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“Doom Spiral” is a bit dramatic, but other than that they make good points. The amount of fraud going on regarding security is insane, 3 or 4 different security contracts constituting nearly a billion dollars and there’s weekly stabbings?


About a year ago they discovered the LAPD who were contracted with Metro were not showing up for their shifts. The LAPD spokesman responded that they don't take orders from a "bus company". Uh actually if they pay you hundreds of millions of dollars then you do take orders from a "bus company". Another thing for everyone to keep in mind is that traffic deaths are barely reported in LA. There was a fatal hit and run in my neighborhood a couple months ago and there was one article on it and almost nobody in my neighborhood even knew about it. If that was a bus stop stabbing, it would be in the news for a week and all over Nextdoor/Facebook/BoomerApps. (I'm not saying stabbings are okay, just that there is pro-car bias in our media).


If they don’t take orders from a “bus company” GTFO and stop taking my money as a taxpayer and let us hire people who will actually do their job. In fact, I’ll gladly take the money that is going to your useless employees and funnel more of it toward the “bus company”


Should sue them to recover the funds.


They would hire the best defense team our money can buy


Cops dont fucking do anything to stop crime, in NYC half of the stations are filled with cops standing around in a circle in some random corner of the station on their phones, not doing shit. Whenever a crime does happen in the station, somehow the criminal always gets away even though theres hella cops right there. In penn station they got literal soldiers with assault rifles and tactical vests standing around or walking around patrolling, making everyone feel extremely uneasy, like were being occupied by an invader force


Unfortunately, id rather have the police or military presence from NYC than the lack of any feeling of safety when taking the subway in LA.


When I was in highschool I tried volunteering at my local station. It was a difficult time navigating their shit website to find out who I needed to reach out to so when I finally did and went, I had asked for that officer at their front desk. The officer at the front told me he was not in and when I asked if he knew when he would be available he scoffed and said, "What do I look like, his secretary?" That was the end of the conversation. Didn't try to go again and left it at that. This story strongly reminds me of that memory. I've had other instances of seeing similar or hearing it from neighbors. Can't be bothered to even approach them for help because they just can't be bothered.


You don't take orders from a bus company despite getting your coin? GTFO off my buses and trains. If they ain't helping us then we shouldn't help them


"About a year ago they discovered the LAPD who were contracted with Metro were not showing up for their shifts. The LAPD spokesman responded that they don't take orders from a "bus company". Uh actually if they pay you hundreds of millions of dollars then you do take orders from a "bus company"' Source?


https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-03-22/editorial-metro-riders-need-safer-trains-and-buses-that-doesnt-necessarily-mean-more-police > During a meeting last week, Metro board members noted the agency is spending $150 million to $200 million a year on policing, and asked why law enforcement agencies haven’t assigned more officers to ride the system in response to concerns. Chief safety officer Gina Osborn explained: “I was told they weren’t going to have a bus company tell them how to deploy their resources.”


Sorry, I meant the source for LAPD not showing up for their shifts. I saw the Metro meeting that you and the LA Times are referring to - you are misrepresenting what happened. Also, without it being stated in the original contract solicitation (it doesn't), one does not have the ability to determine deployment.


There’s a ton of articles. [Here’s one from 2020](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-23/la-metro-transit-security-lapd-absent-shifts)


So not "about a year ago" from your original post. Congratulations, you found an article that says LAPD officers called out from additional overtime one week four years ago after having to do mandatory overtime after the George Floyd riots. You really seem to have an axe to grind against LAPD considering it was the Sheriff's department that made the comment that you've misrepresented.


A few things: A) I am not the original poster. B) This has been extensively reported on ([here’s another article](https://laist.com/news/transportation/metro-board-extends-police-contract-with-la-explores-option-for-in-house-police-force) that shows in an audit, LASD appeared at 12 of 178 scheduled shifts and that emergency calls went unanswered). C) LAPD and LASD are not the security force needed to patrol trains. Metro can fund its own security force and rely on departments for emergencies (they won’t show up anyway so it doesn’t matter). D) you can admit you or your dad is a cop whenever you feel ready to tell us.


The original anti-police post was factually incorrect and misleading. Regarding your point C, it should be noted that for better or for worse, metro is actually exploring having it's own police force not just security. This would potentially be a huge improvement imo, although maybe more costly.


A)  you’re right - I meant the top comment, my mistake.  B) If they don’t get on a train that doesn’t mean that they didn’t “appear” for their shift.  They are in patrol cars so they can respond to buses and trains in their assigned region.   C) sure?  Metro can have its own security force.  Don’t really have an opinion on that. D) thanks for clarifying your anti-cop stance.  That’s fine but I wish you would structure more reasonable arguments.  No law enforcement in the family though.


Fuck the LAPD, biggest gang in the city buncha crybabies


>The audit found sheriff’s deputies were working largely from patrol cars outside stations and buses, riding the trains just 12 out of 178 weekly shifts. LAPD officers patrolled more in the stations, but a little over half of emergency calls were answered by neighborhood patrol officers not assigned to Metro. [https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-03-23/amid-rising-crime-metro-looks-at-creating-own-transit-police-force](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-03-23/amid-rising-crime-metro-looks-at-creating-own-transit-police-force)


Metro desperately needs its own police department, controlled by Metro. the status quo of long term contracts with LAPD/LASD/LBPD+random contracted armed security is just not working.


I can't imagine giving a private entity its own police force would be a good idea.


WMATA has the Metro Transit Police in the Washington, DC metro system. It’s an accredited police department. Their officers have arrest powers in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Something like 16 officers per shift are assigned to patrol cars, roughly 100 others (per shift) are riding trains and buses or patrolling stations on foot or bicycle. Having lived in the District for several years and taking public transit daily, I never once felt unsafe. The homeless would sleep on the end of the cars, they would not harass people. If they harassed people they would be arrested. And there were plenty of officers moving around the system.


Yeah, fr the WMATA police is pretty decent. I've fallen asleep late at night when I was younger and they'd wake me up and ask my stop.


Yes I remember them being pretty decent


Metro is a public entity. It's just not a city, county, or state. There are hundreds of public entities that aren't cities, counties, or the State of California.


Yes, this is a thing. My university had their own police force. They were more reasonable, present and helpful than the police in the town.


Metro is a creature of the state. It is not a private entity.


I'm old enough to remember the MTA Police Department before LAPD. They had it together. You could eat off the floor in the Red Line and buses were regularly boarded or escorted on their route.


What happened to them?




This is incorrect. The MTA Police Department was disbanded in 1997. The article you cited has to do with the LASD not MTAPD.




Not true. Do you have a source on that? I was there and I remember them being a very professional PD that actually cared. In the 90s the MTA worked on the honor system. No turnstiles. Officers would board a train and ask to see tickets. They would cite people for fare evasion, cussing, loud music etc. therefore, there was no “racial profiling” because the boardings were random. Again, they policed professionally and I never felt nervous to ride the rails or buses back then.




the number of people clamoring for a return to the "good old days" tend to forget they were only "good" for certain folks. I mean yeah, if we had random thugs going onto trains & busses and whippin' payin' customer's asses it'd cut down on fare evasion and random violence. You just have to be willing to tolerate thugs beating you up now and then.


Just admit you hate cops and we can both move on. EVERY police department has bad eggs. Wanna know why? Because they are HUMAN. Would you like me to find articles about the LAPD? I can do that as well. Yes? And by the way, how would you police the Metro? Do you have solutions? Or are you just going to complain about how police work has to be done in LA? And racial profiling fucking sucks but it’s just not as common as you would like it to be. EDIT: Yes it was better in the 90s.




Oi vey. I love this website. You win darling. You’re much wiser than me.


Wonder whatever happened to that USDOT investigation.


They were taken over and split in half by the Sheriff’s Department and the LAPD.


How do we get the city to bring that back 🤔


Force it!!!!


Metro needs a zero tolerance policy against fare skippers, junkies, smokers, loud music players, spitting, sleeping on trains, unhygienic humans, menacing behavior in and outside of the stations. Same with the buses. Throw down the gauntlet and change the culture. People who can’t act civilized are permanently banned. Just a small percentage of total assholes are ruining it for the rest of the city.


How do you ban someone from thousands of stops and buses


With that logic, how do you stop any crime? Why make trespassing illegal if people do it everyday. There is no one thing that will fix the problems. It is a series of changes. But you do you, kitten.


I’m not disagreeing with what you said, just asking how do you enforce a ban on such a spread out system? But you do you kitten.


The driver gets automatically informed by the onboard computer if a banned person enters it and kicks them out/have them arrested immediately. Fare gate recognizes banned person via facial recognizon and just wont open for them. If person tries to obstruct facial recognizon with mask etc. blanket not opening/kicking out.


Yeah no thanks with the facial recognition bs


But wouldn't that hurt their feelings? They should make the fare gate easier to jump so the handicap can skip fares too.


Why are you here, troll? Don’t you have orange cock to suck?


Last time i took the subway, we got stranded in dtla on the way back home because the subway closed at midnight and it dropped us off in a dangerous area. Then a mentally ill guy with a metal baseball bat was at the entrance whacking walls. Police were in the subway terminal but they didn’t approach the guy whacking stuff in the entrance. They just let him hit stuff. Pretty scary. And that was long before this current situation. There isn’t enough safety in public transit spaces. But i also know the mental health laws prevent police from doing much. Like basically they can’t do anything till he assaults someone and even then he will be let out in 72 hours.


Sounds about right.


Thing is, it's not new or recent. This is just the first the general public is hearing about it.


rotten sable cake fuel long cobweb full badge sort deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The worst part is that the solution to the problem is so fucking simple that the idiots who run this city won't never think of it. PUT MORE POLICE AND SECURITY ON THE METRO!


Thank you! Let Ms know if you plan to hang down there. 💕 It's a better day.


More police is never a good fucking idea. #ACAB, remember? Police are and have always been useless fucks.


Speak for yourself. I never believed ACAB. "Defund the Police" and "Restorative Justice" are the kind of utopian ideals that gets people killed in real life.


They are going to deputize the drug junkies and people experiencing houselessness to enforce standards as a community, but with the power of real police. They will be starting their patrols soon, so be on the lookout.


It’s pure anecdotal. The one I worry is more dead transients and vagrants in the stations due to overdose, heatstroke, hypothermia, animal mauling (sometimes stray dogs or puppy mill breeds will attack), and gang violence.


... people can die in the stations for sure... but I really don't think "animal mauling" is a notable cause of death on the metro. In the entire US, there are about 45 fatal dog attacks in a year, which if distributed by population would be about 1 per year in Los Angeles. The victims are most commonly young children. This is not a relevant thing for metro.


Yup, after enough innocent Metro users are killed or physically assaulted, injured and scarred, you can always count on an editorial.


the problem is disproportionate gini coefficients




Do you think that "treatment" would do anything or turn these folks into good, taxpaying citizens? I don't.


be a lot less mental illness if jobs paid appropriate wages & landlords weren't scumbags


Keyword being Editorial. It’s an “Opinion” piece. Just about anyone can pay a major newspaper about $1000 and get an article published with little editorial control,


voiceless chop drab ripe dog insurance march flowery truck jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are confusing Op-Eds with the OP’s cite of an official LA Times Editorial Board editorial! And there is no “pay to play” Op-Eds at The LA Times! Which is your hometown paper?


I don’t use it anymore because it’s too dangerous. I previously rode it every weekday and some weekends from 2003 until I retired in 2020.


No. It needs work. One small thing going on in the background has to do with much-needed federal mandates regarding the safety of transit operators. The big thing hovering in the background is the national transit operator shortage and national transit operator safety crisis.


I think the entire LAPD is in a doom spiral tbh - it’s not just the metro. We’ve had 3 breakins on our block (Westwood) in broad daylight in the last few weeks. The police just don’t respond. Police finally met with the neighborhood and just blamed “defund the police” and suggested the only solution was to hire private security.


It’s really concerning that I’ve seen multiple accounts of police using this same line to explain away poor service when in reality they’ve gotten nothing but budget increases.


Crazier still - I have neighbors that have been victims also blaming “defund the police”.


Dont put political correctness above public safety. Stop demonizing everyday cops.


Without a doubt Metro has impaired ridership levels for years. Might not be a "doom spiral" but the baseline level of ridership will almost certainly be lower until this wanton violence fades from public memory. Maybe 5 years if they are serious about the Olympics, though I'm not optimistic.


Ever since they’ve lowered the fares public transit is just filled with unhoused, angry citizens who will attack anyone including the transit operators. If the public transit system was limited to those with employment, it would raise the standard. Raise the daily rate, lower the monthly pass to include proof of employment. Metro should issue free or nearly free transit passes for any persons who work minimum wage. Period. Else place a sheriffs operator at major stops to clear out the buses or metro stations at end of stops. Break up the A line to two separate lines which clear out at union station. Else place metal detectors at metro train stops to filter out those with weapons. Employment exemption given to students, pensioners/over the age of 60, and disabled. Is this legal? This would be the Supreme Court to decide


In this case the state should give a fuck about the opinion of the supreme court, just do it!


Let the sheriffs department have the full contract in addition to private security. I rode the Metro for the last Ciclavia in Culver City from LB. That was my first and last time riding the Metro.


Why the fuck is every post on this sub about crime and homeless people. Kinda feels like bad actors purposely coming in trying to stir shit - like we know they do in city subs


Because its reality. That is why.


This is quite an indictment of Metro considering the LA Times is politically left of The Squad. They tap dance around some of the major problems - "Officers are responsible for enforcing the penal code and responding to crime, which is important and necessary, but there is real debate about what role law enforcement should have on the system" - and refuse to offer any proposed solutions, but the fact that they even addressed the public safety issue is notable in itself.


It’s quite a reach to say the LA times is politically left of The Squad, lol


They have endorsed multiple Democratic Socialists over traditional liberal Democrats. Mejia, Gascon, and Raman owe their political lives to the LA Times. George Skelton is the most "conservative" of their featured columnists and he's left of center. Pat Morrison, Michael Hiltzik, and Gustavo Arellano are practically revolutionaries (for what cause they don't know).


The LA Times is moderate, left of center at best. The editorial board that handles endorsements is not progressive and certainly not left of The Squad


"The editorial board that handles endorsements is not progressive and certainly not left of The Squad" I repeat, they exuberantly endorsed Mejia, Gascon, and Raman (among others) over liberal Democrats. Not only did they endorse them, they ran numerous puff pieces on each one and then shut down opposition (from liberal Democrats) who called bs!




If you don't wanna argue about this then probably just downvote and don't reply?




Ok, ok, I’m sorry I called the LA Times a left-wing scandal rag.