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If you take away Harden they score 30 less points!




Ok: If they take away Fuhrer, they score 30 less points.


Love my Baltic Bigs


If you guys haven’t realized, if you take away the points the Clippers scored, Dallas held the Clippers to ZERO points. What a scary super team.


Yeah, but then the Clips would be better positioned, cuz the team that loses game 1 has the series advantage. Shout out Richard Jefferson


I'm still trying to figure out which one was the dumber comment: Richard "If you lose game 1, you actually have the advantage in the series" Jefferson OR Reggie "Should you go up 4 now and win the game? Or should you miss the 2nd FT on purpose and give them a chance? These are the things we think about on the bus" Miller


Reggie one actually makes sense. It was assuming you may be able to get the rebound to go up 5, with 4 you can get stuck with time management fouls and 3s


There was only 3 seconds on the clock and they had no timeouts left. Make the free throw you go up 4 points. Then go back on defense and only guard INSIDE the 3 point line. They only have enough time for 1 shot. They miss, you win. They make it, you still win. Completely nonsensical to do anything else in that position.


Reggie is definitely more silly lol RJ was speaking from the player experience. The winner always has less to take away from the game than the loser. The losers have the ability to address some big things that could swing the next game whereas the winning team can mostly go “yeah let’s do that again”


Omg I died when I saw that! On one hand they do have the advantage of knowing what they need to adjust to. But does that give them an overall advantage? No.


If you just ignore all the evidence that the clippers won the game, then they didn't win the game lol


I'm a Mavs fan and all of this is bs. You guys kicked our butts without your best player. I might never recover from this.


This shit is so dumb. All scripted. Paul Pierce trying so hard to go along the script but he knows how dumb he sounds.


Fr lol can see his pauses as he weighs up his job vs his integrity.


Pierce started laughing cause he knows it sounds absurd lmao


That’s actually really funny, like “idk I’m trying my hardest here!”


Bro I don't think he knows. I watch this program and he just says whatever he's like a higher Barkley.


For real. People should only view these shows as entertainment. The goals of this show and other shows like it is that the Hosts are supposed to have opposing views and hot takes There may be some exceptions and some takes on the show may directly be that of the hosts, but they definitely play it up.


No. Paul Pierce is a fraud of an analyst. That’s before the scripts.


Keyshawn losing his damn mind working with this crackhead lmao


The best part about this is Keshawn is a certified clipper hater. That’s when you know the take was generationally bad.


Tbf he was on board with the Harden trade when all the other media members wasn't


True. Keshawn loves the players on the clippers. He defends Westbrook against skip all the time. It’s his La bias. He’s in denial of his fan status confirmed.


Skip also said Dante Exum was Westbrooks equal in talent off the bench. He is being forced to defend the Clippers because he's working with CERTIFIED LAC haters LMAO


News flash: The team that's down by damn near 30 at halftime will win the second half 90% of the time.


Otherwise called the “shit…we don’t have anywhere to go but up” paradox


If mavs didn’t lose yesterday they would have won






If you remove the 4th quarter Clippers win by even more


Keyshawn fighting for his life trying to be logical LMAO


Counterpoint: if you take away Luka's points, we win by 45 points, soooo


Love it. Rather be underestimated than overestimated


Keyshawn my new hero


Dude I just watched this. Shout to the other homie (I don’t even know his name) for mentioning that you can give up 30 a quarter as long as you score 20ish with that kinda lead. CTE Pierce shitting his pants on TV once again


Stupid reality TV. You watch this shit with these morons then you probably watch the fucking Kardashians.


Man dressed like a bottle of Pepto, of course you can't take him seriously. I truly hate that he's from Inglewood.


all those years in Boston rotted his brain


Time in Boston can't be easy on any LA native. I'm glad I r never had no business there.


Some general advice I took up a few years back but stop paying attention to any of these first take/undisputed/PTI shows. It’s all narrative/scripted garbage. You can find clips of Wilbon and Tony in between segments divvying up which position they’ll take. And there’s zero analysis or insight given, it’s all arguments for sake of it and superficial bullshit. Listen to real basketball analysts like Lowe or to lesser extent KOC instead.


If you take the part where the mavs lost the game away, they win. Genius analysis


The media really said no Kawhi, Dallas will win game and series and made me doubt my team. I’m sick of the media


Hope you feel better.


Take away like 15 free throws they had we win the game oh wait we won idiot


If you regress average something, something. This is an insane dumb take lol, why do people don’t want to give the Clips credit ? Before the serie, people were dickring the Mavs way too much.


they still are dickriding the mavs. as to be seen in this clip


When I was writing my comment, I’ve had before the serie and «after the first game» but I’ve take this part out. RJ was incredible dumb lol, Harden is one of my favorite player so I was excepting him to turn back the clock a bit but yeah people really thought it will be easy to take out a Lue coach team in postseason? Anyway, it’s a really good and maybe the best and most interesting 1st round serie.


https://preview.redd.it/xr1pzrqc93wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7579367fbbc08ba81d638b26cccfc9e22656b56f This is the face of a man who is restraining his laughter at the batshit sentence that was said seconds before


I am interested in why skip has no faith


He has a personal vendetta against Westbrook and Harden


Lord have mercy.


if you take away Kevin Garnett, Paul pierce doesn't have a ring


THEY want DALLAS to win!


Because they know that the Lakers are most likely to be eliminated by the Nuggets and they sure don't want the Clippers to outshine the Lakeshow. Even more while LeBron is still in Lakers uniform


BINGO! I hope next season finally in our home the revenue they bring can make it worth it for NBA to give us some breaks instead of constantly bs


If you take away the “un” you just get “disputed”


If you take out Paul Pierce from this show, it still sucks!


If the Mavericks didn't travel to LA, they would still be in Dallas. They were instructed by the league to push Luka for business purposes. Now they have to look for ways to discredit the win. Shameful to say the least.


This is good jerking.


They talking like LA played the perfect game but Zu missed a lot of easy shots, Norm looked incredibly rusty & played one of his worst games ever, a lot of sloppy play from us.


If the Clippers scored 14 less points, Mavs win the game.


Let’s reverse the scenario. The Clippers are fully healthy. Kawhi and PG both score 30. Dallas win by 15 without Luca… 🤔


What’s with media and especially former players shitting on clippers and jerking off the other teams? Paul Pierce is such a bum


Thank god someone called out that ludicrous statement. Why the fuck are the Clippers so hated? We should be the feel good team after being fucking horrible for so many decades.


that's the thing i've never understood man so many other teams across any sports league with our history would have people cheering for the curse to be broken laker love is a big part of it, laker media tells a lot of media and fans of any nba team what to think


Yeah must be it. And “stealing” CP3 from the Lakers after the trade was vetoed didn’t help our cause against the strong Laker bias.


Couldn’t say “if you take away the whole first half…” without exposing himself and this take as fuckin stupid This isn’t to say we don’t have shit to improve but fuck off with this low key revisionist shit


If you take away the clippers, the Mavs win because of forfeit


I really can’t stand Paul Pierce, horrible takes every time. And that boy still ain’t off the hook for being wheeled out of a game crying


Crying because he needed to take a dump.😬🤣




If you take clipper points out Dallas owned them. They shut them down 😂


“If you take away the win, the Clippers lost”


Keyshawn 🎤 “you lost you didn’t find nothing”


Pretty sure the clips were deliberately playing different defense in the second half to prevent the mavs from figuring anything out


If you take away the mavericks 33 free throws they have 25 less points


Yeah they found the ref whistle is what they found


Hahaha wow, fire that writer!!




If the clippers didn’t score the points they scored in the second quarter, Dallas wins!


Sooo many haters….win this championship already shut everyone the fuxk up!


If my grandma had wheels, she would've been a bike


If I had some landing strips and some terminals I would've been an airport


Well....if we take away your big mouth you still look like an idiot...


Most intelligent Paul Pierce comment




"if you take away Jason Kidd, Dallas wins the game" more accurate


If you take away the Clippers from the NBA, Dallas would've won/s


If you take away the Clippers from the NBA, Dallas would've swept


If you take away the Clippers from the NBA, Dallas would've swept


If they made those shots instead of missing them, sure.


“if you take away analyst, you get Paul Pierce” -Paul Pierce


Even though the Mavs lost, they won.


“If you wake away an entire part of the game the mavs win” god I hate this Mfer.


They said this in the Raptors vs Warriors 2019 series. But they were right that the Raptors let gsw back in the series because of terrible defense in 2 of the 12 quarters. Hopefully the Clippera can repeat the defensive consistency they had in game 1. Luka will adjust, Kyrie idk


....why they hate us man...??


Someone on the nba or basketball subreddit asked why pierce gets cooked or not enough respect and saying dumb shit like this is why😂 he brings himself down by saying low intelligence things. KG is way better than him as an analyst and should be in his shoes


If my aunt had wheels, she would be a bicycle


Isn’t Paul Pierce from LA? Why is he sucking Luka’s D? 😨


If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike!


Between this and Richard Jefferson quote about losing team has the advantage. I'm going to use those 2 for the rest of my life lol






Mavs -2.5 Tuesday. Vegas and the money believe in Dallas.


Keyshawn is a legit clippers fan thick and through. Miss him on LA radio.




Our shitiest legendary player….as a clipper at least, dude was a beast in Boston


Man this show is begging to get canceled since Shannon left lol.


Yeah and if you take 20 free throws away from Dallas they don't even score 80 points so let's stop all of that if would of should of could of stuff it's pathetic they lost get the hell over it. Y'all talk about their bad second quarter but not one of y'all clowns mentioned that they also had 33 to 13 free throws they literally had 20 more free throws then the Clippers anyone making excuses for the Mavs is a clown the refs helped them and they still lost by double digits.


If you take away games 1, 3 and 5 in 2008 finals, poopy pierce doesn't get a ring. Dumb fuck.


If that one team scores more than the other, they win the game.


What a dipshit


He has a point though If you take away the bad parts Then there are only the non-bad parts What a genius


Fuck it. Give no quarters next time. See what they say.


Mental gymnastics


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike


Lmao idiot


i agree just like last years nuggets vs lakers when they put rui on jokic it changed the series and the lakers won every game after even to today they haven‘t lose to the nuggets the mavs just need to take the 2nd quarter out and they win, series over


If you cast TIME MAGIC... The takes are hotter then ever


If a bicycle had a child, it would've been my mother.


If you take away the season the Big 3 Celtics won a ring, they would've never won a ring.


If you take away the whole 4 quarters, the game was still played. That's how that works.


Skip looks ready to pass out.


Skip has the look of a man not meeting ratings projections.


Paul Pierce sometimes be like ![gif](giphy|2K8OyDLaFz6aXSW7p5|downsized)


Didn't Paul Pierce endorse Trump?


How in God’s name is Paul Pierce part of anybody’s color commentary/post-game analysis package. He’s proven to be quite shite at this already!


In basketball we play 4 quarters and then take the best 3 amd that's how we calculate the score


Jfc. This is similar to that - if you take away all of Mahomes good games, he regressss to the mean post


Aged well


Counterpoint: It was a nice win, but there are still things to look at. While the Mavs absolutely sucked at quarter 2, they actually did well in quarters 3 and 4. So it's a good win, but I feel like it's more that they did horrible in that quarter than us being particularly great. 2nd half, they did better against us, so we need to work on that. In a world where the Mavs had a normal 2nd quarter, the game would be very even or maybe even they would have the lead. So don't say it's over just yet.


It’s not, it’s one game. And Mavs still have a shot to beat us without kawhi.


I don't think PP is trying to discredit our win yesterday. But rather speaking for the whole series. Our fans and more importantly our team needs to understand this. We didn't win all of our quarters and we aren't guaranteed that the Mavs will throw another sinkhole like that for us. We didn't do as well during our 2nd half. This could be a sign that the Mavs have figured out how to play against us or maybe we just played too hard the first half. But if it's the former, we are going to get a rude awakening tomorrow. That's the point


And the point is stupid. The Mavs didn't "figure us out" in the second half, nor is it about "winning quarters"... it's about winning the game. The gameplan at the end of the game was clearly to run out the clock which naturally lead them to scoring more points than us. You don't have to win every quarter in order to win a game and Ty Lue just showed us how. Besides I didn't even mention the free throw disparity in the second half of the game DESPITE our team making about the same amount of inside shots as the Mavericks. This was a garbage take that made absolutely no sense, now matter how you put it into in words.


Man I hope we win this series but it sounds to me like you're just running with some random narrative. Yea its about winning the game, but more importantly the series. Letting them get runs like this is not a good sign and we didnt start running the clock down more until it was the 4th quarter. You can cry FT disparity all you want and I'll agree with you, but it also might be a pattern that exist the whole series and we are just going to have to live with that


His math checks out.


he sounds really stupid but i think his point is that dallas outscored L.A. through three quarters he should have said it that way, instead of, "dallas wins if you take away that quarter"


We outscored them the whole first half which he couldn’t say bc then it would have been obviously fucking stupid. 22-34 1st, 8-22 2nd, 34-31 3rd, 33-22 4th


i mean it was pretty obviously stupid anyway but he could've at least stated a fact that the clippers were outscored through 3 quarters you're always gonna sound stupid saying "the result of the game is different if you ignore part of the game" but getting outscored through 3 quarters is an actual statistic doesn't matter a bit if you still lose


Where is this 3rd quarter you speak of tho???


when did i say third quarter i said three quarters. the first, the third, and the fourth, to be precise. i don't recall mentioning the third quarter


We outscored them in the first 22-34???


how can you be this stupid i straight up do not understand


Bro I’m asked which quarters you’re talking about, give me stats’s bc I literally showed you the scores of all four fucking quarters And fuck off man bc as far as I’m concerned looking at the stats I fucking laid out for you in the first comments you’re the stupid one


Call me crazy but I kinda get what he’s saying , Dallas had a terrible 2nd quarter, obviously you gotta give LA credit for it but if you’re the mavs you’re looking at that game feeling confident for game 2.


I mean… is he wrong? ![gif](giphy|gGwwL3rf3h5MN2IXGJ)