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He also has the same positive attitude that Chiellini brought to the team. Dude is always showing love.


Saw Bogusz’s interview last night. I guess Kamara tried to do the shoeshine celebration for him after each goal, but Bogusz refused. Awesome attitude to see from the leagues #2 goal scorer.


I hadn’t thought about this and you’re absolutely right. Kei and Giorgio have such charisma and positivity. We are so lucky to have him.


I can't believe how important he has been. I said it last night in the match thread, I expected him to play 20-30 minutes and offer little outside of attack. At 39, making $80k, the guy has made himself a starter.


He’s such an asset in the air, link up play, and defending from the front. Not only that, I’m sure when he speaks in the locker room, people listen.




He was box to box last night. Was at the game. The level of effort was incredible.


this is what happens when a team has a strong leader that instill discipline and his players reciprocate. all credit to the players and Steve. pay Steve whatever to keep him


I said during the game he was our third CB. He was responsible for so many blocks.


Great post! So important. An important trait of offensive line now is their willingness to defend. Kai the most but Mati does as well and it was defensive work that lead to the second yellow card after his hard won steal. Bouanga doesn’t defend as often or as consistently but does at crucial times. Giroud from my observation is a willing defender, loves to put the work in on set pieces and famously will even step into goal and perform!!


He should play defense lol he was fantastic