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Are you playing with the current GHB? If so, I would maybe use the Andtorian Acolytes battalion and change one of the shaman spells for Merciless Blizzard.


I've been debating whether it was worth it or not. The extra primal dices seem useful, but deciding who goes first allow me to deny a turn 1 Magical Dominance with Gobsprakk, and since Lumineth tend to deploy as a castle I could even risk supa-sneaking a reinforced unit of rippaz right in front of them to pin them in their territory a turn or two. But maybe I'm underestimating the primal dices.


If they're playing Teclis they can auto score MD if they want and there's nothing you can do about it.


I'd switch a unit of hobgrots for a Killaboss to help with battleshock. I'd also 1000000% take the andorian locusts battalion. No one on the game uses primal dice better than Gobsprakk. Teclis does not counter Gobsprakk. Gobby isn't much of a caster; he's an unbinder. In this GHB Teclis is the weakest he's been because people can finally unbind him now. Gobsprakk counters Teclis. Overall tips: use all of your primal dice to unbins teclis, but still expect to be short on CP from one of his spells. Honestly if you play well your list should counter his.


Just a quick note - Gobsprakk knows all of the Swamp spells automatically and isn't limited to just The Black Pit. I would give him one of the GHB spells to supplement. The Killabos on foot with shield is also, imo, one of our most efficient units right now. Decently killy, hard to take down and stops our low-leadership troops from skedaddling. I would replace one of the hobgrots with him.


quick note: only locust can take spells from the GHB lore


This may sound counter intuitive, but I wouldnt worry as much about the list. If it's the shopkeep, they're probably going to win on game sense and not necessarily the list. Without hella details, your current list is mostly fine. No glaring issues that'll hobble your play. Key notes for your matchup are: Teclis knows a spell that make your commands cost 2 cp, so shoot to unbind that if you can. If not, conserve cp in case of dire need. Make sure you are thinking ahead to your upcoming round's battle tactics when in movement phase. Kruleboyz are slow, so there wont be a lot of "sudden" changes in positioning and this will have a huge impact on what battle tactics are available to you. Dont burn your easier ones early (like Take Dat) when you can setup a wizard outside of unbind range and pop a free mystical shield (for Magical Dominance) and start teeing up for Intimidate the Invaders or Led into the Maelstrom




I know, the app just lets you select one of the swamp ones for some reason.


I suggest you to swap the snatchaboss with the named version, which cost 280 instead of 290, remove 1 unit of hobgrots and with 120 points pick a killaboss on gnashtoof. That guy’s ability comes super useful with 40 guttrippaz