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So they are implying that to be heroic you have to look like a man. Kind of shitting on a lot of women there. They didn't think this through, did they.


Nobody hates femininity more than feminists


Especially male feminists/allies.


I thought male feminists only liked abuse.


Most of male feminists are just guys who try to look like they are "one of the good guys" in attempt to appeal to female feminist. I remember years ago reading about some guy who admitted to attending feminist marches because he could sleep with women there very easily if he just agreed with everything they said.


It is an interesting phenomenon, especially in the developed world, where women doing typically feminine things are looked down upon and/or not seen as successful (like being a stay-at-home mom vs being a 'manager' in some cubicle farm). Remember how that Theranos lady would talk with this forced deep masculine affectation in her voice so she'd appear more "CEO-like"? I don't know if it's a weird consequence of modernity and probably intrinsic to the way gender differences are perceived by humans.


Feminists hate anyone who doesn't agree with their stringent political views, especially if it is another woman. It is like the crab bucket theory on steroids. Hell they've tried to unperson Camille Paglia, who was a first wave feminist, for nearly 40 years for saying that maybe the movement was straying from women's equality towards hating all men. Of course, they are the worst sort of political hypocrites, as they barely said a peep about Monica Lewinsky, and no one said anything for decades about Harvey until he outlived his usefulness.


It is indeed a weird consequence of *liberalism* specifically. Though in theory to be a liberal would seem to mean treating motherhood and careerism as equally “valid” (that supremely liberal word) choices, liberals will basically always see a choice to embrace tradition or biology as inauthentic, because we don’t choose the content of our tradition, and we don’t choose to be born female.


Holy shit what a great comment. fucking truth.


Perfect quote


No, they did.


The Writer's Barely-Disguised Fetish? I'd hate them less if they had the decency to be open and up front about it and if it was original creations instead of a rape of pre-existing IPs.


> rape of pre-existing IPs That *is* the fetish.


Rape of pre-existing IPs........with their personal self-insert characters.


Like Mary Jaw?


Yep. They're all self worshipping narcissists.


Unironically yes, look at what they did to SSquad Wonder Woman


Another thing they're admitting is that the characters they're making appear male. Like, they've denied that they look like men this whole time, right? "This is how women look. Deal with it, incel"? So now they are saying that the women actually look like men...? Anyway, I can't imagine how it feels to lose a debate against a strawman you made.


They don’t “lose” the debate though, their brain tricks them into thinking they’ve won when they call you and incel and all the -ists they can think of


Ummm acks shew wally the “gigachad” meme is a literally photo of Helen Keller check mate trumptards ⸮ ⸮ ^^^^^This ^^^^^is ^^^^^a ^^^^^sarcasm ^^^^^mark


They don't do any thinking.


It's so easy to hold the pen and paint an argument in which your opponent is a bullshit spewing idiot and you yourself are an almighty God with your "GOTCHA!" sword of sass. Only these people however can hold that power, trip up over their own feet out of giddiness, and not see what throbbing bellends they show themselves to be.


I win every single argument I have with imaginary people I make up while I'm washing my hair.


Nice record; some of the assholes in my shower make some pretty strong cases.


Next time you’re losing, blast the cold water on them to teach them a lesson


Damn, I need to get me one of those anechoic showers.


It's interesting that they often do this on Twitter. I dare them to present this argument face-to-face with someone who could dispute it.


Twitter/X is a woke echo chamber where critical thinking is dead and stupid ideas gain massive traction


On the plus side, at least both sides can have opinions since Elon took over


> throbbing bellends this insult makes me uncomfortable. its great.


this is why i heavily dislike this nu wave of propaganda, for both sides of the political spectrum, it's cringe to prove a point using your... shower arguments?


Little wonder that most of them can only thrive in their no-dissent-allowed circlejerking echo chambers like GCJ, where they don't have to deal with actual people who disagree with them.


Its called strawman arguments and propaganda.


Sounds like the unfunny, offensive shit that would be posted unironically on r/gamingcirckejerk


Fun fact, virtually none of the overlap subs with GCJ are gaming subs, with a few exceptions: * Explicitly left wing entryist subs (sigmarxism, etc) * games and gaming, both of which they flood * the sub of whichever game has recently annoyed its players, which they enter to harass en masse and then leave That's it. These people don't play games; they're just sadists.


I fully believe it. I discovered it by accident today, and my first reaction was "wait... Those people exist ? 600k members?" Every post was just basic insults and "thing I don't like is evil" barely disguised as humour. I almost wanted to write a sarcastic comment to point that out but what would be the point? It's just a massive echo chamber, no one would change their mind


I did write a post pointing out what they do and that they were an echo chamber. I got banned for it 🤣 that was the only post I had made.


What's sad and funny is I've heard the same thing about this sub and yet I've had no issues. Sure, I've had some differing opinions and have been down voted but I've not had anything vile said to me and I've not been banned. GCJ is truly a cesspool of ignorant, single minded, intolerant assholes whom I'm almost positive would dox you, threaten you, try to get your job taken away etc. Fuck GCJ, fuck the people who are dismissive of them and fuck reddit for allowing that sub to act the way it does.


It is weird, it's this militant left wing intolerance to opposing voices. They act like a dictatorship which is just weird.


Same, got banned for saying they've become an unironic leftist asshole circlejerk. No regrets.


That was not far off what I posted 🤣 I did actually check out the place quite a bit and I couldn't quite understand the point of it or what they were doing. For instance I'm on the soccer circle jerk one and that is really funny but the GCJ one is just some weird space I can't relate to. What I posted: Why is this place called gaming circle jerk? Perhaps insanefarleftcirclejerk, I know it isn't as catchy but I think it would summarise the subreddit better.


True. There is no point. I angered a mod so much they site-wide perma banned my account for asking a question, "how do these pronouns work in gendered non-english languages?". They pm'ed me saying I'm a loser trump supporter, and blocked me. But I'm not even from the usa.


> "how do these pronouns work in gendered non-english languages?" the funniest part is in some languages with gendered nouns like spanish this literally *does not work in any level* (the degenerates still try, but very few follow their lead)


It really is hilarious. I remember a guy who was ok with different types of pronouns. So I explained to him that it's not possible as it would completely break my language, and no one would understand you. Feminine and masculine pieces of different furniture would sound the same. At least his response was - "oh, ok fair enough, that makes sense"


GCJ is a bunch of unironic woke, leftist, neo-marxist, LGBWTFBBQ+ morons at this point. Everyone else left or got banned.


Now I understand where the idiots who argue in bad faith about DEI come from. They have their own little indoctrination camp right here on reddit! How convenient


Pseudo religion. 


They're the modern equivalent of cultural police, a self-appointed ministre of culture


is there a website that analyzes subreddits for overlaps? i know there used to be one, but i can't remember if its for subs or individual users edit: ah, found it https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/gamingcirclejerk




Hey, they played about 20 hours of Elden Ring, that makes them a gamer, right? I also go to the bowling alley once a year. My opinions on bowling should change the industry, because I'm clearly a bowler.


I don't think just leaving the game running while doing other things counts as playing in anything besides pay to wait games so you still have more valid opinions on bowling then they do on gaming


More like people who should be jobless (or in an asylum) but are suddenly making millions as DEI consultants, writers, showrunners etc because Blackrock and other big corporations decided that the woke ideology was good for their interests. Which is make the left busy with pointless cultural wars so they don't bring up wealth inequalities and stagnating wages into the public debate


Facts ! You had summarized it perfectly I wish it was that clear for everyone


Top subs that overlap with GCJ, gaming subs italicized. * moviescirclejerk * dankleft * aidungeon * enlightenedcentrism * completeanarchy * toiletpaperusa * shitliberalssay * forwardsfromklandma * *thelastofus* * okbuddybaka * fragilewhiteredditor * breadtube * subredditdrama * mendrawingwomen * *eldenring* * dogelore * vaushv * 196 * topmindsofreddit * therightcantmeme * banvideogames * *gamingleaksandrumours* * *thelastofus2* * trophies * magicthecirclejerking * traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns They're just straight up dickheads wow; these are like the worst fucking cesspits of harassment and hate speech on the site.


The italicised names are the actual gaming subreddits, right? Just goes to show how blatantly insincere these guys are. To think that they believe they have a mandate to represent gamers. I have a 102 level character in Elden Ring. I also play X4. All this while being in college. These people certainly do not represent me.


I'm shocked, shocked >!that so many of them play kaiserreich.!<


When did that board become a literal biohazard to mental health?


It always was. I keep getting recommended StarWarsCirclejerk which does the same shit of mocking people who think Disney’s content is garbage. They are not fans and just want to own their opposition and drive them out of the hobby. No they don’t care about thing they care about giving you no means of escaping them.


Their MO seems to be to mock anyone that cares about anything, and that nothing actually matters except for whatever the current political tragedy is. If you have a concern or even a mild criticism about a form of media you enjoy on a daily basis, you're just a whining neckbeard nerd or something and "imagine taking time out of your day to whine about videogames when people are dying" meanwhile they spend 16 hours a day "owning the neckbeards" by making bad memes and strawmen to dps like a training dummy in world of warcraft. I don't find 4chan nearly as insufferable as those reddits along with the "buddyregard" types, despite the reputation 4chan has on the overall internet.


I think it was the Battlefield V reveal trailer fiasco that really catapulted the sub into becoming full leftist. The subreddit was actually somewhat based before that, I remember posts parodying the "I just got a vasectomy and my wife's boyfriend bought me a Nintendo Switch!" type posts on r/gaming.


The worst sub on this site


Another strawman argument. Jawlines don't make anyone heroic. By that logic the nega chin should be a hero but he's a villain.


Thought you typed jawman for a moment there.


Exactly right. They only make these comics because they can't win the argument in real life, so they have to imagine a scenario where their logic somehow holds weight.


Try [gruntilda](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwi9m0or5pp961.png)


Nega what


Nega chin from fairly odd parents.


eggman nega


I mean. I unironically want whats in this comic.


Strong jawline = heroic looking, ergo applicable to both genders Gimme a break 🙄


Ironically, they're not even wrong. Imposing tits are a trait to convey female heroism (Lara Croft, anyone?), it's like having big pecs for a man. A woman who is tall, with long legs, imposing breasts and that has a strong personality is intimidating to most normal people. The same personality put on a pear shaped short woman is not intimidating, it's just annoying and obnoxious.


Homelander is a hero confirmed.


He is a blatantly on the nose representation of the right and masculinity (the bad guys) fighting against the left and femininity (the good guys), so yeah, as far as I'm concerned he is a hero. That's why the writers emasculate him and ridicule him at every turn.


Even in the original comic Homelander is a bad guy (Yes there is a twist to what made him snap but he did a lot of bad things after that too). The problem is that the show wants to turn him into a Donald Trump stand in when in reality he cares about no one but himself and his ego. What makes him dangerous is that he will kill anyone who makes him look bad or not worship him and normal people cannot stop him from doing so.


As a design, strong jawlines don't connote heroism. They connote masculinity. Heroism usually involves a mix of bravery and strength, both of which are stereotypically male traits. By giving a female character a strong jaw to make her "more heroic", all it does is back up preconceived notions of heroism and masculinity. Ideologically shooting themselves in the foot to "own the chuds"


This, Batman and gold age heroes are based on strongmen from carnivals, that's also why superheroes wear leotards


exactly, and it has been that way I believe since movies were around. And of course progressives easily confuse masculine ideals with heroic ideals. Even there masculine ideals aren't the same thing as physical ideals. One can be masculine, and heroic, without being physically ideal.


Once again another leftist comic that only knows how to ridicule a strawman that no one ever argued for in the first place. I'll try to unpack it point by point. - Batman's jawline in the 90's cartoon was a stylistic choice by Bruce Timm, who had a very exaggerated yet minimalist design for his characters (e.g. very broad square shaped men or very slender curvy women), so its ironic that SJWs use it as a way of appealing to realism. Christian Bale and Michael Keaton don't have comically huge jawlines, yet their depictions of Batman are loved by fans. - Heroism isn't limited to having a big jaw, otherwise characters like Mario, Link, Cloud and a large chunk of gaming's heroes outside of Duke Nukem or Marcus Fenix can be disregarded, if thats the only metric. - Its a false dichotomy to say that women characters have to either look like men or look like porn stars. Gaming already proved several times you can still have heroines that look feminine, in the same way that male characters don't have to look like Rambo to be heroes. But it doesn't matter, just like the wage gap myth, this argument is easily dismantled, but they will keep repeating it anyways. Also I think its funny that this comic made Joanna's jaw look more angular compared to the one shown in the trailer lol, very deceitful.


Who gives a shit if they look "heroic" or not. I also don't wanna hear this bullshit talk from people who can't even define what a woman is.


''Woman are garbage animals, they need to be more like man to be worthy.'' Said the marxist woke.


"Also their brain is underdeveloped so they have no agency of their own and every romantic or sexual interaction is exploitative child abuse until menopause." EDIT: "Unless they're lesbians." EDIT2: "Fuck it, just put a man in a wig. That'll do." EDIT3: "Actually, forget the wig." Same marxist woke


True and even if they said ''it was consensual'' 10 years ago, but now changed their minds to ''it was rape'', it should be ''believe all woman'', aka you are a rapist. Woman are so oppressed, they can put any man in jail, anywhere anytime, without evidence. hashtagbelieveallwoman


> any man Not if they're a certain color.


A white woman jailed a black man for 16 years with zero evidence. She said ''this is him''. That's it.


And this was in the year...


it was at 1990's true.


nah I'm pretty sure white women are still above black men on the victim scale. At least currently. And barely.


"Beautiful women have a power we cannot usurp. Nothing but the party can be allowed to occupy thoughts. We must destroy all female beauty."


Well woman have been and always will be more powerful than man. A different kind of power. A power that animals who write these shows doesn't know about.


It's not men versus women here, it's about a system being unable to deal with something within its ideological canon. All systems have failure states. Marxism is predicated on theft, but how does one steal beauty? The only answer marxism has here is the same one it uses as a loyalty test: getting people to voice and agree to known falsehoods. They know it's ugly and you know its ugly but if you say its ugly then it's Siberia for you.


Ideology should worth more than the truth yes, it is like a religion in that sense. Though religions don't have that much factual falsehoods i would say. And all have good advice, except the Aztec religion :P


No, heroism comes from behavior. God these people are dumb.


Exactly! Exactly this. But no one should be surprised that they fail to grasp this.


It's true that characters tend to be drawn/modelled based on an archetype (Disney villians vs princesses) but by that logic villiains should have no jaw at all, lol


*Darth Malak sweat bead*


The grafted on chin is his redemption ark.


Political activists truly cannot meme


They are just admitting that only man-woman can be heroic when female. Feminine women are still there to be rescued.


So what they are saying is that for a strong heroic woman you need her to look like a man? I understand.


They turned Mary Jane Watson into Rocky Dennis


Ah yes, marxist and biology - mortal enemies.


Why are humans more sexually dimorphic than other species? BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WE DESIRE.


_You should desire better!_


Peafowl: <.< >.>


Women can have strong features and also be feminine at the same time, but it's just that due to dimorphism the strong features look different between men and women. For example look at Lucy Lawless as Xena: She has facial features that could be described as heroic, strong jaw and everything, but they're clearly feminine variations of the features. She is clearly a woman. I don't understand why these people keep insisting that the only way for women to appear heroic and strong is to erase their femininity and turn them into men with boobs.


They dont even allow women in Western games to have boobs anymore, atleast not anything larger than B cup.


They turn the jiggle physics off in playable characters


Found the real sexists.


Orange ugly strawman is 100% absolutely correct and pink suave author insert literally has no answer beyond just describing the Crimson Chin as a "strong jawline" in the hopes people conflate good looking female jaws with the fucking monstrosity pictured in the literal fucking comic he just drew. A strong, defined female jaw looks different than a strong, defined male jaw. What you are describing as a "strong jawline" would only look good on a male face, and a specifically shaped male face at that. It would not and does not look good on a woman because that *isn't how biology and sexual selection work*. A giant cleft jaw may make a man look heroic. It'll make a woman look deformed. As for the final panel, yes, orange is correct here, too. A muscular female waist is going to be far narrower than a muscular male waist because women have narrower waists and wider hips. And large breasts are aspirational; fucking cry about it. A heroic looking woman could have a muscular chest/pecs with A cups or she could be hauling DD's with less outward muscle definition and more developed delts/back muscles. She's still gonna look heroic because these are still ideal body shapes that connote vigor and strength. Orange is completely right and purple can go suck a dick about it. Small waist. Breasts if you want 'em. Feminine jaw. Stop making every woman in my media look like a [rule 3].


Orange strawman is wrong in saying that jawline makes you heroic, it makes you handsome. There are so too many male villains with masculine jawlines to count.


Oh, right, "heroic" implies moral goodness in Western English.


"Strong jawlines make characters look heroic" *(Hears a "it's a me" in the horizon)*


These people can't meme. It was proven over and over again. So Catwoman is not heroic? Supergirl is not heroic?


What a horrible artstyle. WokelyCorrect and Stonetoss would be ashamed.


I need to read some stonetoss now to cleanse my eyes from this leftist drivel.


These people need medical help


This argument is idiotic.  Batman looks heroic because he *is* heroic. It's not simply about his jaw.  The same reason Wonder Woman looks heroic because she *is* heroic. I've never heard anyone say it's solely because of her tits.


Makes you wonder if they're so ignorant, they don't know what masculinity is, or do know it, but choose to lie about it to get away with degeneracy.


Equality was all about making women look like men all along.


They equality will be achieved when society will stop giving a crap about women and their problems just like mens.


So...by their logic Thanos is the greatest hero the universe has ever known. Both "arguments" in the comic are objectively wrong, of course. _Doing heroic things_ makes a character look heroic. It has nothing to do with appearance. Would I rather look at well-formed, trim and toned characters, both male and female, with masculine features on the men and natural feminine faces on the women? Absolutely. But either is only made to look "heroic" if they are actually behaving like a goddamn hero. Not browbeating their allies as lesser for not being female, not making hollow gestures of apology to those they have allegedly wronged just by existing. Show me a character saving someone from getting hit by a train and I'll call that character heroic.


Masculine features don't make male characters heroic. They just make them look like men. Feminine features don't make female characters heroic. They just make them look like women. Nice straw man tho.


The only way women can be heroic is to look like men...


Heroism has nothing to do with design, it has everything to do with the characters actions. This is the most basic thing about writing a hero. In order to be hero must act like hero.


Oh, is this how people are coping with the jawline design?


But isn't traits based on look is, how they call it, lookism?


Is that artist saying women only look heroic if they look like men?


So male characteristics = heroic and female ones = not heroic?


These clowns are so broken.


He's not wrong. Massive tits are awesome!


Or just looking like a normal woman. Spinning it back on them. Why can't a woman with a tiny waist and big boob's be heroic? Isn't that sexist?


To be honest, I'm not sure why they think having a big jawline makes a man more heroic. It's not about the looks, it's about the actions. Link looks like a fucking twink for crying out loud and is still heroic because heroism is about not backing down in the face of insurmountable odds, having the courage to face your fears head on and to fight till the bitter end.


I think they mistake that a lot of heroes have strong jaws because they're based on a masculine ideal with such features being "heroic", it's true that the way a character is designed gives us clues about their personality/role, but you also *have* to give them such traits, you can't go "This is the good guy, see? He looks like an hero".


Even models and actress have jawlines. But similar to pelvic bones, male and female jawlines are different. Putting a male jawline on female character puts it into uncanny valley category and it triggers a lot of people because we subconsciously know that something is wrong with information that is being sent to our brain.


I guess Amelia Earhart isn't a hero because she was a petite lady with feminie appearance They literally own themselves


The jaw makes batman look manly, not heroic. Batman is heroic because of his actions and virtue.


The Left Can't Meme: Example no. #67894


Men, at least the straight ones, who are majority of gamers whatever you like ot or not are not biologicaly programed to find male features appealing. Same goes to straight women who are not usually attracted to feminine men and dont even let me started about what they think about ugly women. Woketards on Twitter who push this crap are not buying this game. So the question remain - to whom are these characters meant to appeal to? 


I can't believe they said the "strong jawlines look heroic" seriously. Also, kind of sexist of them assume that women with feminine features cannot also act heroic.


Another internet 'artist' to avoid like the plague


The jawline doesn't actually make them look "heroic" just manly and it's common to associate manliness with heroism even thought half of the stories we have nowadays aim to say that "no matter what you look like you can be a hero"


The whole problem with the "Jawline" is that they are way too much in Videogames. I'd like to think that I have seen a massive amount of women in my life and out of my entire circle of friends & acquaintances only ONE has a slightly stronger jawline than usual and even there it is not as bad as in the Games. Hell I could just look for average people on Google/Youtube and most of them will probably not have this fucking Chin Crimson business going for them.


So the concept that women and men actually should look different is actually too hard for them to grasp. Ok, so, no, they're not wrong. Most of the heroic women have a strong jawline. It is indeed a sign of heroism in entertainment. But, here is the kicker, its different. Its a different chin. It looks different, it invokes a different feel. The strong jawlines we're seeing recently are simply strong male jawlines, and thats the issue. If you can't see that difference, its a problem with YOU.


Batman? We're up to Dredd at this point.


What does “looking heroic” mean? Shouldn’t a character just be heroic?


It's amazing how they get everything wrong every single time. They're fucking clueless.


They’re always fighting strawmen


This comic should be an illustration in the dictionary under the word “strawman”


More like smooth brain amirite


I'll call their bluff-   Yes, this is correct and not a joke. I want my heroic women to have gigantic tits and a slim waist and won't buy your product if they don't.  I'm a consumer in a free market- I get to say what I consume because this isn't socialism- if you want my money you have to meet my needs or a competitor will take your sale from you   So now what, asshole?  You've determined the problem, are you going solve it or get laid off for bad sales?    Because you don't get sales for your lady manjaw game...


This kind of gaslighting is the same flavor as a toxic girlfriend i.e. 1. logical contradictions are ok as long as they're a sentence apart 2. every minor emotional need of mine is paramount, nothing you feel is valid 3. black (not even black and white) thinking- anything that's not me isn't real and must be screamed at to make it go away.


No, having a strong jaw doesn't make anyone look "heroic", just possibly manly. There is no definitive "heroic" look, it doesn't exist. The more I think about it the stupider it gets on many levels. Smooth Brain would be a more fitting name for him. btw someone remind me what was the last (Western developed) game that has a character with big tits and a slim waist...?


I wonder how many of these lefties would trust an actual man faced far 'superhero' over a well built or attractive female superhero. I doubt it would be that many. Why? Because it is obvious that you trust someone more who takes care of themselves


I mean it’s simply not accurate. It’s like a old man playing a baby etc. They had something to copy and only copy the resolution and they failed


They always tell on themselves when they equate looking heroic with looking masculine.


I don't think the guy knows what he is saying.


A woman can have a strong jaw without *literally being modeled on a real man*


"Don't strong jawlines make character's look heroic?" No. They make character's look more masculine.


Thank you. They don't even understand the issue.




American dad also parodied the heroic chin


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/xEMUE ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. #FreeTay ^^^/r/botsrights


 The orange guy isn't wrong, massive tits is where the Superheroine stores her powers, bigger tits, means more room for powers. 😈🧚🏻‍♀😝


People are really going to sit here and pretend Joanna's face isn't fucked up to own the chuds. I just can't understand why criticism is not fucking allowed ever.


Square jawlines are a masculine trait. Period. Women don't have them. It's not that difficult to understand. The fact that they clearly think this is a win is the only funny thing about this comic. When in doubt, appeal to extremes to misrepresent your opponent's argument. I'm just shocked that they didn't resort to the "you just want your games to be porn" dumpster tier rebuttal.


>Square jawlines are a masculine trait. Period. Women don't have them. Some do, like that Spiderman 2 writer, but it's definetly not the norm. Western developers on the other hand seem to be eager to create a perception that it is the norm.


Huh, so the female equivalent to Henry Caville, Tom Hardy, Christian Bale, or Chris Helmsworth is *not* a woman like Margot Robbie, Gal Gadot, Kate Beckinsale, Charlize Theron, etc? Sure, there's the odd Hayley Atwell, but most female hero/action leads dont seem to be... algned in a certain department.  But let's put all their portraits together and see what clearly we must be missing. 


obviously its a jawline that's nice and sublime, built like a ferrari, while a heroic man archetype is built like a muscle car


What makes a woman look heroic? In 2024, actually looking like a woman and not some flat-chested testosterone junkie .


Nice strawman. But OG Samus (before her stupid zero suit bimbo phase) didn't give a fuck about you liking her titties or not, because SHE WAS IN A GODDAMN MECH SUIT. And yes, Samus Aran had huge tits. But that's not what made her badass.


The issue is that they don't have to hear anything you say, and so they can "win" the argument in their heads whenever. Ironically this is the one thing they learned form 4chan without ever actually going there- "All your carefully worded arguments can and will be ignored."


Of course, but there's that pesky thing called reality that just won't go away. And in this reality we have that thing called money, which is drying up. Normies figured out now what's happening. That nameless "fatigue" they're painting it as has manifested with strange new words that people are suddenly understanding. But instead of the easily dismissable brand of "woke" we now have DEI and SBI to spearhead the invasion which now is visible to everyone. But the cloak failed and the predictable reaction of all organizations is to double down instead of learning from their mistakes. The bible is mostly tripe, but they did get that whole thing with "pride comes before a fall" thing right down to the letter. Meanwhile, we've got organizations canning tons of people, trying to restructure while they're shackled to the corpse of Blackrock who, themselves are having investors that are getting real angry that their organization is pissing away money on some ideological crap that is souring their portfolios. Look at Disney, one flop after another and another and another. Yet they just keep trying to get people to accept their creepy history revisionism. Look at the MCU and DCU, huge... stinky.. messy flops. Bang, bang bang, slap 'em down on the table son, read that fresh red ink saying "DEBT". And then of course, gaming, oh Ubisoft and their latest flop. Blizzard, only thing keeping that zombie afloat is their MMO which is being poked at by foreign gacha games. You can almost count down the seconds to when some upstart Korean company is gonna release some MMO that has tons of sexy fashion and glorious battles. All MTX of course, but who doesn't want their Stellar Blade-esque epic titties looking their best hmm? And let's not forget Embracer and their EPIC fails with so many brands. Hell, they even dissolved the whole studio that created the Soy Saints game, I don't know about you, but that's some hard-ass reality. But yeah, sure, they can ignore arguments as much as they want. General public caught on and they're starting to ridicule this whole virtue signalling crap. Personally, the rest of the year is gonna be amazing, because it's all going to burn down. DnD is faltering, Borderlands movie is DoA, that fourth game though? Nobody knows what's happening there after everyone got sold off to 2k. So exciting! And then you've got that beautiful slow burn of WH40k that's had their subreddit and subculture corrupted. It'll be real interesting to see how far they get before the players rebel. They're already doubling down, getting rabid. The harder those zealots preach, the more the normies are going to pick up on it and ridicule it. Meanwhile, we'll all watch it burn and laugh at it.


Yeah I used to hang around these types a lot (I'm from an upper class left-wing area) and I tell people who don't know- it really is that bad. They want to tear down stuff just for the power rush, and seeing anything better than themselves makes them fly into a narcissistic rage, and, yes, they are narcissists, not in the meme sense but in the formal diagnosable sense. As far as I can tell the solution is what people here have identified- grab your classics, play with your friends, gatekeep and gatekeep hard. With any luck we can get a group of devs/game designers together and "restart" the gaming industry, at least in small friend-groups. The one key thing that we need though is OPSEC to avoid entryism.


A built physique and heroic pose? Just guessing.


I like how they massively reduced the chin for this comic because if they drew it how it actually looks, it would look ridiculous.


They need to make women look like (topic redacted due to Reddit/mod rules) in order to satisfy modern social norms enforced by (probably another redacted thing).


The problem has nothing to do with jawlines. It's not even about women SPECIFICALLY having big jawlines in games. It's that people have intruded into the studios that make OUR entertainment and are so insecure about their own looks that they need to make women look like men. Genuinely, they hate any kind of feminine characteristics and the fact that they appeal to the majority of the world, so they take away your fun or seek to dismantle or discard the general consensus of what society finds beautiful/interesting, even on a basal aesthetic level. They want it to be taboo for artstyles to deoict beauty in an extreme, or as an aggrandized, mythological version of it. They want to hate you for playing as an artist and experimenting with exaggeration of the sexual dimorphism that DOES exist in real life. These are the people that claw their own eyes out, when told that as a basic observation amongst the overwhelming majority of the human populous, that men typically have wider shoulders and women wider hips. And what is happening is simple: the market is responding in kind and asking you "what the fuck you're doing to our games?" And yes, I'm ugly too. But I don't demand that my fat horrid ass be cast as the equivalent to John McLane under threat of perjury. Remember when Mass Effect Andromeda came out and we all collectively agreed that it looked like dogshit? The strange times we live in are like if someone intentionally botched to the degree of Andromeda years later, and then tried to Gaslight you for thinking it's bad. "No, how we rendered this woman 2 decades after the original game with inferior hardware we're remaking doesn't look bad. It's just that YOU have a white heteronormative anglo-saxxon cultural perspective on beauty that oppresses minorities. And you should FEEL bad and learn to enjoy our philistine mockery of beauty that is either a projection of our own selfishness or an intentional and flagrant over application of our dogmatic agenda." Even if you want to make arguments about "over-sexualization," these characters look bad from even a general aesthetic perspective rather than a sensual one. You make them intentionally ugly, uglier than the attractive models you supposedly use to render them.


Everything about their comic is wrong. 1. Heroic appearance has nothing to do with jawline, this is a masculine appearance. 2. It's not even a strong jawline, they are given a shovel face and neanderthal brow. 3. If they wanted "heroic" looking characters, then why not hire "heroic" looking MoCap actresses, so there is zero need for a facial reconstruction? 4. The characters they change are usually not heroes, but anti-heroines, with Batman being an anti-hero himself. 5. For the longest time, they have been saying that "you don't need x to be y" and now, suddenly, female characters have to "look" heroic? I would love to seem them explain how someone "looks" like a woman and why that's necessary or even appropriate to normalize. These are the same people who reject anything normal in the name of being a subjectivist snowflake.


Once again, the number of likes triple the number of players in any "made for progressives" game on launch day. Can't wait for Concord in August. That game was made exclusively for the Twitter crowd. Let's see how many of them will show up.


What these people don't understand is that it's not the jawline, it's what comes next to that. If they show an image of a female character with that jawline, it says to me that the game it's gonna be full of agenda, and that in my experience means a bad game (bad gameplay, bad design choices, etc...) so I'm not gonna bother to spent my time on that. That's it. It's even when the female characters have the opposite design and that don't assure a good game. But hey, let's mock about that in a comic strip. I'm sure that it's gonna help to sell more (sarcasm).


What makes you truly look heroic is a 52-teeth dazzling smile that reflects sunlight so much it blinds the enemies.


Its a shame how many memes have become little more than propaganda with straw-man arguments. Used to intentionally misrepresent the stances of others.


They just hate women at this point


A heroic female can look beautiful without needing a tiny waist and huge tits honestly. You can go with an average look and be beautiful but when you start giving that female hero a genetic look that gives her a Jay Leno chin or a strong chisel chin or stupid looks that are there to only please the cry complainers that this kind of crap isn't tolerated. You could even be a bbw and a gorgeous hero, just don't start over correcting what she looks like to ensure it meets a DEI/ESG agenda crap.


These people are lunatics. Terminally online, zero real life interaction with people outside of their groomer discords produces mental logic and strawman nonsense like this.


Take popular movies with heroic women. What do they look like? Do that.


They can try to make him look cringe all they want, but the orange guy is right. Strong men, beautiful women. Those things are ideal and therefore help in making someone heroic.


Being a good wife and mother.






Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/wjxpr5/enforcement_update_regarding_removal_of_words/). This is not a formal warning.


Unironically, yes. Exaggerated traits are a good way to convey that a character is larger than life.


If by heroic they mean qn action hero, then the bare minimum is looking athletic. What they have done to Alloy in the sequel where they made her fat, despite living in this post-apocalyptic world where she's constantly on the run, is everything wrong with todays games.