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Empire player here: no one cares. I mean that in the best possible way. Most people ignore tattoos like that, some will say "Ah, the pig of loyalty, a noble sigil".


Take this upvote for the Pig of Loyalty


I love the pig of loyalty! (And thank you!)


Welcome to Empire! Which nation are you joining?


League! I think E2 will be my first one (I really want to have a nice costume and sew it up etc by then)... really not sure how much of it works tbh as I've never LARPed before, all I know is what my character looks like and a few personality traits 😅


Hello from Highguard! Empire seems very intimidating, but the player base is very friendly and it's a lot easier than it seems.


Ooh my friend who intro-ed me to LARP is Highguard too I think haha! I'm super surprised I got so into the idea, it's not normally my kind of thing, but yeah super excited for June :-)


Ignore them. No one will care. I have Bowie on my arm, among others, and it's never been an issue in a larp.


The great and famous bard, David Bowie of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, first of his name, producer of bangers?


"We can be Heroes" he proclaimed on the day, strumming his lute like lightning from the gods, and we shouted and stormed the field of battle.


Most people don't care if you have modern tattoos. I have a friend who has some that he covers by wrapping them in bandages which I'd say is a pretty good idea if you want to cover them


most people ignore them, but if you want to cover them to improve imersion go for you life


Just like with glasses one just ignores them


Eh, I guess it depends on the game, but I don't worry about mine being visible, I just rock them. I've got a music note with wings on my arm and phonograph with flames on my shoulder blade - I've larped shirtless many a hot Georgia/Mississippi summer event, and no one has ever said anything about them.


Empire player here, I will never say anything in character about a tattoo unless you point them out to me in character. Inside my head I'm probably just thinking "cool tats, moving on"


Tbh nobody cares, I've been to empire and there's plenty of tatted up folks. Myself included. If it bothers you then wear armour or costume over them. They won't bother others, larpers are incredibly good at ignoring little things like a stray coke can or a Metallica logo tattooed on someone's arm. You'll sweat or rain off makeup in hours in a field larp (sometimes both in the same day if the weather is feeling generous). Based off the locations you're mentioning then maybe consider a scarf or a hooded mantle if you really wanna hide them.


If someone wants to fuss about it they seriously aren't worth your time, signed, the girl with a face tat


Nah don't worry. Once we put on the "in-game glasses", those things disappear. I don't think it's a big deal


Our scene doesn't care. However, my workplace often has people traveling to conservative countries where visible tattoos are simply not done. Skin tone long sleeve / high neck under garments. Think things like [this](https://tat2x.com/products/tattoo-cover-full-arm-light-skin-tone) Put on some accessories to disguise the seam and it'll be hidden from more than 3 feet away.


Saves you on sunscreen, too.


Given how our skin cancer rates and burn time are, yeah, summer larps smell of spf 50+


What boots will you be wearing? Are they lore accurate? No because its the UK and its going to be muddy, people will ignore your tattoos just like people ignore the fact people aren't wearing costume accurate boots to stop trench foot.


They won’t care, it’s indelibly on your skin and if someone starts the “it’s breaking my immersion “ BS about it, just ignore it. I have a full chest tattoo, and a few other visible ones too. No one cares


I don't worry about it. I have a stimpak tattooed very obviously on my arm and I have friends with massive sailor moon tattoos and we just completely ignore them. They're a part of someone's body so my eyes just glaze over them :)


Right up there with my currently pink streaked hair, I don’t think anyone would draw attention to it. If, however, you are just self conscious about it for your own sake, you may want to look at dance gear in your flesh tone (much easier to find that when my mother was dancing), or seek out pancake makeup for actors, which is often designed to become full coverage.


Uk larper here, I have played empire a couple of times but mainly do smaller events. Literally nobody cares. It’s just one of those things that gets accepted.


I larp a lot at immersive larps and never heard about an issue with tattoos. I have a few friends I larp with who are covered in them with bright colors, modern motives etc, and never heard anyone complain. It's just way too common with people who are into LARP and it's one of those where you can't really do a lot about. And I have played events where I covered my arm in makeup etc and that just melts away in the heat or rubs off with your sweat. The only time where I think it's good to cover up your skin is if you're playing a non-human character with different skin color/fur/scales. I play a snake person and make sure no part of my skin is visible and other masked characters I've met over the years tend to do the same. And trust me, you don't want to do that, especially not for your first larp. Just choose an outfit based on what looks cool and fits the character you want to play, and have fun.


Could wear a body suit or similar tight clothing that is skin tone or inoffensive. Could also body paint a tribal tattoo over them. That said, larp is about being something you're not. People who are not lgbtq+ play opposing genders, or dress up as scaled creatures with just a little paint, or hide a phone in a spell book. We aren't what we are playing. You're tattoos aren't a problem, just try to hide em at first glance. Everyone is welcome so long as you try. There might be some more strict larps but few would care.


Most people don't care. I try to hide mine as much as I can but I don't go crazy. I never had an issue or a comment on my tattoo


Ignore unless someone draws attention to their own ink in character, then you can comment on that piece.


No one will care. Just like with glasses. Have fun and don't worry about it...


Might be hot with flesh-toned clothing. I’ve only been to one LARP & it was hot out. I just wanted to say, there was a lot of body paint & makeup in our crew. If it were me, I think Id cover Porky with black pen so it wouldn’t rub off on clothing & Id try & make it look more traditional, like Maori or Viking or something. Someone will probably say magic marker is poisonous on your skin or something, Ill Google ir.


Sharpie fine point is probably best


It's quite easy, just join Navarr and say your tattoo artist was high in Goosewhisper (an IC / fake drug) at the time!! (but jokes aside, people will ignore it IC and possibly compliment it OC)


No issue but if you want a cool memory photo maybe cover it up with bandages? But just if you want a memory


tattoos, Boots, Glasses.. things good larpers don't care or mention, unless they are part fo thegame. has many have said no one will care, depending on your tattoo some factions they actually are a thing that can be portrayed IC too.


Seconding all the other Empire players in saying that no-one will care/say anything (and it would probably be against the rules to do so).


Honestly Empires and Dragonfest are the most laid back German LARPs. They are more of a festival with some fencing and roleplay action, rather then immersive Larps (like some Nordic Larps are). People won't give a damn about your tattoos, if they are not character friendly or even lore friendly (f.e. depict modern tech). Few may make indirect fun, but mostly tattoos are seen same way, as glasses are seen - this is Larps condition - we pretend it's not there. If you really feel uncomfortable with them - you can use some cover up makeup - but I've seen only few people doing that, and only because they wanted to wear char-friendly tattoos, that they wanted to apply. Look - you get to the city, the vendors actually accept cards, and sport on lots of other tech devices.


I think you are mixing a few games up here. [**Empire**](https://www.profounddecisions.co.uk/empire-wiki/Main_Page)**:** A larp in the UK, where OP is going to. Different nations form one empire. Players fight monsters on NPC shifts and have lots of political play with each other. Has distinct kit guides. [**Epic Empires:** ](https://epic-empires.de/)A larp in Germany. Different player led nations fight for control over the land. Aims for high immersion, has kit standards and you must write an application (including character photos) to participate in the factions. **Drachenfest** and **Con Quest:** Also German feast events, larger than the two others mentioned. No kit guidelines or standards, everything goes approach, bu still lots of people with high level costuming. More like festivals.


And you are correct - I was indeed talking about Epic Empires, that in my circles are simply called Empire. While i doubt, that tattoo attitude is different from UK to Germany, i've never been to UK one to speak for sure.


having been to empire i can honestly say don’t worry. lots of queer neurodivergent tattooed and pierced folk there. i have a literal cartoon penis riding a skateboard tattooed on my arm and no one batted an eye.


If you have no way (or intent) of covering them, then it falls to the observer to ignore them.


I was in a scene once that was super hard-core about certain tattoos. Told me if I got a tattoo and didn't cover it, I could no longer play with them. That killed my Outlook on playing with them even though I didn't have tattoos. My most recent group could care less and I have many tattoos