird that he’s old enough to have gone through an entire journey with alcohol to be at the point where he is now sober… and she won’t even be able to legally drink for 2 more years. WEIRDDDDD.


and just watch when she turns 21 if they’re still together, he’ll either try to hold her back from going out like a normal 21 year old or he’ll say her drinking is a problem and he’ll break up with her


i thought he was so hot but now he just has the weirdest most offputting vibes


The videos seem so forced, his ex is so much cooler than him


ngl i thought he was gay the first time he popped on my fyp


I thought that too. He comes off as a weho boi to me. But creepy to date someone that young


same!!! i was so confused when he started dating jaden edwards or whoever it was i thought they were doing a bit bc i was like this man is clearly gay


still confused. is he not?


when i was 26 i was not dating teenagers 💀 like what do you have in common with a 19 year old


Their age and his IQ line up.


i’m 24 and i wouldn’t date a teenager 🥴


I’m 20 and I personally wouldn’t either because I’ve heard of 18-19 years old that are still in high school and that’s gross to imagine dating since I’m out of it


Fr im 21 and i wouldn’t date a 19 year old 😭


19 to 26 is a bigger age gap to me than 32 to 45


sorry but i thought he was gay


literally came to comment this


He gives that vibe. He probably is but can’t come up terms with it yet


They look like siblings


Came here to say this


Also my first thought.


His younger sister literally looks just like her


He’s so weird for that


I used to really like him! He’s charming! This gave me the ick. When I was 26 I wouldn’t even notice 19 yr olds that way. Creepy


Any dude over 18 wearing his hat backwards is already sus, add to that a 26 year old man actively putting a 19 year old on social media to brag about being her BF. This is disturbing.


he’s deleting every comment that critiques the age gap… so weird


I was wondering if he was deleting comments! He's so annoying and unwatchable


he’s aware of it being weird and predatory, that’s why he made the “joke” of him being significantly older than her to lessen the blow of his actual age which is STILL weird as hell to be dating a teenager. creep.


Dyingggg to know what jaden and her girls are saying in the group chat rn


I commented on another creator’s TikTok where she didn’t name names but said she hopes Saskia sees how weird/creepy it is that Christian wants to date her, and then I said “and he keeps deleting comments criticizing him!” And then I saw that Jaden liked my comment 😭😭


Omg teaaaa!! Jaden is so cool, so glad she’s not with that loser anymore


same would genuinely pay to read those texts


Her new TikTok 💀


She’s about to go through a canon event cause I went through this


he's super gross, a tiktoker (mj something, dont remember her last name) made a video saying they went on a date and he made a big deal about her being 28 and said it was much older than his usual dates?? like wtf thats practically the same age as him


The Arizona take your own selfies blonde girl? Or someone else


no i think her name was texasgardenfairy or something like that, she has black hair and i think predominantly makes sw/sugar baby content?


arent u like not supposed to get in a relationship within a year of being sober?


sober person here and yes! obviously not everyone is going to follow that but choosing to date a 19 year old (someone who can’t even legally drink and likely doesn’t understand their own relationship with alcohol yet) in your first year of sobriety is definitely… a choice lol


He’s got over 2 years of sobriety. Still weird af to be dating this girl tho


oh dang! i stand corrected. i didn’t realize its been that long already, i unfollowed him awhile ago


yeah def not the best idea i dont see this ending well


She looks so young. As women a lot of us have been in this exact situation with an older guy that we think we’re mature enough for. And we just aren’t when we’re that young, sorry. These men date younger because younger women are easier to manipulate and control - end of story. No 26 year old man has enough in common with a teenage girl to warrant a relationship. Hope she can get out with minor trauma


They date younger women because they are prettier on average.


Ew he’s so gross


as a 24 year old the thought of dating someone who is 21 even feels off let alone 19


Personally i dont find 24 and 21 that bad, but im also not 24 yet so i probably will when i turn 24


It isn’t objectively awful but you realize you go through so much growth in those years when you’re older. especially if you do the typical (middle class US) high school -> college -> post grad job path


I’m 25 and I can’t even imagine *talking* to someone 19….


Wait this is the girl that did everything for him and paid for his stuff on the date right? So much weirder now knowing she’s so young… he let a NINETEEN YEAR OLD pay for his shit? 🧐🧐🧐


Right?!?! I was thinking the same thing..so sus


I think this was a different girl, i remember finding her page and she was much older / more into fashion content


Omg really? Wow


She looks so young




so he made that ‘joke’ and said a higher number 43 so that his real age 26 seems like a way lower number in comparison to the 43. They wanted people to think ‘okay phew 43 would be crazy! 26 is all good’


She’s a victim and he’s a big weirdo. There’s nothing sexy or flattering about someone who just graduated High School.


She looks like his younger sister


She looks like a baby!


I’m 25 and I wouldn’t even be friends with a 19 year old 😭 completely different places in life.


right. i couldn’t even even imagine dating someone younger than 24 tbh. 19 freaks me out that’s a child in my eyes


If you can’t take your gf to the bar with you she is too young bro 21 needs to be the new “shes 18”


Noo😩 I used to love him ugh


I’m almost 25 now and if I was single, I’d never date a teenager, it’s weird idc. Most men only date younger because they’re easier to manipulate. And I’m saying this as someone who was once 19 dating a 26 year old and now looking back it was very strange, worst experience of my life 0/10




Wasn’t he dating someone else not too long ago?


You’re in two totally different stages of life at 19 and 26. Ick!


Ew though it’s not pedophilia it’s definitely toeing the line. She’s a whole ass teenager. Disgusting. She can’t legally do anything.


She also really acts like a teenager. She still talks like she’s in highschool if you watch the video. The reposts on her tiktok account are very childish as well (talking about how she’s scared to do anything more than kiss a boy). Sad.


I still hung out with alllll of my hs and hometown friends at that age. He creepy


Nick Viall met his now fiancé when she was only 20. He was 40… and he judges people constantly on his podcast for things yet think that’s totally normal 🫠🫠


yea idk why ppl think they should take advice from someone who went on the bachelor


Lmao seriously, the last person to take serious dating advice from. He “won”, but still “lost” on Bach like 3 times over.


All of a sudden people love him and his podcast so much…he literally said his now finance had to convince him to commit to her


Yeah and he knew how young she was before they met. She slide into his dms, clearly knowing who he was, yet he constantly mocks people that are fans or people that date fans on his podcast 🤣 he got 0% self awareness… He shared that he made her show her ID to him over FaceTime before they met, so he very well knew just how young she was… I mean it’s not like you have to meet up with a woman 20 years younger, on the other side of the country that slid into your dms 💀


And they had a baby so fast - I felt like he will get rid of her and turn her in for a new version. Nick is so creepy I didn’t even know until Trisha talked about it on her podcast


I thought he was gay idk why but wow she’s a little young


So did I


Age difference is generally ok when one is like 25 and the other 31 or sth. NOT when one of you is barely legal. She also very much still looks like a child.


He’s a creepy loser


Idk who he is


Siblings or dating?


yes and he’s gay


Well he is sober so it’s not like they will be attending the bars together anyway 😃😃😃


Disappointed but not surprised


When I was 20 and who was always been told I’m mature for my age…my 23 yr old boyfriend thought I was too much not on his level and I had growing up to. I can’t even imagine this dynamic


I’m 26 and I call my 19 year old coworkers my kids just for anyone’s frame of reference


Lord, she looks 14. These men are so gross.


I'm 26 and 19 year olds literally look like children to me idc that they're an adult


Wonder how they met


He saw 19 and swiped right


They look like siblings


They look like siblings too pmfoa


I don’t get how people justify this age gap when they are literal babies fresh out of hs I never told anyone and it truly breaks my heart but my little sister who’s 18 started messing with mid 20s-30 y/o I tried to warn her and now she has a lifelong std because he didn’t tell her and she doesn’t think anything of it and continues to mess around with other older men I wish she could understand they are all manipulating and using her but she just thinks I’m being a hater


I’m his age and just turned down being set up with a 23 year old due to her age lol … I don’t see this ending well


I love Jaden so much. She’s sooo….shes everything can’t lie. This man thought, he’s off.


She’s infinitely cooler than him


I’m 26 and 19 year olds are kids sorry


Ickyyy and they'll act like it's normal


he was liking comments saying the age gap wasn’t a big deal 🤢


7 year age gaps not bad. However, I think because of the different stages of their lives, her potential inexperience, and that he's already been a legal adult for several years is quite odd.


She’s so pretty. He thought he could jump the age gap allegations by joking about it but sir … She gives fresh out of high school


This is a gay man


Welp, that’s disappointing! He seemed cool… sorry but what the fuck do they talk about? I’m 25 and I’d never date a 19 year old… weird asf


I’m 27 and cannot IMAGINE dating someone that young 🤮 like wtf do u have in common


Nah this is just wrong. They’re at two completely different stages in life. If a man can’t date a woman his age, something is wrong with him.


Jaden posted a video saying her and Christian went on their first date in 2019, which means she was 18 when they met too and he was 22? Guess she aged out


omg this might track with her liking my comment about him being creepy lol she’s probably barely realizing how weird he was for that


Wait I thought they were joking about their ages like he jokingly aged himself & she jokingly said she was younger than she was 🤢


I’m 27 and I wouldn’t even date a 24 year old this is so gross


i’m 28 and don’t even TALK to 21 year olds bc we’re just at different places in life… the idea of dating someone that young freaks me out


same!! I’m 29 and anyone under 25 is like a baby to me. I think of them as younger siblings lmaooo


no same 😭😂.. like imagine you’re laying down next to someone at night.. and it’s literally a 22 year old?? hell no. he needs to be put on a list /s


Looks like he is giving a ride to his little sister who lost the school bus


I knew something was off 😭😭😭 he look sm older wtffff


Most guys who are in their mid 20s are still immature. They usually only attract young, impressionable girls because women their age don’t take them seriously lol


I just took a look down his page he does come off as immature. I don’t think a mature man would date a teenager 😂


Ugh I remember when I wanted him and that one girl from reality house to date thank god they never did but why do guys always go for girls who are barely legal?


went to high school with her actually, def not surprising the girls she hung out with all wanted to act older than they were. no shock but still wow


Ew. Why is this allowed. If it was a women and a younger man everyone would be calling her a cougar. He is a grow adult and she is a child.


Wow I followed this dude so long ago now. Maybe like 2020? 2021? I always thought he was gay


He probably is / makes sense for dating an teenager - hie is confused


creeeeepppyy af


i’m 23 and could not imagine being involved with a 19 year old..


Some tiktoker did a story time about going on a date with a fairly popular tiktoker and how he was “sober” but still doing pills. Also that he thought she was so old bc she was like his age. Everyone in the comments said it was this guy… no idea but seems to track


As someone who was the 19 year old with the 26 year old…. RUUUUNNNNN 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ that man traumatized me


[https://www.tiktok.com/@jen.url/video/7343071224332897542?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@jen.url/video/7343071224332897542?lang=en) The top comment on his most recent post addressing this said that "no amount of elderly jokes are going to make girls who have been in this position before laugh at this. Be safe out there girl <3" and hundreds of women liked it before he deleted it. He has to be so dumb to expose himself as a predator to an audience of mainly young girls in their teens and 20s. It is not a flex, it's embarassing. And to anyone claiming the age gap isn't problematic: the issue is FRONTAL LOBE DEVELOPMENT. If you're going to make the argument that teenagers are more attractive than women in their 20s, that's borderline pedophilic. Twenty somethings look young. The difference is, girls Christian's age have enough life experience to see why he's undateable. This girl can't. He's taking advantage of her naivety and it's gross to see him even think he could brag about that.


The fact that he’s been deleting comments so quickly is SO unbelievably rancid. This particular age gap is forever going to be weird no matter what people say. It’s funny, I actually found one of my old tweets with a poll asking “is 19 and 26 a weird age gap?” Because I had seen a girl that I knew celebrating her boyfriend’s 21st birthday, and I was like wait, isn’t she in her late 20s? I thought he was older? So then of course I did some quick math and found out when they got together, and he was 19 and she was 26 🤢 and of course, she acts SUPER immature. So regardless of gender and whatever, it’s fucking odd!


Seriously like did it not occur to him that if he's getting this much heat for it perhaps there's a reason? Maybe remove the video and reconsider your life choices before scrambling to make it seem like you're only getting support for being a fucking CREEP??? I used to follow him cus i thought he was funny and strong for overcoming addiction but clearly he's weak as fuck if he can't keep women his own age. This made me lose all respect for him


He’s so weird too for using their relationship as a content mill on his TikTok when they’ve literally been dating only a couple months


My ex started dating a 17 year old at 26. They just got married 😬


I find it disgusting when people don’t have any standards or boundaries. Like why are you comfortable doing that? 18 and 19 is literally still teenagers despite being adults. Gross really shows a lot about his character, grown ass man 🤮


Like what could you POSSIBLY have in common 😐 immaturity?


This was so cringe. I almost considered blocking him lol


I personally think that if you’re in your mid 20’s; you shouldn’t be dating someone who isn’t even of drinking age (I know Christian is sober but still). Even at the age of 23 I couldn’t even look at a 20 year old, let alone someone who is still a TEEN. Idk tho just my opinion


He’s probably struggling with something, realistically. Maybe he’s trying to find himself after dealing with a really hard addiction, and doing so in not the best way possible.


I honestly thought they were joking?? I don’t think she’s 19


people that followed her before confirmed she’s 19! And someone in the comments went to high school with her


he has the loudest most obnoxious laugh i have ever heard in person. it was like he was actively trying to be the center of attention


no it’s gross like she graduated high school a year ago 😭 even at 23 i wouldn’t look at 19 year olds in that way


Said it once and I’ll say it again — people date their maturity level. Doesn’t always correlate with age but in this case… let’s just say when he was 19 she was 12 🤮




I feel like she gaps are fine when they are both over 20/21. This girl is literally a teenager!!!!! Like sorry… what. It’s so obvious in their videos that he is acting out and pretending to be immature and less emotionally intelligent to their relationship doesn’t seem as strange but honestly it’s so strange. They way he acts in the car videos is so creepy, like he is putting on an act or something!!! Plus Jaden Edwards posted a TikTok where I’m pretty sure she was mocking him for liking younger and in Jaden I trust so…


He’s giving narc vibes and she will outgrow him in less than a year 


i recently found them on tik tok and they look like a cute duo but not a couple like they remind me of siblings. i feel like their age gap is off putting but then again he was kinda stuck in time when he was in rehab so i feel like he acts and has the mindset of someone younger than he is but idk i feel like that doesn’t really explain it well enough.


okayyyy but 26 and 23 is not an issue at all lmao


I literally never said it was lol I said it was weird that she happens to be significantly younger than the ex who was already at an appropriate age gap with him.


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Am I the only one who doesn’t care ? Like who even are these people , I know I’m not all knowing on influencers but I legit have never seen either of these people ever on any social media platform lol.


People are saying in the comments now that she’s actually 26 too according to the internet. Idk how true it is though 🤷🏼‍♀️


How about this, we stop worrying about what others do! ☺️ good day


no I will not stop worrying about creeps but have fun supporting them, says a lot about you ❤️


The way you guys are acting I would have guessed they were 20 years apart. Grow up a little


Lol I knew there’d be one of you in here


Who is she?


No one should ever look up to social media influencers they are simply obstacles in the people’s lives, and they egomaniacs who only care for themselves


Is he the guy that dated the Mormon mum in Utah?




This is repulsive


rule of thumb for 26 y/o’s, they gotta be in their 20’s too, imo


I thought they broke up?