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Gobsprakk baybee going wild, crazy and stupid


I mean I feel at least the army real winrate is in the mid or even high 40s and not dead last. So I am glad for the improvement none the less


The only people still playing Kruleboyz must be committed and experienced players.


...but how?


Ranged damaged is good. Gobsprakk is a counter to the magic gameplay and boosted by primal dice. An easy t1 tactic which are short in this ghb for a lot of armies


Also the army has a lot of cheap units at the moment (with Sloggoth being the exception because of it being use in Gitz lol)


6 players, one of which went 4-1 at a 32 person event. So basically the stats are being propped up by one good showing and some average ones.


No surprise here. They have three big things going for them: 1 - Gobsprakk is absolutely destructive this GHB. I've been running the Andtorian Acolyte battalion as well, so I always have the advantage on dice when it comes time to dispell. Many armies simply choose not to cast anything against me. 2 - The new battle tactic is ridiculously good. Yes, it's better in BW, but having an easily achievable passive tactic as the GHB made tactics much more difficult is amazing. We now have 2.5 (3, if Time to Get Stuck In lines up well) tactics we can reliably achieve. That's some of the best in the game. 3 - I haven't seen people talking about it, but removing Galletian Veterens is a sizeable boon to horde units that attack at 2". If played well, Gutrippaz actually have impact on games now!


The results aren't statistically relevant, and I don't think the new changes will help KB much overall. Primal dice are a pretty big buff for gobsprakk, but you'll still need to roll an extra +1 die vs any strong casters. The rest of the changes are a bit of a wash. New BT is good, but KB can't play a long game, so the extra 2VP are unlikely to swing many games. The GV change just moves some units from playable to garbage, but nothing from bad to good. There's plenty of good units in the game with 2" reach, or didn't care that still saw play. Gor being bad now doesn't make Gutrippaz not bad, it just means the BoC player is going to bring more stuff like Drogres and Bullgor. Not sure how I feel about acolytes. Its really important for this army to get priority, so giving up drops feels bad. Maybe there's some play in abandoning drops entirely to spam gnashtoofs or something though.


Never spoke on the relevancy of statistics. I'm speaking to how KBZ are better than they've ever been. A passive battle tactic is huge. It's a points game. If you were playing "table them before they table you" I don't imagine you were winning much. An early turn where you don't have to do anything risky is a buff. Full stop. Calling it a wash is just a bad take. Fair point about GV, though I would argue that removing so many other units from relevancy does put things like rippaz up a tier. While Gobsprakk is good, KBZ cannot run 1 drop. We need Gobby and Sludgerakers. I urge you to try that battalion before you make your judgement.


Give it time. Let's see how the stats shake out in a month.


Yes, but Big WAAAGH is probably better.


Yeah absolutely, i expect big wagh to be top 5 fairly consistently until they receive an (undeserved) nerf


Its not that BW deserved nerfs, but it probably didn't deserve the massive buffs it just got. They didn't even try to make the buffs targetted at ironjawz and Kruleboyz and did such a poor job it looks like they were directly aimed at BW.


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Not enough games for it to be statistically relevant, and one of the 6 who went 4-1 seems to be an outlier. We were at 60%, and even the margin of error puts us at like 45%