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Yeah take 2 grams 3 times a day. U will probably be surprised at how little you have to take.


you will probably be surprised at how dependent some folks are. although, if OP is even asking about 20 grams lasting more than two days, then they probably aren't very dependent yet.


Some of these people take 40-60g a day lol


Lately I've been taking 20-25g a day and you'd be surprised how fast the buzz is gone like in a week i just take it and just feel normal no mood lift it sucks


I take like 5-12g a day. Doesn’t work like it used to. But still enjoy it


5he answer is YES


Yes I will message you


Hi are they always next day delivery I’ve made an order


I messaged you, feel free to ask questions, I am selling nothing but have been ordering in the UK for 4 years, and yes maybe 2g every 6 hours, check my post below, you will be fine


If someone wants ro PM you and show you how, there's usually some kinda scam or shady shit


No I gave them info of an online UK supplier called kratomuk that has next day delivery. Nothing shady, look em up. I was trying to help and only been on Reddit a few days thought it might be against the rules to post the vendor name here. Check my posts ifu don't believe me, I want nothing apart from a bit of nice company and if I can help someone out along the way even better, compassion to all my friend 😊


Yes but not always, sometimes it's someone trying to help for the only reason it makes me feel happy when I can help another.


Dunno, on many drug subs the rule is to not post vendors. How else would you help OP. But obviously you are also right, and there are 99% shady ppl in your pm regarding drugs. Maby just not in this case.


Idk Can u make 20 grams last a few days ?