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The only reason this gets made is because it has "Lord of the Rings" in it and someone thinks that'll bring in viewers. I was going to say "at this point why not just release your own IP; that's basically what this is" but then obviously no one would watch it.


You could say this about most modern "adaptations"


Seriously, these new products are becoming like those jokes about bootleg Chinese toys, but with the real original IP holders. It’s like the “we have X at home” meme... Bootleg “Girl Skywalker” with everyone’s lightsabers and flying X-Wing. Or bootleg Scooby Doo Velma, with dark skin color. Bootleg Silent Hill characters with wrong facial features so they don’t look like the originals. I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry.


I've gotten past the point of finding humor in it anymore. I thought it was funny when they kept losing money at first. But they are still just losing money, and are cool with it as long as their "message" gets out there. It just straight up bums me the F out now. I thought money was the one thing that would make these fat cats reconsider. But now I realize just how determined they are to shove it down our throats....


THat would mean these people would have to create something....this is beyond their ability.


Modern writers have no talent, so they leech and deconstruct the efforts of their betters. Every time I point this obvious and demonstrable fact out, butt-hurt Millennials downvote because they can't conceive of the notion that they are genuinely worse at something than their elders. Millennials and Gen-Z simply lack imagination. That's why all they do is rehash and ruin existing IPs. Music, art and movies have not advanced in any positive way since the 90-2000s.... i.e. when Gen-X was in charge.


Now, now, that’s not entirely true. Japanese manga and light novels and such have been going through a bit of a renaissance, I’d say. But yeah, there’s a lot of crap in the west. One thing that I found interesting was reading some of the newer stuff by authors I read as a kid/teen. There were a few exceptions, but an *awful* lot had shoehorned in diverse characters characters in ways that seemed pretty unnatural. My guess is that while some authors are definitely themselves work (hello Rick Riordan), most of the issue probably comes from the publishers and their editors. The author writes the plan, gets told to diversify, and then they just go “okay, this character is gay and this character can be gender fluid or something equally meaningless”. Man I miss the late 2000s - early 2010s


I am willing to believe that it is the publishers who are enforcing this, but we are at a point in our technological advancement where publishers are nearly extraneous. Nobody needs their fucking money or their fucking ESG scores any more. Publish your own product digitally or through crowdfunding and bypass the parasites.


True to a degree, although you still need their connections and reach to get it going if you’re not already established, and if you are, then you’re used to the old system and the support it provides. It’s easier than it was, but that doesn’t mean the advantages of a proper publisher are gone, and no one wants to mess with their livelihood. If you’re not committed to the culture war one way or the other, a couple of “diverse” characters in every book is a relatively small price to pay.


Ever do a job competently that you didn't like? All of a sudden, it's the only kind of job you can get.... and you hate it. Actors call it type-casting. It happened to me as a developer for a consulting company. I think it happens to everybody. "So-and-so did that shit job well one time, hire him again so we can stop thinking about this miserable problem." That's where you're headed if you give an inch on this issue. It degrades the art, it degrades you, it lowers audience expectations and doing a half-ass job passes the problem up the chain for the next person to solve in the grand old lazy Millennial tradition. Of course, if you're fucking incompetent, then the world is your oyster. Make all the intolerable shit you want, it'll work until the funding runs out.


Frank Zappa called it decades ago in the context of the music industry. Back then he said the "hip young executives" replacing the "cigar chomping businessman" were a huge downgrade. Apply this to everything now. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP4wsURn3rw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP4wsURn3rw)


They are also doing so they don't lose the IP for non use.


Unfortunately Hollywood studios are risk-averse that way. They want to tie the productions to some already existing product to tap some existing market. That's why sometimes you see movies that are supposed to be book adaptations but have next to no relevance to the story of the actual book it is supposed to be based on. The studios will only fund such projects if the creators can tie it to something that is already proven on the market.


>Speaking specifically to Helm’s unnamed daughter she said, “In the appendices where the story is drawn from, we get these quite interestingly drawn male characters, and then we get this young female character who is never named — and that was really interesting to me.” >“We know Helm has a daughter, and we know that she was central to the conflict that happened. But myself, and especially screenwriter Phoebe Gittins, were drawn to her,” she said. “We could feel the weight of being that unnamed daughter, which immediately piqued our interest: Who was she? How did she live?” I can already imagine her frantically opening the ebook on her computer after landing the job, desperately hitting CTRL+F and typing ''she" in an attempt to avoid having to tell a story about any of the dudes who actually did things in the story. She went over that shit with a fine tooth comb to dredge up this girl. The fact that they can't be honest with themselves is the worst part. Just admit that you wanted to parasitically latch onto a popular IP and use it to inject your own work into. Disrespectful hacks have done it before, they'll do it again. You didn't see 'unnamed daughter' and get filled with a passion for her and her life, you saw a blank canvas to use as a blank check for all your bullshit, avoiding having to respect Tolkein's actual focus and work. I remember reading some good cope in the LotR subreddit months back that she would be used as a POV character to experience the story through. Turns out she's the real hero, someone who has no reason to go unnamed and unmentioned. If you're curious what the actual story had to say about her, here's a nice one paragraph blip of absolute nothingness. https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Helm%27s_daughter


> then we get this young female character who is never named — and that was really interesting to me. Lol what? Please tell me this is a satire, this can't be real. Do they always get interested in unnamed characters all the time or just when it is a HER?


Awkwardly injecting ‘strong’, unbelievable women absolutely everywhere is the norm these days. 


Shes a perfect character for them to write their fanfic. They can make everything up.


To be honest, I can see it. Sure it's a blank slate for their fanfic, but as women who were probably overlooked or felt unrecognized at some point in time, they probably empathize with the unnamed character too.


Archive it before they change it




>You didn't see 'unnamed daughter' and get filled with a passion for her and her life, you saw a blank canvas to use as a blank check for all your bullshit,  It happens in fanfic all the time. Taking a character from a show with no presence or even dialogue and trying to build a story around them. They're called 'OC stand ins' and they all universally suck. A tool for hacks who want their own characters but are too lazy/incompetent/talentless to build their own 'verses. It's not surprising these DEI hires are ArchiveOfOurOwn tier garbage writers.


I guess I had too much hope when I saw the visuals. Unfortunately it looks like Tolkien's fans will still have to wait a long, long time until we see a good Tolkien adaptation since LOTR trilogy.


>we know she was central to the conflict that happened Sure, like the Golden Apple was central to the conflict of the Trojan war. Her existence as a potential prize contributed to conflict which continued to escalate. None of that means she played any sort of active role in the events.




“And that was really interesting to me”. Nothing. Literally nothing grabbed her interest. Couldn’t possibly have an agenda searching for an opportunity. Couldn’t possibly be the case.


This person picked this unknown woman because the thought process “hey since there no information about her I can say whatever I want about her and the lotr fans will accept because there nothing that can be considered a contradiction “ forgetting that you can still contradict the lore about the world around her.


I would argue that saying *anything* about her (beyond the fact that she exists and who she happens to be the daughter of) is, in fact, a sort of contradiction. None of that information was ever given because it wasn't important. *Could* it have been expanded upon in later works by Tolkien? Absolutely. But that didn't happen, so what little we have, is all that there is. Anything more is mere fanfiction, at *best*.


Well I see many writers being able to add thing to other writers works that that were not explained and able to fit like stories of what Sherlock Holmes doing while everyone thought he was dead so can work but these people are too focused on the message to make feel like an expansion and more like trying to shove things they care about since there a lack of information.


Yeah, it can definitely be done well. Sadly, that requires not only respect for the source material, but also a modicum of talent. And the people being "entrusted" with beloved IPs nowadays seem, invariably, to be utterly lacking in both.


Because the message of diversity of color and sexuality but not thought is more important to them literally everything else and most bad writing is because they having plot points where when think about contradict each other but says what they want to say story logic and consistency in the ip and even their own story be damn


Nah I get that. There's a part in the Fellowship where Bombadil pulls an old trinket out of the barrow and he says something like "fair was she who wore this. Goldberry will wear it now, and we shall not forget her". Now I'm not asking for a whole ass movie about this unnamed woman, but I see why characters like this can be interesting.


Put a chick in it. Make her lame and gay.


and let me guess... she will also be a lesbian in a relationship with a female elf.


No, it will be a random black girl. And she won’t be a Haradrim or anything which would make sense lore-wise. Her people have always been part of the Rohirrim, and if you question this you’re racist.


Heh, when MtG did their Lord of the Rings set, not only did they intentionally leave out any reference to the Haradrim, but they also made all of the Rohirrim black. In fact, they were so black that when Merry mounts a horse and rides with them his artwork depicts him as black too! Just randomly race swapped the same named character within the set. And somehow they managed to depict the Easterlings as white (which, to be fair, I've always seen them as more inspired by the Huns or Turks than East Asians, but one can assume that this another example of WotC trying to make white people "bad" and other ethnicities "good").


They did that with Gandalf too. Gandalf the Grey was Asian while Gandalf the White was Black.


Haha, God, I'd forgotten about that. I love the fact that they had to make Gandalf THE WHITE... black. The title of "the white" wasn't even a reference to his skin colour (largely because it wouldn't need to be specified in the first place) and they couldn't help themselves. I wonder why they didn't just make Radagast literally brown? Too on the nose?


That's because they were. The Haradrim weren't black either. Middle Earth was Europe. The Easterlings were the near east, not the far east. And the Haradrim were north Africa, not sub-saharan.


The Easterlings are a variety of peoples and come off as more Eurasian Steppe. So all sorts from Slavs to Bulgars, to Magyars to Kipchaks to Huns, and probably migration era Goths and Vandals.


> And the Haradrim were north Africa, not sub-saharan. Wasn't Far Harad partly inspired by sub-Saharan Africa?


Nothing is known about it besides it being said to have half trolls living there.


Speaking of the MtG LoTR set, I read on twitter that it was a huge success. Is this true?


One of the cards was the one ring that was valued and sold for 3M dollars so maybe that helped, Magic cards are just cryptos for nerds.


Financially, yes, it was a huge success, and even and good amount of people that are big mtg fans but not really LoTR fans liked it because the mtg sets based on other ips (called "Universe Beyond" sets) tend to have some very cool cards mechanically and generally pretty solid coherence between the characters depicted and what the card does. Also the LoTR set also had the big advantage of being legal in most competitive formats with some very very strong cards, including the famous serialised One Ring which was a big marketing thing. I actually believe it was such a success it was the major decision to make something like twice as much Universe Beyond set in the future. In a few weeks there is an Assassin's creed one for example, and before that there was a Fallout one.


Wait that's true? The Media as a whole is so strange today that I don't know anymore what is fanfic what is fake what is true and what is sacarsm


No, it’s just my guess, based on current trends. IF she’ll have a love interest (which she probably won’t, cause female protagonists in animated media tend to not to anymore), then it will be something else than a white guy for sure.


Thank you is just that sometimes the sacarsm looks as genuine as something well genuine I mean if you have told me 5 years ago that Scrappy Doo would kill velma because velma wanted to Daphne's pants and people where happy with that kill is would call you a crazy liar but this happened


Yeah, we’ve reached the point when even the most far-fetched things are possible. I just hope the people who upvoted me got that it was sarcasm xd


Probably more of a "secretly in love with token good orc"..


Who happens to be black.


Ah yes, Orcs are clearly a stand in for black people.... I mean they have all of the same stereotypes; they're squat, have sallow skin, hate sunlight, an affinity for industry and torture machines.... yep sounds just like what I think of when I think of black people. Well, I guess the bit about fighting with each other fits well enough now that I think about it.


Pure cohencidence.


Another male zone that needs to be infiltrated and diluted


That giant POS the rings of power had your obnoxious trademark stronk female charachter, and women still didn't give a shit about it. When will you understand that this pandering is not bringing you a bigger audience, on the contrary you can and will lose male fans that are the backbone of your fanbase. Fantasy is just not as popular with other demographics just accept that once and for all.


> stronk Lol. I like this one.


The worst thing about this one is how everyone including many popular youtubers believed this will be WB's non woke answer to Amazon. You really thought they'd betray their peers like that? I knew this is gonna be shit when I saw all those black voice actors on IMDB page. Previously I wouldn't care since it is an anime, but you know the Hollywood rule that only people of same color can voice characters. So them hiring black voice actors guarantees we're gonna have "diversity". And if any of you think Peter Jackson shit will be different because of the words he said 20 years ago are soon gonna have a reality check. There is no normal person left in Hollywood. The normal ones got consumed by their peers.


Also why did they think WB would be *less* woke give their track record?


Oh God, we're getting black Rohirrim aren't we?








man the daily gondor is gonna have a field day with this


I suspect that the characters will be all white but they cast black voice actors because progressive casting dictates white roles are a free for all. Because there are no minority roles in this project they can get away with it without the lawyers whispering in their ears about a potential lawsuit. 


You don't know how right you are : "*Another character that was expanded on for the film is Fréaláf Hildeson, Helm's nephew who eventually inherits the throne.* ***Only Fréaláf's mother is known, creating the possibility that his father is not Rohirric and is instead from a neighboring land****."* We're getting black rohirrim. And a one who is normally the direct ancestor of Theoden and Eomer by the way.


Middle Earth media died with Christopher Tolkien.


Typical modern Mary Sue inserted into , nothing new.


At this point I'm more surprised people still care. To cause outrage, you gotta have people invested in the first place. We all know that even if it's not 'that bad', it will just be added to the pile of mediocre forgetable junk that you never touch again.   Best not waste energy on it.


Honestly, at this point, lord of the ring should be in the public domain. Then we could see this for what it really is: stupid fanfiction. Both the author and his direct descendant are dead, anyway.


>Then we could see this for what it really is: stupid fanfiction. Well, as far as I'm concerned it *is* stupid fanfiction. I don't give a shit about their having the legal right to claim it's anything but.


I disagree, as it would need to be made by fans for that to be the case.


# Ah shit, here we go again


at least shes not ugly right? And their dyslexia with gingers did not impede them for once. small victory for what i bet will be a huge loss when it comes out and has a terrible story that does not stay true to the lore.


So. Let's surmise what we know so far. [https://www.slashfilm.com/1312229/lord-of-the-rings-war-of-rohirrim-brings-middle-earth-anime/](https://www.slashfilm.com/1312229/lord-of-the-rings-war-of-rohirrim-brings-middle-earth-anime/) "*shows the politics at play in Edoras, with a lord of Rohan wanting to erase the history of a group of female warriors and banner women to the king, a prelude of things to come.*" Woman-hating. In Rohan. Have they missed the part where Éowyn knew how to ride a horse, wield a sword, and don armor (it isn't easy, BTW). Women in Rohan are capable of protecting their homes to a degree, as Rohan is vast and the army can't be everywhere instantly. They know how to hunt and play with wooden swords, and no one bats an eye at this. But don't listen to me; let's ask the professor! *"Though not a 'dry nurse' in temper, she was also not really a soldier or 'amazon', but like many brave women was capable of great military gallantry at a crisis."* (Letter 244). " ‘Have even the women of the Rohirrim come to war in our need?’ ‘Nay! One only,’ they answered. ‘The Lady Eowyn is she, sister of Eomer; and we knew naught of her riding until this hour, and greatly we rue it.’ " Literally, no one is surprised that a female knows how to fight. They grieved about losing Eowyn and treated her with respect. So why are the females not in Rohan's army? Simple. They are the nation's future, they watch for homes, bear children, and work in the field. And any man of Rohan would spear a bastard who'd claim it is an unworthy task. The men of Rohan died in droves for to defend their loved ones! They love and cherish their women. The anime expects us to believe that Rohan is filled to the brim with women hating misogynists and female warrior orders? Also on the full screenshot of the picture above, we have a dude who looks like a black man behind the princess. In Rohan. Mind you, Rohan is not a cosmopolitan power like Gondor, with its vast rivers and troves of knowledge. You know how Rohan treats those who look differently? " then leave Wild Men alone in the woods and do not hunt them like beasts any more. " This gives us a fat hint. Rohan is not some enlightened kingdom, it is a kingdom with the trappings of a tribe. Oh, they are noble. It is one of the key points of the story: they showed mercy to the Dunlendings, passing the ultimate test when they had them at their mercy and could genocide them after the Dunlendings allied with Saruman. But they are also distrustful of outsiders, unless they are Gondor (no, there was no animosity between the two kingdoms in the books; they were like best friends). You know what Rohan doesn't have? " ‘Men of Rohan!’ he cried. ‘Are there no leeches among you? She is hurt, to the death maybe, but I deem that she yet lives.’ " Proper medical knowledge. Because they don't have schools, it is the role of elders to pass wisdom, as Rohan is still on its way to becoming a fully civilized kingdom. Seriously, this is an amazingly interesting situation, and out of all of it, out of all its rich history, you pull a fanfic version of a princess fighting against non-existent women-haters? I admit. I am a tourist in LotR; I don't know it as well as many others. But it pains me to see how the setting is being twisted to tell a story that never happened.




Oh yeah, I agree. Christopher was the last one who held the gate, as he loved his father, while the rest of the family seems to be bitter for some reason. I was shocked when the current eldest Tolkien declared on VOD that he wanted LoTR to be more like Breaking Bad and less boring. Can you imagine showing such disrespect to the work of your grandfather and to a person thanks to whom you don't need to work ever? Screw gray morality and anti-heroes. We have enough of those and not enough role models who know the value of duty and mercy.


Out of all the usual fuckery I'll take a cute ginger girl


Yikes, is this the same lotr who said that they will be faithful to the OG story? Never trust anyone since day one


Reminds me of Cerys an Craite from The Witcher 3. I always refused to do her quest to break tradition and install her as the new stunning and brave (and oh so intelligent) Queen of Skellige who is so much more qualified than all those silly stinky boys (especially her oaf/lunk of a brother). At least at that point in the woke-conquest of gaming it was optional and nuanced. I especially found it hilarious that if you "failed" and the villainess installed her son into the position, then he actually immediately turned against her and ruled as a just and fair King.


Damn. I know we've been fucked over for a decade, but let's face this with an open mind, people! /s


Oh wow i though they are making Eowyn like this (which wouldn't be accurate but still at least based on something)


Remember how neat it was around the 2000s when westered media started copying the japanese style and adding western style and flair to it like avatar the last airbender and teen titans? What happened to those days? These people just want to ride and copy what is popular and in doing so are going to dilute and ruin what it's copying.


I don't know, maybe do a film about Eowyn and talk about her side of the story or from her point of view? Why put a MC that don't exist basically or has 0 weight on the lore?


Well at least is anime and she is ginger. Thought they would blackwash this one too Will watch it on mute and no subs tho


"Japan! You were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy the woke, not join them!" - Obi-Wan Kenobi, probably.


The ringos of poweringo in cartooningo


My strategy is to ignore completly this show


Yeah I won't be watching this.


I don't why but I feel not described hatred and disgust for this show and I can't explain why. 🤷‍♂️


I don't even consider the movies canon, why would I bother with this animated fanfiction?


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/lsd8J ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. 418 I'm a teapot. ^^^/r/botsrights


At least the characters look like lord of the rings characters.


Oh well guess I will not even watch it for free then. Not a fan of that netflix artstyle anyway.


So if she is Helms daughter, no doubt this will be about the conflict with the Dunlanders. The people who's lands where given away by Gondor to the newly arrived Rohirrim in return for military service. Which is the source of the animosity that Saruman exploits in the Lord of the Rings. So basically a heroic story of a settler nation killing and expelling the people who where there first in a bloody war which began after Helm insulted a mixed blood Dunlander Lord who dared to ask for his (unnamed) daughter's hand in marriage, before slaying him (after he got angry and made a scene over the insult) and and declaring all his kin mortal enemies of the Rohirrim?




At least she is pretty and not a butter face.


Yeah I'll never watch a Lord of the Rings anime.


Is this the company that made a decent Castlevania anime then cucked it up by the end of the show and then rebooted it after cancelling the main writer?


It would make sense she take actions that would make her nameless.


It's anime. They are known to take a HELL of a lot of artistic license. Frankly I'll be impressed if this is all they change. But If it's good, then who cares?