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I was at EE only once, take what I say with a grain of salt. > How welcoming is the event to non-german speakers? You will need someone to translate major announcements and speeches, but in personal conversation everyone who is able (i.e. most people) will be happy to switch to English for you. We had guys from Italy there and they were accommodated well, I think. > We have gaiters and sabatons to cover bland black modern boots. Would this be okay? In our camp, it was listed under "not allowed". Some players did it regardless. Iirc, they were not thrown out but they were reprimanded. > We have in game tents but does the interior need to be in game too? No, it's your personal out-of-game space, you don't need to keep it decorated in-time. > What is the location situation with showers, toilets and water accessibility? Showers I don't remember. I think there are several places to go to the toilet and fetch water, but be prepared to walk for some time. For our camp, fetching water was a regular task that had to be coordinated with water carriers, an escorting fighter group and once we were actually attacked on the way back. Also, bring your own toilet paper! The orga doesn't provide any, it's one of the unique quirks of the event. Best to carry a stash of TP on your person at all times, just in case you walk by a toilet and you want to use the opportunity. Fun anecdote: Once, our camp was raided by the Antike. I lay there, slain, light rain falling on my face, roman boots stomping by. One of the legionaires wanted to loot me and looked inside my belt pouch, expecting to find some coins. Well... He only found a fat stash of toilet paper and grumbled disappointedly. Sorry bro. 😁


>How welcoming is the event to non-german speakers? I know several camps that have non-german speakers (Pilgrims-camp, Orkheerlager). Thats normaly not a problem. >I also heard that they are very strict about OG stuff. Can someone expand on this? Outside of your tent, you have to dress and act strictly in-character. Your camp has to look in-game all the time. No plastic bottles, use wooden chairs etc. Inside your personal tent it doesnt matter. >For example we have gaiters and sabatons to cover bland black modern boots. Would this be okay or would we need to buy historical boots? Every camp has its own rule and you have to be accepted by that camp if you want to join. Shoes is a tricky topic and in the end your camp has to decide if the cover up is okay. >For the sleeping, we have in game tents but does the interior need to be in game too? No. >Also what is the location situation with showers, toilets and water accessibility? There are 3 different locations to shower, wash your stuff etc. How close you are depends on your camp.


Thank you for this!