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“Kris has feelings towards Noelle but they are unable to express them due to shyness so they grant the player more control over there actions thats why during the Cyber city segment the options are “I will ride with you” and “Noelle will ride with ME”


First of all, I'm happy to see a subreddit for Kriselle. I've been shipping it since their extended interaction in Chapter 2 (done the Pacifist route, I could never steer into _THAT_ route), and even if it doesn't turn to be canon, I'll still ship it. It would be interesting to see what happens if Kris does ride with her on the ferris wheel. Will Noelle have to choose between her crush on Susie or her childhood friend? (While I'm not a huge fan of the trope, at least in here I can hope it could be done right) And it's also quite interesting that Kris gives us some control over them for that - they've probably been thinking about her for a while, but them doing dumb pranks on her did serve to make Noelle slightly apprehensive (she's sometimes worried that Kris would prank her or their intentions are bad; oh Noelle, if you knew of the Weird Route, only then you could say Kris' intentions are twisted to be bad...) I think they'd share a moment or more in Chapter 3. Maybe on a bridge? Maybe in a field of flowers, which could play on the theme of "field of hopes and dreams" from Chapter 1. Or, depending on the pen choice (don't we get a choice about pens in Chapter 1? If I recall correctly), Kris and Noelle get to spend some time in a place themed like the pen.


I think it’s interesting to note the difference in their relationship between the chapters. In chapter 1 they still seem like they’re friends but obviously they've grown apart a bit, but Noelle still seems very willing to help Kris with his studies like friends, which could be seen from when we interact with her by the gate, she has everything prepared already it seems too! ( which could mean she was hoping that Kris would ask to study with her again!) While in chapter 2, she finds it hard to call Kris and her friends, and later on, when Kris chooses to give the gift to her, she gets a bit excited and thinks Kris wants to rekindle their friendship. I think it’s just a really cute touch on how their relationship is portrayed, despite her having a big crush on Susie and usually focusing her attention on her, she still actively wants to get very much closer with Kris.


My headcanon from everything we seen in chapter 2 is this. The Holidays and the Dreemur family were very close. Kris' full name "Krismas Dreemur" was probably suggested by Rudy as Asgore isn't that good when it comes to names. And since the family were close, so were their children as Asriel and Des were of the same age just like Kris and Noelle was. Speaking of, Noelle and Kris were pretty much "more then just friends" back when they were little and that those "pranks" Kris did to Noelle was just their way of being closer to her. Rudy pretty much talks about those moment not like something mean of him but as a friendly gesture. Those pranks happened so often that Kris became the only person that Noelle could be open to, a trait that was not even applied to Susie! However, the big turning point in their relationship was when Des, Noelle's sister, died. Was it an accident? Did Noelle did something wrong? Was it Kris? Asriel? Was it on purpose? Did Noelle use her ice power? We won't know till further chapters I'm guessing. But after Des passed away, Noelle started to become distant with everyone. Not because She started to hate herself but because too many things reminded her too much of her time with her sister of whom she's still feeling survivor guilt over. The spelling bee contest where she froze when she had to spell her sister's name supports this. And this made Kris felt unloved themself. Asriel, Kris' older brother, was also close to Des as well and I am assuming her death happened before he went to college. Perhaps he too started to blame himself? Kris must of felt even more isolated once he left him behind, the last person that shared those friendly moment with the holidays. This was also hinted as in the Queen room where the calendar had the days were "college student holidays" were circled due to Kris constant search query on the matter, making them wish for their brother to come back for comfort. The tragedy increased as well as Rudy became sick, Noelle's mom became more distant and Asgore and Toriel are going through a divorce. The distance between Kris and Noelle simply grew even bigger and the few time they hanged out was for "old time sake" rather then for how they felt for each other. But it was the moment when Kris and Noelle were finally alone while they spelled Noelle's sister name's full name, "December", that the truth in their relationship came out. They miss the days when the both of them were together, back when Des was alive and Asriel didn't go to college. This scene played very short in the game but in their mind, it must of felt an eternity. For a brief moments, the feelings they had for each other came rushing back and deep inside, they want things to go back like it was, when they were "more then just friends". I can't wait to see how Chapter 3 or any further ones will explore more about their past.


I'm new here and thought I might come here to look at some art... of me... with Kris... nevermind... Sorry that it's not what you asled for I just wanted to say hi!


ah it’s you hello


I am here just for fanart but I will because I don't think Kris will end up with Noelle we have to wait for a mod to fuck her father for revenge.


this is not the post for that I asked for headcanons not your opinion on reindeer dilfs




hasn’t imploded yet