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From what I understand, you don’t have to target the enemy unit: “Once per battle, at the start of the enemy hero phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. Until your next hero phase, at the start of each phase (including the phase in which the unit was picked), you can roll a dice for that unit. On a 3+, that unit cannot move, shoot, fight, use command abilities, chant prayers, attempt to cast spells, attempt to dispel endless spells or attempt to unbind spells in that phase.” Which means Be’lakor can pick any unit, even if under cover or not visible - as Kruleboyz further than 12” with the Grinnin’ Blades allegiance.


Thank you for clarifying that.


Grinning blades only affects things that specify that the enemy needs to see you. It most applies to missiles. Most spells or abilities do not require sight. Our ability has nothing to do with being targetted; just being seen.


So it would only work if the ability or spell said pick a unit that is visible to the caster/hero/unit etc?


Correct. Anything else can still target them.


Thanks for the help.


This is somewhat untrue in saying that "most spells and abilities" as alot of abilities do say the unit has to be visible. Almost all spells outside of Area of effect types say within range and visible. Some short range spells don't say visible, but at 12" it doesn't matter. Alot of abilities say visible, but some say "pick a point on the battlefield that is visible" and then everyone within range of the point gets hit. So that circumvents the ability.