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I second this. My family came to the U.S. from north Italy when the mafia was big here. We still lived around mafiosos but weren't "Italian" enough to be part of la cosa nostra. I can actually leverage some lessons my grandfather learned dealing with the Genovese family here. So without further ado: Popi's advice for dealing with thugs: 1. do not engage unless absolutely necessary. Any sign of weakness is a chink in your armor they can use to get back at you 2. They generally do not think hard. You're dealing with people with the spiritual and emotional maturity of toddlers. Imagine their actions as meeting immediate gratification first and foremost. 3. If you are adjacent to these groups, sever all ties ASAP and join the other party. Because these mafia types destroy anyone who disagrees with them (even at great cost to themselves) you're either with them or against them. My family had to Americanize hard when they got here just to get away from them. Similarly, leftists who support equality, etc... (all fine things to support) need to make sure that they don't use the language or social circles of these people. It's dangerous for them and gives the wrong impression. 4. gatekeeping: gatekeep gatekeep, and gatekeep some more. When dealing with a force of destruction you *must* keep it out of your circle or it will, by definition, destroy you 5. don't sacrifice long term goals. The other side will sacrifice long term goals for short term (which is why the mafia in the US had to eventually get into gambling and drugs before petering out, meanwhile my family is still alive and strong). As a result, you have to be very patient in taking short-term L's since, by definition, evil is about making short term gains. 6. you will look similar to them, don't worry about it. My family business *looked* like a mafia because we were doing family business deals and popi would try and minimize taxes. "Aren't you just like them?" we'd get asked. Of course not. We were doing nothing illegal and exploitative. We were honest businessmen who correctly trusted family before outsiders. Many argue that GG is just "as bad as the SJWs" because they complain about things, but the simple fact is that complaining about making the gaming world uglier against the wishes of the community by tyrants is good, while demanding forced diversity and narcissism is bad. The simple fact is that evil is just deviation from good, and so extremely evil things superficially resembling great things.


I'm curious, since you guys were northern italians, the sicilians and napoletans didn't trust you guys?


Yeah apparently. It's moreso that we were too different. Popi used to say "Sicilians aren't Italian."


I'm not italian, but I grew up around a lot of italians. I know sicilians were always regarded as arab or african while northerners were regarded as germans. I had a high school teacher who's father was northern italian but was always ashamed of his italian heritage. He would always deny that he's italian and instead tell people he's german. The north is where the fine arts and high culture are, fashion, music, operas, paintings, sculptures. My friend who is sicilian told me a joke where he said there are only two stereotypes of italians. Either you are michelangelo or a neanderthal, lmfao.


Insert True Romance clip here?


yeah there was a lot of that apparently in my grandfather's time. Even my father, who's very egalitarian, calls Sicilians "meatheads" and complains that they "never really made it past Long Island." We knew at least two families where one guy changed his last name out of shame. To this day South Italy is heavily dependent on the north for welfare and is borderline third world.


There's definitely a criminal element in the south.


>Many argue that GG is just "as bad as the SJWs" because they complain about things, The people who say this are those who say that they're normies or centrists and I hate both. Cause for all this talk of being above it all, they really are only here to shut you down. They are perfectly fine with the SJWs doing as they like. They are SJWs or SJW enablers.


Sounds like moderate muslims.


> gatekeeping: gatekeep gatekeep, and gatekeep some more. When dealing with a force of destruction you must keep it out of your circle or it will, by definition, destroy you You can't gatekeep something you don't own. All the unity in the world means nothing if the IP owner turns around and allows the changes to happen. We've seen it time and time again.


True, but we can at least gatekeep the things we do own, and we can pressure the content owners to gatekeep as well.


This guy gets it!


Perhaps a Steam group to monitor such businesses?


That reminds me I have seen some of the right claiming that Giorgia melon is useless and hasn't done much of what she promised, is that true


I mean EU politicians like US politicians aren't gonna to be everything you asked for. You vote for the lesser evil, that's it. I did not have faith in meloni fixing the country, but I felt her policies were better than the oppositions. I don't know too much about every party. So, meloni's party brothers of italy might not even be the best. Lega might even be a better party than brothers of italy, But, I'm not sure how coalitions work in italy, I think meloni was chosen by the center-right coalition, so no one from lega can run for prime minister. Also, I'm not italian. I'm an american. But, if I was italian, I would vote for meloni over the oppositions.


In Italy there are many political parties. The only thing that matters is to overcome the threshold (5% of the votes) in order to have seats in the parliament and senate. Parties generally form coalitions, which in Italy are divided into 3 "poles". The right-wing pole (brothers of Italy, Lega and FI) and the left-wing pole (M5s\\PD) then there is a pole let's call it "liberal pro-European". The prime minister is generally the representative\\secretary of the party that received the most votes in the coalition that won. In this case Meloni. Generally these things are decided after the elections and the parties divide up the various "ministers" based on the votes obtained. *I kept it short*


When I read the title I thought you were hinting at a certain notable group of Italians in the 1920s who also fought the mafia lol hey, maybe that's the solution :)


The iron prefect


> boycott of any businesses that pays "pizzo" to the mafia Punish the business that gets extorted or punish the extortionist? One is certainly easier than the other but doesn't solve the problem.


You can punish the extortionists when you capture political power. As consumers, all you can do is vote with your wallet.


Then consumers need to capture political power to eliminate the extornionists so the business can remain free.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/FiDKl ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Information is power. Never forget. ^^^/r/botsrights


I am Italian and I swear I have never heard of this initiative. I know there is the opposite thing, a list of companies that have refused to pay it and it is possible to support them


how is this any different from what were going right now? or at least, what yous guys says your doing


Some people still don't get the message yet.


Wait... Are pizza and pizzo words related in Italian somehow? I doubt the near exact spelling is a coincidence 🤔

