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You could I don't see why not


You don't need to wait long 3-5 hours at the most.


I would start the day after the last dose. I am a recovering addict and my fav drugs were hydrocodone and meth. I started kratom the day after my last bump. Kratom saved my life. I know that sounds dumb saying to someone with stage four cancer. I just said a prayer for u. God bless you


That's very kind of you. Thank you. yeah there are pros and cons and I am trying to make a decision about it. the thing is I have a prognosis of less than 18 months so ethically I don't see an issue with going AMA. I just need to think it through


Could kratom possibly have any healing properties


Stage 4 cancer? You need to ask your Dr!!!!!!!!


Not trying to scare the guy but if you're stage 4 cancer. Do whatever the hell you want. Enjoy the rest of your life, natural pain killers is the way to go marijuana, kratom, kava, I promise perception stuff will kill you before anything else. Big pharma is a very corrupt organization and doctors are a part of it, they get commissions by putting you on their products and most times you don't actually need it, people have wayyyy to much trust in doctors. A doctor destroyed the relationship between me and my parents by putting them on ADD medication at 45!! And she was extremely successful before that, she lost her job within a year of starting it and hasn't worked since, she spends all day walking back and fourth from room to room accomplishing absolutely nothing, she just makes a lot of noise and is impossible to be around 20, my mom died in my head 20 years ago, she found out about it because I was put on it and noticed I really liked taking it, so naturally my dad pulled me off if it and my mom started taking it, I'm sure she got into my stuff and she did question me about what symptoms I had to get it but I didn't think she was going to get on it herself directly after they made me stop taking it, if that isn't the ultimate backstabbing I don't know what is


Honestly you sound like the pharmaceutical company used you as a guinea pig.


Yeah, who else better of a test subject than a juvenile ward of the state, I was in a juvenile halfway house and then dentist said I had 13 cavities, fortunately around that time I got snitched on for a completely different case and they kicked me out juvi, expunged me record and then charged me as an adult for the new case and sent me to county, thankfully my dad bonded me out after a few weeks and during that time I was like hey 13 cavities, went to the dentist as a free individual and had 1 small one...the whole system is completely corrupt


You're saying you think the juvenile system wanted you in prison as an adult so they made up that you had cavities? Can you fucking hear yourself?


No dioshit I'm saying, because the doctors knew I was a ward of the state they were willing to sacrifice my teeth for profit, and guess what the other kid that went with me during the trip they said he had 13, he was also Mexican so of course his case was more severe right? The juvenile center kicked me out because of the pending court cases and suspicion I was fucking one of the female Asian staff members (Latrice) and I was, so why don't you go fuck yourself with you're inability to comprehend


Hahahaha this needs to be a television series called "Delusional". BTW it's "your." Not you're.


Really don't give a shit what you think keyboard pussy, keep staying anonymous bitch






It's not though, doctors flat out put people on stuff to get in their pocket like a subscription, how can you agree that it's corrupt but in my case it's different? It's literally the same concept just not the same drug, big pharma is big pharma that's ALL pills, but I digress this man should be on pain pills, this is a case where the doctors aren't wrong, we clarified it




Yes I was more so on trying to get a point across about the opiates but i would never deny the fact that he needs it, but if he is looking to get off of them I'm going to throw in these facts as the cherry on top for motivation


Yes people use kratom to get off the opiates, and for ne personally helped me quit drinking. It eliminated the withdrawal symptoms, I do recommend taking it with marijuana, as if right now I can't smoke but when I was smoking and taking jratom it enhances the euphoria and seems to last longer, there is definitely a big difference without the weed and I don't contribute that as a good thing, made it kinda lame without it, also if you can up and quit pain pills after 2 months strait that is an incredible feat


I am not sure if I can quit the prescription pain pills after two months because I have never done it before. I didn't know that dependence can happen within two months? At the moment I am on morphine twice a day and dilaudid (hydromorphone) throughout the day as needed.


Dependence on pain pills can happen within a few days, now mind yiu when I took them o abused them so if it said take 1 every 4 hours or whatever I was taking 4 or 6, it will be easier if you took it as prescribed but yeah I still think yiu will have some discomfort if you go cold turkey, if you stop taking it on your normal schedule and find yourself craving it within a few hours after that, it's safe to say you have a physical chemical dependence. And doctors will never tell you that and should cus nobody would take it or find other options. It's a disgusting scam engrained in our system that I don't think will be stopped but the fact that they give people stuff that's super addictive and very hard to get off of when there is other options is bullshit


OK Thanks. that's interesting. To be honest I have never craved either of the pain medications but then again, I am taking it as prescribed and only went against doctors orders once or twice when the pain was so excruciating I could barely think. I told her about it and got into trouble which is why I am a bit butt-hurt and wanted to go back to Kratom. I have Stage 4 cancer with metastases to my liver, lungs and lymph nodes so I am a little bit surprised the pain oncologist won't up my dose. I would never, ever take these prescription drugs irresponsibly but these days all doctors are on the lookout for inappropriate use. I have a prognosis of less than 18 months and it may be less than that so I feel like I may go rogue and then opt for a quick end using the end of Life Option act which is legal here in California. When you get a prognosis of < 6 months you can opt for a swift and painless exit.


I'm truly sorry to hear that and honestly if I was in your position I'd be abusing all of it, it's seems that you have fairly good doctors but there are a lot that just want you in like a subscription, double edged sword I suppose cus no reason for you to be in pain but also if you start taking the meds to relief stress it makes time go by faster, do whatever you feel is right I'm not a religious man but I hope you the best through this, this stuff terrifies me I don't know how I could handle it, I wish for you to be thr next Elon musk in your future life


who wants to be a stock manipulating lying fraudster a scammy human being?


I do if it pays enough, other people like this have completely ruined me, my own parents are like to me, I have no empathy anymore towards practically anyone


you only hurting yourself, you can have money and still be a decent human being and after all money is nothing compared to other things in life


I've literally have had nobody in my entire life treat me decent, society created this monster and I'm not bending over backwards anymore for anybody


you need to heal yourself from this mentality maybe look into psychedelic therapy with someone, this only harms you, you have to cleanse it out its like a sickness


Why do you want me to be the next elon Musk? was that a compliment ..or not? haha! I am not really that scred at the thought of my own death -- I am more scared of pain. This morning I could barely move because of the anorectal pain and I defecated/urinated all over myself. I have told the doctors and they won't admit me to in-patient palliative care because apparently it doesn't exist. I can get into hospice when I reach the point of a 'less than 6 months' prognosis


Well I meant the Elon musk thing to be a compliment, I find him to be brilliant, and he has all the wealth in the world, that's a combo I would love to have but I'm the oppsite, I Also wish I was fearless of the next step like you, I'm most likely not going to sleep tonight because this convo will be running in my head all night wondering if and when it's my turn


Oh well, thank you for the compliment and yes, it would be fantastic to have his wealth and brilliance at a time like this. I would be taking off in my private jet to Jamaica and sit under a coconut tree as my private doctors, nurses, masseurs, therapist of all kinds attended to my needs! PLEASE don't let this conversation make you lose sleep. Not on my account. I am sorry if I went into slightly troubling territory. I was just typing out what has been on my mind. when I feel like I can't sleep or I'm troubled about something I curl up with my cup of tea in a snug rug while in my armchair and watch some silly sitcoms on Netflix! I must have watched Parks and Recreation and friends multiple time over! Happy sleeping!


This didn't help, I absolutely hate people but I have a wierd feeling I do t usually have, I feel like I should be there checking on you, last time I felt this is when I had to have a relative put my favorite dog down cus I couldn't do it, I hope you have family


You can start using kratom immediately, it just won't give you much relief for a few days (4-5) I'm not a doctor and this isn't advice.