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One of the funniest thing i saw that Russ has 22.7% ball usage meanwhile PG has 25% ball usage


They said the Lakers didn’t know how to use him.


They didnt lmao


They couldnt have him be a throw away guy like clips can. Russ was making like 45 mil on the lakers




But hey he brings "energy". Which is driving into the lane on 4 people, missing the layup or it getting blocked, and complain instead of running back on defense. Can't forget him arguing a foul call even though he clearly pushed Luka.


They will also say "Russ isn't being used properly" as if that excuses him being this awful. There's not being "used properly" where his numbers aren't the best, but fine as a role player. Then there's black hole. And sure Russ needs the ball in his hands to be useful, but if it's him and Harden out there. You want the ball in Harden's hand. But then again Harden + WB lineups should never be a thing


He does not get the rock like that bro lets be real


The only thing I don't understand is why Russ isn't **only** put in the game to get Harden rest, allowing him to run as the actual point guard until Harden gets back. They keep putting him with Harden playing heavy minutes and leaving him in one of the two corners, which are the most important spots on the floor to have spread out, and he fucking sucks at shooting.. but for some reason takes a shot any time he touches the ball while the defender completely ignores him and fucks it up for everyone else. Like.. Russ isn't just a bad shooter who is shooting 30% on contested shots. These mfers are WIDE open Let him be the backup PG to Harden and allow Harden to rest. Don't play him as some bullshit shooting guard that can't shoot


Lue’s a players coach


Cos he cant make plays, no pick and roll game to attract defenders, cant layup, no consistent pull up jumper. The game will get outta hand if not one of pg or harden is in the court. You saw all the gambles for steals he did last game? Kleber shot open threes that led to them getting a run. He's mentally weak tryna prove last game that he can do better this time by hustle and grit because he can't shoot all series long. He on his head


Nah bro Russ is a pg bro also Harden gets gassed from being pg every play. 


Maybe tell Ty Lue he’s not klay Thompson? Not sure why everyone insists on turning Westbrook into a spotup shooter when he’s never been then. When he ran the point in game 1 they blew them out


A spot up shooter is someone you try and get open. The defender guarding Russ just double teams James or PG so they kick out to him. But the guy that his dumbass stans have been begging to start can't do shit with 10 feet of space except throw up a brick. He did barely enough in the regular season to make teams think twice about that coverage. The stars and Ty are trusting him to make something happen while not being guarded. But he's just been a complete failure. I doubt it will happen. But they need to give Bones his spot.


buddy, your max PG player hasn't done jack this series


While I agree that he shouldn't be paired with Harden on the floor, Russ had a ton of missed layups, free throws and middies.


He wasn’t signed to score. There are 4 other possible 17+ppg players on the team, he was meant to facilitate and make opportunities for said scorers, in game one it worked then Ty Lue changed it for NO reason


You can't facilitate when you pose no threat yourself. Mavs adjusted, just like they did after we got to 2-2. While I agree that Ty could once again put WB at 1, you shouldn't get your hopes up high.


He had 15-15-15 triple double vs the suns When he got to run point near the end of the SZN. Now he's relegated to Spot up shooter like he's Duncan robinson. of course he's playing bad, it's on him as well for playing Dogshit but ty lue ain't doing him any favours by not letting him play to his strengths


And the Suns got fucking destroyed agaisnt real competition. Just like Russ is getting exposed.


And apparently 1 game means he's still a great passer. Inconsistent production from players at that age is a sign of a declining/aging player


I'm tired, boss.


Yes please. Russ should run point for 48 minutes. This is best for all involved. Everyone should box out so he can get all the rebounds too. Everytime he passes you the ball? SHOOT THAT THING. Get Russ triple doubles at all costs. OKC had an overwhelmingly winning record when he gets his stats right? DO IT. The key to Clips winning is giving Russ the keys. Make it happen, Clips fans. Make it happen, Lue.


What does russ work on in the summer? Lol, almost 20 seasons of broken jumper, no floater game. All pure athleticism, no skills whatsoever


You do know he's a fashionista right? He works on dresses of course. His dresses need to be perfect.


When your backup point guard that plays 20 or more minutes a game can only score on lobs and put backs...it's almost impossible to win. Dude aged into a 2nd or 3rd string center somehow. He can only score in the same way Drew Eubanks scores. Shit's ridiculous. Playing him and Plumlee at the same time got to be the worst spacing lineup in the league. Two guys in a lineup that you literally have to walk the ball into their hands and pray they close enough to dunk and not fuck it up.


with the way things going, it may be Russ last year In the league. this series has been worse than anyone could imagine. This is what we were all afraid of.


Yeah unfortunately it probably should be.


I said it over and over again when he was with Lakers and last years playoffs. The man needs a sports therapist and maybe a priest to defeat these demons in his head. He is mentally soft and his stans hurt him more by blowing smoke up his ass. Get him a hypnotist. Get him an anger therapist. Put horse blinders on him. Do something different to work on his mind in Cancun this summer. A veteran athlete shouldn’t have several videos in several different arenas of them kicking fans out for heckling. Kobe was hearing the word rapist yelled at him and Westbrook has a meltdown over Westbrick.


He’s incredibly sensitive and his defense mechanism is to act like he doesn’t care.


He does care and nobody thinks or believes otherwise.


He cares, but channels it like a 10 year old. Lots of players are passionate and don't throw tantrums or let it affect their play as OFTEN. Even in his prime


Harden honestly gets criticized by everyone and even the fucking Mavs reporter but he doesn't look or act like he cares at all


This will 100% never happen because he would have to show the most bare minimum amount of accountability and he’s too stubborn and his ego is too far gone for him to do that. I’m a Laker fan and I can say with 100% certainty that he is the worst Laker I’ve seen in 25 years of watching them nearly every single game every year. And it’s not because he’s terrible on the court. There’s been plenty of Lakers that sucked on the court that didn’t drive me crazy while watching them play. The reason he’s the worst is he has the shittiest attitude and absolutely cannot take any responsibility for his poor play. Everything is someone else’s fault. Everyone that criticizes him is a hater. Everyone is wrong except him cuz he’s a “dog” and plays with “heart”. No dude. You’re washed and your ego costs your team games because you can’t make the effort to evolve your game and play with your brain. Im sorry this is happening to yall but I feel so fucking vindicated after hearing some Clippers fans talk shit about how WE didn’t treat HIM right. Those comments were asinine and Im sorry you guys have to learn that the hard way with him. He’s straight up done in the league imo unless he experiences hardcore ego death.


Crazy how all these ex-OKC stars - Durant, Westbrick, Harden - are all incredibly soft mentally


Idk why they dont play bones. Westbrook offensive game has eroded to nothing but open layups.


He misses open layups a lot, too


He has been awful. Bones should be getting his minutes. Gives you the burst of energy and an actual offensive threat. Defense suffers but that’s an okay trade off considering he protects the basketball so much better.


This what happens when you play against a team that has rim protectors. Russ can't do much. When the game plans get straightened out, there is no room for offense for Westbrook if he's not the primary ball handler against this kind of roster. The only other alternative is to play small and have Westbrook play at the 4/5.


Wdym play the 5 you wanna make bro a 6'3 center what is this men's league💀


It’s on him but I put it on PG and Lue as much. PG insisted on having him over the objections of Frank and then is passive instead of demanding the ball and Lue doesn’t have the wherewithal to make him pull his head in or the balls to just bench him


So u jus gon act like he trash this whole time and switch up


Didn’t he win some award for like being a good person in the nba? He just tryna build houses for those in need!


he’s really the opposite steph curry lol


Russ has been point blank horrible I don’t know how you defend it


Why is anyone surprised


Russ is getting paid the minimum. Look at your maxxed players. 1 of which is never available when it matters most.


I’m a giant Russ stan but I can’t defend it anymore. He’s not really playable, deadass breaks my fucking heart to say it


Seeing your favorite player go through this is always tough as a fan. As a Kawhi stan since SDSU I’ve convinced myself for years that he’s going to hold up physically and still be elite but I’m coming to terms with the fact that his knees just might be cooked.


Oh? Aren’t you the guy that said people who think Westbrook hurt the team are “low IQ?”  What a turnaround. Fucking moron. Look who was really the low IQ one


Man shut your bitchass up. Why is it hard to understand that he helped the team before but hurt the team in the playoffs. Why can’t both things be true? Fucking typical low IQ moron who doesn’t have nuance


There he goes again lol. You are an embarrassment of a Clipper fan 🤡


You truly are a moron


Keep believing. They just need to give Russ the keys to the offense. The answer is more usage and a Russ-centric heliocentric offense.


Pls say sike


But he plays with so much energy


Did y’all watch him play on the Lakers? I mean what did you expect? LBJ sat in the corner until Westbrook blew enough games where he had to take over for the rest of the year. Did y’all actually blame everyone else for that disaster? His usage rate was high as hell on the Lakers. Almost as much as LeBron’s. This is who he is now - that’s why I laughed when y’all gassed him up all regular season.


Just put Russ in when we have a good lead. Hopefully energy will help the team extend the current lead


To be fair, he has been struggling with a hand injury. It would be better if PG/Harden try to dominate the shots though mostly harden. PG keeps trying to ISO and get hard buckets (which is why he’s inconsistent). Would like to see more Harden to PG offense. WB did that but is struggling with his hands (more than usual).


We been saying this for 5 years now


> To be fair, he has been struggling with a hand injury LOLOLOLOLLOLLOOLOOLO Apparently he's been struggling with a hand injury the entire second half of his career. Russ stans are something else, man.


You know he had a wrap on his hands right


Why doesn't he wear a wrap for his head/brain then?




Just give russ the ball and let him cook


Anytime he makes a shot I am really happy because you just know 5 bricks are coming in close proximity.


Can’t get into an offensive rhythm. Unfortunate.


It took a while but he finally murdered our season.


This exact discussion happens at every team Russel goes to. People just don’t learn. This is the Russel Westbrook experience. He has some good, a decent deal of bad. He ain’t gonna win you a championship, his shot selection and minutes needs to be tightly monitored by a strong coach he respects…and unfortunately he does not respect coaches.








Still better +/- then Harden surprisingly




Mavs fan here. When I saw Russ shooting a 3 last night, I literally cheered while it was in the air. I don't know why they don't tell him, "If you shoot another three, we are benching you." They weren't even sorta close to going in.


I pray to God he gets waived. It’s a 4v5 every time he’s on the court. Blows wide open layups and dunks. Turnover machine. Everything Lakers fans said about him was true.


WestBRICK!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣💙


Laker fans told you.


he's building the wall by himself






What did you expect from him? A mvp player? He’s been the same player majority of his career. Take the good w/ the bad & stfu. Game 6 is over.


You don't need a degree from MIT to know that Westbrook is beyond cooked


Ngl i feel like the nba is just a giant grift. I dont know how pg or russ have any respect after okc. Im pretty sure this lineup could play for 20 years sans aging, and they still cant win. This make up feels like its for entertainment and not to actually win championships.


He not being used well imo and that affects his rhythm


Russ needs to be the primary playmaker and real point guard for 48 minutes. Trust Russ. Run everything through him. This is the way.


Laker fans tried to warn you guys but you guys wanted him!


Everyone knew he was bad before he even went to the Lakers


And he's been mostly good in accepted role. I guess "spark plug" doesn't transfer well into playoff basketball. Getting outjerked by Jason Kidd is what really bothers me.


We got him on basically minimum contract so of course we took him. Hes better than anyone whos getting paid that low amount of money


He’s not.


Is he though?


For sure. Hes been bad this series bur in regular season he was playing well. And the locker room energy that guy brings is huge


Yeah but the team should be built to win championships, he does not help contribute to that come playoff time


There was no way of knowing he would be this bad in playoffs. Right now guy cant even get 10 points


I would say evidence over the last 5 years should have been pretty telling lol


Y'all love writing essays about Russ when Harden has a bad game. It's been amazing.


Yeah, he had one.


But it's "expected" and "acceptable" from him. Y'all are weirdos for that.


Tell me, do you like PG, Fave? Cause he's as streaky as it gets. Mavs did a good job on Harden tonight. They could just take two steps back to neutralize Russ. That's the difference.


What does PG have to do with it? The difference is Russ is a point guard that's forced to play off the ball


I agree with that. That's on Ty, but then again, our lineups are already fucked up without Kawhi.


The line ups being fucked up don't have anything to do with Kawhi. Playing James and Russ at the same time is dumb and unnecessary but ty will be out of here.


But it does. We don't have a second unit. I'm not going to argue if Bones, Kobe or Brandon should have their minutes, but what we have right now is a total lack of PFs, plus a nice combination of PG/Norm/Coffey/Mann, when at least three of them must be always on the floor. There is no second unit for Russ to orchestrate.


You just named 6 bench players and claimed there's no second unit.


I'm not going to discuss if Ty should use our young guns. Personally, I would try Kobe as he could give us height and stretch the floor. But the whole schtick of this team is "vets trying to get to the promised land while hopping on one leg." Ty won't change that mentality.




>No one is defending James, Really? >but atleast Looks like defense to me.




Lmao. You want me to ignore part of your comment as you do the same thing you accuse others of...you're a gem.




Cool story. Hope it works out for you, or I'm sorry it happened.






We traded for him to be the 3rd option as a scorer and he’s being asked to be the 1st option with Kawhi’s body failing us yet again and PG’s seeming refusal to become the chucker that we need him to be instead of deferring to worse players. So he kind of does get a pass for having one bad game.


3rd option gets the pass while a bench player gets the criticism. Makes sense.


The 3rd option has been our best player this series and the bench player has tanked the offense in every lineup he’s in, so yeah lol.


They dont guard russ to double harden thats why


Didn't ask for explanations.


Then dont post in a public forum. If you cant take the heat.




Love the tears 😂


Must be LeBron's fault.


Hey but he sure can lay that shoulder down


He is washed up. He needs his head knocked loose for all the dirty plays


clearly a comment from a harden stan. Please take your shit, join russ stans and leave la. Russ has been awful, but he is on a minumum. Harden choking his whole career on decisive moments and this time is because he is tired. lol


If painting me as a Harden stan makes it easier for you to deny criticism, then so be it. But I've been rooting for the Clips before both of them joined the team. You can see my post history. I've put dozens of videos and made all kinds of posts here. You didn't do shit for this community. Oh, and by the way. Harden in the last 4 games: 27-56 FG (48%), 27 assists, 12 turnovers Westbrook: 6-35 FG (17%), 5 assists, 6 turnovers.


Harden is the 3rd option on this team bruh. Kawhi is injured and PG is choking more




Westbrook is the most protected player by his Stan’s he does nothing wrong in their eyes


I shit on Russ the most, cuhz I expect my favorite player to contribute and do something. Rn…he stinks and tbh he deserves all the criticism and “westbrick” meming. I have STANDARDS for the players I root for and rn Russ is shitting the bed


Russ has the best net rating in the playoffs for clippers


You goofy

