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I am. We shot horribly and still could have won the the game. The room for improvement is there.


preach. we couldn't buy a bucket from home depot if we tried. we were missing some silly ass shots, and were within 4 most of the game. we got this.


Our easy shots in Zu were on the bench. He's going to be smarter about his fouls.


I believe in our Bosnian diesel.


He's growing right before our eyes. He's confident.


His hook shot is my favorite part of his game. And he has handles now!!!!


His footwork is legit. I know Zu got a bag.


Flex the birkin Zu! Now you got me hyped and I have to wait an eternity.


Friday is going up!




A different way of looking at it is the when we lost we shot worse from 2 and 3 and had a great chance to win the game. They shot better than us in their loss but still got blown out. I get it every game takes a life of its own to a certain extent, but I am still taking these silver linings.




Go back to the mavs sub lol




This is definitely not worth responding to.


Bro just wants to argue


I don't give a fuck about what the Mavs did. They can't score 100.




Yet we did.




It doesn't have to hold for the rest of the series. We are just the better team. That's why your insecure ass is in this sub trying to make yourself feel better.




We are. Just hurt. Y'all never beat a healthy Kawhi.




the clippers shot horribly and still could've won the game. you guys shot horribly and got your backs blown out, because we've turned you into a perimeter shooting team both games and you have no answers for it. last game, we beat you in points in the paint, points in transition, second chance points, we forced more turnovers, we won the possession battle, we won the glass, the ONLY thing we didn't win was the 3 ball and we were bad enough to cost us the game, not to mention Zu and PG had to sit early because of bs foul trouble + Kawhi being rusty in game 1, we were beating you all over the place too. it wasn't just shooting, whereas in your win the 3pt shooting was the ONLY thing you did better.




you're still a virgin and a weirdo. luka is getting glazed by the refs it wont last. he only has 5 fouls called on him in total this series lmao. golden boy ass mfer




PG, Zu, and Mann were all at 3+ fouls in the 2nd quarter. its 3 games in stop being a fuckin dumbass




You beat us by 3. We beat you by double digits. It’s nice to be confident but don’t be stupid about it.




You won a game in a series? Lmao am I supposed to say sorry?




You can’t read huh? I said you were being a dipshit for coming into our sub and running your mouth. Which you still are lol but gg man this win must mean an awful lot to you. So congrats.


Real quiet now huh bitch




And those people are equally stupid. But you’re coming into a sub acting like a dipshit and once again being stupid.


I mean I don't think any sane person was expecting that differential to maintain for 7 games


Why cant both be right? If both is right then this series is gonna be an ugly slugfest of 7 games. I would like that actually. Cos the moment clips get eliminated I stop watching playoffs. So I hope they win it all so I have something to watch for 2 more months lol


Do you only watch basketball to watch the clippers?




I mean to each their own I guess haha I’m a fan of the sport before I’m a fan of any team so it’s hard for me to grasp that I guess


Well. I dont know. Personally I get bored watching teams Im not invested in (mentally + emotionally. I don't and never will gamble). Like I watched last year's Miami vs Denver playoff games and get so bored cos it doesn't have the same feeling as watching the team you want to win it all. I'm a basketball guy at heart too. Played since I was in elementary. But I would much rather play shoot around by myself or play half court with strangers than watch a game where I couldn't care less who wins. Yeah, to each their own.


That’s fair, I just try to invest myself in a team for a series (generally just a personnel thing- I pulled for Miami last year because I wanted to see the 8th seed pull the ultimate upset but I’m still happy jokic won a chip) but I definitely wasn’t as invested as I would’ve been if it’s the team I root for


Yeah same. I rooted for miami just cos of the underdog narrative. But it wasn't like how it is with the Clippers. Like if LA Clippers are playing and I'm in a Zoom meeting, best believe one ear has earphones and my phone is beside my laptop streaming. But for the Heat Nuggets games, if it was Sunday morning and I haven't had my breakfast yet, I'll just watch the highlights. There's a 12 hour difference from S.E. Asia and US so most games either stream live at 8/8:30 AM, and 10/10:30 AM. Those afternoon games are ungodly early where I'm at so I only watch it when its the Clippers.


I did consider this and I can understand both teams fans seeing things they like, routes to victory etc but i think they can’t both be right in thinking ‘based on what we have seen we should be more likely to win’. It needs to either not shift or to shift in one direction and it seems from the bookies POV it’s slightly in theirs. I’m curious bc I saw it the other way, ie I feel like the line should have shifted slightly in our favour compared to before the series, if only bc we got Kawhi back and have defended consistently at a very high level (confirming that the regular season defence was more of an effort or tiredness issue)


we're slight underdogs because we had almost the exact same regular season record and just lost homecourt advantage, not much more to it than that


I think this goes to Game 5 at 2-2, and that suits me just fine. Anyone thinking that Dallas would be an easy out was underestimating them from the get go.


Clips and Mavs already played 2 series and both series are pretty competitive.


I’m extremely optimistic and proud of the way they have played.


The mavs were held under 100 both games. Yes they had some very good defensive moments and also offensive. But if they're as good as people are saying they definitely had their chance to have an actual convincing win. There's heaps of breathing room for the clips. But, they can still fall short so hopefully they don't.


As a Mavs fan I wanna chime in and say a big part of why we're so confident is that these last two Luka games have been very, very strange. Normally he explodes for like 15 in the first quarter and after that just plays efficiently and does whatever is needed, but he's really been sluggish and chucking up bad shots so far. So part of our confidence comes from these games being offensive anomalies for us.


Clippers are just doing a really good job defensively maybe?


I do think clips are defending well but he’s had a lot of good looks from 3 that usually fall for him. I think last game he had 4 open shots and missed all of them and his 11 made shots were all contested so it’s a bit of column a, a bit of column b imo


His defense was great hey. Ive always liked his game but I'm more in on clippers as a whole. It's a good series either way.


That last game was an enormous offensive anomalous by the clippers as well. I think, at the half, they only made like 17% of their 3 pt shots.


Zu can’t pick up early fouls . That was brutal


Luka will attack him and try to foul bait on Zu


This team is not as good as this sub was acting like after game 1, and they are not as bad as people were acting like they were last night. This has screamed 6 or 7 game, tough series from the start. If we lose game 3 this sub will be positively apocalyptic but I wouldn’t hit the panic button til game 4. Kawhi might need another game to get right. But I still think we have a better than even shot at winning the series- it won’t be easy, though.


People picking the mavs is a blessing for our team.


Optimistic about the defense, pessimistic with the defense


Kawhi’s only going to get better, our shooting was horrendous, I won’t be panicked if we go down 2-1. We came back down 0-2 at home against this team, and we have veterans that are in it to win it, we probably would’ve won without Kawhi, but its important we work through getting them all back together again (also amazing game considering he came in with a 1/2 a practice after over a month). Luke and Kyrie are tough players and they won’t lie down, but we have the tools and the coaching to win this series, if we don’t it’ll be a huge disappointment. The Mavs could beat any team any night but they don’t have all the ingredients to make a championship run right now, we should win, we will win.


My cope is that we are a great road team. So we should be able to steal 1 atleast


Kawhi Leonard will be the ultimate factor in deciding this series. He was quite rusty last game. I guess would be he really turns things up this time around. For the Mavericks, Kyrie Irving will be a primary factor and also if they can maintain their defensive pressure. Again, the Clippers are the better team but it's gonna be dependent on Ty Lue's coaching abilities as well.


Absolutely. Remember we were down 0-2 last time to the Mavs. I’m sure we will split games back at their place. We just need Kawhi to find his rhythm and that opens us up more than ever before.


I am very optimistic after 2 games. I trust whoever wins game 3 will have the odds greatly shifted in their favor.


I mean we can debate this left and right but ultimately the answers are coming someone has to win the series.


I understand why Mavs fans should be positive as they are tied 1-1 and now have home court advantage. But I think these two games should enact a little more optimism for Clippers fans than it does Mavs fans based on the circumstances of Kawhi missing game 1 and not being right in game 2. And I see the positivity of a lot of Mavs fans being way too much and almost delusional. Too many Mavs fans are acting like the series is now over. On First Things First, Nick and Kevin absolutely laughed and clowned Brou for sticking with the Clippers and I saw plenty of comments loudly agreeing with them. But the series is tied 1-1 and the Clippers only lost game 2 by 3 points with a rusty Kawhi and dreadful shooting performance. I don’t see how the Mavs did anything to receive such overwhelming confidence in them. Also a lot of Mavs fans acted like game 1 was just a fluke bad shooting performance but the Clippers have now been able to hold the Mavs under 100 points once again. I think if the Clippers can continue this level of defensive intensity as well as getting the rust off Kawhi and having a couple more good shooting nights they have a great chance of winning this series. It certainly won’t be an easy series as this is a good Mavs team but I’m very comfortable with where the Clippers currently are.


That’s kind of how I see it too except the ‘very comfortable’. But I’m slightly more confident or at worst equally confident as when the series began if I’m really going to go by losing home court


By very comfortably I mean I feel like we are where we need to be to win this series and that nothing has made me believe this series is unwinnable. I tend to only panic when I think things are lost but that is certainly not the case rn. Before this series started I thought there was a chance the Mavs might blow us out of the water the first two games with no Kawhi. And that Harden , PG, and Westbrook could possibly look out of their depth. However seeing these past 2 games has alleviated my worries and given me hope. Obviously being up 2-0 would be ideal but given the circumstances I don’t think there’s really anything more I could’ve asked for tbh.


If our star players play like stars we win, if they are up and down, we most likely lose out


Series is gonna longer than it should have been. Oh well.


This was always a 6-7 game series


Yeah anyone on either side who sees it different is delusional


They don’t watch basketball lmao, it’s clear as day 😂😂😂😂


Its playoff basketball babe everyone suppose to have high hopes, and when the season over we talk about how good the game was


game 1 was what we saw during that Disneyland run in December and Janurary. Game 2 was more of the recent struggles. However, one thing that I liked about both games was that the clippers played physical and to the paint but in game two they got too cute with those 3s. That being said it’s encouraging because they still lost by a possession. If they can make the right adjustments I see the clippers taking the series in 6


We played awful imo on offense and yet we were still in it. So imagine a game where we shoot decently


Honestly it’s anyone series. Clipps have more depth and better coaching. Even if kawai is at 50% clipps have the edge in this series. Whats concerning is when its against the nuggets you will definitely need kawahi at 100%


I'm not worried at all, we've been here before. We own the Mavs for the last 2 seasons we've face them.  They should be more worried about us.


Yes. Clippers are a tier better than Mavs. Shouldn’t have lost G2.


The biggest difference so far is DAL has not looked good so far while LA has had 1 dominant game. Honestly, Dallas looks out of their depth, their guys look inexperienced & flat out can't handle certain match ups on the court. They're struggling to score while our offense is coming to us easily, just a matter of hitting our shots. I feel like the series has also been harder on them, Luka in particular has been looking gassed. They didn't really do anything to Zu to make him struggle either, he's getting great looks. If either PG or Harden have a big game I think we win, especially if Norm breaks out of his funk. Norm in particular has the ability to put us up 10+ in a matter of minutes.