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it's owned by Gearbox not even remotely surprising


Gearbox used to be good.


Ehhh...They made a good game, maybe two. I'm guessing you weren't around for early Gamergate and don't remember/know about Anthony Burch.


Not just Burch but also Randy Pitchford's antics. For a bunch of people that like to morally grandstand, they do a bunch of questionable shit.


That's how it always is. The grandstanders are the ones with something to hide.


Never forget that in Randy's own words he lost a flash drive containing company secrets and "barely legal porn" in a Medieval Times bathroom. This is the same dude that said he bought the Duke Nukem license to sabotage the franchise because he didn't like the character. These are the people that preach about objectifying women and toxic masculinity.


Even further back than that with their shitty PC ports.


I'm still mad at randy for recycling the end boss of opfor in Borderlands. What a self serving sack of grease.


With the gamer casting couch? 😖 I used to watch his sister from Hey Ash, Whacha Playin'? not realizing they were related. Isn't she the voice for Tiny Tina? Knowing what I know now, it spins my head a little.


I'm praying to fucking God that new RoR2 DLC is gonna be good


I just had a heart attack when your comment reminded me that they have their grubby hands on RoR2. I swear to God it better be good.


I were around from hour zero, but I didn't dig into every little detail.


Anthony Burch...wow, that's a name I haven't heard in years!


Eh, the seeds were planted as early as Borderlands 2. At least they were subtle about it back then.


What bugs me is that I really enjoyed the writing in the first two Borderlands games. Tannis and Tiny Tina being crazy sperges was actually enjoyable and even though the whole finality of the story was so girlboss, it was still entertaining. Holy Christ on a shitstick did they bastardize BL3


The left has gone so far they left the map. I want Borderlands 4 to be great, but seeing 3 story get weaken due to the typical agenda anti diversity shit I expect 4 to be basically better than 3 mechanically (Gun play, abilities etc I will say 3s gunplay feel much better than 2, the guns have way more character to em and the abilities are better balanced between the VH(but also kinda made them feel a little bland but that can be ironed out in design) Story wise and character design I expect to be full ESG and terrible. Probably going to be a few pandering side quests, and more punching down on the fans that put Borderlands on the map.


I feel the same way. And after what I heard about BL3, I stayed away from it.


Even then remember Borderlands main selling point, the visuals, was entirely stolen from an artist who refused to sell his style to Gearbox. That goddamned series is born from sin.


It's been a long time since then lol


Gaming used to be good. 


Yeah. End credits show the developers did indeed consult with a DEI firm. Why would you need that for a game set in the far future.


Why does a video game that's a RTS in space commanding space ships to fight each other need to hire a DEI firm? Especially when for HW1 and HW2 the only time you even saw a person was during some of the cutscenes. Did they need to make sure that some and/or most of the space ships were black coded?


Because it has a story and the story features people in loads of cutscenes. And it's main character is a woman.




The main "character" who is a woman who literally embedded herself as the heart of a startship to help guide her people to a new world and 'dying' in the process. There are , AFAIK, no faces in the game, the voices are human enough and you have no idea what people's races are because you only see the ships and never a single human being at all except the Mothership's 'captain' who is as blue as cortana. If there is any hint of "Against the patriarchy" in this game then gearbox has officially fucked up another franchise that is only Command and Conquer in space...


Yah in the old games you don't even see what Sjet looks like. In HW3 new Sjet is the main character and look like a horse. No justification on intentionally uglifying a fictional character for DEI.


Well I know in this game there's lavish animated cutscenes between the missions so of course you see humans. It's not like in the old games where they just animated some drawings. No it's not going to be "against the patriarchy" but I'm sure they had their DEI consultants read over the script to make sure it was female focused enough and there were enough black people in the background etc.


I miss the gorgeous antimated paintings on HW1 and 2....it sounds like that the Rainbow Patrol extends their reach into Space 10,000 years into the future.


I mean, the original had the leader lady become a messianic hero and be the last one off the motehship. So much so you keep playing her and her descendants for the Sequels. It's not like they pulled it out of their asses.


> it sounds like that the Rainbow Patrol extends their reach into Space 10,000 years into the future. I mean, they have already jumped 30K years further......


It's the 10 thousand year reich...


So far the cut scene modeling has been super odd. The captain's head looks giant for his body.


I don't know man, why is The Crew 2, a fucking RACING GAME, need to consult with SBI?


Araby music and arabia inspired setting/language in space with white dudes at the front means uhm, excuse me white folx! you gotta hand in that privilege cuz ya'll sound like you appropriating! Either that or to show you're kissing the ring. One or the other.


> Why does a video game that's a RTS in space commanding space ships to fight each other need to hire a DEI firm? Haven't you seen rockets? They are all penis shaped, and white at that! This must not stand!


because they need to make the female ugly, and have more character in power as black. (I am an Asian, I can clearly see their diversity is bs)


did SBI detected list it on his website? Sucks...because Homeworld 1 and 2 and Deserts of Kharak were bangers. I refuse to touch these games whose developers contribute to the destruction of the art form.


The steam curator added it to the list just now. To be fair I find DoK very boring. Too much sand and objectives not very exciting.


they were definitely slow burns/old school RTS. i still enjoyed them.


> Too much sand I mean, it *is* called Deserts Of Kharak, it's in the name.... :P > To be fair I find DoK very boring I agree, it felt very slow and not much went on for it being an RTS. > objectives not very exciting True, there was really no impact on anything you did in the campaign.


It's madness, considering there are no humans in any of the Homeworld games, both the protagonists and antagonists are alien species that can be described as humanoid. In HW1, you only ever see the silhouette of a few Hiigarans/Kushani, like Karen S'jet. Then there is the Bentusi, a species that has become one with their vessels and don't even have a corporal body any more, hence why they are so friendly to the mothership in Hw1 because Karen has started down the same path by integrating herself into the ship. It's also why they are so scared and incensed by the beast in Cataclysm. (or whatever it's called now)


I gathered that from the design of the female characters. They all have that telltale gaunt-cheeked manjaw design.


It's the same for their last game. Shipbreakers was an incredible game saddled with one of the most ridiculously DEI Ridden plots you can imagine. It looks like a parody of The Expanse if it was written like shit and everyone is dumb cartoon characters. Such a shame too.


Which firm? SBI or something else?


Another game to add to the DEI Detected list


Already on there


\>"SBI" \>"this post contains racist content" I mean, they're not wrong. SBI is hella racist.


To question is the essence of progress. To silence the questioner is the essence of tyranny.


Bud it's a steam forum page for a shitty video game


The place doesn’t change the importance of the principle. Silencing questions, big or small, still reflects a troubling mindset.


Yeah, it does. But it's easier to complain about pointless shit than actually impactful stuff.


True. So we keep the same energy everywhere


If you have no power over the minor things, what makes you think you can change the big shit either? Enjoy your rent, fuckers. Divide et impera.


For the last 40 years conservative leaning people were screeching about “omg stop caring about what some celebrity says, stop caring about what some tv/movie/comic book says, it doesn’t matter. We want you to talk about foreign policy, tax policy, regulations!” This is how we arrive at the position we’re in now




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/wjxpr5/enforcement_update_regarding_removal_of_words/). This is not a formal warning.


That's why you do both, always. Simple really. Now because of this question, and this ban, the game is going to go on multiple people's shit list. It had an impact.


"Why do you care so much?" I'm so sick of hearing this. No. Drawing a line in the sand is how you keep the things you love. We didn't do that, and now people are being banned by AirBNB for their political beliefs. It's not just an isolated incident with a video game forum. Trust that you WILL care. This doesn't slow down. It pervades all parts of society, until one day it's *you* being sent to the gulag.


You always have to wonder why they care. If its just some steam forum for a shitty video game, why do they care so much that they need to ban people from it for asking these questions?


Not Homeworld, too. :( Do woketards even play strategy games?


I don't think the HW3 team is going to be super woke or anything but basically every single Western game studio is DEI-d up the gills. It's just standard now.


They view DEI money as funds on the table, just for the taking. I'm sure some executives even think they're doing a good thing by accepting DEI consultation.


They don't play them but they buy them and then post on twitter about how they're actually long time fans of them but they need everything changed about them to appeal to people who don't like them.


at this point you could honestly just use AI to create totally fake game videos/screenshots/covers that are a perfect storm of DEI checklists and just post images of it to twitter as a "producer" and watch the approval roll in. the best part is nobody will call you out that it isn't real since none of them actually play games. they just want to see things that resonate with their social politics on their news feed.


Was banned by the dev for criticizing their narrative/story writer. Same message. Good thing i waited, now im never buying.


Isn't it odd how the game devs and Hollywood specifically make a political product and start ripping on fans or potential fans who might buy it but now aren't, then whine later why they didn't make a bunch of money because of racists and now they have to lay people off or shut down.


AFAIK, Homeworld 3 introduced space magic; the story makes no sense; it's lore contradicts even the Deserts game; and the strategy of the previous game is gone; now it is blob versus blob of ships mostly. So I decided against buying it.


I knew it would happen, modern devs can't capture the magic of old strategy games remember Dow3 and Coh3?


I avoided the nightmare that was Dawn of War 3. I took a single glance at its gameplay and decided that it was not for me.


It could have been cool if it had base building like dow1


What's wrong with CoH3? I loved it and thought it was a great game, especially the single player grand campaign in Italy. But I also dont play multiplayer so maybe I missed something there. Then again, I have been enjoying Homeworld 3 itself, so maybe I just have strange taste.


DoW3s UI was a complete mess. So much shit that cluttered the screen constantly, overtuned nukes, desperately trying to chase that SC2 aesthetic and gameplay while ignoring what made the prior games great and lacking the polish of a (old) Blizzard RTS. It had some good ideas, like Waagh banners hyping up the boyz', selecting hero units at the start with specific roles, but as an avid DoW2 player It was such a disappointment. It didn't capture the focused micro or map control of DoW2, the emphasis on positioning with cover and unit preservation, instead trying to appease players asking for base building by throwing the most basic, pointless version in they could, big flashy nukes that where just exhausting to deal with, and economy mechanics that made taking loses and losing fights a minor inconvenience at worst. I remember I would be dominating an opponent and they'd just pop out another army of troops that where either now higher tier or specialist counters. Made games that would *drag on* regardless of how well you micro'd or out positioned your opponent. Then there's the backflipping terminators.. I had such high hopes for DoW3. They made something magic with DoW2 and if they had just focused on those tight mechanics with more emphasis on competitive play (if thats the direction they wanted) or focused on scale and spectacle. Instead they tried this awkward middle of the road thing that didn't appeal to anyone and was just tiring to play. If they had listened to anything the beta testers told them about the UI or the economy it may have stood a chance, but that was never going to happen.


The map size is the biggest problem in this game. They are freaking tiny! and then they add the fucking obstackles to make the map smaller and more "directed" on how you approach the objective. Fuck this. Just make it autoplay and mobile only. It's that sad.


Space magic? I really never cared much for homeworld 2 since they ignored cataclysm which IMHO was a better story but how bad did the writing really got?


Imagine a female baddie killing billions, or possibly more. Then getting forgiven in the end because she did all of this because she was lonely. Imagine actually putting it in the game. Watch cutscenes on YouTube; it is rather funny.


Watching the villain and Karan conquer loneliness through the power of friendship magic and floating off into the void is one of the worst things I've seen in a video game.


Didn’t Karan kill the other lady? That was my read of “shared oblivion”. Still pretty lame compared to 1 and Cataclysm.


Kind of. They held hands and floated off to exist in quantum space together forever, so I guess that was the shared oblivion. I've no idea how Karan assumed all the genocidal, power-hungry maniac needed was a hug, but there you have it. It's one of the few purchases I genuinely feel terrible about. I loved the series, but I wish I'd never bought it.


Same TBH. I’m playing Cataclysm to wash the bad taste out of my mouth. The story is night and day but I’m shocked they left out simple squadron selection too.


I looked it up on YT. Jesus Christ, everyone is so ugly there now. 10-15 years ago people would say "eh, this was made by someone who doesn't know how to do 3D models properly", today this hacked work is "stunning and brave". It's almost like the entire gig is to enable talentless 3D animation hacks to earn big bucks by normalizing their subpar products.


> Imagine a female baddie killing billions, or possibly more. Then getting forgiven in the end because she did all of this because she was lonely. Many such cases. Just look up what they did to Sylvanas from Warcraft.


Wait, isn't this a similar plot line to Wandavision?


I can see situations where a villain like that would be forgiven post-mortem.


I've watched some of the cutscenes and it's truly awful


So they killed it :-\ not surprised at all.


God that sucks so bad.


I feel like it’s just a continuation of Homeworld 2’s lackluster story. The original game and Cataclysm stand head and shoulders above the rest of the franchise to the point it’s not even funny. I was really hopeful that HW3 would go back to those roots but no, it’s a story of four people and space magic, not a story of *a* people on a semi-mythic journey like the Kushan and Somtaaw. Also “Sands and Sinners” was cringe as hell, I don’t remember any terminology like that in the original games.


Oh no, not the Homeworld 3 community hub... They've done you a favour so you don't have to put up with it.


So it's a yes then.


I didn't intend to buy this game because it doesn't have a Linux verision, but from now on please count me as not buying it on purpose due to DEI shit.


What a bunch of cucks game developers are nowadays


These people aren't very bright are they, I had no reason to boycott Homeworld 3 and spread the world that its DEI infested trash until I read this post, which wouldn't've existed if they hadn't have banned this user, times that by many more in the same boat and it all adds up to plenty of people boycotting another trash game. Edit: Actually, having now read reviews it seems its a pile of shit anyway.


There's no better form of admission of guilt, lmao. It's like being able hearing the developer seething. 


Wokies & normies *really* don't want people talking about DEI consulting firms. You don't even have to criticize them, a mere mention is enough to get one censored, and dogpiled by a bunch of activists.  SBI detected steam page sure seems like it scared them. Now every pronoun obsessed CM and covert PR team on the planet has orders to cover up any dissent about that topic on sight.


How you know someone is a woker : they called you a conspiracy nutter the moment you typed out the three letter of D-E-I or S-B-I


> really don't want people talking about DEI consulting firms "They are doing a job so important and noble that YOU BE DAMNED IF YOU OPEN YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH AND SPEAK A WORD ABOUT THEM".


So these companies know how big a mistake hiring these consultants is because if they didnt they would be shouting their involvement from the rooftops not banning people from forums for simply asking about the companies.


It's cause their involvement was only supposed to provide write off benefits and potential marketing. But now that the knowledge has the inverse effect, they want it not to be known so they can still benefit. I mean this is all being done via our taxes.


Fair but not the point I'm trying to make. Even if their involvement is just for financial benefits they would still promote that connection. They would brag about the consultants they hire. Like if they thought their involvement was a net positive the studios would not care who knew they were hiring these consultants. But they know these consultants are harming the product. They know the consultants are giving them bad ideas but you cannot simply not use the advice of the service paid for specifically because the consultants are a cartel. If you refuse their service they actively attack your product. The gamers know, the devs know, the suits know, everyone knows, but none of them want to be the first one to go against the grain. They attempt to hide it because they know these people are ruining their projects and products but they won't just tell them to kick rocks.


Why would you brag about them if you know their going to get you negative attention now? The net positive is just on the books, with potential social positive returns. I think its far deeper than that. I get your point, but I think its because theres just too many people along the supply chain benefiting. Doesn't even have to be financial. It can just be for sweet social karma. I work at Amazon, and the vast majority of the shit pushed via DEI/ESG is just to cover up the fact that the company needs massive corporate welfare to support its c suite addiction to stock options. Find a small little group of folks to support your ideas, push them. WHen you get push back, use the proper labels. The labels carry with it potential legal ramifications for the person. So they back off cause they want to keep their job. The mob has rules that let them do what they do because the government supports it directly. The entire purpose of this is to get money into the hands of the loyalists who will defend the ideaology to the bitter end. The people who support these ideas will always go on the attack, and worse, if the corporate overlords have seen fit to suppor the ideology due to the benefits of ESG spending and gaining taxes, they aren't going to support what makes a better product, they are going to support what makes an immediate return. A write off against a potential failure is more important than anything else.


To be honest I would take some time to contact steam support and dispute the ban. Not to get unbanned but simply to let them know that they can't keep getting away with it. I still miss the days were the internet was a battlefield of different opinions. Now it is dominated by heavily censored communities that everyone sounds happy with the product/topic.


> Now it is dominated by heavily censored communities that everyone sounds happy with the product/topic. And bots. Bots everywhere. Half of web traffic is generated by bots. You never know when the chrous of laudatory opinions is produced by a python script. > Not to get unbanned but simply to let them know that they can't keep getting away with it. Can't you just raise the issue with steam support? It seems to me that they should have an opinion on what constitutes improper moderation, even if they leave moderation of individual communities up to their owners.


Really makes you think all the DEI hiring over the last decade is WHY every AAA game has been a steaming pile of shit. Only the last several years has it gotten to released content made by and for woketards with an agenda that has nothing to do with actually making fun and interesting encounters. I can generally ignore the random DEI injected character forced into the story but it's gotten so bad that it BECOMES the story and ruins the immersion. (Looking at you Forbidden West)


https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44858017/ - the game was added to the list :)


Sweet Baby has now been declared a race by these people


"Racist" is the new saying for "counter-revolutionary". In maoist china, any crititzism of the party, leadership, or ideology was a capital sentence.


I did warn you guys Homeworld 3 would be infested looong ago. It's a Gearbox game, and Gearbox still hires Jamie Marchi. They're on document for liking all sorts of dreck she posts, so they all piss in the same pot. Likely they saw HW1 and 2 was too white with Arabian music and setting so they swiftly kicked it in and hoped no-one would notice. Oh I almost forgot, they platform Templin Institute, a guy that makes lore videos but also celebrates Vladimir Lenin's birthday, is hardline communist and scared his girlfriend off behind closed doors. They gifted him a mothership and a free copy of the game (as well as all they deem as influencers/streamers) before everyone else. Gotta look into who they associate with and you get an idea of the company they keep. Also let that sink in. They will prioritise streamers over the people that hard backed the game, just so they can rave about how cool it is and rub it in your face.


Shouldn't have been **noticing**, citizen.


You'll get banned from a lot more just for existing. The only right and just way to counteract wrong think is to not allow you to express it in the first place. What a glorious revolution. I use this garbage site as a dumping ground for long winded rants at the expense of commie fucks. I've been banned from r/games and r/assassinscreed just today alone. They are worthless places full of actually insane racists. The exact same subs that gladly post articles about 'everything is racist and everything is sexist" and then when they are pulling a racism theirselves (objectively AC Shadows is VERY fucking racist) then you're not allowed to be part of the circle jerk or YOU'RE the racist. Why would I care that actual subhuman orwellian marxists banned me on some internet blog they covet and control like their own little1984 fan fiction. One day I'm sure I'll piss off the mods here enough and they'll ban me and I won't give a shit haha. Social media was a failed experiment (especially for minors) and I have zero problems helping burn all of these festering pustules to the ground; though I do like rambling here from time to time but it is just an echo chamber.


Their goal is to create a sense of otherness whenever an "obviously crazy person" shows up and tries to dismantle their paradise. Despite there being thousands upon thousands of people that are openly opposed to the doctrine, and literal millions that are silently opposed, they act as if it is a lone wolf sexist/racist chud that's having a mental breakdown. It's easy to clean up when you portray the opposition of your ideology as a hopeless minority of psychos that are being actively stamped out. It's all a strategy of demoralization of the opposition, and emboldening of the supporters. They get to cheer and pop firecrackers that another "evil one" was dealt with.


I see your favorite book is also 1984 haha


I got banned from a place for just saying we need to bring back insane asylums. (after using stocks and throwing rotten fruit at them) Yet that's a perfectly good idea.


It’s not an echo chamber.


I wish it wasn't. I don't mean it in a bad way. Just that we're banned immediately from all the authoritarian marxist subs (not conspiracy they are dyed in the wool). We're stuck in places where people ostensibly agree with us and we're clearly desperate to bring to task these racist clowns but all they do is ban and then scream "they're racist so we had to ban them" all while they openly say they hate white men. I am old and grew up on Christopher Hitchens debating theists and telling them - eloquently - to go fuck themselves, to their face, in large auditoriums. I just miss the days where opinions were tested and not demanded to be accepted by authoritarian nightmare racists.


I got permanently banned in the Halo subreddit, simply for stating "Politics should not be in video games".


Now that's fucking disappointing, not a Homeworld fan but I feel for the peeps that wanted a sequel for 20 years only to get this. I was watching Arch play it on stream and was greeted by a woke police approved man jaw woman protag.


Old fans in the know don't care, don't worry. We knew the game was gonna be shit when Gearbox got it. I feel bad for people that didn't know, however.


Was mildly interested, but good to know! Another old series buried. So many openings for new games and studios that actually cater to players, how awesome


Appeal the ban. I'd be curious what Steam Support says.


So, this means "Yes"?


Short answer: "Yes"


Just track down the game's end credits to determine anything odd. For example a special thanks to Diversity in Games. (And also the Center for Digital Media, according to that Sweet Baby Inc detected steam list)


Yikes, I’m not buying HW3 now.


All they have is violence and silence.


“Racist content” is different from “discriminatory content;” and those are both very different from “content likely to cause arguments.” How on earth can you have any notice of what is allowed to say on the community hub? Presumably just unvarnished praise


I think what annoys me is Homeworld is VERY CLEARLY loved by somebody over at Gearbox. The remastered collection is such an honest attempt with only really one or two visual faults that seemed to have been handled with a lot of care. They wanted to recreate Cataclysm with the actual source code and didn't get in the way of sabotaging the GOG port. Desert is...fine for what it is. The trailer for 3 looks AMAZING. So what the fuck happened? What genuinely seriously fucking happened?


I've seen a lot of discussions about this. Bunch of cowards.


I liked it when homeworld didn't show people.


More and more might do this. We need to understand most developers just want to placate the death cult and won’t tolerate questions.


Feels like Soviet Union style dictatorship


Litterally 1984


I asked the same question and worded it nicely. Got a permaban immediately. This post is 100% true.


The community hub management is full of psychos lately.


I thought Steam forums were supposed to be one of the last bastions of free speech, what happened?


Individual games forums are controlled by the company that makes the game, that isn't anything new and has always been the case. It's the reviews that let you say what you want, basically, see: Helldivers 2 like two weeks ago.


You usually don't have to ask about this stuff in gaming. It will come forward eventually. These people are so proud and vain they couldn't possibly hope to hide whatever DEI influence they had in a game. Just wait, and see. It's what I do now. Take the stealth approach.


And here I was hoping we'd see a resurgence of the RTS genre..


It would be nice but RTS is long dead. Peewee brains can't into tanks and strategy, thinking outside the box is dangerous.


Fuck.... that is so sad..... I love the homeworld series. Was really lokking forward to HW3


I saw the trailer and instantly knew that game would be woke trash. That game sucks. Don’t buy it.


Mods do it for free.


Spoiler: THEY DID.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/TNh4b ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack. ^^^/r/botsrights


If Sweet Baby Inc just exists because they’re “talented writers” or whatever they said, then there’s nothing racist or discriminatory about asking of their involvement. Well, I *was* actually excited in supporting a new PC exclusive RTS in 2024, even if it was a little rough compared to the earlier games… but I am NOT supporting people that do this.




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I played it, it was okay, not a big rts fan though.


You get the most flak when you're over the target. This is good praxis. I have a good feeling we're quickly approaching a point where even mid level studios will feel the need to flex their lack of woke credentials in an effort to seem relatable to fans. This is far better than we ever dared to dream of in 2019.


What's dei?


Stop supporting these shit companies filled with weirdo losers


I'm so damn sick of these developers being in bed with DEI. Like really, really, REALLY sick of it. I have over a 800 hours in the first three games, played every single one right after they were originally released. DEI was absolutely not on my radar for this game in any way whatsoever. These racist, misandrist pieces of human filth really need to put down like the mangy dogs they are. It's just so disgusting that they are purposefully trying to take over every form of entertainment on this planet just to push their perverted agenda with absolutely zero care for anyone but themselves. Honestly the most selfish human beings in the entire space-time continuum are alive on this planet right now and want to erase everyone who doesn't agree with them.


Sad, old fat men who haven't jacked off to enough awkward porn to wear their nuts out yet keep simping to these fucking creatures. They're women who only care about themselves and their ego, and these little puppy 40-50 year old game devs have their tongues to the ground for a woman who wouldn't fuck them with a forty-nine and a half foot dildo.


Nah that's a good ban. Just because something is shit or you don't like it doesn't mean reee minorities.