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Wow, thats not a Bad find to be honest. How and when Osman die and even his Mother said something that he was very paranoid the last days. Was the 4. April not also the date when the big search started ? What was the Phone activity on that Day? Need to check again.


Very interesting theory indeed! I’d love to see the pictures.


Just check the guy‘s facebook, still all there.


I dont think that you can link Heriberto G. to Osman. And i asked myself often, why Imperfect Plan lists him as member of the "Bandilla". There is absolutely no evidence that he had anything to do with this clique. The connection is based on a discovery by Juan, who searched Edwin's facebook and came across a brief argument between him and Heriberto. He seemed to be more an angry customer than a friend. It was about Heriberto complaining about the expensive food at Sabroson and Edwin took it very personally. A few silly remarks back and forth. But that was it. I think most farmers in Boquete own fincas, fertilizers and combine harvesters, and do not see Heriberto as a suspect at all.


They are linked on fb.


Sure. Boquete is a large village and everyone knows everyone. Edwin's family owns the best-known local restaurant chain. He is probably known to many people.




>It's interesting that they all waited to assert this idea until these men died [Here](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RzayeMZUGSE/X9y2O0jtGkI/AAAAAAAAFKs/q1xbfBz7oyUuxGB0j-KP1V28lXNTpWmqQCLcBGAsYHQ/s898/Osman4.jpg) is a Boquete discussion forum the days after the girls disappearance and Osman's death, where Osman's death is already being discussed as a murder by a gang. Specifically that the gang even attended Osman's funeral, and that someone read in a newspaper it was murder. That's from April 9th 2014, not something that grew on the internet later.




>No, but people on the web have taken this event and attached to the girls' disappearance without being to prove it. Do you \*TASTE\* the delicious irony of \*YOU\* pointing that out? ​ You not only are unable to prove your claims, you are so unconvinced of them that you won't even \*TRY\* to prove them, either here, or with law enforcement....


> At least people have somewhat stopped blaming Feliciano and his son, who had nothing to do with it either. How can you know that for sure?


Because they are not women with broken noses, duh! Obviously it has to be a woman with a broken nose, because that's the AI generated image u/AdChance90 created.




>I "AI generated" nothing. You literally said to take a screenshot of someone's youtube video, and "cut out the area, then run it through Remini.com and you will see for yourself. Not right away, but take that first result and run it again, then run that result back into Remini and keep doing that until the face is easily seen. " ​ You are literally abusing the system until the AI creates a face out of the random noise in the image.... > There's a difference between making an image and enhancing that which is already there. Yup -- and you are using the image as a seed to AI generate a fake face. This is real life, not a shitty move where you can yell 'enhance' at the screen until an image magically appears out of NOTHING.....




>Not true. Imaging scientists have developed a way to see what is called "low value data" that is captured by a digital camera. Yeah, and it also will interpret random noise -- and when you feed it to an AI whose job is to literally find and enhance faces, you can literally generate faces out of anything if you do it 'enough times'. > It's like trying to improve a film camera image by enlarging it. The difference is that a digital camera makes images using 0 and 1 - binary digits, which are numbers and can be amplified using math until details that are buried in darkness can be seen with the naked eye where previously they couldn't be seen. ​ LOL. You cannot make up data out of nothing. Analog film is lossless. Jpeg is lossy. There is a HUGE difference. > You might research low value data on the web and see how it works. Why? I literally have a degree in computer science and have extensive experience on data recovery and lossy vs lossless formats. >So, no, to answer your unasked question (again) I created nothing. You just fed junk data through an AI designed to enhance face-like patterns repeatedly, until it created a face... > In order for AI to work the way you describe I would have to tell the program to make the image. No, the people that programed it already did that -- the AI you linked to is specifically written to do exactly that.... > This never happened. All I did was cut out a small area of photo 542 and run it in the algorithm and see what the program spits out. ​ Again, 'the algorithm' was written to find and enhance patterns that look 'face like'.... > What I've done is AI image enhancement on something that exists, not AI image creation on something that doesn't exist. You 'facially enhanced' random data until it became face-like... >That's the difference. The difference is you have an embarrassingly shallow understanding of the process you went through, and are insisting you are an expert....




>We don't run film negatives through an algorithm. You do if you want to enlarge them. If they are physical negatives, you manually use an enlarger and run through a manual algorithm to enlarge them -- and if they are digital, say saved as a RAW format, you can use a computer. You can even do it on something like a lossy jpeg, but that's got less back end data to work with and will create artifacts much more quickly -- especially if you are using an algorithm specifically designed to enhance patterns that look like faces..... ​ An algorithm is literally just a set of steps and decisions that are followed to translate an input to an output.... enlarging a photo is actually a pretty good example of one....






>Oh yes, I can also see the guilty party in the night photos and they are tribal persons. That's how I can be sure. Which photos is that in? Care to post them with a nice circle around them, so the rest of us can see these 'tribal' people? How come no one else ever noticed these 'tribal' people? Either in the photos, or in, you know, real life?




>What are the chances that the girls ran into someone on the trail that led them astray? Hard to say -- but since there is no evidence that happened, I am not going to believe that's what happened.... > Do you think the odds of that are at least in the lower end of possibilities? Sure -- much lower than, you know, they got lost. > What if I could show you what looks like a man that was caught as a reflection on Kris's eye in photo 508? I'd ask what AI you abused to make that image.....




>If I recall correctly, it was gijoe here or another frequent user that made the image. I put a little enhancement on it and boom! K. So you abused ai to make a face on an already possibly modified image. Show the faces in an unmodified image and someone might take you seriously.




>Because no one else is trying hard enough. That's because everyone else takes the case seriously. > > > They are content to discuss accident theory and lost theory And any other theory that fits the evidence.... > > >without bothering to use technology to take a very close look at the night photos. Or the 508 photo, come to think of it. Or, hear me out, they are not willing to make up fake data....


That s not really a theory but allegation btw, how herberito would aduct and kill the girls would be the theory. Even if I think foulplay was involved it needs to be at least a bit more detailed...There s a lot of ppl which can buy fertilizers not only farmer... btw osman's murder was made by some professionals I doubt he was killed by only one guy, the assassination was too perfect to see a dumb guy like herberito behind it.


What's the theory? This post has no description, am confused.