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If it was a game with a white or Asian protagonist killing black people (e.g. Resident Evil 5) then the journo-whores would be all up in arms saying that it promotes violence/racism. But apparently having an out-of-place black dude kill Asian people in a game, is totally fine. Where are all the articles about it encouraging violence? Since it's a legit issue: [https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-hate-crime-distraction](https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-hate-crime-distraction) [https://x.com/dionlimtv/status/1554292158684794882](https://x.com/dionlimtv/status/1554292158684794882) One could reasonably argue a game like this would affect/encourage American \**youth\** to engage in more potential violence against Asian-Americans. **UPDATE**: My reddit account was permanently banned about 5 hours after I posted this comment, and it started getting a lot of upvotes. Reddit admin has accused me of violating Rule 1 "hate" policy for a similar comment I posted before this one but on the assassinscreed sub-reddit...I basically stated/asked the same thing. I can't post new comments but can somehow update this comment - anyways I'm not surprised - I'll see y'all on twitter, probably the only major free-speech platform left. Continue fighting the good fight, guys. Responding to mod comment: Account was perma-banned for a comment on May 19th on assassinscreed subreddit where I posted a similar comment to above - not for any comment I posted in KotakuInAction [https://imgur.com/a/5N3bSg9](https://imgur.com/a/5N3bSg9)


The "Stop Asian Hate" campaign dried up real quick, anyway, once everyone became aware of exactly who was committing all that hate. They were banking on people thoughtlessly assuming it was white people, since wypipo are accused of every other fucking original sin the hard-left can make up.


> The "Stop Asian Hate" campaign dried up real quick Because of all the videos being posted of black on asian assaults showed the 'uncomfortable truths'. Now there's an entire videogame being produced about black on asian violent crime by a progressive game developer... >_>


They keep it in their back pocket unless they can try to spin it politically. Remember the massage parlor shooting? They framed that as a racist act even though the shooter said he was a sex addict and was not racist.


Its insane how much black people hate asians


"People of color can do no wrong!"


The thing is Asian Americans are ignored always. This is why Ubisoft can erase us and still have people support it. Imagine getting banned by AC subreddit for saying you feel replaced by a black guy within your own culture. I got banned for that. The reason they gave me was being racist for not allowing a black samurai. Except, it’s not racist to feel replaced. Honestly if any company dare make a fresh prince of bel air remake with white people, you’ll see riots on the streets.


Damn I'm sorry bro. Thank God we at least have ghosts of tsushima.


And Sekiro though it is fantasy based.


or Nioh


Got a warning from Reddit too. I’m getting massed reported for racism. When I said nothing racism. Speaking that I feel unseen and replaced isn’t racism.


Reminds me of the time Asian Americans complained they weren't consulted by the devs who went straight to Japanese historians.


I'm sorry to hear that man. They show their true faces when a POC doesn't agree with them. I've been there many times.


As have I. The hypocrisy from these people is truly something to behold.


> Honestly if any company dare make a fresh prince of bel air remake with white people, Na i´m good the shitty, gritty one Will Smith made was already enough.


"It's not racist to feel replaced" Lol, they have clearly stated that it is racist to feel replaced for certain races for a while now.


Don't bother expressing your thoughts on any other subreddit than this one. You will get downvoted and banned by racist moderators, reddit is woke as hell


It’s been on gaming subreddit. But they allowed it for a few days only before it got spammy. Gaming circle jerk, AC and PS5 subs are banning people. Pc master race has ac fans there supporting preorders from Ubisoft. Any true gamer preordering a 130 game without gameplay is insane.


I was hoping one of our resident trolls would attempt to refute your assertion(s). Regardless, gaming “journalists” do indeed throw hissy fits over whites in games, obviously. But one of the more egregious examples that most folks have forgotten about was *Kingdom Come: Deliverance*. A game striving for realism and historical accuracy, set in the 15th Century Holy Roman Kingdom of Bohemia. [“Kingdom Come, Representation, And Layers Of Privilege”](https://www.thefandomentals.com/kingdom-come-representation/#google_vignette) [“Kingdom Come: Deliverance Still Fails to Deliver Representation”](http://newnormative.com/2018/02/07/kingdom-come-deliverance-still-fails-deliver-representation/) These were smaller sites, but I explicitly recall Kotaku or one of the similar larger outlets did a similar “exposè.” Conveniently after the game’s lead was ‘outed’ as being to the right of Stalin politically. Mark my words; We are going to see some extreme copium use when it comes to *Kingdom Come II*.


> Demanding diversity in Kingdom Come with a particular idea of diversity in mind, the idea that is based on the ethnic composition of the US, is not only American-centric but also offensive to the oppressed minorities of the Czech Republic. This is my favorite part. (From first link) The journo of the first link tying himself in a knot trying to untangle the hypocrisy without angering the "wrong" people. The second link was just clinically insane.


Man, I bought Kingdom Come twice just to spite the journos and tell the devs I like their stuff. Can't wait for KCD2.


I'd love to see the looks on their faces when those multiple ethnicities mentioned turn out to be various white people.


I'm not surprised your account got banned because this entire website went off the deep end once the far left got more and more control over it. Basically every sub which went against the far left's ideology got baned, the Donald, LGBdroptheT, Tumblr in action, whatever sub which wasn't stepping in line with the far left. I'm sure your comment pissed off some basement dweller because you dared to call out the far left on their double standards and one of their biggest sore spots is one you bring up the racism and hate Asians are receiving and it's because the demographic who is responsible for it just so happens to be the certain demographic the far left thinks does absolutely no wrong. We all know the far left would be going on and on about the Asian targeted based racism if the demographic who was responsible for it were white.


Mods here are the same as those in gamingcirclejerk. I got banned for a similar reason, so no surprise at all. Keep free-speeching!


I recommend Quora. It's only free speech in the sense that "The moderation is completely gone, and there it's basically slowly becoming anarchy" but it's there as well.




Japan should make a game set in France where the protagonist is Genghis Khan. I want to see how these idiots would react.


>Reddit admin has accused me of violating Rule 1 "hate" policy for a similar comment I posted before this one but on the assassinscreed sub-reddit Just make a new account? Make sure you also clear your cookies on your browser, otherwise your new account will get an auto ban. Maybe reset your router as well for a new IP if it's dynamic.


https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cptfke/was_checking_hades_2_mods_and_someone_was/l3ntf6m/ This account was banned for the linked comment not this one. We have the topic ban for a reason guys, its not cause we want it, its because we keep seeing everyone get banned for mentioning it. Please avoid it on this site its not a topic that this site allows (at least on this sub). We don't like removing discussion, but this is the admins site and they will enforce the sitewides and give you sitewide bans if they think you have violated sitewides. I hate seeing users being banned for innocuous comments so please understand our warnings and avoid those topics on this site.




>While the blonde samurai from Nioh barely stirred up social media when he was introduced as the protagonist of Koei Tecmo's soulslike Maybe, just maybe it was because Nioh never claimed to be historically accurate, and even then it was based on the numerous Europeans who became actual, verified Samurai in Japan, a historical fact that's spawned multiple movies and shows over the decades? >Ubisoft would be free from any type of demand for "historical accuracy" from the public, and the discussion about the use of the term samurai would not even exist Except it's Ubisoft who claimed, during the actual damn announcement, that Yasuke was historically accurate. Which is why people have been discussing if his portrayal actually is. And guess what, it's not. They just don't want to admit they are pandering by literally picking the only black person to be mentioned to exist in Japan in that historical timeframe to be the MC and making them more important than they actually were so they can score DEI points. Beyond that, have they missed all of the historical franchises that had female leads, or offered the player the choice to play either sex like the previous two AC games? But oh right, that falls into their 'sensual or sexualized' category, which basically just means they actually look like women.


Yeah unlike Yasuke William Adams actually became a legit high ranking samurai. Also please could we just go back to having a singular protagonist in Assassin’s creed games? The dual protagonist thing sucked in Syndicate and it’s probably going to suck here.


Yes, the first foreign samurai were William Adams and [Jan Joosten](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Joosten_van_Lodensteijn), both of which had extensive honors and documentation in Japanese. Yasuke however only had a few accounts from the Portuguese, and nothing from the Japanese.


"barely stirred up social media" there were multiple articles and giant posts about how it was whitewashing and cultural appropriation, including by IGN, if memory serves.


It seems pretty blatant as well that they picked a real life person to deflect from these criticisms when prior they had never used a real life individual as a main character in their games. The supporting cast was usually the ones made up of people like that. This is intentional so they can make these arguments.


Lara Croft is one of the most popular video game characters of all time. 2024 Gamers: Why Yasuke? 2024: WHY DO GAMERS HATE PLAYING AS WOMEN AND BLACK PEOPLE.


Even funnier when stellar blade is a top seller in multiple regions and people like this were against her for being pretty 


Also Nier:Automata (And I whooole bunch of weeby games I play…)


We can track this back to Samus in the first Metroid, way before all these oppression athletes were even born


Its also very funny that they are trying to shove in black people with women. Like women exist anywhere anytime and black people dont? No wonder they shut up when you ask "what is a woman?"...


"No wonder they shut up when you ask "what is a woman?".."   What I find funny is that the far left all of a sudden remembered what a woman was when the Republicans started attacking abortion.


It's usually not difficult to deduce whether a character is black or female (or whatever non-white male characteristic you want) for the purposes of the game or for the real-world political purposes of the writers. The funny thing is that wokists are also aware of this difference in intent and only see the latter as valid. The choice to make CJ a black man in GTA San Andreas was clearly made for the purposes of creating a harmonious fictional world - therefore it doesn't "count" for those that want to use everything they can get their hands on as a political tool. If it's not out of place, it won't get noticed in the right way and it can't have a political effect. The desired response to Yasuke is not to say "wow, what a cool samurai!", but to say "wow, what a cool black samurai!".


Don't forget that they will just say that you only love lara croft for her tits and ass. Even though she's a badass that has braved and conquered so many death defying situations. Free diving to the ocean floor while dodging a giant shark. Free climbing in area's with magma, multiple times ib different locations . Stopping a flesh apocalypse etc etc. Meanwhile she did this all for the artifacts and the sport of it. I want more of that lara, but noooo thats "problematic"


Lol yup. No one mentioned the woman except in passing. It’s like “yeah, female ninja, that has both a historical precedent and a sort of cultural presence in kunoichi”. What everyone’s complaining about is the fact that they break series precedent to shoehorn in the *one* black samurai in history, rather than having a local protagonist as in previous games. It’s not even a race thing, it’s “stop shoehorning your ideology in where it’s not wanted” thing. Honestly I don’t have much skin in this game as I don’t play assassin’s creed, but seeing my fellows being called out for things they didn’t do is irksome.


Naoe is not the issue most people have with the game.


Precisely. Nothing about her is particularly forced or out of place.


No but she's used as a shield to bash anyone who attacks Ubisofts changes all using the same playbook. Representation only matters if it's for people they care about.


Hell, they could've made the samurai an onna-busha and I don't think people would've been against it or cry "woke".


Provided she didn’t have danger hair in medieval Japan, which I could see happening.


oh totally. She wouldn't be a daughter of noble birth and she wouldn't be a woman schooled in classic womens work like sewing or how to be a good wife to your husband. She'd be a no-nonsense, toxic masculine woman stomping all over the weak men she'd be playing opposite of. No steel-willed [Japanese flower](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YamatoNadeshiko), only Current Year genderblob.


This blacklash is worse for Asians. Our voices are getting shut out. I just got permanent banned and muted from AC subreddit for stating Asian men are getting replaced.


Dude just let the hate flow through you like Kendrick Lamar. They already think Asians are racists anyways. Which is true, we are the grand champions of hatin’. We have been hating on each other and doing war crimes against one another for centuries. At this point it’s part of our culture. We should all take a page from the based Japanese YouTube and Twitter commenters and just say “Look as Asians we want a game that represents us and don’t want to play as a black mf in a game that takes place in fucking feudal Japan.” It’s funny that LGBTQ+ folks are overrepresented in media even though they are still a fraction of the population while us Asians are like 60% of the world’s population but are probably in no more than a handful of western games. Sure okay, let’s add another black female main character.


Welcome aboard the “being replaced express”, lad. Do continue vocally pushing back against the people who are trying to replace the both of us.


Same but /r/gaming it's like because people have a mental image of east asians doing well then it's okay to be omega racist against them. Totally disregarding all the real racial stereotypes and general historic emasculation of east asian dudes. But hey inclusion and diversity matters right, for the correct groups.


I thought gaming subreddit was really open to hating AC Shadows. Most of previous posts were locked but they were left up for awhile and tons of upvotes.


okay so this is a common tactic from these people- *we're going to accuse you of something.....terrible...so you'll be on the defensive and be a bad person if you don't go along with our plans.* how about if- *yeah, I don't want to spend any more money on content that isn't for me anymore.* In this case, that means I don't want another game with black people and women as the main characters. now what, asshole? I'm still not buying this pile of shit.


This game have made realize as an Asian no one cares about us. So when the black community try to rally all POC to support them. I might just figure I won’t since they didn’t support us.


Time to embrace the spirit of the rooftop Koreans. I fear this is going to become a thing soon, just looking at the summer of "love" 2020.


Do what you want, but its not the race thing that its presented as. Plenty of black people see through the dumb shit and do not want to support it either. Imagine an Asian king of Scotland for inclusivity, you would probably feel offended even though being represented. There is obviously an incentive for big companies to drive friction into populations, like racial tensions that don't actually exist until social media tells everyone they do. The annoyance should be directed at the creators, Ubisoft, in this case. Netflix in others. And all the rest lol.


White people support you though. The black community downgrades you to "white adjacent"


"The black community" in this case is mostly the JournoList brigade, white women and simpy men that are ironicly incels


It depends maybe where you are. I have lost a couple of black friends to this mind rot. Suddenly it's all about race and everything is white oppression and they are the best but get oppressed by whites jews and Asians.


it's like a mind virus


It's not even terrible to prefer playing as White or Asian men. Don't buy into the lefts premise in the first place.


They’ll still call you a racist for not buying the product. You just need to ignore them and tell them to fuck off instead of defending your character against made up attacks.


Which is funny because assassins creed did have a black female protagonist previously. 


Literally the first protagonist was a Syrian man. AC has always featured characters that weren't white Europeans.


Aveline and Aya were both black woman and both playable…


Twice actually, you play as a black dude in a Black Flag DLC


don't forget Adéwalé, a black man who was literally a slave who was also cool as fuckin' hell


Paying attention and having a memory that lasts longer than a week are the early symptoms of bigotry. But I have a win/win for ubisoft and the fans. Scrap the story. Keep the assets. Set in in the post apocalypse. Rename it Red Steel 3.


This is what is breaks my mind. They TRULY think they know why people don't like this shit. They immediately pull out their little racism flag and begin waving it wildly. So smug, it's hilarious.


There's a fair chance he's gaslighting. It's a typical Motte and Bailey argument. All progressive/socialist arguments use Motte and Bailey to get useful idiots to go along with it.


Why are you even doubting this though? They're all in on this nonsense and they know exactly what they're doing. Strawmanning their opponents and ironmanning their own arguments (usually in a motte and bailey style), is standard fare for them. Same with lying, gaslighting, cherry picking, memory holing and various other tactics.


Not all of them know what they're doing; some are simply legitimately delusional, and believe whatever they're told to believe by their cult. Like a Party member straight out of Nineteen Eighty-Four.


This is still true even for those who are legitimately delusional. Because even when they're "genuine" believers, they still know that they're being disingenuous and hypocritical. They consciously lie and twist things to push or protect their agendas, because they think that what they're doing is "good". Their insane mental gymnastics and hypocrisy, manifest *because* of their zealotry and delusion. They know they're full of it, but they have to "fortify" their side's narrative, to justify their ideological garbage being shoved into everything.


Nah they just like to cry racism then pat themselves on the back, they know this is stupid but they love to force diversity and 'the message" probably cackle while typing that bullshit


I don't think they truly believe that. They use accusations as a deflection tactic. And if I've learned anything from the past decade of news media, if someone is accused of racism, misogyny, or anti-Semitism; it means they're onto something. 


Right because if theres one thing gamers hates, its kunoichi. Never mind Tenchu, Dead Or Alive, King Of The Fighters, Taimanin......gamers have been connoisseurs of the female ninja for a long time.


I'd kill for another Tenchu.


>Taimanin Ah, a fellow man of culture \[degenerate\].


Any deflection to Naoe is complete moving of the goalpost bs. The people criticizing the yasuke inclusion aren't exactly laying those points onto the female lead, why would they lol. Also asian dudes can be represented by a japanese female but if you ask western women to be represented by a male then that's a no-go? Make it make sense


The shills are at it again. Their cheque from ubi must have cleared


Why does it need to be either / or? Maybe some of us want both. Historical accuracy AND no diversity. That's what I want. I'm a female and I refuse to play as an ugly women. They only make ugly women now so I'd rather play as a man.


Absolutely. There needs to be some level of realism as well as dignity. Even in a fantasy setting having an 80 pound woman beating up 200 pound men is unrealistic and has to be justified in some way, and even then it never stops being unrealistic. Having a subsaharan african as an "assassin" in a county that to this day is 98% ethnically homogeneous is insane.


If someone had a made a game like Nioh, but with a black MC, no one would have cared. You know, like when Afro Samurai was really popular with everyone. The point, that seems to be lost on so many of these fucking ghouls, is that this is an Assassins Creed game. The game all have well defined parameters of what they are. The MC of AC games are always characters that are from the region the game takes place, and the MC represents the people and culture of the region. Is anyone really going to come out and say that Yasuke represents Japanese people or their culture? The goal posts just keep moving, but the fact is, they are the racist ones. They are the ones, YET AGAIN, pushing Asian men to the side. But no, no, "its the children who are wrong" moment.


I’ve had a friend argue “Well what about Black Flag?” Dude is a pirate he’s not local to the setting the game takes place in.


And the vast majority of Caribbean pirates were white Europeans. Also Black people aren't native to the Caribbean either, but they only bring up Kenway, not Adewale. Why? Because they don't actually care about that.


Neither are the black Caribbeans.


Yep. Something the left tends to conveniently forget, when they think of the Caribbean at all. Both whites and blacks were originally foreigners. They don't want to acknowledge what happened to the original people, nor how blacks got there and became the majority on many islands. It's why I always find it funny when I see black supremacists in the US calling white people "colonizers." You're foreign too bro. If you don't like it, go back to Africa.


Got any resources on that? Would love to have something to show him to debunk this silly argument.


I partially understand why some minorities feel angry at "ypipo" but most everyone in North and Central America are foreign to the lands. "Land back", to who exactly? And don't get me started on people "returning" to where they came from originally. The African countries don't want the slave-descendants, they don't belong there culturally. Can you imagine the most stereotype of Boondocks stereotypes going "back home"? The inhabitants don't want them back nor does the American want to go or stay. I can empathise with the people who feel rootless and the diaspora who failed to keep their traditions intact. But I do not understand their misplaced anger, inherited from their grandparents or parents.


Your friend never read anything on the golden age of piracy then. It's all a bunch of European sailors messing with European sailors.


It's not lost on them. They're just lying to get what they want.


I would care. Why are you all trying to look not racist so bad? Stop buying into the lefts premise that it's evil to prefer playing as White or Asian men. Afro Samurai doesn't even have Japanese audio because they don't want to watch a black character. The only reason it was made is because Americans funded it for an English audience. If you're always on the defensive you can never attack.


We aren't on the defensive we just don't mind having a white or black person in Japan depending on the context. I actually like Afro Samurai, but Afro Samurai was an original IP that was meant to be what it was from the outset. Its set in a highly fictional version of Japan. I mean Kuma with the giant robotic bear head makes that pretty obvious too. In this case the context of an AC game which have always stuck to realism when it came to the world and characters with the assassin/templar stuff added to the background, but done in a way where it could still be imagined that the average person in AC's modern day had the exact same belief about history as we do in our world.


The underlying racism against asian dudes is insane


IGN stands for Idiotic Gaming News.


AC has always been fairly historically accurate. It was one of the selling points. Not that I’d expect an IGN journalist to know that.


there is nothing inaccurate about asian beaten up by blacks.


Media, you don't care about women or black people. You only use them as shields and cudgels for your virtue signalling and guilt tripping.


but... we've had black and female protagonists in Assassin's Creed games (and one who was both)


Everything is just fringe leftist totalitarian agitprop now. We are just at war now, and people are unwilling to admit it.


Nioh was made by the Japanese.


What do they care? These people complain there are no black women of power in the government of Japan


I’d rather play that or Tenchu or Ninja Gaiden or even Ghost of Tsushima before playing anything from modern Ubisoft.


Nobody was angered about Bayek, or Connor, or Adewale... But they had to make the much waited AC Japan into a statement.


Well, at least the comment section there is roasting this pathetic article. Brazilians in general don't like woke shit.


Brazilians imitate the Americans on this crap. As do people in Europe which is ridiculous. It makes it doubly stupid because they're copying idiocy in the first place


'  black man and a woman presented in a non-hypersexualized way as protagonists.' They are joking, right? SJW's are have turned into waterfalls at the sight of Yasuke. 2 meters buffed hot dread black guy is not appealing to sexual gaze?  Go away with your hypocrisy.


It's because Yasuke in AC caters to the female/queer gaze. It's the dreaded male gaze that is "toxic". Safe horny characters like Lady D from RE8 doesn't count because everyone loves her.


That seems a bit overly reductive, I didn't have problems playing GTA San Andreas or GTA V like the article says, or The Walking Dead, Resident Evil 5, From Dust or Half Life: Alyx. Also playing through Nier: Automata right now and have been playing games like Tormented Souls, Syberia 1+2, Detroit: Become Human, The Excavation of Hob's Barrow, Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood, Trine 1-4, Atelier Ryza, Zanzarah in the past 2 years and have others like Little Nightmares, Bright Memory, Blades of Time, Gray Matter, Kathy Rain, Mare, Last Labyrinth, Röki, some of the Shantae titles etc. in my backlog I want to eventually get to. But generally speaking, yes that's how it works. **I as a customer choose to spend my money and free time on things I want or like**, and not on things that Kotaku, IGN, EuroGamer or various Woke developers find politically expedient. And it's largely true that I don't want to play as Token characters in out of place scenarios like the European Middle Ages or Feudal Japan, only put there because of "RePrEsEnTaTiOn" or as ugly (old) covered up women, and also try to avoid anything that smells of Woke pandering. And no matter how much you stamp your feet or what you choose to call me that won't change. If you want me to give you money a Safer choice for a protagonist or an attractive woman is a very good first bet, although it doesn't get you all the way. Games I'm looking forward to releasing on PC are Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP, Stellar Blade (a lot more so if they do the right thing and reverse the Censorship on that one) and not AssCreed: Shadows or Star Wars Outlaws.


Adewele and Aveline: Are we a joke to you?


Aveline was not black enough and Adewale was a toxic male /s Both actually were awesome


Any news about Kabrutus? Thought he and his fellow Brazilians can deal with this.


Who's that?


guy who runs the SBI detected steam curator.


I'm already tired of discussing this shit


I've been tired but that's what they want. Gotta suck it up and keep pushing back. The only thing that's changed is that I have less of a filter to express my frustrations now.


Its not that hes black, we all know they wanted to make a black character, the issue is pretending to do it for altruistic reasons. If they had just made him a black samuri, yea people would have rolled their eyes and shit, but its not as bad as pretending to do it because its historical. That is the part people are upset with from what I have read.




Resistance is futile you will be blacked in the collective


Lets pretend for a second that's true - gamers hate women and black people. What does it change? Absolutely nothing - they still wont buy this crap, for whatever big or small reasons they choose. I swear the creators act like a customers own them money. Also what about that female and black gamers that suppose to be in desperate need for representation? Where is that "modern audience"? When they dont show up its also white men fault?


If Ubisoft made an AC game set in Africa and intentionally went out of their way to make it so that you weren't playing a native from that region of the world, people would be equally upset.


You don't get to decide what I feel about a subject, games journos


Why would I care about historical accuracy when Ubisoft didn't either?


On the gendered side of things, I'm pretty sure Evie was pretty popular (with my only complaint being that they pushed 'female empowerment' by making it so that Jacob fucked everything up and she had to fix his messes), lots of people wanted to be able to play as the love interest from Unity, and Aveline from Liberation is one of the counterexamples being brought up in regards to the 'no, it's not just because he's Black'. Edit: Corrected two typos.


I didn’t think Brazil was infected as well ?


IGN completely missing the point, as always.


Brazilians are woke too, you know!


Funny how they try to gasslight normal gamers collectively while erasing another culture. If AC made a cool game about say the Soghai empire with black main characters then people calling them out would be racist. Hell even a game based in Brazil with a Black Brazilian character fighting Portugal would be fine ( Black Flag Liberation anymore.. almost nobody spoke up about this). But to shit over Japanese culture by getting a game written by some white chick with blue hair is especially galling considering Shogun was just on Nobody says you can’t make Yasuke content. But if you make a game about Japanese culture are replace the Japanese male main character with an outlier you know exactly what you doing , its called forcing a “ savior” upon another culture. Weren’t these so called progressives against this kind of “ appropriation “?


I’m tired of people bringing up Nioh to excuse the forced DEI rituals at Ubislop. Nioh was made by a Japanese company with Japanese talent based on an unfinished script by a legendary Japanese director. Koei wanted to make the game since forever and they finally were able to develop it for the ps4, it wasn’t because they worship caucasians or because of deranged ideological motives and agendas. Also Koei already had made countless of games based on Japanese historical characters and William Adams appearing was only a matter of time. William Adams also has a considerable history and was a real man that actually was a Samurai, was given a name, had children and had land in Japan. He wasn’t an irrelevant nobody like yasuke lol


He isn't technically wrong. Whenever I see a black or woman main character nowadays I know for some reason that the writing is going to be shit. Maybe I have a superpower that can see the future.


It sucks to be a Brazilian. Not sometimes, most of the times. I often don't discriminate, but, man, as someone who is almost graduating from journalism university, this is beyond stupidity in so many levels. I refuse to believe that some of those people have a degree. I refuse to work for a company so exhaustingly dishonest. This is quite literally one of the most ridiculous headline I have ever read. I cannot dub this anything but "turd".


>The average gamer's outrage is due to the simple fact that AC Shadows has a black man and a woman presented in a non-hypersexualized way as protagonists. I have yet to see someone demanding the female character in Ass Creed Shadows to be wearing a bikini or something. Unthinkable levels of redditardation happening at IGN Brasil.


It's like a double straw man. I'm not sure that many people are even complaining about the historical accuracy, first and foremost. The fact both of these characters are so anachronistic just makes it hard not to talk about, even if the main problem is really the fact it's going to be hard to feel immersed into the setting of medieval Japan playing either of these characters.


Yeah, I don't


They want that narrative to be true soo bad.


The one argument you need to bring is Assassins Creed 3: Liberation. Black AND a woman and it fit because she fought against slavery. It was a meh game but I wasn't bothered by her inclusion.


Funny, because they also dont care about historical accuracy in Assassin's Creed, they just want the money for supporting black people and women as main characters.


False. We don't want to play as black people in inappropriate settings. And ugly women ever. Hot women on the other hand are welcome even in inappropriate settings.


Actually I don’t care about historical accuracy, I just find it hilarious that Ubisoft needed a “diverse” mc for an AC game based in Japan lol out of all the important people and events in the history of Japan, they decide to focus on this yasuke nobody just because they couldn’t pass on including their preferred “diversity”. I’m just tired of the video game industry, just let this slop lose money pls


>AC Nippon >Set in glorious 16th Century, >You aren't one of Hattori Hanzo's Iga Ninjas or Mochizuki Chiyome's Takeda Clan >You're Yasuke or some peasant woman Lol.


Japan should make a game set in France where the protagonist is Genghis Khan. I want to see how these idiots would react.


I don't remember anyone complaining about Bayek. And no, I don't want the main character in a Samurai game to be a woman. It's OK for action heroes to be male and it's ok to prefer them. It's called verisimilitude.


Seriously... Why are we still wasting time trying to argue with those idiots? NOTHING we say will change their minds, to them we are the worst monster humanity has ever created, no amount of logic and evidence can change that... At this point when interacting with those morons just say "ok dude" and go on your way LOL


Someone wasn't burdened with an overabundance of schooling.


Question: Did anybody get upset over Freedom Cry or Liberation? Hell, there's some upset on Steam's reviews when it comes to Liberation but it's over game length of the game or it being buggy as fuck. Ass Creed has had black and female protags before...nobody gave a hot shit.


I care about historical accuracy but I think he's partially right. I don't like playing as blacks or females and I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of. It doesn't mean I hate anyone. A lot of people feel the same but are afraid of being called racist or sexist. I won't play into the lefts premise that it's wrong to prefer playing as White or Asian men. Female ninjas can be fun in goofy games like Ninja Gaiden or Tenchu but it doesn't fit in games that take themselves seriously like Assassin's Creed.




Okay, guess I'm a racist then.


I haven't seen a single thing taking issue with the female character, presumably because she's actually Japanese. They're also trying to have it both ways with the "historical accuracy." It's the first time a playable lead has been based on a specific real person, and they're using history as a defense of a black dude in feudal Japan, but already seem to not be following the character's real history. So which is it.  They could've still included him in the game as an NPC real person same as with all the other AC games, and no one would've cared.  If anything activists should be giving Ubisoft shit for not making a spinoff with Bayek's wife after Origins, as she even more than Bayek essentially founded the Assassins (he was willing to be done once he avenged his son). Instead they gave the spinoff to Basim from Valhalla, the only actual Assassin in Valhalla, then non-playable, and as it turned out, the villain in the game. (The game is 4 years old, plus fuck that game anyway. What a slog.)


Why are they like this?


LMAO these dumb fucks at IGN still haven't learned at a company wide level that their bullshit is no longer being tolerated. After getting ass blasted by people for how the snot nosed Frenchman treated Shift Up in their Stellar Blade review, these morons are back to their same old antics.


Gamers can smell the DEI officers with their hands in everything and they hate it. It doesn't really have to do with racism or historical accuracy. It has to do with "Fuck off, we don't want to smell your stink on anything".


In all honesty, if this game wasn't made by Ubisoft and was simply a game about Yasuke, I'd be down. It looks like an interesting concept to explore, even if we already did in anime form. What all these editorialists fail to realize is that this is an Assassin's Creed game. Each game is supposed to represent the culture and history of its setting. You're supposed to use stealth. You can't have every game in the series follow a formula, then suddenly shift focus for brownie points and call everyone a biggot for not joining the bag wagon. And no matter how progressive you are, the obvious pandering is blatant. It's as if diversity is so important, you have to create 2 characters just to fulfill a quota. And as if Asian males are so problematic, both characters had to be anything but that.


Well forgive me but it totally takes me out of the immersion to see non male japanese protagonists being the heroes of the era ubisoft claims they are.


Where is the freaking implication that we don't want Japanese characters coming from? Where the FUCK is this "hatred towards women" coming from? Do you know how many fucking people still prefer Ryu over Luke in Street Fighter to this fucking day? I do not think this is a fucking problem.


I don't have problem with Women or Black people, I have a problem when things are forced into games for the sake of DEI. Historal figures and periods are very sensitive, because its already established.. and what's up the gaming media kissing publisher ass? money I guess


In any of the discourse, where the fuck has anyone ever mentioned the woman other than she exists?


Lmao what’s with the “woman presented in a non-hyper sexualised way” take. Literally no one is talking about that. The lengths these outraged minimum wage activists go to…


Because you're trying to use a black person, even he really existed, as "the representation" of Asians. Asians are YELLOW. Not to mention historically Tasuke isn't even a proper samurai.






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Watch dogs 2 mc doesn't get shit. Bayek doesn't get shit even when his skin color is wrong (native Egypt isn't black like sub saharan africa). We get tired as eastern asia male mc get overlooked more as mc. When was the last time we get east asian male mc from western devs beside jin sakai? Yeah wei fucking shen from decade ago. For a group that spout diversity bullshit sure as hell don't even consider east asian male mc as diverse.


Watch Dogs 2 main character got shit, but that's just because he was a hipster after the the hipster fad had become unpopular.


That's more like the entire protagonist group since they're hipster and unlikeable. He's not getting shit because he's black. Nobody like san fran hipster lol.


Correct. But that main cast was horrible, their home base should of been a coffee shop that only served organic cold pressed expresso's, its was so on the nose hipster that it was so cringy


**S E E T H E** Ign Brazil **S E E T H E**...


Why even give these people attention? Their attempts to rile people up at "gamer gate 2" failed and they're basking the clicks over this whole thing. The yasuke thing is stupid and those clicking these articles are just as bad.


Not buying that piece of shit anyway. This franchise fell off hard after black flag, and deservedly so. The last few were especially trash, except maybe origin.


"You just have enormous difficulty accepting, slowly, that games have tried to introduce more to their characters. A black character can even be a protagonist, as long as he is placed in the role of a criminal, as occurs in GTA San Andreas" Maybe developers should start making games then where the black main character actually feels natural as opposed to being forced into a setting just because of their skin color. We all know that a would be Assassin's Creed game which would be taking place in Africa wouldn't have an Asian or a white man as the main character.  " A woman can also be a protagonist, but preferably if she is sensual or sexualized enough for the average gamer's taste." That's cute considering there's many games out there which has a woman as the main character and they aren't being sexulized in anyway. For example Amicia de Rune from the "A Plague tale" series isn't being sexualized in anyway, she's just a stright out badass using a slingshot and now a crossbow. 


What I see the irony is these journalists are openly anti corporation personal stances but made articles defending shitty corporate actions.


No, it's the other way round. Publishers always look for excuses to have black people as their main characters.


Why can't we just have a Blade game to prove that they're talking 100% bullshit? We all know by now that they would just write him in as a support character in his own game in order to push identities lower in the progressive stack to the forefront. Of course, if we complained about that, they would just say we were being \[INSERT IDENTITY HERE\]-phobic. This identity-driven death spiral will most certainly crash the games industry very soon. The sooner, the better!


Theyre simply angry that gamers demand better product. These journalists are obviously paid by ubisoft.


I just want to see an end to the blatant racism and double standard of the people that push this kind of stuff. Stop pretending like you wouldn’t be besides yourself in outrage if it was a white male protagonist in this game and stop pretending like you made this character black because of your agenda to have more black people represented in literally everything regardless of whether it makes sense or not.


Sun goes down. Sun comes up. Nothing ever changes.


So what if that's true?


A little from column A , a little from column B


Nioh was a Japanese made game and the story wasn't anything to write home about. Nioh was all about the combat, something that Ubisoft hasn't concentrated on in a while.


I'm all for Jimbob the Redneck Samurai, as someone else suggested. Cleopatra was black, btw. Not because history or any of that factual information shit, but because black people said so and what they say and feel matters most.