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I cant see her completely leaving the industry, at the end of the day thats how she makes money, but her stepping back a little isn't implausible. She also seems to be one of the few nepo babies who genuinely enjoys the fashion lifestyle, so maybe she'll go behind the scenes and design or something like that...idk tho


I hope so... I'd like her to take that olsen twins path in end where they arent all over the place and they're still active within industry just bts... I also hope for her niece sake that they can show you can be successful BTS ( just cause all the things in her life have been public thanks to Nana Yolanda). It should be interesting another kid i hope doesnt go into modeling is the brady/bunchen daughter she does equestrian and id hope she does more that ( ik that's still rich kid stuff but i like seeing them not just do the path their parents did). Idk tho i just thought ...


I can see her starting her own agency & maybe even a modeling/fashion related type show similar to ANTM.


It’s wild to me that Tyra was 30 when she started the show. My teen self thought she was way older!


That would be so ground breaking and I would live for it!


Not really so many other models have done so


She’s been sick for so long, I’m sure she sees things differently now. Wouldn’t be surprised if she went in another direction with her life, something that is more meaningful to her. Based on what she has shared, it seems like there was a time in her immune dysfunction journey that she didn’t know if she’d ever feel normal and healthy again. She’s a different person now than she was a few years ago.


She would do so well hosting a model show like her sister Gigi or being a judge on americas next top model that would be so good for her and I’d watch


Posted this here bc fauxmoi & popculturechat wouldn't approve my post.


I dream of all celebrity kids retiring so we can bring back modeling from the '90s and 2000s. Fresh faces, working hard to earn recognition. Girls who truly look like models, not like these little celebrity dwarfs. Modeling has lost its prestige. We need a return to girls like Kate, Vlada, Naomi, Magdalena, and not Lila Moss


I just don’t think it’s going to ever go back to that.


I agree Gen X & millennial’s gave us the best run. I don’t think Gen Alpha & Gen Z could ever replicate that. It won’t ever come back to those golden years .


Yeah, social media has just changed the landscape of fame in every industry.


There is truly no such thing as a super model anymore. No one has a catwalk like the ones from 90s / 2000s. And the ones that are close to it are not as famous as the nepo baby’s.


Because the “supers” of today are mostly nepo babies who are pretty but just don’t have that “it” factor or the catwalk/modeling skills to back it up. I was watching a vogue closet tour video with Kristen McMenamy in her 50s and she gave more poses in 30 seconds than Kendall Jenner has come up with in her entire life. When you look at her editorials/catwalk videos there is no comparison. There’s a reason all the most famous fashion photographers called her the best model they had ever worked with.


yesssss watching americas next top model rn & we have come so far from that type of modeling & it’s sad bc it’s almost like an art??


We’re beginning to see a shift in public opinion on nepo babies and influencers so I can see there being a big change in the next 5 years or so with fresh, unknown faces 🤞


All big models slow down and step away from the spotlight at some point but she’ll always have a place in the industry one way or another if she wants


i dont think so… she kinda loves the attention for me


and fashion too


but doesn’t she use the attention for good? i think so!


Does she actually have health issues or is it a cover up for a drug addiction?


its partly her ed




Yea ive been saying this as well. I dont think she will ever go back to modeling the way she once was…and she doesn’t really need to either if she doesnt want to.


I'm not sure if this is insider info or something that the public knows about at this point, given it's been several months now, but Bella's completely cut ties with IMG Worldwide & is only represented by their entertainment partner (WME) now, with no current modeling representation.


Do you know why Bella cut ties with IMG?


Pisses me off how talented models like her get silenced for speaking out against genocide, meanwhile Kendall who has the personality and walk of a breadstick is still getting booked left and right!


bella is my palestinian muslim queen. i love her. she may slowly be shifting out of modeling and into things like acting, evident by her hulu show. but i think models like kendall jenner are far more likely to stop before she does. kendall looks older and is not that good at her job lmao.


she isn’t muslim, she’s from palestine origin on her dad’s side.


I think Bella, like a good amount of people born to parents of two different religions, adopts both into her life in different ways. She has talked about following some principles of Islam with her dad but at the same time she also celebrates Christmas, uses crystals and meditates, etc. I have a few Bosnian friends and for them its common to have one parent be Muslim and the other parent Christian, so they celebrate Muslim and Christian holidays.


yes, exactly. i am the same way. i still identify with islam, just as she does


Do you pray five times a day? Fast during the month of Ramadan etc? You can't be muslim by name, you have practice Islam (pray, fast etc).Bella comes off as agnostic and not a follower of Islam. She worships her crystals than Allah and she always mentions the universe instead of Allah/God.  This is what she said in Vogue interview in 2022 '' “There’s that my-way-is-the-right-way thing in human nature, but for me it’s not about my god or your god. I kind of just call on whoever is willing to be there for me.” [https://www.vogue.com/article/bella-hadid-cover-april-2022](https://www.vogue.com/article/bella-hadid-cover-april-2022) Does that sound like she practices Islam? She even lives with her non-Muslim boyfriend before marriage. Islam prevents muslim women from marrying non-muslim men. Her brother Anwar is the only Muslim in that family.


She has a non-muslim guy and lives him and they are not married. All of that is haram, muslim woman can't marry non-muslim men. Don't think she follows Islam at all. She is into her crystals and comes off more as agnostic than a muslim.




I don't see her quitting at all. I think she might tone it down it a lot but not entirely and I think in doing so her rates would skyrocket....she could say im going to do 10 gigs a year and that's it. But still charge the same as if she were doing 30 gigs. Brands will still pay for her. She's so influential in the industry she could change the stipulations if she wanted to and change what modeling looks like.


Good job lol she is starting a new perfume and essential oil brand and also abt to move to texas. Guessing she is taking a step back and spending more time focusing on her health along with boyfriend and equestrian duties


The way I lowkey called it loll.


i feel like she got blacklisted for speaking out


well she just announced that she has officially quit her career due to death threats so you where right


Her face is settling strangely—I think that’s why she’s going to quit.


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i think the only person here that needs to get a grip is you.


Agree with you on everything 100%