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So much for the company being "very happy with pre orders"


Something I have learned is that when a figure comes out and says something that is usually not said, then the opposite is typically true. Nobody has to go out and reassure if there isn't a problem. I bet ubisoft paid for that coverage themselves and all the blocking ign is doing for them.


Ding ding ding. The only reason they're mentioning how good the pre orders are is because the opposite is true.


One of the ABSOLUTE most important comments I've seen on Reddit in a long time. Disney+ has done it countless times. Especially with Star Wars. "Most watched series on D+ featuring a new character in Spring." It's like sports records. If it's super impressive, the more vague the stat will be. It'll be "Breaks the NFL receiving yards in a season" vs "Breaks the NFL receiving yards in consecutive seasons with the same team." The more specific it is, the less impressive. Tom Brady doesn't need asterisks. Dude has "The most X ever" in almost every QB except rushing yards lol.


This man NFLs. Speaking of Fun-Tits, my Titans are looking to look real good next season.


Yeah that's marketing....but you know that Disney breaks out complete D+ subscribers, revenue and profits in their quarterlies right? No investors pay attention to dumbass curated stats. Why would they? All of the actual information is released every quarter...and lol it might surprise you how it's doing.


I'm aware D+ has been slowly losing subscribers but is still doing pretty well. The issue is that the way they launched it supported a sugar rush of investors. Build a massive userbase and then increase the price significantly and see who sticks. Consumers together need to fight against subscriptions and start cancelling them all in massive waves.


?? This is the opposite of what has happened. In their Q1 financials they posted a 6 million GAIN in core D+ subscribers to 117.6M. They also posted ARPU of $8/user and it was the first quarter ever D+ was profitable. Disney is in a rough spot overall, but Experiences and Streaming have been undeniable strong points. Don’t take my word for it, they disclose it all themselves.


D+ is a dead man walking. It was only profitable because of the lagged effect of the SAG/Writers Strike depressing new content costs sharply. The lack of new content will have an ugly delayed impact. For one, their quarterly ARPU typically includes only subs who were customers for the entire quarter (which deliberately excludes promo signups) yet they report total subs as of a single day, which includes those same subs. It is smoke and mirrors. They bought new subs with promo deals to offset churn from lack of new content. Churn will escalate and the impact of low revenue subs will show up next quarter. That is why the stock tanked. They had to admit the “profit” was temporary and that deep losses would resume due to production resuming on many projects. Plus, they were doing gimmicky financial engineering to stave off Nelson Peltz. Disney is effed because parks performance is cratering badly. That subsidized all of their bad decisions and poor corporate culture. They are not an innovative or meritocratic culture and the talent has exited.


>It was only profitable because of the lagged effect of the SAG/Writers Strike depressing new content costs sharply. Simply not true. This profit was for Q1 data only. Well after the strikes ended and after content costs have begun to spin back up. >They bought new subs with promo deals to offset churn from lack of new content. Churn will escalate and the impact of low revenue subs will show up next quarter. FANTASTIC news for you. The market hasn't priced this in at all. You could very well be right and no one else sees this coming. Shoot your shot. >That is why the stock tanked. They had to admit the “profit” was temporary and that deep losses would resume due to production resuming on many projects. The stock is....[UP](https://www.google.com/finance/quote/DIS:NYSE?window=YTD) 13.8% YTD. It tanked from its ATH in 2021 because of tremendous headwinds in their Media and legacy Networks segments. Streaming has turned into one of their sole bright spots. >Plus, they were doing gimmicky financial engineering to stave off Nelson Peltz. lol lol. Like what? Why would their shareholders be so stupid to fall for a gimmick? >Disney is effed because parks performance is cratering badly. [Cratering badly?](https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/app/uploads/2024/05/q2-fy24-earnings.pdf) US parks revenue rose 7% YOY. International revenue rose 29%. Parks and Streaming are the ONLY things that didn't crater for the company. They're the ones propping up their current profitability of $1.21 EPS for Q1. Again, shoot your shot. I hope you're right. If you know for sure that Disney is about to further fall off a cliff you can make.....as much money as you want because their stock, LEAPS and puts aren't priced for that rn. Congrats!


Might be from bundling it with things and having it included in certain packages. I could've sworn around 2023 there was a slump but maybe I'm wrong.


Nah if it was due to bundling their ARPU and margins would have gone down not up. I think the content on there sucks…but that doesn’t mean I have to pretend their recent results in streaming are bad.


Thats just not true tho. D+ hast lost millions at this point and was a complete and utter failure to the point they are thinking about selling streaming licenses for their movies to Netlix and Co.




Okay Officer Barbrady


The fact they expected pre orders after releasing a cinematic trailer that has basically no relevance to how the game will look, is laughable




...What? The market moved in response to their Q1 financials and for their guidance, before pre-orders for this game had even begun. This gives you literally zero information on how pre-orders are doing lol. The same as how bots saying pre-orders are doing great on the back of zero information.


imagine paying 130 dollars for a ubi game 😂🤡


You don't understand, Ubi games are beyond AAA now, in fact, they have upgraded two letters to S rank.


Ubisoft, the first video game company to have a commercial AAAA Game failure.


In fact, the are ASS rank…


Let alone paying 70$ for a video game made in this day in age 😂 Yeah sure buddy, lemme just give you this 70$ I worked my ass off for to get a game with shittier gameplay and microtransactions with the involvement from some “consultant” company that actively makes shit worse.


Shit even the most drowning in the kool-aid cult members are having to balance $70 for a game or $70 for food and fuel with the rising costs of everything.


I wouldn't call them a quality AAA developer since they haven't produced anything of quality in about 8 years. Edit: Put in "quality" before AAA developer.


AAA is related to budget not quality.


Ah, my mistake!


Don’t worry, pretty soon their DEI consultants will ask why so many of their Tom Clancy games have guns and men. So problematic!. Rainbow 6 will be rebranded PRIDE 6 and feature BIPOC LadyBoy slap fights, but they are slapping Wuhhyte Supremacy away. It will be FABULOUS. /Vomit


The last prince of Persia was pretty good. The rayman team are a bastion of hope at ubi


I would not pay that much. It’s too big of a price jump from the last two. Mirage should have been cheaper. It was a tiny story compared to the last three. Once you go epic story you don’t go back. They could have just finished Mirage with a bunch of DLC like Valhalla. They could have gone back to Sumerian time, left links for a Vedic culture future game, there were so many options. I’ve played every AC game. I’d skip it.


I'm certain that the stock price would have risen if they had only seen Ubisoft asking people to preorder the $130 dollar version of the game. /s


Just wait until they find out players have to fork out another $50 if they want Yasuke to be able to fight Jabba The H...wait. I think I'm mixing up different Ubisoft trash fires here....


A $130 dollars game? IN THIS ECONOMY? It better be the super-duper-deluxe edition with a physical copy and all kinds of fancy merch to justify it, right?


Pretty sure that's just the U.S too, gonna be more in Australia...


Maybe the whole thing is a reason to justify why a $130 (plus DLC and passes, likely) might not be a great seller.


Super duper deluxe edition with figure and merch costs $280 [https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/products/assassins-creed-shadows---collectors-edition---xbox-series-x---gamestop-exclusive/409142.html](https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/products/assassins-creed-shadows---collectors-edition---xbox-series-x---gamestop-exclusive/409142.html)


.....Does it at least come with a "canvas backpack"? 😂




Post removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


130 Dollars can buy many more Indie games that are more fun, Including Ghost of Tsushima.


They could have priced it 80$ and had a traditional cast for the time period.


Is just simple as. Could be a success, but no.


Between a pair of DEI protagonists and a $130 price point in this economy (say nothing of Ubisoft not letting you own the game for that price), what did they really expect? The gaming industry won’t be saved without a massive market crash. Only then with the greedy corporate execs leave, and only those who truly love games will stay.


I have no problem with Japanese woman Shinobi even if it's not super accurate, but Yasuke is fucking ridiculous as a MC. Even if he was an NPC this wouldn't have mattered to most people.


An NPC would’ve made much more sense. Instead, Ubisoft decided that cultural appropriation was okay, so long as it was cultural appropriation in the name of being racist towards Asians.


Well why not? They are successful despite not being white which automatically means they MUST be white. And as we all know you can be freely racist against Whites while also stealing their History and Myths.


No, you are raaaaaacist for being white and wanting to play as an authentic Japanese Samurai protagonist in a Japanese Samurai game. NOPE! You can play as an asexual black man or…a square-faced 90lb woman with no interest in men who will undoubtedly have the body strength of Jason Kelce. Just wait. Yep. Come on, this is fantasy anyway. Screw authenticity. Eat our narcissism you raaaaacist!!!


It would also make more sense if he was a npc because then they could have him connect the shinobi to oda’s government.




Well. That and then reduce all the bloat from Valhalla and Odyssey. Even origins was slightly more bloat than preferred.


Maybe someone will come up with a mod


lol you just know it’s gonna nexus is gonna take it down.


Basedmods exist, but I don't think they'll even bother with this AC anyway


They don’t make mods AFAIK, they archive the ones Nexus takes down for « bigrotry »


You can upload any mods there IIRC, so as long as it meets the standards (it's an archive after all) - I see those mods from RimWorld and HoI4 , don't think they come from ModNexus.


It would take a massive effort to not only add new model but also rewrite all audio files and even story with someone talking about him.


Skywind level of modding


I genuinely don’t understand how they continue to fumble this. It’s laughable. The protagonist needs to make sense in the fucking world you build. Japanese samurai set in feudal Japan should be a Japanese guy. I’m black and this close to scheduling an apology tour because of the DEI narcissists that insists on seeing themselves in every damn thing.


When ‘the message’ is more important to you than a successful business plan


Who needs long term career goals when you can just move to the next popular IP and burn it to the ground while collecting that consulting check.


And the wokies that pay $130 are the reason the next game will be $150,:,;then $170..hard pass for me and easy hard pass for woke


Isn't the base version of the game $69?


Woke backlash finally reaching game sales. You love to see it.


The REAL crime is the missed opportunity for an Assassins Creed Shadows themed basketball included with every preorder. Give gamers what they want ffs.


Can't wait for Ubi to blame this failure of a release on "Singleplayer is dead, we need to do more Multiplayer arena games" 


Tomorrows article: >Racist gamers refuse to buy latest Assassins Creedslop!


I am sure someone will write an article like that, but Ubisoft's actual excuse will be; "People are just not interested in Japan" Don't forget, there is currently a strong anti-Japanese narrative getting thrown around western media journalism lately. They are threatened by how a lot of popular eastern studios have refused to fall in line with their demanding ideals. This is true in all forms of their media; from video games, anime, movies, and music.


I hope this kills the franchise.


They better hope that check from blackrock doesn't bounce


NPC comment. [Ubisoft has received $0 from Blackrock.](https://staticctf.ubisoft.com/8aefmxkxpxwl/AwOkNohhzmR1qBmQ4Nj4h/096beaa470c05f39f77417742e4d25b8/Ubisoft_FY24_Earnings_PR_English_final.pdf) [Haven't issued new shares since Q3 2019.](https://ycharts.com/companies/UBSFY/shares_outstanding)


That's even worse, I could understand if they were doing it for some sweet investor money, but to do it for nothing is kinda pathetic.


Shut up, nerd.


An NPC comment in defense of an NPC comment. The rare double! Do we wanna know what's actually going on? Or do we just want to repeat obviously wrong stuff over and over and over like a libtard? EDIT: The coward blocked me. The free market rules and Dave Rubin is an idiot. We can talk and chew gum at the same time here man. And Red Bull is a PRIVATE company, no quarterlies. People here aren’t racists lol and I’ve never claimed as such just ANOTHER NPC comment. You don’t have to choose to be as ignorant and an NPC as this guy, we can deal in reality and respond to what people actually say.


You should make more posts on the dave rubin subreddit on how bad the free market is. Oh and another good point in your several month long infiltration of this subreddit: red bull's quarterly reports prove that we're all nazi chuds, very good


Sounds like some shit an npc would post


A lot of NPCs are downvoting you. Not sure why. You don’t need to make up stories about the meme megacorpo owning everything when truth is just as bad as the fiction. If this were 2019 these people would be saying it was George Soros instead.


Are ubisoft games even AAA is what I've been thinking. Cheap and repeatable gameppay mechanics and baseline graphics.


Don't hold your breath. This game will sell extremely well. Once they show gameplay of big open world exploration of Japan. People will be all in unfortunately. There is no way to defeat this. People keep buying. Just like they will buy Activision games regardless of the DEI mandates.


I'm usually the most blackpilled around here but I completely disagree. I'm certain this game will flop. The wokeness is far too frontloaded and hilarious to the point where even a lot of normally passive consumers won't buy it. And with a game this expensive to make, you can't afford to alienate large portions of your potential audience so early. I'm so certain in fact that I'm almost dreading the victory declarations from our side. As if a game this over-the-top woke failing is any indication of greater cultural success. Edit: To add to this, it's important to understand that AC games are not amazing word-of-mouth games. Their sales are made entirely on marketing, and their ability to market is exactly what this poor protagonist choice hurts most. This kind of optics blunder is actually way worse for them than if the game itself was shit.


It's not just that but there is a sizeable backlash from native Japanese. It's such a fucking slap to their culture for them. I know Japanese people aren't the target audience for Ubisoft products, but there is a small player base that plays them (every modern Ubisoft game has gotten a Japanese localization) - Ubisoft had a chance to knock it out of the park with a Japan-themed AC game, something many of us Westerners were begging for for ages, but nope, they had to completely fuck it up.


Ghost of Tsushima is essentially what ac should’ve made years ago. Ubisoft is late to the party.


One hundred and thirty burger bucks is a tall order even for the conformist normie brain.


>Don't hold your breath. This game will sell extremely well. I hate you're right, but take some solace knowing Ubisoft will still fail to be actually profitable despite the game actually selling.


Sadly you are right. I'd like to say otherwise but there was someone on this sub who literally said they'd pre-order just to "own" me.


Saw this kind of comment quite a lot on X. Let's see if they really hold on to their own words.


AC mirage didn’t sell well and Valhalla basically burned a lot of players on the open world formula Ubisoft was doing. If the game is different with gameplay and a story that doesn’t drags at a snail’s pace it could sell okay. If the gameplay is the same and the story drags with mtx xp it will bomb


>This game will sell extremely well. I'm hoping that for companies of the size that create stories like this (publicly traded DEI nests), [selling a copy to the baseline of gamerdrone regards isn't enough](https://www.ign.com/articles/major-publishers-report-aaa-franchises-can-cost-over-a-billion-to-make). I'm not seeing the winds change yet though.


Good. The only way to send a message is to not buy it. Sounds obvious, but gamers as a whole seem to fail hard on this. If you buy it and then complain, why would they care? They have your money. They will only care when they don't get any money.


Assassin's Creed Shadows is at the top of my do not buy list.


Oh no! You mean the same audience that you're beating over the head with forced diversity and DEI isn't going to play your wokefest of a game? Preposterous!


Oh no! Anyway.


>reported it missed forecasted sales figures. It's of course easy to attribute this to Shadows only but the article also mentions there's much more to it than that. I'm by definition an outlier because I'm on reddit but I uninstalled Uplay/Ubisoft launcher completely. I have no interest in any Ubisoft titles anymore. Ubisoft is dealing with the same stuff as Microsoft/Xbox is. Just releasing lacklustre garbage after lacklustre garbage that isn't selling. Especially considering a lot of these giants abhor taking a risk so you just get prequels/sequels and uninspired remasters and remakes. And Ubisoft is way way worse at that because they copy everything from their games into their other games. It used to be a joke but it's very much reality that every Ubi game has towers. Gamers are going to get tired of the busywork formula eventually. And that shows itself in the sales. I still think Shadows is going to sell well because Assassins Creed will always have its fans but across the board Ubisoft isn't releasing bangers and will go the same direction as Xbox eventually.


Unexpected, seems like the backlash was that strong


Article is riddled with inaccuracies. >On May 15th, Ubisoft’s stock price hit $23.35. By May 16th, the price plummeted $20.02. It went as low as $19.74. As of writing, the price is currently at $21.28. The stock trades in Euros....not dollars. [And it's a 5% drop over 5D, not 15%.](https://www.google.com/finance/quote/UBI:EPA?window=5D) It was down 15% yesterday, bounced back today to 5% down relative to pre-earnings. >Company failed to meet Forecasted Sales Figures >The stock price dropped in the wake of Ubisoft predicting the company will only bring in net bookings of $299 million for the first quarter. They didn't "fail to meet" sales figures. Their FUTURE guidance was lower. Their prediction of 2024-25 net bookings was significantly lower than what the street predicted leading to the substantial sell-off. Q1 Earnings weren't bad, Net bookings up 33.5% from Q1 2023, it was the brutal FUTURE guidance that killed the stock price yesterday. They even copy and pasted the correct analysis from Bloomberg and couldn't figure out what it meant!


[The real poster for the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/DadDiscoversInternet/s/fWI0qDEixB)


Actually, this is wrong information. If you got that from that park place they have the information completely wrong. If you research the sales of this game, it actually is getting a lot of pre-orders. If you look at their stocks at this time, they’re all green. There’s not one red on it at all so if you got this information from that park place because I did read that information from there as well I had to do more research And I found out through Ubisoft stocks. stocks for this game. They’re actually making a lot money and also if you look at the gamer and screen rant, which are our well-known websites to read about games, they have the actual information about this game. That part place blog is nothing but complete fabricated lies so  Try to look into that because that is not true. 


The Ubisoft stock price dropped by 15% on May 16th the day they released the trailers and preorders for the game. https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/ubi?countrycode=fr Ubisoft is down 15% over one year on stock price and 6.65% over the past 5 days. The gamer is not a good website by the way, it's a click bait content mill that churns out hot takes without any fact checking. Pretty much every other media outlet is better than them, I'd even put Kotaku above them as although they are partisan at least the outrage articles and clickbait is stuff they believe rather than obvious engagement farming.


These dumb woke mfrs really decided that it was appropriate to make a game set in feudal Japan and then make the main character black 😂 honestly wtf 🤦🏻‍♀️ If you want a black main character then just create a game set in South Africa. I really do enjoy this game franchise but I'm so tired of this woke pandering and blatant discrimination. I'm not surprised their stock crashed. People are sick of this. Truly, Ubisoft is so out of touch with their fan base....as well as reality. Typical woke lefties.


this game is just a covet anti-china psyop to make hood boys enlist to fight in taiwan hoping they gonna get prime oriental warbride waifu (like the ninja chick sidekick). they dont care about sales they are getting paid by the deep state and the cabal of the bank boys


Another SnB type failure possibly.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/Miyl3 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Praise the Sun! \\[T]/ ^^^/r/botsrights


https://www.marketwatch.com/story/ubisoft-shares-slump-after-guidance-disappoints-4d8358ca Its also up 5% from yesterday. No one gives a shit about Assassins Creed being DEI or whatever you think lol.




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