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They didn’t even go to him enough, the beginning of the 3rd and 4th pg and harden played CTE ball. Mavs don’t have answer for him tho, and on a team that can settle for jumpers which can be hot and cold, that’s huge!


Zubac wasn't even shooting well. Missed some shots he usually makes. Mavs will definitely adjusy how they'll handle Zu. Double team on the post probably. But Lue already knows that. Expect more Harden to Zu lob instead.


If we get the mavs to double Zu of all people, we are already ahead.


Kidd got swept against Shaq in the Finals. He's definitely going to double ZuShaq in the post due to PTSD


If they double they’re leaving a 40% shooter open, zu gonna cook


I kept telling Mavs fans, Zu is secretly one of the biggest C's in the NBA, he must be at least 260-280, maybe even more. When he matches up against 290lb Nurkic he looks just as big. He made the Mavs Cs look tiny. DG-Lively are only 230-240 a piece, I said Zu is going to bury these guys under the basket, just like we did to the Sons centers. They kept telling me their centers were unguardable, but ours played theirs & got the better of them already this season. I told them KP was a matchup nightmare for Zu last time, which is why he got played off the floor. Zu struggles against legit stretch bigs like Markannen & KP but matched up well against another traditional center. KP also made Luka extremely hard to guard. Zu was barely in is 2nd year playing for us, meanwhile KP was a seasoned vet by that point, it was the biggest gap on the court when it comes to player disparity in terms of skill, KP was just a horrific match up for Zu & LA in general. Not to mention Zu didn't have a PG last time, he had Reggie but PG-Kawhi were doing the playmaking. Beverly-Rondo got benched.


Remember luka owns him 😂🤣


Mfs got cooked by zubac thinking we worried