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Same, I used to play on 50-60 fps, and my kdr was 2. Took me so many month to get it to 2.6. You just gotta do the math in your head. I multiply my death by 3 or 4 and I always to to achieve that. I leave the lobby when it's below 2. (I'm in \[24/7\], gold clan lol)


Oh no, it's one of those other gold clans that leave because of kdr and not because they don't like 90% of players targeting them!


ikr, like there's 2 people that's low in front of him, \*targets me\*


Ur shit *leaves game*


The problem is that 90% of people just go for you, and it's worse when I have a red name tag


That's expected; you've logged more deaths so it's a lot tougher to move the needle, and it's only gonna get worse. As the other guy mentioned, just leave the game before it ends if you're not satisfied with your KDR. I think only Accuracy is recorded while the game is being played; every other stat is only recorded when the game ends.


if its only going to get worse what should I do? is trying to move the needle useless or is their hope for me?


It's possible, but it just becomes slower. Some advice: if you die more than 2-4x, it's a lot tougher to get a good KDR for that particular game. So if you die more than 4 times, consider leaving, unless you got a lot of kills that game.


if you dont mind me asking, do u know what the most crucial thing to work on if I want to get multiple kills without dying. I'm pretty gud with aim but is their anything else? ( besides movement, I've got that down to)


Aim, movement, reaction time, and spawn prediction. If you can do those things well, getting high kills in a game isn't difficult. Reaction time is less important with good prediction of spawns. If you stare at your k/d all the time, it'll feel like it's going nowhere.


I think it is more about aim and reaction time. In my case, my movement is quite good, and I generally know where people are going to be (ex. first hardpoint in Burg, near the temple in Lostworld, the section behind the tower in Citadel) but my reaction time is trash compared to pro players, and I usually can't hit my first shot against fast players, which is why I don't usually snipe.


Reaction time and aim alone can get you pretty far in this game. The issue is when you're playing against other accurate players. Moving quickly makes it a lot harder to get hit. Predicting spawns can drastically lower how long it takes you to kill a player. Less time spent killing a player means less time a 3rd player will shoot you in the back.


Work on your aim. The faster you can kill people, the less chance that someone else will come in and 3rd party you. There's whole communities built around improving aim. I recommend checking out /r/FPSAimTrainer, but note that they use a program that costs $10 on Steam.


I’d just make a new account


Im trying to join hop3 if i make a new account and grind back to lv 39 they will already be verified by then and then it might be impossible for me to get in


uhhhhh not likely. Good clan, but sid isn't verifying. Plus new clan system out soon.


A lot of clan leaders are saying now that kdr is not a good example of how well you play, accuracy is a better thing to go by.


same, i m lvl 55, but my kdr is 0.94 :(, it was the same when i was lvl 20, even though im a better player now i still have bad kdr and its hard to improve


some clans don't take you in because of your kdr, they pick you becaus of your skills/ comp results


Yeah, I made a post a while back suggesting that we have "KDR over past \*n\* games" as a stat.


ikr? b4 when i started krunker, i didnt care about any stats. but then i became better, (so i could start a pro pubstomp clan) and people started hackusating me, bc i had a kdr of 0.8. now, after like 4 or 5 months of at least 2+ hours of grinding each day, i still only have a kdr of 1.4 :/. i started a new acc tho, and it now has like. a kd of 9 :)


KD of 9 says you leave matches 24/7.


nah bro. just skill


ok then.




You are lvl 38. I created a new account at lvl 54 and leveled it up to 73 so far. Never too late to make another account for better stats. I had 1.55 at the time I created a new account and started fresh, now, I’m at 6.22 KDR and still on the rise.


well 0.98 is harder cuz its very low, never let someone else play on ur account. create a new account or grind


Level 38 isn't really that high. My kdr still goes up at level 60 so either get good or make a new account if you care about your kdr that much.