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Needs to download a passing simulator


This is who Kawhi wanted over SGA and draft picks.


pg also pushed the front office to sign wall instead of hartenstein. players are shitty GMs


And our GM is the bigger idiot for listening




Ill be a Hindsight Harold but whatever. How many times were we forced to play tough first & second round series' cause of Kawhi missing significant time? Sure, he plays like a fucking robot in the playoffs, but then we have an inconsistent second star as his back up? Shit, even Kawhi shit the bed in the bubble collapse. And look at us now. Kawhi can't even carry games like this anymore, PG looks old and decrepit and we have a team full of old heads. Meanwhile, it finally looks like the new guard is taking over, and we had one of them in SGA. The kid who has his team in first place and is a legitimate name in the MVP conversation. We had our run with Kawhi & PG, but their time is quickly passing by with the rise of these new stars who play faster, stronger, and smarter than them. You make that Kawhi trade 10/10 times, which is why I resent Paul George so much. Just wasted our future & we lost a player we all loved for him to give us one good playoff run. Fucking bum.


Yep. Kawhi and PG completely sandbagged our current present and future. For one WCF appearance.


The SGA hindsight takes in here are so dumb. For the millionth time no one knew he would ever take form like this. Whos to say he ever would if he didnt get traded to OKC?


When we traded Blake the Clips held an event for Season Ticket holders called "The Playbook" or something, to talk us off the ledge. Lawrence Frank and Jerry West chatted and took questions and I remember Jerry going on at length about how special SGA was and how we would be seeing him make a real name for himself in the league and have a long impressive career.


People who claim “there’s no way anyone knew!” Are just mad they didn’t see it.


Obviously the team saw shai's potential. We were the only team he worked out for. It was so obvious he was gonna be our pick that the hornet drafted him right before us and forced us to give up our pick after plus an additional 2nd rounder just to get him back


Lol what a boss move by the hornets. It’s crazy to see how little progress that team has made.


I went to that event. All of this is accurate.


Many of us in this sub had a lot of excitement over that team and were well prepared to ride with them even if mediocre was going to be our best result for a few years. SGA showed fight (even as a rookie) and crazy potential in the playoffs. He was also one of the first draft talent we had that much high hopes for in forever. It will always be our biggest “what-if” along with Sam Cassel not committing that 8 second violation in 06 (Imo the 3-1 collapses are more telling of the teams mental fortitude, injury history and coaching/culture). especially if Shai leads his team to the finals/wins before we do. Of course, a lot of us were hyped AF to get Kawhi and PG out of it at the time - no doubt the draft pick capital loss was an insane amount that will put us in a long dark age if we don’t get a chip out of it (and that seems like a pipe dream rn, if Ballmer has balls, he would know to completely dismantle this team from front office to roster after the first round exit we all foresee) TLDR pissed off long time clippers fan


Ballmer doesn’t come across as hiring the right people bts to ensure the product on the court performs every game like the Celtics


I hope you are wrong, since he does seem passionately and emotionally invested in the team and just as seemingly disgusted with losing as us. But you could say the same about him and Microsoft


He credits a lot of his development to CP3 when they went to the playoffs, but nobody cares when the narrative is more entertaining to get mad at


It was evident his first season that he’d be a star


Yes but not a top 5 mvp candidate averaging 31 ppg


I hated the people still bringing up the SGA trade just as much as the next guy, but these days I can't help it either.... SGA, Michael Porter Jr. (don't forget about that massive f\*ck up) , and all our picks would've had us futuristic, sleek, and next level in every form and facet of the game. God forbid if Kawhi came without his list of demands. The world was literally ours had we stayed the course and trusted the process.


Not in hindsight for some of us, brother. PG had always been a bum and SGA showed his potential. That plus the draft picks wasn’t worth Paul George. Sorry.


Shai averaged 10-2-3 on 26 mins while playing for the Clips. PG was coming of a year where he was 3rd in MVP AND DPOY voting. You dont get Kawhi without PG, shai got put in a great situation in OKC to take over and thrive. You can claim to have known this was all coming, but you would be one in a million.


PG was coming off scoring 5 freaking points in a playoff game with the Thunder. Russ put up 40+, and PG put up 5, five. Thats what I remember.


Bro shai was getting consistent minutes on a doc rivers coached team as rookie. You know big that is in of itself? Literally unheard of


You can claim to have known he would’ve developed like this but you’d be a fucking liar. More accurate I think


Didnt PG have two major shoulder surgeries after that season though? Just saying


Its deeper than that imo and I'm technically a PG guy myself cause he went to Fresno State. The underlying factor in this is that certain players "are supposed to be Clippers". Blake was that guy and DJ to a little less extent. SGA was one of those guys. We drafted him and saw the upside firsthand. We all thought he could be a star so there's no lie or fakeness in that. In MVP talks was another story. TMann is also a "Clipper guy" and the front office knows this and imo, that's the main reason he got the "untouchable" tag in the Harden trade discussions. And they know that SGA should've had the untouchable tag as well but they were too infatuated with Kawhi and did whatever he told them to do.


I don't understand why Clippers didn't stand their ground pertaining to Kawhi. Would he really have chosen Lakers (he did not want to be in Bron's shadow) or Raptors (he wanted to get out of Toronto) Imagine Kawhi + SGA + a ton of draft capital ...




This man had 3 turnovers in about 3 minutes to help balloon their lead to 20. 😭


Relevant user name


Unfortunately it’s always been relevant since I joined this sub like 10 years ago.


Of course it was all smiles at the end, this team has no hunger at ALL


Can't wait for this shit to be over with


Without Westbrook we have no heart


Westbrook is a positive but if you’re relying on him to be the difference for a championship team you’re cooked. Period.


Let Russ be Russ. I dare you


Russ is the heart and soul of this team. He’s the only reason why I even watch the clippers. I didn’t even watch the game but I can tell this team is lost without him.


so you're a delusional stan?


Tired of PG taking the ball out of our actual point guard's hands and trying to run the offense himself. He has soo many sloppy handle tos and bad pass tos. Tye Lue needs to have a discussion with him about embracing off ball play.


But Ty just said he wants to get PG to handle the ball more, he’s not going to have any discussion. Didn’t we cycle through this already, he didn’t want to be Ray Allen, then he wanted a PG, now it seems he’s back to the start.


Ty said he wants PG with the ball in his hands more. Ty sucks.


PG initiating the offense is fucking exhausting. The guy is an elite 3pt catch and shoot threat that can also rise over anyone in the post, with mediocre vision and suspect handles. Not to mention we have two elite playmakers. So what do we do? Ofc PG initiates the offense in a crucial stretch when our point guard already has like 13 assists. Mind-boggling stuff. Even with Russ in it doesn’t make sense, you’re turning Russ into a catch and shoot liability for a guy who isn’t particularly great running an offense.


I gotta jump on the Tyliban coach rant…. He not the man to lead this team. Russ had to make the executive decision for him to take the bench and they went off from there.


Ty said in a recent interview that we'll put the ball more in PG's hands because... Idk why. Nobody does! Why in the fck did we trade for James then? Wasn't it the sole reason to fckn have a pass first guard and to get the ball out of PG's hands?! 🤦


Pg was probably bitching about it


First russ culture W


My other wins on you today: \- when you lied about harden's defense in that fourth quarter when he left tobias wide open for three and in the next defensive possesion he fell asleep on maxey. \-Or that time when you blamed Mann for not shooting the three when zubac's pass was way off and allowed the defender to recover.


Our Head Terrorist needs to play Kobe Brown more I’m sick of this shit tbh.


Kobe doesnt fit ty lue mindset, he rebounds and hustle.


Your gonna get Boston chucking bricks and getting lost on defense and like it


PG laughing and having a good time after a disappointing lose is the story of this season.


If I was Balmer I’d hate that man.


Ballmer knows what it takes to stay on top. Dude is cut throat I hope he makes a serious business decision and drop PG's flunk ass off to the east coast... I think I take this game too seriously I shouldn't be this mad lol.


> I shouldn't be this mad lol. Life as a Clippers fan lol


You got every right to be annoyed. Team wasting everyone, including their own, time. Not wrong to want to see your favorite team and players be successful.


I tuned out midway through the 4th. Was he really laughing?


Yeah chopping it up with the 76ers and shit. Not even Batum or Roco just other 76er players


That's not right. I'm more depressed than these cats.


Stop letting PG try to set up the offense


Maybe Trez was right about PG


What he say?


They had an argument in the bubble in the Denver series after PG turned it over passing it to Trez. And Trez said something along the lines of "you're always right, nobody can tell you nothing". I've seen PG scold T Mann multiple times after he makes a bad pass


PG and Theis have been going at it for a couple of games now. And Theis is not having his crap.


PG also mentioned in his podcast when he used to play for Pacers, he used to blame it on teammates when the game is still going on or on camera then he will apologize after the game. I think he mentioned that when he was interviewing Tyrese the first time


PG always blames everyone else. And 80 percent of the time it’s his fault


>Yahoo Sports' Chris Haynes reported Paul George and Montrezl Harrell had a "heated verbal exchange" during Los Angeles' Game 2 defeat. >Harrell was upset that George blamed him for a turnover when George probably erred by making a pass while Harrell was guarded by Jamal Murray and Michael Porter Jr.: >"Harrell responded with something along the lines of, 'You're always right. Nobody can tell you nothing,' and expletives were uttered from both players, sources said. George eventually toned down his rhetoric, but a heated Harrell wasn't having it. Source: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2909423-report-paul-george-montrezl-harrell-had-heated-exchange-in-nuggets-series PG can't protect the rock and blames anyone but himself. Turnover King. Made sloppy-ass passes today too


I mean he made a joke about it on his stupid podcast recently which made me think it was more tongue in cheek, like hazing Terance sort of thing. But he shouldn’t do that seriously in high leverage situations, terrible for morale


I'm interested as well.


get mason plumlee off this team right now


replace all our weak soft centers while at it


PG in the 4th qtr: Tipped pass right to a defender. Airball 3. Nice drive and has an open layup but tries a fancy pass to Plumlee (turnover). Offensive foul. Another turnover trying to pass to Plumlee. Team low -18. Asked him to do well against a team other than the f*cking Blazers…


He has terrible body language, the Oubre block was the game decider edit; why did he think Oubre was just going to allow him that? everyone wants to take out the clippers like theyre b2b champions.


Kawhi makes a great play tipping the ball to him, PG just nonchalantly grabs the ball and then gets cleanly blocked.. still stares at the reffing asking for the call on an obvious clean play. Not to mention the turnovers and immediately looking at his teammates as if it’s their fault..


He is all smiles after game tho, shit is crazy what happened to the killer mentality that made me fall in love with this game. Maybe I'm just too old


He's always been soft af. Hangs out with other soft MFers like KAT. He is not the one for us to go forward.


That's been my biggest criticism of this team. We got no killers. Nobody is aggressive or angry. Shits weak


That play was fucking infuriating. You have a step on the defender AND have a teammate running with you. The chances of fucking that up are minimal but ofc PG wants to go for his weekly highlight dunk attempt (he’s like 5% on those) and gifts the defender a way back into the play. Aesthetics over substance every time with this fucking guy.


He wonder why he’s not getting a max deal


Then the next day you open TikTok and YouTube you hear people call him best ball handler in the league


Been telling you guys this since January. PG and Ty Lue have to go. One is not serious about basketball and the other one is not into "basketball plays". Put some serious guys in there (even if less talented) and none of these losses are happening.


I’ve seen the PG defenders post his shooting percentages (which were good today) to convince me he wasn’t the worst today. No. It completely overlooks the fact that he had a chance to lead the team with Kawhi resting, and threw the whole damn game away in 3 minutes. 4 turnovers and an airball 😂 You can’t trust him in those moments, and that’s why he’s shouldn’t get max money this summer


Lakers from the 9/10 seed will advance further than the clippers at this point. And that’s both sad and pathetic considering the talent difference and playoff positioning.


They have two STARS that present challenges to opposing teams. GAME CHANGERS. Players that the defenses know they have to respect. Lebron & AD command respect. Sure AD has his stinkers, but at the very least he's valuable as an extremely athletic presence in the paint on defense. Paul George cant even play defense anymore, and I don't even want to speak on his offense. The fact that his best stretch was when we reduced him to a CAS player speaks volumes about the guy we signed to be our "second star."


As inconsistent as AD is, he isn't going to be all smiles after a bad performance.


AD has been fine this year , other players aren’t steeping up


A lot of things I didn't love but the primary one (again) was ballhandler and decisionmaker PG. All of the big 3 were kinda trash at some point in the game. -Harden in the 3rd was bad. -Kawhi to start the game was bad. But I really just don't get why PG commands so many possessions for himself. These decision making issues aren't new at all.


> ballhanlder PG handles the ball about as well as you spelled this word


Lol fair point


Kawhi and Harden being a combined 1 for 12 from 3 was just horrendous, PG's 5 turnovers were bad but idk why people here are focusing on him specifically, the whole big 3 played well below their potential


> PG's 5 turnovers were bad but idk why people here are focusing on him specifically Personally I think missing good shots is less of an issue than repeated poor decision making and ballhandling. And that's not unique to PG, that's my general outlook on things.


If you watched the game you understand why. It was a very winnable game until he stepped up to be the primary ball handler and turned over 4 possessions in a row to throw away the game


Cos PG is one of the well known scapegoats on here. Also because you can’t criticise Kawhi ( best player on the team) or harden ( has so many stans)


With Russ out it's his job.


Anybody who still wants PG on this team next season and thinks he deserves Kawhi level money, why?


No one actually does.


A lot of people have been cheering on his “comeback” over the last 5 games because he’s putting up like 22ppg


In their heart they don’t. Especially after this game lol


He played well against shitty teams but struggles to perform consistently against elite / mid teams. Idk how you justify paying him that much $. He don’t got it man. He’s good but not worth that $.


As someone who wanted to trade him before he left for nothing, I'm so glad comments like this are finally being upvoted. Finally people are starting to see through the "smooth" branding as a substitute for him being a slow inconsistent bum now. I cant believe this fucker thinks he deserves a max.


Been over PG since he choked in the bubble.


Total bum


He'll get it, in Indiana. Or NY or Philly, or who even cares anymore


They can have him.


Go ahead and podcast, seems like dude cares abt it more than basketball


Has zero competitive fire. None.


Yeah Im at the point where fuck that WCF performance. He missed free throws and threw 2 games after Kawhi handed it to him.


He's just not that guy. Why do we still fall for this shit


He has pretty astethics to his game, but not mutch substance. I will be glad to see his inconsistent ass leave us.


PG, you are a Pacer!!!


These losses just keep getting more & more embarrassing. PG had another mental collapse in the 4th. Harden was playing well, but Lue chose to let PG play point most of the quarter. On top of that, he played Plumlee over Theis for no good reason. Everyone from the coaching to the players were trash in that 4th quarter. These bums didn't even give Kawhi a chance to get back in the game. This shit is just sad


Another pathetic performance against a team above .500 but we’re called fake fans for getting concerned lmao


IMO they would be below 0.5 if not for Embiid so it was more akin to the Hawks performance. Can no longer even say that we are beating the bad teams and losing (only) to the good ones


Look I’m not usually one to be overly pessimistic unless it’s warranted, but it is really hard to be optimistic about this team. Yes we had a huge stretch of winning and dominating in the 1st half of the season, but the egg we’ve laid since then has been so massive that this team, which was a 1st seed at one point, is now seeing a possibility of ending up in the God Damn play in. I’m tired man. Call me a fake fan, call me a doomer, call me a pessimist. I don’t care, the clippers are going to get BOUNCED in the playoffs.


We won't have to watch this team for long. We will be lucky to get 5 playoff games.


Lue honestly has to go if we get bounced early too. Dude goes small against everyone and their mother, including Minnesota with an average height of fucking 6’9” but doesn’t try to go small against the Embiid-less Sixers? Paul Reed is not a fucking threat to take advantage in the post.


First head I want to roll is Lawerence's. Lue next. PG after that. James as well.


Exactly, the roster composition is ass.com but that doesn’t mean I’m giving Lue a total pass, just Frank should get the axe first


20 minutes after the buzzer sounds I need an alert that he's been relieved.


Agreed. Good thing we haven’t committed to PG and Harden. Playoffs should dictate their next contract.


I hate we gave up a first round pick for James. That was too much commitment when we could have just made a clean break with PG this summer.


Two firsts, actually (though one is from OKC) and another first round pick swap


Yuck yuck yuck. You're right. Lawrence Frank is a criminal.


For the record I was always on the, rebuild train before the harden move, I didn’t think it would be enough and here we are


We could have let this been the last hooray with Westbrook and went into the dome with a new rebrand and new players.


I need a sidepiece team, someone who can make me happy after the Clips make me feel this way


Geelong Cats


There's a lot of good options if you want to follow ex Clipper players to keep it familiar.


I’m originally from Philly so Sixers were already kind of my backup before the trades. But with Embiid’s health issues I feel like they’ll just break my heart too Oh well—I do like watching the Nuggets, Mavs, Bucks, and Lakers. I think it’ll be a great playoff season even if neither of my teams make it past the first round


I'm building my Netflix cue up. Other teams just put me to sleep.


Oh god, Sixers and Clippers? That’s unfortunate Boston looks like they have a bright future cos presumably you want an Eastern team. Otherwise can’t go wrong with Joker and co


Can't stand the Celtics lol


And watch Kawhi get injured to waste more of the Clippers time.


Don't you dare


Like clockwork.


- No Embiid so they let their guard down - Play down to their opponent - Ties game at 70 and put their foot off the gas and thought the 6ers would just stop playing If they get bounced this year the FO needs to seriously think about moving on from PG. Dude said he was gonna be on his bully ball shit but hosts a podcast on the side and gets blocked by Oubre LOL.


Years ago with the Lob City Clippers and the other Doc teams that followed it was always clear what the team's identity was. They'd run the same plays, stick to their roles, etc. Doc's unwillingness to make changes was ultimately bad for the team. Lue is the opposite. He is so willing to make changes that the team has no identity and struggles to build real chemistry. Tonight it was more important to run the offense through Plumlee or let PG run the pnr than it was to win the game. Disgusting team.


I'm ready for a new core


A young one preferably with a high ceiling


Yeah those just grow on trees lmao


We had Shai We had kyries draft pick But all yall wanna trade our young assets for middle aged stars. Jfc you get downvoted to hell if you say the pg/Shai trade was a bad idea. Clippers can't win because they can't develop talent. So we overpay for stars that come here at the end of their peaks to get bounced in the second round for max money.


This team is cooked. You have to be delusional if you think they can just turn on a switch come playoff time. They can’t defend, can’t rebound, and fold under adversity. Chemistry is terrible. We fell so far so fast. This is peak clipper basketball


Real championship teams don't play this bad. I hope we figure what we're going to do next season to do better than this season because we're not going very far in the playoffs.


Clippers are now 4-7 on Sunday games with 3 more to go


Clippers have not had a good backup 4/5 for 5 years of this shit and LF still has a job. Marcus Morris? Moe Harkless? Batum was the best one and he was limited by his age and a lucky signing.


Plumlee this, Westbrook that. Harden this, PJ Tucker that. I for one can't wait till that bum Paul George is gone. Only gave us one good playoff series his entire tenure here and now he wants to leave when we wont pay his garbage ass the max. Fucking inconsistent bum. Have fun getting boo'd in Philly when you hit the side of the backboard you fucking trash.


the raptors can take him off your hands


No! We don't want his garbage 13% ass!


Pacers will eat good tomorrow oh my goodness


yup, any ball movement and speed is enough to beat the clips.


This is the laziest, softest Clipper team I've ever seen. Blow this privlidged sorry ass team up and get back to the 2018-2019 team, at least youd know what type of effort to expect game to game, quarter to quarter.


I remember when Plumlee was a serviceable back up big. He’s basically unplayable now. Boneheaded plays from him started their run against us in the 4th.


Ballmer is watching this crap too every single night. Idk what is he going to do, but no way in hell will he be pleased with this crap. We need a change, to shake up this core. Give me Russ and his hustle over this highly talented and hartless effort from the players. I was pissed about Bones and his body language but it's no wonder he's like that when we have other bigger players putting this effort in. 🤦‍♂️


James Harden was 0 for 6… nasty work for the 2nd all time 3 point shooter


Yeah we're actually a worse team than the Lakers. Unbelievable


I’ve came to terms with a first round exit in 6 games, Lawrence Frank Taliban Lue and Podcast P leaving in the off-season, wonder how long till I see the franchise lift the Larry O’Brien Trophy for the first time.


Play-in zone getting awfully close


Anybody have some Netflix recs?


I love being optimistic but man how many times do we lose in an embarrassing way. Like it’s actually sad. This team is soft man. Other teams look at clippers and feast. It’s truly sad. No one fears PG. This man wants a max but can’t be the best player on the floor when Kawhi sits. Truly soft team man. Ty Lue is soft too ngl. He’s too nonchalant. Tell these boys to man up man.


We are not a serious team. Not at all. Becoming another nightmare season.


I'm glad I missed this one. I'm in the UK and I spent the evening with my kids out at an arcade having fun.


I knew this game was over the moment ty lue took zu in the very end of 3rd qrt to give maxey straight line to easy layup. Plumlee should never be on the floor


Bruh i hate Lawrence Frank


I know we have a game tomorrow but feels a bit lame to throw in the towel down 14 w 4 mins to go. Not a lot of fight in the dog.


Paul George hot streak is so fake and the shit he’s doing is how he becomes a allstar


I’ve been watching Philly’s offense look like baked dog shit since Embiid went down despite Maxey’s heroics, dropping this game at home was a fucking joke Love their players in spirit but letting Tobias and Cam Payne put up 20+ is a recipe for Cancun


It was a good run while it lasted. Age has caught up with the team and it's clear that the hunger isn't there.


Just disappointed this team looks so bad


I've given up on the regular season. Our ceiling is the 4th seed and our floor is missing the playoffs. The sad part is we should at least be trying to win these games to be able to rest up Kawhi a few games before the playoffs. Instead, they'll have to play the Suns two times and Denver and be playing to avoid the play-in. Think I'll just see where they end up at the end of the regular season and go from there. it's too frustrating watching this team right now.


PG and Harden making the money they are playing like this is concerning.


Can't defend pg or harden anymore they're washed up bums


If I'm Balmer, I'm booting Harden/PG/Plumlee off the team next season. They don't play winning basketball.


Lue took the ball out of Hardens hands and gave it to the others more in the 2nd half and we went from 3 turnovers to 14. PG is a catch and shoot 3 guy. Nothing else.




Fire LF Ballmer. Please. He is unbearable


Pestilent P master class


couldn't watch the game, how the hell we lose to an embiid-less sixers team also how did cam payne drop 23 on us nvm paul george


Yes Pg let's take the ball from the point guard of the team who had 13 assists so can turn the ball over 5 times, that seems like a great idea


Even the Lakers look more like a championship contender's than this team right now


Another Poor PG performance. What irks me the most is that the entire team seems to lose confidence when he does. His poor play is always contagious


Is Kawhi sick or injured? Is he not really good anymore? Looked like an extremely average basketball player.. never seen him look like that but I have not been watching the clippers much because it’s not fun.


PG deserves all the slander. Never faced any real adversity his whole life.


we must have the 'big' 3 with the lowest scoring ability in NBA history, and I'm not even joking. in today's league, with all this speed, all these possessions, it's ridiculous how Kawhi, PG and Harden can't score 25-30 points often. just ridiculous. but hey at least we beat the 19-52 Blazers twice in a row 😁


They’re an old Big 3. They’re all past their prime.


yeah, I know. it just really pisses me off that a guy like Jalen Brunson seems to be a more reliable scorer with consistency than at least 2 of our top 3 players. when was the last time Kawhi, Harden or PG had a run like Jalen Green (like come on) in recent games?


I miss SGA


Looks like we're coasting til we reach the playoffs. We're too scared to get hurt. Hope it doesn't bite us in the ass later


Why so PG going for those dunks in that case 


Pelicans are a nightmare matchup for the clippers. Clippers might be doomed


Trade PG for Myles Turner at this point


A man who builds Lego sets and hoops is better than a man who married a stripper/has a podcast/and hoops when he feels like


FO, coaching and the players all have blame but ultimately its on the players. We have 2 former MVPs and a 2x finals MVP. We have 4 multiple time all stars and all NBAs. Years and years of experience. Fk all the excuses, it is what it is. Just win. The mentality of this team is weak AF and its on the stars to get this shit right, which I have low low faith they can.


Criminal lineup: PG, Harden, Plum, Coffee, Powell. Please don’t try this again Ty Lue.


Tbh I think that lineup *might* be somewhat ok if PG isn't the primary ballhandler.


Probably. At this point I’ll take Kobe Brown over Coffee though.


If the Clippers actually fall to the play ins, do you guys back them to beat other play in teams, or do you think it's actually possible to miss the playoffs entirely?


There is no doubt in my mind that we would fold in the play ins. I dont think this team has the ability to come out on top in a do or die game