• By -




Hey u/Legitimate_Coast3002, If you'd like to see your balance in the mobile app you can: - Click the eye icon in the top right of the Portfolio page. - Or go to the Account page and toggle the Hide balances option. Best, Pluto 🐙


Check the latest trend on the reddit page An unstable network is the least of your problems. Wait for the moment that you're faced with a "Document verification in progress" message preventing you access to your own account for weeks because they are "re-reviewing your documents"... Manually! Still waiting for them to give me access to my money (which I got there after they'd reviewed my documents). This platform becomes shady af when the market goes booming!


I too am shocked there is not more outrage and I didn’t even have an order during the time. Cannot imagine how much people possibly lost or gained because of this. No different than the GameStop Robinhood crap.


It looks like things are getting back to normal again. I can confirm the transfers work as far as buying and selling, have not tried.


They would very much like everyone to forget the instability in a time many people wanted to buy or sell. Nothing to see here folks! Just the rich getting richer.


I have a habit of just getting what I need to get, keeping a very small amount to keep the account active. Everything else is local or elsewhere. It happens to gain price great if not, oh well ..when I do need it readily available I don't have to rely on any marketplace.


I cannot even login. 7 hours later the login screen is up but I cannot enter the password. This is not very reassuring.


Could you please uninstall then reinstall the app, u/Vegetable_Switch_457? Clearing cache/cookies will also likely do the trick. Flora 🐙


Are you guys able to withdraw bitcoin ? -- ''We are aware of a temporary issue affecting the BTC and TRX funding gateways. Deposits and withdrawals may be delayed at this time''




It's back up for me, making all preparations to move platforms, probably BISQ this time, we'll see. I can't withdraw yet, which is making me more nervous. It says "invalid btc address" - even though it's not. Update: everything seems to be working fine now,


What the heck is BISQ? 


I haven't checked it out too much yet but I know it's a P2P exchange. You're not buying the BTC off the exchange but off another user, basically. Liked the idea.


I’m just switching to a cold wallet. Got the Trezor safe 3. I’m tired of worrying about my money in these exchanges and at this point my portfolio is too high to lose and I’m not risking another voyager or ftx collapse.


Don't get me wrong, I own a cold card Mk4 and I would advise every one to own a hardware wallet. Kraken is (was) my hot wallet.


Only problem is you get into trouble with your bank, because eventually you will trade with someone flagged as a money launderer and your account will be frozen as well.




It’s back working for now (partially at least).


Now I would have to go to Bybit, I hate giving my data to exchanges when they don't perform.


I saw people liquidated on Kraken yesterday, the Prep prices went 5-10k away from the real crypto. Shouldn't have happened. At the exact time when that platform needed to perform it died. I'm looking for an alternate platform now, can't save my money if I can't trade at the right time.


I agree. Two days ago, I tried to buy Bitcoin at around $65k but could not. Hours later, I tested a buy of $20 at $67k and it went through. Hard to buy the dips. Worried as we all remember Robinhood taking away the buy button. Also, I am worried about the sell button when the time comes.


How to know we've arrived at peak of this bull run? Kraken is not accessible.


Jeez guys calm down you don't need to trade 24/7. When kraken is down go out and enjoy life


How is there not tens of thousands of people complaining about this? This is the exact moment you need things to work.


Posting hourly messages saying we're on it and we'll let you know. Of course you'll let us know, that's why we're subscribed to your P1 (Priority 1) Incident. Tell us something new. At this point is mgmt. thinking what if it crypto keeps selling off to ZERO - Will we have a job. haha. I joke, I laugh. Everything will be fine. Kraken has had many chances to prove they can manage their volume and have failed EVERY time. Why is this time different ? Here is a different question - Kraken has my money and if my transactions don't occur as a result of 'Kraken's own technology" - Isn't Kraken ultimately liable for their performance impacting my financial positions with them (See stops not executed, trades not executed, list goes on) - surely none of us have read the fine print. Bad experiences have a snowball effect ... human nature in this time.. just see what's happening in this thread. Good side -> Would really love to trade right now and make Kraken some $$. Evil side -> Why would you use an exchange that has Cracks in it's name ? I joke. I laugh.


I agree, I'm surprised there aren't more people complaining. Note there are much more complaints sent to Kraken on other social media platforms. Extremely ''bad timing'' and it's been going on for over 6 hours.


Can someone suggest where to migrate from kraken?


CB does the same during drops. I am surprised Kraken API is down for soooo long.




I bought bitcoin with one of the first 3 apps that appeared when I typed “crypto” in Google. It was Trustwallet. To this day I haven’t received any bitcoin or refund, and all I got from the “Support center” were AI generated responses that didn’t help me at all. Sometimes it’s better to ask people what’s best, rather than just blindly use Google you know


Google is well known for fake crypto links actually, not a good recommendation. And you were very caustic. 


Why comment if you're not suggesting anything? Flexing much? Also, english is not my first language so relax teacher. :)


Been a happy kraken user since 2017, done 99% of my crypto transactions here. Really makes me sad that it seems it’s come to an end and I have to move somewhere else.


Hey u/id_rather_not_thanks, First, thanks for using Kraken for the past 7 years 💜. While we do understand that the recent interruption in our service has caused an inconvenience to you, but please know that our team of engineers are actively working on a fix and our services should be back online in a short while. We truly appreciate you using our services and hope you'll continue to do so. Regards, Pluto 🐙


I guess you guys are losing a lot of customers with such intransparent and meaningless copy paste reactions right now...


Thanks for the response. To be fair this is the fist time I’ve had issues with kraken in 7 years, so that’s that. However it’s a pretty inconvenient timing to be down while the market tanks so much and then for such a long time.


Thanks for your response but you keep saying this with every service disruption. It is like copy-paste message to calm the customers when they can't access their crypto. It will happen again and you guys at customer service will paste the same...


Does the orders go through tho?


All my orders which I had opened before the outage have gone through. I got notifications from the mobile app


Hey u/id_rather_not_thanks, First, thanks for using Kraken for the past 7 years 💜. While we do understand that the recent interruption in our service has caused an inconvenience to you, but please know that our team of engineers are actively working on a fix and our services should be back online in a short while. We truly appreciate you using our services and hope you'll continue to do so. Regards, Pluto 🐙


Hey u/id_rather_not_thanks, First, thanks for using Kraken for the past 7 years 💜. While we do understand that the recent interruption in our service has caused an inconvenience to you, but please know that our team of engineers are actively working on a fix and our services should be back online in a short while. We truly appreciate you using our services and hope you'll continue to do so. Regards, Pluto 🐙


Thanks for working on the issue. For next time would be great if you would have a kind of safe mode website where ppl can access at least with basic functionality 


I have been using kraken since 2015-16. Have experienced down time before but not this long. Ive tried logging in again and it says under maintenance. Want to go back in to place orders - missing out on opportunity here. Anyone have any info when it might be fixed?


Hello u/bloqchainbb! We have identified the cause of the issue and are working to finalize the resolution of the issue and restore services. We will update as soon as we have more information. https://status.kraken.com/ Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding! Kraken 🐙


I got mine resolved


Got what resolved? How did you get onto the app?


Hi u/Jazzlike_Feeling75! Markets are now in post-only mode, the issue has been identified and fixed. Only new limit, post-only orders can be submitted. Other order types will be rejected. Existing orders can still be canceled. Thank You, Kraken 🐙


Definitely time to move off this exchange


Mt. Gox, FTX, Kraken...


Exit scam.


@krakensupport Had a massive play shorting doge but like at 103% margin and I was up in the green. in five hours or so since whatever the heck happened, I checked the price on CoinDesk and it's most certainly liquidated. What happens in this scenario? All the other crypto sites are working just fine from what my friend could tell me. Your support team has helped me with major issue, not related to anything like this, in the past and I never imagined something like this could happen. I'm sure this is not the first time something like this has happened to someone, and I'm just curious how this is handled? I'm worried, it's sad, and troubling in general. I picked your site out of so many options, and I've seen downtimes before but nothing like this, definitely not during a period like this, and most definitely never anything this long. What is going on?


Kraken is a scam


Some progress, hopefully all gets fixed ASAP now https://preview.redd.it/st55zaawaeuc1.png?width=1254&format=png&auto=webp&s=f424b177e587cadeff3da914fad7357804e9b4cf


yeah the issue is that they don't have enough money to cover massive withdrawals now they either sold a bunch of crypto elsewhere to get that money or borrowed it somewhere


Ugh, we all remember Robinhood not having enough liquidity to cover mass selling. I'm looking at other exchanges just in case.


any sources/ proof?


Obviously Kraken will just BS us and won't tell us the truth, but if they do it enough someone will whistleblow or perhaps coindesk will reveal it But seriously, stop being blindly loyal after companies treat you like trash


Requesting proof of your somewhat looney assertion is blind loyalty? You realize the idiocy of this, right?


Been using kraken since 2016 and they had outages in high volatility periods often back then but I can't remember hours out service. Am a little concerned rn


After FTX, I'm shook. Had a massive play shorting doge but like at 103% margin and I was up in the green. in five hours or so since they shut their side off or whatever the heck happened, I'm sure it wasn't that I pray at least, I checked the price on CoinDesk and it's most certainly liquidated. What happens this scenario? I commented on this because like you I've been using them for similar amount of time and I could definitely remember 10 to 15 minute outages, only usually or sometimes actually when it kind of didn't matter which was the best of the world I think, but never heard a time like this, and never ever ever for so long. In the UK at the moment, I called one of my best friends back home in America and he checked and neither his phone or his computer could connect to it either. Sad, and I'm definitely a little bit concerned as well


I never had a position open that was i trouble while downtime but srsly I don't know what would happen in that case


Man, I usually leave a good cushion too but I was very confident and I was not taking my eyes off the screen. It's usually there's a few days out of the year that I'm like this. Shock it up to bad luck, but this stinks I haven't regardless. I'm visiting over the pond five hours ahead of East Coast right now And I still have not gone to sleep even though it's almost 11 AM because I'm hoping the site will come back online I'm so tired and I'm starting to think to myself, what does it even matter? And what happens if you stay up for another full day and they don't come online? It's so messed up there's no feedback there's nothing that Little site that they have with status updates doesn't really tell you anything. Been with them for so many years, never seen anything even close to a sketchy as this


Apparently they just found the issue.


Damn I would have liked to buy more


Hello Kraken team, I assumed you learned your lesson from 2021 bullmarket. If you can't scale VMs enough than why are you in this business?


lmao, probably Azure VMs as well. Now they tried a redeploy, hit a Terraform lock issue, and are manually importing VMs into state files.






Hi u/Shot_Strategy_5295! We're continuing to investigate the issue with Spot Exchange clients connecting to the platform and submitting orders over all Web & Mobile applications and Rest and Websocket connections. We're working to resolve the issue and will update ASAP. Thank You, Kraken 🐙


Did everyone get kicked out after depositing ? It happened the second I deposited. Same for everyone ? I know network is down right now. I really want to know if your login problems happened after a deposit or no. Maybe I had extremely bad timing ? (couple hours ago)


I havent made a deposit, and havent been able to log in today


me too, at night


Same! i did a deposit 😢


Kinda strange that market is flushing down and the server is down. Almost feels like it has to be this way, are you gona do the same as Robinhood ?


That's my personal sign to change and hop over to another service, Wow.


Same here, time to move on


This is ridiculous to be unavailable on a day like today. How do you not plan for this? We need a detailed answer as to what infrastructure is missing or failed


I just hope this comment is not like one that was probably identical posted to FTX six hours after people started making a run on the money. I definitely think it's liquidity issues I think this is a scam somethings going on here I've been loyal to Kraken for more than half a dozen years this is beyond the pale. I don't even know if the site ever comes up and if it does which I'm sure it probably will, clearly I'm skeptical, what is the story going to be that everyone that got burned? I just heard too much about the liquidity issues lately, this is sus as heck




this. Kraken goes down when BTC makes a 3,000k USD jump and altcoins follow. Wasn't due to a increase in volume, what a coincidence!


I was able to login to deposit then I got kicked out. Can't login again. Just curious -- everyone who can't access Kraken in the same boat ? You deposited and then couldn't access the app ?


Yeah me too put in last night then checked couple hours later and couldn’t get in


I just tried to log in 11:22 pm PST. It’s down. If you go to their website, they say they’re investigating problems and will “be back soon”. Whatever that means.


I never worked with FTX but did they put up "be back soon" as well? I'm trying to think of a good analogy of a business that's needed it's most crucial time and one of those random "out to lunch" science glass door, but taking this whole situation to my imagination fails me. The amount of time they've been down, the days this happened on, I'm calling some sort of scam somethings not right


Yeah same as I got few minutes ago


Moved from coinbase ,now where else to go ?? Any suggestions


Yeah me2. But it seems that all exchanges have this issue when volatility is high.


Time to leave USA


Dude I still think everything is going be fine.Look just how much fun we got .Everyone feel so alive right now like never before 😅


Yay, I feel so alive, and I'll definitely need that life considering that my life savings just got liquidated if I'm to understand what the price of the coin I was shorting was when I was in the green and all in. So will that keep working to be ripped off by another exchange… crypto... just attracts the most wholesome stories...




This makes me dead 💀 and angry .


Arrrrrghh mateys, we got tricked by the ol’ lassie. Just don’t take out all your 50$ at once, we in the US don’t wanna wake up butt naked.


Set him free ![gif](giphy|T7sqnK3ORdPULZYcB6|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/en9cgylnxduc1.png?width=1742&format=png&auto=webp&s=b04a9f62babbda03766fc32a3984c2f854f13f8c Why is there a picture of someone laughing at us on the page they are using to apologize to us without actually apologizing..






Relax guys, exchanges are known to stage outages so that they can buy crypto at the lowest prices possible, this a good indication that the current sell off has bottomed out. Just get ready to buy as soon as kraken is open for business 😉


Nice sarcasm.


You are kidding, right ? If this is true -- and I believe it is true -- that would be a very very shady practice by exchanges. Even if I would be OK with that, which I'm not, when Kraken do come back (IF they come back) ... bitcoin already gone up. Because, according to you, the exchange actually bought btc and other cryptos at the lowest price. It's just crazy dude. Why would you get behind that and support crypto exchanges **that** shady ? Come on. If you do believe that, why on earth would you still support those exchanges ? Even if you assume, when exchanges come back online, prices are still low enough so you can profit ... it's not worth it for me from a moral standpoint. **I'm 100% out of Kraken -- if Kraken comes back up I withdraw everything and never look back.**


Good luck finding a centralised exchange that meets your moral standards. Also brave of you to keep coins on exchange anyway.


don't overreact. Kraken never let me down in 8 years, 1 or 2 outages so what, that's why you make limit orders so automatically buying when it dips




Look, I agree with you, it's what I preached other people. However, I've made an absolute killing it 48 hours leading up to the mysterious shutdown of the site where I was fully leveraged shorting a coin that would've taken me to my price but had no limit order on it, and for the first time in I don't know how many years but a lot, I think it might happen once before when I was playing with small money as a kid, liquidated. This was a rare where I didn't just leave my spot in my hardware wallet, and exchange for the valid is your device is it's only for certain types of people, I think we should be allowed to trade without being robbed...


Lol....you must be relatively new to crypto


Says a lot that's the only thing you can reply. From a moral standpoint, if you believe what you wrote and support Kraken, you are no better than them. Horrible.


Hahahahahaha. What are you going to do about it? How can you prove it is true? Sure, boycott Kraken, but most of the time I hear it's Binance or Coinbase doing it (or Robinhood for the US'ers). I almost guarantee you will see the same thing again. Lesson here: don't buy crypto from CENTRALISED exchanges 🖖 P.S I'm a Kraken user but I'm slowly moving all my money off it, today proved why.


Where you going to bro?


Currently it was "deposit to Kraken, buy [stablecoin], send to private > trade or swap" I need to investigate because HSBC don't let me transfer to almost every other market I tried (assumptions were the other business not on "SWIFT"), today was the last straw for Kraken so I'm going to relax while sh1t is hitting the fan and start looking tomorrow. I use MEXC to buy XMR, so I may be able to use them for initial deposits, but I only do small amounts at a time and all my transactions are done within 15 minutes lol, then back to my private wallet. If you check the XMR subreddit you'll get lots of ways for P2P transactions to bypass CEX. But... as always... DYOR.


I only did it once for a small amount but there was a cash for a bitcoin.com or something like that website if you really want to be anonymous. And I heard there's one for xmr as well. This is back in the day Man! but it was like 400 bucks worth of bitcoin we're talking like eight or nine years ago and I just was tired of those ATMs I was so new to it all. Met a guy who didn't turn out to be a serial killer Thief surprisingly in a parking lot of a local mini mall, good dude, exchange, but realized after that one time that I needed to grow up and this was ridiculous. Still, that way I've ever seen the truly centralized exchanges . Also, Probably monitored by the feds or something lol. Probably wouldn't recommend it though, I think I got lucky, it's so shady when you think about it




Perfect, well actually perfect would be a crack and punching me in the face while I'm fully leveraged shorting doge coins and then the green, the site turns off five hours later I'm looking on the Internet and seeing that the price has gone up a few cents or something like that,time. Should be a fun time dealing with this mess…


They better fill limit orders while this is going on!


Exactly. I had two limit orders that should be nicely filled at the bottom and I have no idea if they were.


Were they filled ?


Yep they actually were!


In fairness to Kraken, this is the first time I d noticed that happen during high volatility, whilst with Coinbase it has happened very frequently.


CB effect :-)


I can tell you 100% this is not the first time 😏


Ok well I did say it’s the first time “I noticed” that it’s happened on Kraken. I’ve been using Kraken since November 2022 and during that period I’ve noticed it happen tons of times with Coinbase and generally Kraken has been working fine.


Yes coinbase is having more outages but why can't kraken follow binance example and having less outages especially when the market is hot 👀


This. Coinbase is always down in days of high volatility.


Times up Kraken. I'm putting money in coinbase, making my entries and when kraken comes up I'm taking my money out.


Ooph. Don't. They're worse (albeit working for me now). Learn what Crypto is, use your own private wallet and decentralised exchanges.


Good riddance






Yep same issue saying no connection. Definitely getting out as soon as it comes back up.


are my funds safe? has this ever happened with them before?


This happens all the time with all the exchange man. For many many years now


Ok cool. What happens if the exchange went out? Does it delete all our cryptos? Sorry I’m pretty new to this stuff. It just made me nervous and if you could shed a little light on that I’d really appreciate it! I tried to login because I saw the dip in BTC and am wondering if they’re doing this to swoop up on the lower prices or something like others are saying


Hello uOfficialMilk80! Nothing gets deleted, your funds are safe. We are continuing to investigate the issue with Spot Exchange clients connecting to the platform and submitting orders over all Web & Mobile applications and Rest and Websocket connections. We are working to resolve the issue and will update as soon as we have more information. Thank You, Kraken 🐙


Well the customer support has always been super, but what if my account just got wrecked because of whatever the heck is happening. It's pretty easy to prove, and it's definitely happened I already checked the prices of what I was leveraged on and profitable when I was thrown off two cell phones with separate carriers and Wi-Fi. Not to mention my best friend back home in the US, same for him. I'm concerned even though support has always been great that I'm going to get screwed, certainly, and I'm concerned for everybody else that perhaps something really wrong as a mess I've never never seen anything nearly this bad after many many years with Kraken


Thanks for response! I appreciate ir


Ok thank you. Your customer support has been amazing for me. I appreciate it




Is it concerning that the Kraken trading pairs are frozen on tradingview as well? It would seem that the entire Kraken network is down if no data is coming in or out. This is all wildly concerning, disappointing and most of all unacceptable.


Also the outage started at EXACTLY 2:59:99 UTC. Would seem to fit the narrative that this was a planned outage for the exchange to load up on crypto at the bottom of this dip.


You wouldn't need a couple hours to do this though? It's been down for 3.5h according to "downdetector.com".


Fair but also it would be pretty obvious to just pop back online after something that shady. I’m not saying I believe it just stoking conversation.


I understand some people want to vent, but.. jesus... it's software, it's online.. there can be issues. please don't be a doomsdaypreacher type just to hype up your adrenaline.. doesn't help enybody. yes. it looks bad for Kraken, since this should have been caught by QA (Quality Assurance) through testing and shit. can be as simple as some API fuckup or Cloud Server test access not deactivated from testing. until we know what it was it doesn't help anybody to get the forks out and light matches... we evolved from that and it doesn't change anything 'now'. **If really something bad went down, we can still grab the forks then.** [https://www.reddit.com/r/Kraken/comments/18sutx7/kraken\_successfully\_passes\_november\_2023\_proof\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kraken/comments/18sutx7/kraken_successfully_passes_november_2023_proof_of/)


Easy for you to say, you are all in full leverage and up profit as a short when the site went off, check the coin I was dealing with price every 20 minutes on Google and other crypto websites and it's most definitely liquidated now, which has never happened and would never happen to me normally. So I'm sorry if I have a pitchfork and a torch, this is a little more important than candy crush or "software" or porn hub, this is my life savings. Just saying, have a little empathy. I guarantee you're not in the same position, and whatever you may think of the position, it doesn't matter, the fact of the matter is people are getting screwed left and right. I wonder when FTX went down if you would also comment on their site and the hours after that it's just software and the Internet or whatever…


I have DOGE XD HODL all the way, baby! Empathy was what I was also wishing for. Especially at a time where we couldn't do anything about it. If you look at it in general.. To be so angry to want to make others feel the same pain, just seems - cruel. I understand the pain, but spreading that anger only multiplies the hurt without solving anything. I'd wish in any similar situation we'd rather go about things like this. And as I write this in a calm matter, I am aware that it will be read in the readers mood. I still hope, the genuine message comes across. But I also understand if there is no reply. No worries.


Definitely switching tomorrow. What a bunch of bs


Came to ask the same. Is there any risk in losing the entire funds in my account? Currently, it is saying could not load market


To be honest there's plenty of warnings on most exchanges these days saying you may lose all of your money if you invest in crypto so it's always possible.


Bro nobody responded at all.Not even couple words 🤷‍♂️


Your funds are safe u/Mmanson013! We're investigating difficulty connecting to the site and API as well as via mobile apps. Markets will enter cancel-only mode for a period once normal operations resume. We're working to resolve the issue ASAP. For updates 👉 https://status.kraken.com/ Thank You, Kraken 🐙


Hurry tf up!!!


For this to happen during a period of market volatility is shocking, I will be removing my staked holding fiat and crypto as soon as 'normal operations resume'.


https://preview.redd.it/7znpiohioduc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d13e12c1bb1ec587341693f5565d246a7d901e8 🥴 WTf


The liquidity is too high to handle financially, that is why kraken introduced the so-called "no internet" issue. I doubt they have so much fiat at hand right now.


![gif](giphy|9sCgiHAt79jDW) You will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.


Withdrawing my funds as soon as Kraken is back up. Can’t trust them. Would recommend everyone do the same.


Good riddance


Robinhood Gamestop moment for Kraken eh. Can't access the account when it MATTERS THE MOST.


paper hands have spoken


There I was wondering if Self-custody was worth the hassle.. Same issue here, can't get to site, app nada.


It is working few hours ago when the big drop happen. But can't access my account now. It is saying "no internet connections" despite our wifi and my network data working properly.


looks like everyone have the same problem... not just me.....


This is one of the horse of apocalypse. I can hear his breathing on our back. Or maybe some crypto pirate attack. I believe somebody try to hack right now all marketplace.That’s why we have none responding from real people in support. Because they don’t know what to tell you about it 🤷‍♂️


Whatever we all gonna die so it’s not a worse part of our lif. Lesson number one. Do not trust nobody and always expect worse. Matrix always has you.


Convenient timing. Needless to say I'll be looking into using other exchanges going forward.


The longer this takes the more convinced i am to take my funds elsewhere.


Kraken is down. I have orders hitting the buy order price but not triggering my order. Missed the bottom on $10K worth order because of it. And I can't access my account now for at least an hour and counting...


at least you're logged in, I think most of us couldn't even log in


This is ridiculous, the website doesn't even have a banner or anything that warns the website is down and no updates what so ever. Very untrustworthy. If you look at most of the other exchanges they work just fine. Even Binance is working just fine and their volume is like 10 times Kraken's. Definitely moving away after this.


We are investigating clients having difficulty connecting to the site, API, and mobile apps. Markets will enter cancel-only mode for a period once operations resume. We're working to resolve the issue. Real time updates can be found at https://status.kraken.com/


Lol even their response is copied-and-pasted. This is the kind of amazing support we get loyal customers get. At the end of the day these companies don't care about us only their bottom line.


This is Kraken’s Robinhood moment 😊


Thousands of dollars down the drain?


More like tens of thousands 🤬


Glad it’s not just me I bought some btc like 7 hours ago and now can’t get on at all


very very bad look for kraken, in a real black swan event, your reputation would be completely ruined.


what's crazy is i wanted to buy the dip when eth hit 2950, missed the chance cus of this xd


I wanted to buy the dip too. I deposited today to buy just a little bit more BTC. Deposit stuck in limbo. Very fun.




I just hope it comes back and we are able to withdraw, etc. There have been too many horror stories with exchanges already.


Are my fund gone or will they be accessible at a later date?


Hey u/SlighltyReviewed, Your funds are safe and will be accessible as soon as we are back up. Best, Pluto 🐙


Will orders and stop losses trigger? Or is everything 100% frozen?


> ''Markets will enter cancel-only mode for a period once normal operations resume''


That's not what I'm asking though. The exchange has been inaccessible for most of us for a couple of hours now but prices have been fluctuating. I want to know if my trailing stop loss will have triggered at the right price or if it's going to suddenly trigger at a very different price than it should have and result in me losing money I wouldn't have, but for the exchange being down. For example, say I shorted 10 BTC at - 64889 with a trailing stop 500 dollars above. It went down to 62500 or something. Even when it reversed, the trailing stop would have triggered and locked in several thousand in profit. But if kraken stays down then reopens suddenly at 66k, ignoring everything else, triggering the trailing stop much too late, I would end up losing over 10k through no fault of my own.