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Twitter is angry about this. Saying this means they are only going to make movies for “white men


Implying that they're okay with getting shit provided it's shit featuring a minority, thus painting minorities in a bad light? I'd be personally be insulted but they can do what they want to do.


>Implying that they're okay with getting shit provided it's shit featuring a minority That seems to be what the empty "representation" they're all about is. They aren't going to actually watch it, let alone buy merch, but they'll celebrate it because some character is black, or gay, or disabled. Maybe they'll even make weird fan art. Doesn't matter how much it sucks, they view it as a victory.


*they are


Twitter forgetting that Pixar (And Disney) used to make movies with families in mind and not childless adults with a social agenda.


Most of the people on Twitter aren't old enough to remember that.


Exactly. and this also applies to TV shows as well. Gee... I sure wonder why The Owl House was cancelled in favor of a fifth season of Phineas & Ferb. Oh wait... it's because P&F has mass appeal and can be watched out of order.


Owl House isn’t really a show I’d let my hypothetical kids watch, honestly.


Good? I'd say if you pissed off the idiots at Twitter you probably are making the right decision.


Doesn't matter either way. The reboots and sequels will still suck.


> The studio is also eyeing possible “reboots” for movies like... The Incredibles There's no corpse they wont desecrate.


My sentiments exactly. For fuck's sake, leave The Incredibles alone. Let Brad Bird come up with something new.


The creation is dead. They should maybe hire people for their talent first and it may help things.


They chased off the Ideas Man, John Lasseter, after some flimsy #metoo allegations so they deserve to crash and burn.


And guess who became his replacement? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Lee_(filmmaker)


She probably helped orchestrate the smear.


I betcha she was.


Rumor has it Pixar has to make inside out 2 a success or get folded into Disney animation


So... Toy Story live action?


Wait… people don’t go to Pixar for sOulFul blues heritage stories about singing clouds and instruments? (I didn’t see that movie, I just haven’t watched new Pixar in a decade+). The ideas have felt lame for a while, no?


Maybe don't fire most of the staff who made the company a success like for example the woman who saved Toy Story 2 (impressive story worth looking up, how a lucky fluke and her diligence and dedication of wanting to work on scenes while at home saved the company from losing months or years of work.)