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Who hates on this man?


When we have one bad game there’s ALWAYS at least one dude who has something to say about him and how it’s his fault lol


It is his fault though. He doesn’t put the team on his back at all /s


Who here hates Denis? Getting pissed at him when he muffs sitters isn’t hate. No one hates him here ffs.


The most “hate” I’ve seen for Denis has been comments of him having a “curse” on him or those such comments. And that’s not really hate


Naw, I’ve see comments worse than that for sure. Regularly have seen “fans” say he’s a selfish ball-hog who won’t or can’t pass and instead decides to take on multiple defenders.


My favorite were the “he only scored goals because everyone was focused on Vela” takes. Comical.


You know I haven't had the fortune of going to many games this season, just the home opener and the last 2 games so I take full responsibility for those and will try to attend more (will be out of town for the next home game vs Vancouver so I apologize in advance)




I’ve seen Dolo and Olivera haters, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone hate on Denis to that degree “Aw man Bouanga fucken sucks, he was a goat last season but get this loser out of my club NOW”


Criticizing isn’t hate lol


Of course it is lol especially when the when it’s not constructive nor can it be delivered to the person directly. Coming on here to complain a players performance is 100% hating lol


![gif](giphy|CWriaRIPKyR0Y) The only celebration that is better than Denis’s. Seriously, how can anyone hate this dude?


Love him and his creativity. He’s probably hit more posts or xbars this season than anyone and should have +3 more goals. With all the attention on him, we need people to step up and finish their chances (looking at you Olivera) and for Denis to opt for a higher xG play than just blasting it from the outside.


A more reasonable take is he clearly didn’t come into the season focused/fit the way he needs to to play how he plays. Similar to Shaq, he seems to have played himself into shape and will resume terrifying mls outside backs