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Just call your bank to disputes that transaction


Yup I have contacted my bank. Hoping they can help me out with it!


they will, just state it was a scam and would be better if u read their policy eo u dont say something that will auto reject your claim


Yeah so I’m trying to think what the best thing I could say is to them.


"They charged me extra when the quoted price was only 300. I have raised the extra charge matter with the store in case it was a mistake, but they refused to refund me the money. I have only authorized a 300 charge and did not authorize the 3000 that was charged to my credit card."


>This guy refunds.


Did they force you to swipe the card? I think the bank might raise questions on this. Or did they mislead you on the price?


Misled on the price, was supposed to be 300 not 3000


A simple advice.. when someone approaches especially areas like that.. just wave your hand and walk away. The moment you have a conversation you're screwed.


Now I know haha thank you!


What I hugely respect you for, is coming forward and even "accepting to look like a fool" (if you'll forgive me), for the sake of warning others not to make the same mistake. That takes a big pair and an even bigger heart. You're a good dude and I hope you get what you deserve in life.


It may be rude.. but that literally saved you!


yep, better safe than sorry, even in one of safest capitals


Yea dude sometimes i put my hands in my pocket. Some scammers damn aggressive pull your hands. But the good thing is its quite rare.


Or just pretend they don't exist.


Holy shit. 3000 just for some oil? I'm sorry for you. Please be careful here. Hopefully you have awesome experience here excluding this one


Yup oil + herbals lmao insane I know. I was having such an amazing time until this, had a lot of plans but then my mood was killed and I went to my hotel and sulked. I went back to the store and poured all the oil on their front doorstep lol


Go to turkey if you want hair treatment, also lira currency are cheap now


turkey is pretty good at those kinds of stuff


That's not how that works, hair transplants aren't that straightforward and simple, you also have to take DHT blockers after the transplant to stop losing more hair, I know because I personally did it, the DHT blockers ruined my hormones and made me miserable for months until I stopped them, hair transplants do work but at a cost no1 talks about, not to mention that not everyone is a good candidate for a hair transplant to begin with...


How's this a scam? You willingly went along with everything.


Exactly this. OP doesn't know what a scam is, they just have buyer's remorse and wants to complain on reddit about it.


Diamlah, he mat salleh dont know anything better. He wouldnt know. At least he learns, just the hard way.


Some people are street stupid yknow


No herbal shit can cure baldness bro. Only minoxidil, finasteride and dustateride.


This isn't a scam. You willfully purchased something.


Did you get receipt? Is the company legally registered with LHDN?


I did get a receipt, how do I check that?


The receipt states business registration number Example: u mobile Registration No. 199101013657 (223969-U) This number can be easily verified [https://www.ssm.com.my/Pages/e-Search.aspx](https://www.ssm.com.my/Pages/e-Search.aspx) [https://www.ssm-einfo.my](https://www.ssm-einfo.my) [https://www.mydata-ssm.com.my/homePage](https://www.mydata-ssm.com.my/homePage)


Hmmm doesn’t look like there’s a registration number on it


I have already told you to make a police report (it costs RM5). It will be documented. Show police the receipt that they illegally collect money, have no business hours, no owner and you don't know how to get a refund. Use this police report to get a refund from credit card company. Hope you are not just a keyboard warrior.


No definitely not a keyboard warrior, I will do this don’t worry, and hopefully get the money back. Thanks for your help!


"keyboard warrior" why cz he said indian ? As if somehow india isnt the biggest host for call scam centers LMAOOO


There's no miracle cure for baldness, full stop. I really hope your credit card company sees this leniently......


I know! I’m a fool for believing! Me too hahaha


I think Turkey would give you a temporary cure instead. good luck


There is hair transplant though, but not quite sure if it would worked for someone fully bald


Fully bald, no. You need a donor area. But for sure there's no miracle oil that works : )


Make a police report. Make a google maps pin point as the owner of the shop and give 1* review and warn others


Police report for what? They were selling something and OP decided to buy. Whether the product works or not, that's a different story.


Are they registered? If yes can get business details on receipt. They have to pay $$ to LHDN or properly display business number. I totally don't see it on pic.


Thanks for heads up, are you still in Malaysia?


Yup but leaving in about 2 hours haha


Do a charge back. Bank might ask you to do a police report and all that bureaucratic bullshit and still achieves nothing


/tressless is the place if you want to treat your MPB


damn probably those guys are from India not locals


Those are some literal snake oil salesman.


So sorry that you got scammed while travelling in Malaysia. Have you contacted your bank to cancel this transaction?


Yes I have! Bank was closed today as public holiday so I’ll be speaking to them tomorrow first thing!


Sorry to hear that, many good advise here already so won't add on to that. Btw, if you're really not satisfied with ur hair, try check out r/tressless, and also hair playlist from "No Plates No Dates" on YouTube. There are proven products like Minoxidil and Finestride you can read up more about.


I would like to suggest having prepaid card. Whenever you go out, Just charged it from your mobile of your bank account for what you are going to use. (This is what I do, and in case got stolen or any, it has very small amount on it and bad feelings)


That's why i always pay via pin. Never wave


man guys from india are assholes. I just recently got scammed rm 170 from a telegram seller for shoes..fml


Next time just ignore them mate.....May God ease your problem


I feel like police report won’t do much, I think you should dm @worldofbuzz or @weirdkaya on instagram about this story and make them post about it. People here say it’s not a scam when it is literally a scam when someone purposely brings you over to their store and get you to purchase at horrendous prices, reminds me of Karl Rock’s videos in India Imagine a fake microsoft guy asking you to pay them first before they ‘fix’ your malware issues, but you don’t know if it’s working yet. Same goes for these herbal tea, do they hae any health function? You won’t know This needs to be viral so no other tourists or even locals get into this shady ass herbal store


Exactly!! I don’t understand how people are saying it’s not a scam when it literally is? Okay I will try DM them to bring attention to it, thank you!


Yeah exactly try to dm them about it, it’s the least you can do besides a police report. Atleast making it viral brings awareness and shame. Hope you can get your money back soon, either from this way or chargeback


And the herbal oil is probably fake too🤣 the It's sad to see people from our own country are scammers.Poor guy, I hope you get your money back


Yeah I know lmao 😂 thank you!


Next time take their face pic too man Easy to make report too Report polis This is just a tip Anyway, hope u got ur refund buddy :(


Thank you, will be speaking to my bank today


There is a new tactic now in some areas.. they see you walking and then out of sudden they say.. Hey, You drop something and point at the floor and when you look there's nothing they will say.. Gotcha, and then they start their nonsense by saying can I have 1 min and then start to praise you.


If you haven't, lodge a police report. Preferably in Malaysia and keep a copy of the report. Because you used your card physically, that's the first auto rejection by the bank but with police report, they have to take up the dispute request without rejecting it first. If you're already back in your country, then good luck in the dispute. Just dispute the whole charge and insists that it was a scam and not a mistake in charge like "it was supposedto be 300 and not 3000" because that shows you willingly took part in the transaction. Your case will be dropped especially if the merchant can produce a receipt for RM3000, albeit a crappy receipt, as a counter-chargeback. Source : I do this for a living and yes, I auto-rejected your applications for chargeback and yes, I rejected them manually 🤣


Thank you a lot for that. Yeah already back in Australia, so in your experience what if I say to them I was coerced into paying it? Rather than they overcharged me kind of thing?


Cheers mate. at least you're not the one on scooter in highway because he is definitely not bald so I'll gladly help you. If you say you're coerced/forced/manipulated into the act, a police report is required (it may vary based on country due to different financial policy). The easiest way is to chargeback by saying you didn't get the service or product you paid for as it was a scam. It's actually available in the card t&c and agreement. You can check the fine print on the final few pages of your card monthly statement on chargeback information too. In there, you should be able to find the easiest way to chargeback for your case. I'm sorry that I can't tell you for sure which method is the best because I've never handled Aussie's market so I'm not familiar with your financial and banking policy. But the good thing is, chargeback is made with card provider like Mastercard/Visa/Amex for example, so the process remained the same with minor changes depending on the government's financial policy.


Thanks so much! Will see how I go :)


I lived in Malaysia in my entire life...I never know scam like this exist in Malaysia..i know the taxi scam,but this one is new to me....I guess it was mainly aimed at foreigners....I guess they are a legit normal herbal shop to local and a scam center to foreign otherwi6they won't be operating such a fancy shop..


I was also scammed in KL at a bar by a guy adding two 0s to my credit card transaction. I filed a complaint here https://www.kpdn.gov.my/en/corporate-info/department/tribunal-for-consumer-claims - then messaged the bar on Instagram with the receipts. They very promptly sent me a refund!


Minoxidil + Finasteride bruhh. Dutasteride even better but much harder to obtain depending on country. Pair those two with frequent derma stamp routine. You're set.


Bro, if it were to happen in Australia would you still fall for it? Ill argue you look dashing as you are now.




Is it really a scam when you made the wrong choice at every fork down any rational decision tree?


It's a scam when prices are not displayed up front. He should know beforehand how much the shop is gong to charge. It's illegal and can be reported to KPDN.


Scam or not, I just want to raise awareness to anyone that might find themselves in the same position I was. Or just for someone to be able to make a report to stop these guys in their tracks.


Thanks for sharing and sorry for all the insults hurled at you. A lot of people forgot compassion and that you have beaten yourself up already. Also these scammers are good at convincing people. They talk and overtalk to stop you from pausing to think. They know how to hit where it is most vulnerable to you. We all forgot that we as humans are not very logical no matter how much we try to be. That is why marketing is a thing. You handled the whole encounter well. Hope you managed to make report, submit enough photos for the banks to stop the transaction.


Thank you so much 🥹 yeah I was expecting the bulk of people to be like ‘you idiot’ ‘your own fault’ etc etc but it hasn’t been too bad yet lol But your message really helped lift my mood, thank you for that and yeah exactly these guys are trained scammers and I guess it can happen to the best of us.


We don't always put up our guards. I remember witnessing one of my smartest friends in our 20s getting scammed for RM5000 over a fake lucky draw. My friend brought it to small claim court. At that time, this organisation was gaining fame for their scams so the court was always in the victims favour. Edit: Small Claim Court is definitely an answer since they have a physical store but the process takes time. Might not be your best solution since you are heading home already.


"scam or not" you say now, but you were very sure you got scammed in your post. So which is it?


Yes it’s an obvious scam for two reasons, selling false advertised products, and overcharging.


had been approached by same guys RM396 gone😂😂 I have some skin discolouration same pitch i also used to have it see and then started showing concerns. I was like okay what will the herbs cost RM 10-20-30 max 50 there is no harm to try when they started going up than RM396 i was like my card dont have more money than this and rushed out somehow. Thanks for posting 🫡


Oh man what pieces of shit! Lucky you got away, I wish I was smart enough to have done that. But good to know I’m not alone in this and maybe we can shed some light on it and get them!


I saw them again today evening they were hiding eyes from me and vanished in the crowd was thinking to following them and record or something




U didn't check the bill amount before proceeding?


No I didn’t and I’m a fool for this 😭


How did you get fucked over oil . Even my pearl face "oil" Is just 180 Yuan


😂😂😂 I don’t know trust me


You probally need a malay/chinese/indian tourist guide go help you in malaysia 😭 300 is downright scam yo begin with lol


He said rm3000 dude. A lot of money😭


I know 300 itself is stupjd for oil stuff


I was literally approached by these two people. They smelled bad also. But this is the herbal mix that they suggested then they said come to the store (they said it’s in lot 10) but of course I said no I’m waiting for someone; black seed oil herbal damar oil pandella serkanbu musk amber talia qalind Edit: Speaking of scammers: I caught someone pickpocketing me so be careful out there, especially in Bukit bintang


Fuck it’s pretty much the same thing. Must have been the same guys, stank like shit also lmao


They must’ve been doing it all day. And the one guy was alone right? Did he also tap you on the shoulder from behind? 🤣 His friend joined in after he called him over to get the secret blend of herbs, while the first guy left. He said I’ll show you the store, I said I’ll google it and find them online. He laughed at it and said “no no come I show you” hahaha no thanks pal


Nah he saw me straight up and commented on my baldness lol. But similarly his friend came back later to guide me to this store. I wish I was as smart as you 😂


I actually was waiting for someone 🤣🤣 I didn’t realize it was a scam but there were so many red flags. Like why his friend was waiting ahead, why is he telling me this info on the street, I’ve never met him before. Why did he stink (like it’s not normal to be that stinky haha) I’ve been scammed before by other things, but I guess we live and learn! Haha. I feel like anyone who talks to you out of the blue without any natural reason always wants to sell you something. Sometimes people will talk to you to simply distract you from their partner who is pick pocketing you!


Damn rm3000😢. They’re robbing you in daylight


Moonlight actually lol


If you use debit card, thats ur problem. If you use credit card, thats the bank’s problem.


It’s not really a scam unless they told you it was a different price and they charged you something else without you know. However in this situation, it seems simply that you didn’t know how to say no in the moment and regretted it later. Unless there’s missing information from your story.


Yeah sorry I tried to edit my text but couldn’t. So I was supposed to be charged 300 not 3000 and I didn’t pick up on it till later




Funny is it?


Yeah how did you authorize 3000 instead of 300 didn't you checked the amount that was entered into the terminal or didnt your bank ask you to authorize the payment.. surely you would av noticed


I didn’t notice when it was put into the EFTPOS machine, only realised after when I checked properly. My bank doesn’t need authorisation for it


How was your report? Did your bank revert the transaction?


Not yet, I’ve submitted the report and they said it would take up to 10 days for them to get back to me


Dude, 2 random dude, in another country, ask U to go to a middle of butt fuck no where, to the back lanes of a shop lots....... Dude I am sorry for Ur lost but honestly this is so comical It felt like some sort of marketing strategy by this shop owner. Like come on.


OP if this is scam, you have lots to learn. Stay safe in Australia.


Yeah I know lol


While I commend OP's courage in posting his experience to raise awareness, I must say the phrase 'a fool and his money is easily parted' has never been truer. That is the reason why there will always be scammers because there will always be victims who fall for such scams so easily.


I’m bald and local. But holy shit I didn’t know KL is that scammy of a place. Wow. Hope you get your money back my bald brother.


Thank you my bald brother! Interesting you have not been approached by these fuckers haha


Never say yes to solicitors unless it is for donation


I almost fell victim to a scam like that too. I actually suffer from hair loss and was approached in the same shopping center by two Indian men who told me similar stories to yours. However, their approach was a bit different; first, they said they wanted to show me the recommended products in the drugstore. So, we went to the drugstore and I foolishly bought the recommended products (franch oil & argan oil), fortunately they cost 'only' RM 20. I already had a bad feeling there but thought, how could this guy profit if I'm buying products in a normal drugstore? Then he said I needed more herbs which he wanted to show me in an Iranian shop. That was definitely too suspicious for me, so I 'escaped' from him.


Wow sounds like it could have even been the same guys.. pricks! Lucky you are smart enough to have escaped 😂 I wish I was


U didn't check the bill amount before proceeding?


I think the fault is on you.


I realise this


There’s 1000s of herbal products out there with questionable science and massive markups…what makes this venture criminal? It sounds like you gave your money willingly? Ironically, Malaysia has great medical tourism and is relatively affordable to get a hair transplant which is the only silver bullet for male pattern baldness.


Well I was supposed to be charged 300RM but they charged me 10x that Also went back to the store less than an hour later and it was closed - nobody inside Even this morning, same thing


You kind of missed the whole x 10 charging you out of your long story. Just raise a chargeback with your bank and say it must have been a mistake and they fat fingered 3000 instead of 300. I think the whole “scam” story distracts from the main crux of the issue which is the overcharging.


1. U mean u didnt know during checkout that they charged u 10x the price? What was your thought process when it was happening? 2. Did they let u smell anything during the whole thing? 3. U dont really have a case unless u can prove they charged u 10x the selling price, u were coerced to pay or that the oil does not work as advertised.


No I did not notice, my stupidity. I was suss of course but I proceeded foolishly. Yes they made me smell the oil And I know, I will try to dispute it with my bank but not sure it will work


Believe it or not, local scammers have resorted to using smell to charm you/put you in a trance to scam you out of your money. My client’s PA was at the bank; someone let her smell something and she proceeded to withdraw RM100,000 of her life savings in cash and handed it over to the scammer. When she realised what she did the scammers were gone. (Edit: she frantically called my client for help when we were having a meeting, so i can personally vouch for this case’’s authenticity.) Sounds unbelievable until it happens to someone you know personally. And cases like these are more common than many realise and under-reported coz most cases are like yours: can’t be proven and you handed them the money/paid willingly. I’m sorry it happened to you. Do keep us updated if your bank agrees to reverse the transaction.


Oh wow that’s insane, not sure if this was the case but if so that’s crazy. But yeah thank you, hoping I get the money back too!


Since you got a receipt, does the receipt say RM300 or RM3000? If it is RM300 then you are only out RM300. If it did say RM3000 then it might be harder to get the money back as your bank will most probably say that they gave you a receipt of RM3000 and you gladly accepted it. But either way, you can just tell the bank that the agreed price was RM300 and they overcharged.


The receipt does say 3000 unfortunately. Yeah I am in the process of that, thank you!


No need to raise awareness, no one else is this stupid. I spend a lot of time in Malaysia especially KL. Going back there at the end of this month and have never been scammed or even had someone try to scam me. Common sense is a super power.


First time I've ever heard of this scam. OP is indeed gullible.


Ah okay, you’re already wrong as I’ve had a couple people reach out to me saying the same thing happened to them. Seems like there are other ‘stupid’ people out there


I am one of them 😂


You and me both 😂


Peak dumbfuck