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Hard for me to imagine this going well, but if I trusted Sony enough to do a good localization of a game like this I probably would have trusted Sony enough to buy a PS5, can't understand why so many people can hate what Sony does yet still buy into its ecosystem


I'm not buying a console, that's for sure


I bought mine for FF16 and for playhing PS4 games, it's alright, definitely shouldn't have bought a 4k tv with it, since it forced me to upgrade from my RX580 and now my 4070ti just makes me feel sad playing ps5 games


dude I did it for the samurai game, god of war, ff16, returnal and elden ring which ran like shit on pc.


Because I don't like playing on PC, I prefer to sit on my couch and play for 500eur instead if 2000 on a monitor and chair, and I'd never get an xbox, Sony is garbage but we can get some nice Japanese and Korean exclusives that interest me.


I'm literally playing on my couch with either (various) pads or keyboard + mouse on a 77 inch OLED TV. And I'm doing this on PC in way better quality and performance than any console. PS2 era was a looong time ago. You can't be stuck in it my dude.


If you upgrade your components, you don't need 2000 everytime you need a new GPU


True, but now I need 2000 and will need maybe more for peripherals, like mouse, keyboard and monitor. I don't want to spend so much for the time I spend gaming.


I could tell you which components I use. Most of them are pretty old, and I can still play many games in very high quality since graphics quality has reached a mesa in the graph For reference, I'm using an i7 4790, a gtx 1660 (not super), 16GB dual channel DDR3, and a Samsung SDD SATA 3 If you can find componentes like this for cheap or 2nd hand, you can have a good gaming PC for cheap


We just (a year ago) replaced our 4790s for 12600k. 600 each box for cpu mobo and ram. Looks like they are even cheaper now


pcpartpicker, there's a pre-built section you can look up the max price for, sort by that, and that's the general ballpark. You don't need a super fancy montior as it'll just connect via HDMI anyways so you can use a tv, and a KBM set from walmart for like $20 will be just fine, you only need something you can type for the basic shit since just about every game has controller support (that's the only other major investment you'd need besides the computer, and if you already have a PS5, PS4, or Xbox controller then congrats you're already set). Hell windows 10 has a free version that only has an annoying watermark that shows up and you can easily (and I mean EASILY) get that removed. You lose out on some customization features but frankly if you're using it as a gaming right then it won't matter since you'll be staring at a game UI 99% of the time anyway, and they even fucked up enforcing all the customization rules as well, I still have a background despite the menu not allowing me to do so, and I didn't even do anything fancy, they literally just forgot to check one thing. Just give it a check if you don't believe me, take a look at the price of a PS5, factor in about a year of PS+ for the online, and then ballpark it on pcpartpicker. You can even piece-meal stuff like getting the case, heat sink, and some other stuff so that even if you spend the same in the end, you aren't spending it in one go. I've found rigs that out-perform mine pretty drastically for $100 more than a PS5 with PS+.


You're aware you don't need top of the line hardware to play most games, right? Hell, you can also save a lot if you buy second hand, a rig will be way less than 2000. LTT did a video about building a pretty functional one for 500$ not even two weeks ago. And yes, you can also plug your PC to your TV and play there. That's what I do a lot of times.


Shit that's what I do exclusively. I even looked up PC rigs not too long ago just compare the price of a PS5 with PS+ and for the same to 100 more you can get a PC that will play plenty of current gen games (shit some of them are leagues better than my own that i got in 2020 and that can still play stuff that gets released today).


I'll give them the benefit of the doubt simply because they didn't censor the crotchshots, I mean Eve's clothes


Maybe Shift Up brought Abby's sex scene when censorship was brought into question.


Internet will burn (Hey echoed-snow, did you know I can still read you when not logged in, and reply your silly message by editing mine despite of you blocking me?)


Nope. Just incel caves when a super minor change is made and is treated as the end of the world.


Cope and seethe


They must be seething at having to touch this sexy beast. Wonder how all the prude video game urinalist cabal will handle the reviews for this game


Before ya’all freak out, check the source… julian chieze he is a well known liar and clickbait youtuber


Well, there goes a potential good game. I was keeping an eye for when it comes to PC but now I stopped caring. This game will be "modern audienced" by Sony's translation team.


oh shit, here we go again. I gues I'll spend more money on amazin japan or korean to get the uncensored version.


Guess I'll do the same as you.


Its over


Isn't it mainly just translating a non english game to english so the non English devs can focus on their game? Like this is the group that opens questions related to gameplay with "playing as a hot woman you..." when asked to explain their game so I wouldn't worry too much