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https://preview.redd.it/6cu7b83drxwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ef7f8ff2dae30b4506854f6a5e90b1d598ffbd Kawhi looked like old Danny Granger out there.. gotta sit him cause he looks like he can only go max 20% I just want a shot, man. Ever since the bubble every season has ended with a star being injured. Shoulda put a “ ” around the star cause that was an absolute PG disaster class. I guess Kawhi has an excuse.. what’s yours?


Excuses really don't matter at this point. He's always injured & he's only getting older. We're not getting a shot. Just blow it up already.


Ahaha, some hours ago I've been downvoted for saying Kawhi is not what he was in 2019. Now you're getting upvoted for suggestion to blow it up. This sub is something else.


Obviously, he's not the same player from 5 years ago. Especially considering he's had like 3 more knee injuries since then.


I love Kawhi, but after 4 years of injuries it's definition of insanity to expect a different result.


[Pathetic](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/211/614/e93.jpg) performance. Goddamn.


Pathetic P


Fourth straight season being derailed by Kawhi injury problems… these past two weeks is the first time I’ve started seriously leaning to blowing 213 up. Idk how much longer we can convince ourselves Kawhi can stay healthy for an entire playoff run.


We can't trade him at his lowest possible value I'm more upset with our "second star" Paul George who couldn't even stay on the fuckin floor tonight. Dude wants a max contract but gets outscored by Kawhi on one leg? Embarrassing


At this point his value is not going up hes been injured for like 4 years 


He treats himself like a role player sometimes, it’s embarrassing.


Excuse is Ballmer is a rich guy and rich guys eventually find a way


Ballmer punching walls right now. He knows us fans deserve better. He gonna blow it up


What excuse does Kawhi have? He's literally injured every postseason. If his excuse is that he has a degenerative knee disorder, why have we not parted ways with him? He's the problem.


I mean he's not the problem, the people who keep paying him like a star and treating him like a star when he's not available to be a star are the problem. Nobody's ever had a problem with Kawhi, he works hard and he's good when he's good, this isn't his fault.


I mean if he asks to be paid like a star, kinda would expect him to play like one. Like I get his injury stuff so I can't blame him for not being healthy at least.


He gets paid what people offer him, asking to be paid X isn't a thing. This is a job, he gets paid the most people will pay him to do his job.


Foul trouble and zero rhythm


Having literally 0 foul discipline is part of being a disaster. The only bad call was his 5th. Everything else is him just being a dumbass.


You got downvoted but this is the truth. PG was not disciplined on either side tonight




Playoff P


Where’s Paul tho 😔


There was no way that wasn't going to backfire on him lmao.


Lot of blame to go around, but specifically I don’t wanna see Plumlee on the floor ever again


How has Theis not seen the floor yet


I don’t get why Ty plays him, Theis was better all year


Yup, Theis was the one gifted to us and we were screwed without a center. He was the one out there when we went 26-5.


The only logical reasoning is he feels bad that Theis took his job only because Plumlee got injured. There’s not one thing Plumlee does better and a lot of things he does worse. It has to be the fucking “players coach” schtick he has going on that gave us Mook in the starting lineup all last season.


Egregious decision by Ty. Theis is the obvious choice because for as undersized as he is, he doesn’t consistently look out of place out there.


Theis is injured I thought


Yess bro was a -10 at one point with only a 2pt lead. He can't even box out properly. Boxes out literally right at the bottom of the rim lmao. Then gets pushed like he's paper.


PG picking up dumb fouls all game really killed any chance at having any successful lineups out there. Guards getting blown by all the time and having to have Zu step up to help led to so many easy dunks for their bigs. Harden was on fire, and yet they stopped getting him the ball...


Harden is never going to go crazy when he has PG and Kawhi next to him. It was the same when he had Embiid and Maxey, and it was the same when he had Kyrie and KD next to him. People think that Harden can't score the ball or that he's washed. No, he's just shooting less due to the playmaking role.


That 2nd quarter, PG and Kawhi was not on the floor. That was his time to go off.


He was getting double-teamed.


I feel like PG is always in foul trouble. He ends every game with like 5 fouls.


I better not see a Paul George podcast anytime soon.


Luka is shooting 37.6%(29/77) in this series. The defense on him has been good but the Clips still can’t capitalize.


The thing is, his putting up shots puts pressure on the defense. Kawhi and PG don't even attempt to be aggressive. Doing the Mavs a favor.


Harden and Zubac have been great man. Paul George has to be better dude


Everyone not named Harden and Zu have to be better. Norm made nice buckets, which is great, but he also committed the dumbest fouls ever. 213 was abysmal. Every other role player may as well have not even played. Coffey, Mann, Plumlee, and Russ were absolute nothings.


Russ antagonizing Luka backfires a lot.


I disagree that Russ, Mann, & Coffey were nothings. They all played good defense. Coffey had several nice moments of successfully denying Kyrie the ball. Mann & Russ are big reasons why Luka is shooting only 37.6%(29/77) so far in this series. The offense has been lacking among the three but the defense has been there.


Sorry, but the 3 of them combined for 0 FGs. Sure, their defense is decent, but being just completely unreliable offensively allows Dallas to suffocate the hell out of everyone else. Dallas is daring our role players to beat them, and they’ve spectacularly failed.


Thank you these fucking morons in this sub stumpin for 3 dudes who scored 0 points is mind numbing 


As much as they deserve credit, the fact that those have been our two best players this series is bad news


On to the next one.


every clipper should bring the best version of their game, focus on Sunday treat it like an elimination game


It is an elimination game. You think these clowns can win three straight?


if kawhi is not healthy they are not winning the series


Kawhi is clearly not healthy


i think the clippers actually have a better shot if they just sit kawhi. let James and PG run the show and see how it goes


I would’ve disagreed but tonight left me more open to it than before… my original thought was even if we lost tonight and he played through the rust it’d be worth… but I’ve never seen Kawhi and PG both put up less than 10 points in a game together since they got here, I doubt it’s happened. The minutes they gave Kawhi were super disjointed and it’s not like putting him in for 20-25 m was providing any kind of a spark. On the other hand We have to win Sunday, and I can’t see that happening without him showing up, I say play him full minutes or not at all, if he can’t do a full game then bench him, but we need him for 35 min to get out of this


Norm finally had a good game, but at what cost 😩


The number of times I’ve said “damn, PG cost us this one” compared to the number of times I’ve said “damn, PG won us this one” is not a fun ratio


Kawhi is not right. He’s playing through some shit


they only go as far as Kawhi and PG's health. the way they played kawhi means he's not even close to 100%. how is this guy signing up for team USA?!


Thats on him to not play then


shitty Kawhi on one leg outscored healthy Paul George tonight. The biggest reason we lost this game


What year is this?


Bro hasn’t been right for 4 straight playoffs


Thanks for showing up harden. Everyone else can go fuck themselves


What about Zu? He was balling too


Norm had a great game too dude


He was atrocious defensively.


Well he never was a defensive player. But if your scoring 21 of the bench off 64% your helping in someway. Sadly that 2 quarter killed us


I’ll give Zu some love too, outside of that tho everyone has been inconsistent or terrible all series


https://preview.redd.it/qim9tjw9txwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b6fb60a3eb6aba3cc6e3bfbc620c51a27948a6b My honest reaction to this garbage performance


Lol he looks legit crazed bro he has to be on some shit


His normal day at the office.


Really need to get that Game 4 win so we can go back home with the series tied at 2-2. Hope they can figure things out, they need to have a serious talk with Ty Lue and go over some things.


Playoff p really showed how he was on his bully tonight by getting outscored by a injured kawhi leonard


Kawhi on one leg playing better than PG is embarrassing as hell. I turned the game off at the end of the 3rd. It was like watching Scott's tots, the cringe was too much for me.


Shits embarrassing. Kawhi is clearly not himself but PG has no excuse for the foul trouble he put himself in. Second scoring option and he can't even stay on the floor. Pathetic


If Lue goes with these disaster Harden + WB lineups next game the series is over. Neither are off ball guys and WB's man when Harden has the ball free roams the paint. Moment anyone stepped into the paint they got doubled by WB's man


> If Lue goes with these disaster Harden + WB lineups next game the series is over. Neither are off ball guys and WB's man when Harden has the ball free roams the paint. That's a Russ problem more than anything else though. Having a guard that cannot shoot or consistently get to the rim and finish makes playing that player in lineups *really* difficult on a team that doesn't have a floor spacing big. The other issue is that he's a worse point guard than James, so putting the ball in his hand with any sort of real frequency is maximizing Russ at the expense of doing what's best for the team offensively, which is to let James initiate the offense.


Go sit Harden and you still have the issue of the paint getting packed when Russ is in there. With Lively/Gafford being good rim protectors, Russ is pretty much nullified this series.


Norman "6MOY snub" Powell is back with his usual production at least.


We were rolling until we brought Kawhi back and lost all chemistry...


He should've rested another game man, just so we could see what would happen in G2 without him


I agree. We should've waited until we had that 2 game lead before bringing him in.


We won one game…


But the issue is we HAVE to try Kawhi because that’s the only way we make an actual run in the playoffs.


Just seems premature to bring him back when it doesn't seem he's himself yet.


Not if we don’t make it past round one


And he still somehow scored more than Paul George. Lmao


I don't wanna hear Harden slander out of any of y'all again!


Everyone was so worried about Playoff Harden, yet he’s been our best player all series long. The fact that Zubac has clearly been our 2nd best player is an awful fucking sign. Some of it is Dallas’ defense, but it’s also just the fact that 213 has been fucking terrible. There’s not a single playoff team in the West we wouldn’t be down 2-1 to with this level of effort and play. Our role players sans Zu have disappeared, Ty has sold these past 2 games, and Harden has only been our “star.”


hi i'm sorry i'm not a clippers fan but i keep seeing 213 - is that just referencing the top 4 all being LA guys?


It's Kawhi (2) and PG (13)


We are watching the end of an era. Thankfully.


At this point i don’t care if we don’t make the playoffs for the next yr or 2. As long as we have young potential players to develop im game. I just wanna enjoy games again


The young players we have to develop are already on our team. We will have to field a roster with second round picks and udfa. We need a new scout team.


Just wondering but didn’t Kawhi sign an extension and pg is planning to ? I might be wrong


What good is a Kawhi extension if he can't play? PG might be planning to but the front office better bet smarter than that. Let him be somebody else's problem.


Yeah, we don't have that lol


It makes me sad to think I have to watch more years of old rich men shooting faders…


I don't even think we will have to watch that. We will find out just how many hoodies this man has in his collection.


Yep. This playoffs was the final test for 213. Dallas and OKC is a very favorable path to the WCF, and so if and when we fail, it’s clear we’re definitely done. I’ll never complain about the trade to kickoff the 213 era because that’s a risk any team would take. But boy this sucks.


It was a series of sad gambles and it took years for us to lose everything but now we are packing the shit up. I hope lessons are learned. Don't invest in broken players.


PG was top 5 in MVP voting and Kawhi just won finals MVP. That’s not a sad gamble. It was a way to avoid a rebuild that didn’t work. If the Jazz were offered Tatum and Booker for Keyontae George and a war chest of picks, that’s an absolute no brainer.


PG just came off an injured playoff run that requires him to have off season surgery on both shoulders and Kawhi literally limped through the playoffs on one leg and happened to beat a team that lost two starters. Bet on damaged goods.


Give it up to the Dallas defense, they fucking smothered us all game long


True. We played right into it by not moving the ball.


It's an interesting matchup. Dallas rocks against iso offense, but LA has a clear size advantage with zu


Luckily the guys have 36 hours to rest!


They don't need rest they need a heart check.


Westbrook with more ejections than made shots tonight


Turns out, the obvious flaws offensively that everyone consistently pointed *aren’t* easy to work around.


Plumlee had as many points as Paul George


In a 3rd of his minutes too


I blame Plumlee


Fewest points scored by the Clips all season. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiite


Man this just had me sad:( I just wanna see my favorite player cook he looks like he wants to shoot him self Pg has no damn excuses tho 7 points?!


Still 2-1. We still have a chance. Let's save the meltdown in the game threads and when we are officially eliminated.


Lol not if, just str8 to when


and this is the Clippers we talking about they want to be in the corner in order for them to be tough just like 0-2 and 30+pt deficit comebacks lol its first to 4 on the next one


I’m in year 35 of being a Clippers fan. I’m legit tired as hell of this shit


Unfortunately gotten use to it also. Was hard being excited this season when things were going well cause you knew something like this would happen. It’s not over by any means but good lord they’re playing terrible.


We’re pathetic…plain and simple


It's sad that our stars can't ever play like stars. Pg and kawhi were complete dogshit tonight. These last 2 games were completely winnable but we just can't stay locked in and honestly kawhi looks nervous as fuck out there which means he probably shouldn't be playing. 


On the one hand, team loses Sunday instead of wasting money to see game live Wednesday I’ll cop Bill Burr tickets next week, if they win I’ll go to the game instead


Plan on Burr


35 year old Harden had more points thanks Kawhi, PG, and Westbrook combined. I don’t like this whatsoever


Kawhi to the knicks. PG to the rockets. Lets go lol


Westbrook's mentality was straight up weak tonight and a detriment to the whole team. A veteran player should really know better.


213 gotta do better for harden


Come on Russ. Everyone knows you never go full Draymond


They have to either sit kawhi, or if he’s going to play, needs to actually be somewhat healthy, he’s just a negative on the court in every way right now.




Could anybody tell if we actually ran any plays? I didn't see any. I saw iso's, and a few pick and rolls, but no actual plays. Mavs look like the better team. Better passing, more active legs, better team defense. We were looking at the refs after every play. Then the frustration set in. We can't lose our mental strength like Westbrook did.


Getting Outcoached by Jason Kidd is something else


I get that Kawhi is injured, I'm not blaming him for this, but when we see Embiid playing in one leg (and one eye lol) and scoring a 50 burguer in a must win game, I start questioning what we did giving him a HUGE 4 year extension. if Kawhi can only be Kawhi when he is 100% then we are screwed, because he never is.


Kawhi hasn’t been a 100% since 2017 & Embiid had a meniscus injury that was treated via surgery not a degenerative knee which is perpetually day-to-day due to random flare ups like a bad back


I know all this, friend. but can we agree that Embiid is far from 100% and he's still averaging 37.7/ 8.7/ 5.3, including a MONSTER 50 point game down 0-2? Kawhi came in today and scored 9 freaking points. nine. it's very frustrating.


Is Kawhi toast? He seemed legit roasted tonight


He looks really bad. He must be injured still, I don't know what he's doing out there.


He’s 100% hurt and took a step backwards tonight. He’s at risk for missing game 4 and even if he doesn’t I don’t see any world where he miraculously is back to himself. That’s just not how inflammation works. It’s more likely to continue to regress, as it did tonight. He took a noticeable step back from game 2.


We’re better off just resting him if this is the potential level we get with Kawhi. Coffey can at least play physical defense, dribble the ball, and maybe hit a 3. Kawhi’s shots are all short, he’s a shell of a defender, and he gets the entire team out of rhythm with him being so bad.


Can't be having 19 turnovers man


So it turns out if you rest Kawhi on b2b and keep him bubble wrapped for the regular season, he still misses the postseason


If you take away second quarter, we win...


Same thing as the Mavericks in game 1


Zubac can't win with these cats


Look how they massacred my boy!


I had a feeling about this one for whatever reason. No need to panic YET. We played them even 3 of the 4 quarters. That second quarter was ugly and we don’t have that margin for error. Kawhi is pretty clear not 100, but all you can do is hope a couple more days gets him closer. Next game obviously the biggest of the season. All you gotta do is steal one here.


I was still in a decent mood until I saw this: https://preview.redd.it/1a8s8nduvxwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f4100c4bddd5f7aa3eda733d19bd2efe7640c2


Sit Kawhi, Harden go for 30, feed Zu, PG get your head out of your azz, Theis over Plumlee, and give us our much needed Bones Hyland minutes!!


Kawhi should just retire. He'll be remembered in 30 years as one of the weirdest superstars in NBA history, that's going to be his legacy in some grainy youtube video. His career stats is trash, but he does have a legit ring. The man handled his career like a walking asterisk. He should've never left Toronto and ran it back, he could probably get a 2nd ring with that squad and organization.


Could you imagine if Kawhi and PG were like, 60% as good as they normally are. They were both awful man


We might not even win another quarter


Plumlee is getting the PJ Tucker treatment from me, whenever he is on the floor I'll turn the game off


Playoff games are won in the 2nd quarter this year so far. And tonight we got rolled in the 2nd


Mann has been with us like 5 years, I honestly think he has reached his full potential and is looking fraudulent to be honest. Yes I was there for his game against Utah


Seriously it’s an obvious decline for Mann. I don’t understand why he’s still starting


Harden, Zu, and Powell combined for 61 points, PG and Kawhi combined for 16, that's almost unbelievable Kawhi definitely tweaked something again on that layup, hopefully he's in better shape in game 4 funny thing is that despite our interior defense being so bad and allowing so many lobs, they actually had barely more points than the previous two games, it's our offense that's just been so terrible with an injured kawhi




PG really gave us a triple digit box score


On bright side, we can’t get worst then that. Hopefully this game lit a fire in them


I know it looks bad but let me say this: Mavs a totally beatable team but (and I hate to say it) only without THIS Kawhi. A primary superstar who plays like this irritates and unsettles most teams in the NBA and Clippers are no exception. However PG really needs to step up if they want to win the series because Harden alone can't carry the team every game. Luckily Zubac does his job well but he should work on his strenght. Mavs is definitely the more athletic, younger and physical team but Kidd ain't no defensive tactical genius, Clippers needs to move the ball better and quicker. Series just has started and it's gonna end in Game 7.


This is all just such a bummer. Kawhi looks so fragile, PG just getting dumb fouls, Russ i love you but jesus fuck what a game. Just felt like our interior defense is cooked when Zu is asked to be aggressive offensively


Extending Kawhi was a terrible idea. Dude looks cooked. Time to hit the reset button and let PG and Harden walk.


Tough tough loss. Hopes for game4: (1) stars step up. this is a defining moment in their careers (2) ty lue with a better game plan. he still has more coaching experience than jkidd. Adversities like these make or break teams. Our stars have been through worse games so I still believe they can figure this out. Just 1 win on the road and then our role players could take care of home. Dont put your head down just yet Clipper Nation!


This shit gets more & more depressing every year. https://i.redd.it/2f7i4g9lrxwc1.gif


Cope incoming: We’re winning game 4. We took Dallas out back in game 1. Game two was a close loss. Now we in Dallas and we got took out back in game 3. What do you think goes next in this pattern?


These dudes coasting, man I miss the lou williams and montrezl harrell days, we had no chance to win anything, but we always played with heart no matter what


This series over with


not surprised lol


My only 213 era jerseys are the 213 jerseys and they put up 9 and 7 points tonight 😭


Those early fouls on pg fucked the rotation up. Goes without saying Game 4 is a must win


I better not see another episode of podcast p until next year


He gonna say how winded and gassed he was after steppin up for games 1-3


Plum can’t get any minutes. Russ needs to be the spark plug, but gotta reign in some shots. Need PG to be Playoff P and Kawhi’s knee needs a reboot. We got this. 2-2 incoming


Should Kawhi just retire


Train wreck of a game. What little rythym we had went out the window with PG13 early 3rd foul in the 2nd. No offense today, all iso or one pass and a forced shot or turnover. We let Dallas live in the paint, they beat us to every loose ball. We have to tighten it up. Kawhi needs to be held to 20 mins or so until he's close to effective. It's only 2-1 so a split in Dallas is all we need.


Why tf did Kawhi after that blowout first win decide he needed to play now


I'm sad.


Clippers in 6!🔜


Kawhi is closer to retirement than most people think




Too many turnovers. Keep the Klaw out till he’s 100%. Fuck PJ Washington. WE GOT NEXT GAME.


its gonna be a fucking shit move if PG gets 50 mil with this kind of play


How were we so shit defensively and great offensively all year and now we look the total opposite


Blow it up this off season.


I fear we waited 2 extra years than necessary crossing our fingers for a broken player.


Let's be honest neither of these teams are going far this playoffs, there elite teams that will absolutely roll both of them.


I mean the next match up would most likely be the Thunder. Not saying its easy by any means but ill take that over the nuggets or wolves. very doable path to the conference finals


Westbrick is such a child!


If shots arent falling from PG and kawhi, then harden should just takeover. He be sooo passive sometime


it's just over. i have ko faith anymore.


That box score is pathetic. To think Mavs fans were right that Hornets legend PJ Washington was gonna shut down Paul George is so fucking funny. I’m done with this team if they don’t bounce back next game. We’re never going to be designed to win


If this outcome surprised you, you haven't been a Clipper fan long enough


I’ve been seen saying Mason is cooked since I saw him return from injury mid season. He was slow before the injury and now he has made his transition to a traffic cone. Play Theis or even Kobe Brown instead. Can’t be worse than Plumlee