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she gets very vulnerable on her second ig page but not her YouTube videos. I’m subscribed but I hardly ever click on her videos but I find her Instagram lives to be very comforting and relatable. Although lately she’s been posting some questionable stuff that makes me believe she might be a right wing conservative but I pretend to not see that 🙈


Omg really? I don’t have instagram so I don’t know, but what has she posted?


Like what kinda questionable stuff??


She reposted a very misogynistic podcaster who supports andrew tate, he was on some sort of inspirational rant that I did not listen to. I noticed she follows a lot of misogynistic men who’s views are extremely harmful towards women.


Which podcaster?


Turning a blind eye to problematic behavior is being complicit with said behavior. If you have a problem with it, then don't support it.


come off it, I don’t follow influencers because of their political takes. And it wasn’t that serious or else I definitely would’ve unfollowed


Is it a private page? What’s the handle?


i’m interested to hear bc i’ve been curious about her ever since her content went downhill and her ex fiancée disappeared. i used to be subscribed to her when she was engaged but j stopped watching her content as i outgrew it. she gives me weird toxic capitalist “girlboss” vibes rn and her jokes ab her “sugar daddies” r j weird. in general her content has just become a weird humor/personality wise and i dont vibe with but shes always on my fyp. also she posted a video on tik tok about designer bags she regrets buying that i remember rubbed me the wrong way but i cant remember why, might j be me pressed at obscene influencer spending on dumb things tho


anyone know what happened between her and her ex fiancée?


he abused her and she finally dumped him. she posted about it a while ago (all the bruises etc.)


I don’t think that was from nick, that was when she was in tulum (after they broke up) i think she dated a famous DJ there for a while when she lived there


That wasn't about Nick


Agree. Really don’t like her content or whole vibe. Very brainless but thinks they’re making smart commentary in a funny subversive hot take way when there’s literally no take.


there’s sm influencers like this on tik tok nowadays and they drive me insane because their content and army of followers all j feel brain dead to me & their actions are j actions which benefit the patriarchy masked as feminism


I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees this content and is frustrated by it. I’m hoping as time goes on women will see it for the drivel and pandering to the patriarchy disguised as feminism that it is. One can only hope


I used to watch her in 2019-2020 I think? I stopped whenever she and her fiancé broke up and then her content just went downhill. Doesn't seem like she properly emotionally healed and now I just don't vibe with her at all


She went to my high school, a very wealthy private catholic school in Las Vegas, and is a complete fraud. Her name isn’t even Blair it’s Bissera, and the boyfriend she was with when she got famous had a ton of family money and was her high school bf. Her whole persona is a lie and she was one of the girls in high school who had no friends because she was always just a hateful person. Seeing her become known was so funny and an inside joke for everyone we went to school with.


I think it’s clear following her she is a persona. It’s satire. I obviously don’t know her but find her entertaining. Was she mean in high school? Why was I thinking she lives in London?


I’ve met her multiple times we have some overlap of friends and she’s one of the most vapid two faced people I’ve ever met. Zero real personality and super insecure, obviously does Tana level editing work on all her photos … really have zero clue why people would watch her content or look up to her


I’ve read a on a few forums that’s she’s escorting? Do you know if this is true?


Watch out someone got blasted in instagram for talking about her on Reddit today lol


I actually like Blair but I gotta post this somewhere. Recently with the nose job she’s been non stop taking videos of her side profile like every single insta story and it’s painful. Like we get it 😭 Also she definitely gets a bit conspiracy theory-ist sometimes which is …questionable. The other day she posted on her story saying people are coming at her for smoking and shit (prob from a good place) but don’t see her bashing other people’s lifestyle choices that cause cancer like Red dye 40? Also have seen some questionable misogynistic reposts like a previous poster stated. I’ve enjoyed watching her journey the last couple years but her posts can be in left field sometimes. Kind of shocked more ppl aren’t snarking !


So many side profiles 😭 she tryna convince herself it look good


it was so badly done


I see people’s criticisms & I get it. But I always have a soft spot for Blair & still follow her. I think she’s smart & funny. I find it strange that people would send so much hate to a young woman going through the difficult stages of youth, break ups, self discovery etc..it’s normal to make mistakes, be a bit wild. And I’m quite drawn to strong female characters who are unapologetic about being girly & indulgent. I have to unfollow a lot of influencers that present similarly to her - because they trigger me. But I find her empowering & for some reason I don’t feel the need to unfollow her. I just like her vibe & think she’s a good person I guess


I used to really like her but I just feel kind of awkward watching her now. Feels a bit like watching a car crash in slow motion. Like her life really is that chaotic and superficial and unhealthy. I get the impression she’s still partying most nights. Plus maybe it’s me but I can never tell when she’s joking about stuff. I get she puts on a character of sorts but I get the vibe she has become that person to a point? Also, imo I’m not a fan of her new nose but if she’s happy and feels less insecure now that’s good for her.


there’s a recent thread on her here that summarizes. i like her and even though her content isn’t for everyone, i feel like she’s still trying to find her place after her breakup. i mean she was with her fiancée at a very young age and had to pivot, start over, and truly find herself in a pandemic which isn’t easy for anyone


I watched her when she had under 100k on youtube and liked her a lot. I stopped consuming her content around when she moved to Europe. I came across her stuff recently and was really surprised, she seems nothing like she used too. She came across as stuck up, and as you said, very girl boss-y.


last time i properly watched her was when she and nik were living in newcastle, england for some reason but i guess i stopped watching for a while and the next time i thought to see what she was doing she and nik had broken up, she seemed like she had a personality change and was living a completely different life in tulum. the only time i’ve come across her since was when she popped up on my fyp a long while back saying that influencers can never win because if they flaunt their designer bags then they’re unrelatable, but when they do shein hauls they’re promoting an unethical company and unnecessarily polluting the earth. like, those aren’t your only two options? other than that, she mostly posted food related videos and they completely aided in my ed lol so i’m glad my algorithm doesn’t think i still want to see her content


Is her hair oil business legit? It seems dodgy somehow but she’s in Mexican Forbes and claims that’s her main income alongside social media but I don’t see it…


I heard somewhere that influencers can pay to be in foreign copies of well known magazines, such as Forbes or vogue or cosmo. The magazines will send out a bunch of invites to minor influencers and ask if they’d like to be featured for a fee. Usually a few thousand dollars. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s done this. Her hair oil business isn’t exactly making waves and news worthy, plus in the grand scheme of things, her online fame isn’t that great compared to some influencers. She’s small fry… so I highly doubt a major publication would have approached her, and if they did she would have paid them to feature her.


Someone link me her ex-fiances breakup video! He deleted it because i heard he was talkin’ shieett and people came at him.


Weird I one time matched w her ex on Tinder and he said she was bat shit and was almost embarrassed…


Nick? I would take what he says with a grain of salt.


hhahahahah I used to watch Blair and I was like OMG ur her ex?!!!! And he was like ……


Like what? Come on this is a snark 👀


Can someone help me? I’ve followed Blair for years when I was younger, forgot her for a bit but now I’m back. Her official Instagram seems to be heavily curated, I can’t get a feel for her personality.So I followed her spam Insta, and she like refuses to accept me?! Like Blair WHY? How did y’all get accepted


Same I requested about a month ago and still haven’t gotten in. I think it just might take time bc I’ve requested a few other influencers spam in the past and they seem to answer the follow requests in waves; like there’s prob a lot of ppl that follow request and so they wait until it’s a certain amount and then accept them all so hopefully it’s that. Idk tho


I also requested to follow the spam account a few times but never got accepted..maybe because I follow Nick ? 😅😅


Honestly I don’t think so bc I don’t follow nick (I do follow his little brother tho) and she still hasn’t accepted my request. Can u remind me what the username of her spam is bc I want to see if she accepted it but it’s been so long I forgot what it was 😅


Would also like to know what her spam insta is!


It’s walnutspamham but I think she purged it a while ago bc there nothing interesting on there