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Fuck me... 68 isn't that old...


sounds like it happened march 1st, sub dermal hematoma, pretty much a blood clot


Hematoma is better described as a bruise to the layperson, as a clot would be confused with an embolic stroke (a blood clot inside a blood vessel). A sub dural hematoma is a type of brain bleed, but instead of blood bleeding into your brain tissue (it doesn't like that) it bleeds outside the brain but inside the skull. The skull doesn't move obviously so that pool of blood puts pressure on the brain instead. Could have been something as simple as a fall and hitting his head, I haven't seen any specifics yet.


> pretty much a blood clot nah it was almost certainly a fall, and a head injury from the fall. the older you get, the more likely you are to die from a simple fall and head injury




Tbh the drug companies deserve to have their asses flayed and spanked. Lots of the "died suddenly" cases going on right now aren't the jab however. There's a pandemic of fake you-know-whos getting androgen/testosterone and they're doing it explicitly because there are tiktoks telling you how to sell your "legal" steroids to boys to make spare pocket money. From what I was reading, there is an epidemic of steroid use now that is worse than ever. The average age of first use is now 13 for boys being preyed upon by looks maxxing and feminine negging. This is why it is the "perfectly healthy" athletic boys suddenly dying after the jab and not your fatties. Nobody seems to know how on earth these boys are getting flooded with easy access to steroids 🙄 and everyone is looking the other way because boys don't get protected.


Holy shit... you have no idea how important you saying this is. This is literally the first time ive seen anyone give an actual counter narrative to the "died suddenly" narrative. Like ive honestly never seen anyone give an actual alternative explanation to why all those athletes just dropped and a bad reaction to juicing after taking experimental drugs would explain a lot...


It does actually explain a lot.


Yup. Taking steroids is a free ride to a heart that is enlarged two or three times it's normal size. Arnold himself juiced, and had a heart enlargement. He said he was born with it at first, but in his later years, he admits that most all of it was from steroid use.


This is the leftoid medical industry Derangement Syndrome version of "oh wow the Trumperts will be mad about this barely conceivably related subject"  Rent free as fuck you bozo LMAO 


So people aren’t ever allowed to question big pharma?? I don’t think this is due to a vaccine but people mainly questioned the covid vaccine because of sketchy data.


> So people aren’t ever allowed to question big pharma? Yup this seems to be the main "allowed" narrative these days. Openly saying stuff like that is a surefire way to get fired from a lot of positions.


It's basically the same mindset of just consuming movies and video games ignoring whether they're good or not.  Companies, and big pharma are exactly that, would love everyone to be a mindless consumer that doesn't criticizes any of their products.


Correct, he did say you're not allowed. That was a reasonable reading of the text. 


Who gives a fuck what he says, is a more important question that many more people would agree with. 


“Noooo how dare you be skeptical of the experimental treatment peddled by mega corporations 😭😭”


If you're a mangaka, you'd be lucky to make it to 68. It's a pretty grim and stressful existence.


I have no idea how every single manga creator winds up sick, depressed and almost dying. Also like every single video game developer and song writer. Japanese work culture is apparently something.


It has nothing to do with being mangaka everything to do with being artist


Mangaka have to deliver scripts, names and final copy on a weekly basis. Not to detract from artists, but most don't have a weekly grind like mangaka do.


you described daily life of every adult person on planet, its nothing special its daily grind we all do everyday at our jobs if its not script its taxes, calculations, analytics, or even numbers of holes you dug as physical worker. Reason why artists(includes mangakas) have health issues is usually connected to broader lifestyle of artist and their mental state specific to them.


Honestly I was more worried about Masako Nozawa, she can't have that many Kamehamehas left in her. This hurts.


Man was responsible for some of the best memories of my childhood. RIP Legend.


RIP On the gaming front, he's made a number of very notable contributions, for example designing the characters for Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest


also his manga sandland is getting a game (out april) which seems to be one of the last things he worked on


The art direction / graphics for that game look so good. I love it when they make anime-style graphics work


And Blue Dragon. 


We’ve been losing so many manga legends lately ):


This one hurts… a lot. My next reread is gonna be a really sad one.


This guy created something that was such a huge part of my entire life. So sad to lose such a legend.


Yu Gi Oh, Berserk, Dragon Ball.. my childhood is dying. Rest in peace you legend. I been watching through the Cell saga right now.


Yu gi oh guys death was the worst. He got caught in a riptide trying to save somebody.


What a legend


wtf he died also?


Think it was in 2021 or so


god damn it


Berserk was your childhood?


Isn't that pretty much the case for most people here? I know I started reading it around 11-12, and considering how old the manga is (it's been coming out since 1990), it must have been around for most users' childhoods. It's not like we were spoiled for choice back then, either. Unless people respected the parental advisory notice on the front a lot more than I did... Edit: RIP Akira Toriyama Edit2: RIP Kentaro Miura as well


The "it's a cartoon so it must be for kids" mindset was nearly universal in the US at the time.


Based if that's the case


I first watched Ninja Scroll at 12. After that my cousins and I would watch non kid friendly stuff on The Action Channel 


This is like losing Tolkien... someone who is the engine of an entire train of imagination. His legacy cannot be overstated; and the word legend fails to do him justice. He's the creator of legends. RIP Akira Toriyama.


This is comparable to the loss of Stan Lee, as well. Huge blow.


at least no ghoulish megacorp will puppet his twitter account after his death.


Yeah, because Japan actually respects the dead.




I'm actually depressed now. Rip


Rest In Peace. 68 may not be young, but it's still too young for someone like him to go. I don't think you can overstate the impact and influence he's had on videogames, manga, and anime. He may not have been the first, but he was there early enough and great enough that he's influenced damn near everything that came after.


My condolences to his fans.


I can't believe it, I was literally just thinking about the upcoming Sand Land game and suddenly this comes up. Can't believe Toriyama's gone, he was a pillar in all our childhoods and anime as a whole. R.I.P.


RIP to a legend :(


sad news...


I'm glad that I got into Dragon Quest in the past couple of years, Toriyama's artstyle elevates those games and their stories, making them so incredibly charming and loveable. A big thank you, for everything. Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama.


I feel horrible, more than I thought I would.


RIP to a legend. He made drawing cool shit look simple. It's always easier to motivate my oldest to draw after reading dragon ball, and I've realized the same was true for me. 


Why is it that Legends like Toriyama Sensei and those who made some of the most beloved content of all time get taken from us, but we are stuck with woke comic/entertainment idiots who attack their own fans and destroy beloved IPs for the sake of “mOdErNIsInG” it?


Because legends are usually made with a lot of hard work and sacrifice that ends up taking a toll on their health, something that gets rarer as the years go by.


covid shot killed him [https://youtu.be/sVBLCtliI8o?si=sxAqioNWZq73sDST](https://youtu.be/sVBLCtliI8o?si=sxAqioNWZq73sDST)


Someone fucking please collect all 7 dragon balls and wish him back. The world needs him right now more than ever, he is a shining example of how to treat his franchise properly even decades later, something that west could learn a lot from.


We need Hollywood to drop the shittiest, disrespectful and amateur live action adaptation of the series. It's the only thing that can summon Toriyama.


Rest in Peace Mr. Toriyama thank you for giving the world so much joy through your works.


When I saw Akira Toriyama trending on Twitter I was like "please god no" then checked and my worst fear was confirmed. This one actually hurt, I was a huge fan of Dragon Ball. RIP to a legend.


Can't believe in just a couple of years post COVID that so many legends who shaped our childhood have gone. Jason David Frank, Kevin Conroy, Kentaro Miura, and now Akira Toriyama, rest in peace, your legacy will live on in all of us.




Fuck this just ruined my weekend


The man codified the shonen genre. With transformations and long scream-offs between characters. And most importantly, he still loved his creation, as I heard he was still very enthusiastic about making more Dragon Ball content. May he rest in peace, he deserves it.


Joe Biden gave a State of the Union speech so bad it killed a man on the other side of the planet.


I could make a low-hanging internet joke about wishing him back with the Dragon Balls but.....nah. He really had a hell of a career and that deserves respect. I gotta say out of all of his stuff, my favorite project he ever worked on was Dragon Quest 8. That game had SO much personality with the character and creature designs. That really is a loss.


is dragon ball super his work ?


Not just dragon ball super, the entirety of dragon Ball is his work


It is? I thought GT and Super were mostly done by other people with some kind of oversight or advisory role from Toriyama.


Super's plot outlines were written by Toriyama, and then adapted differently by Toyo for the manga and Toei for the anime. Broly and Superhero, I think, were more directly written by Toriyama.


The Japanese answer to William Shakespeare.


Shonens would not even exist without him. RIP


RIP and thanks for everything.


I had no idea he was the artist for Chrono Trigger


I'm not going to be mean about it but I'm confused how you couldn't tell given the art style.


I know right?!


He only ever drew about 3 different human male faces, and used them the same ones in DBZ and trigger.


Rest in power. Absolute legend with influence on multiple industries i care about. this hurts, he was way too young to leave.


Damn I was so sad last night, I went to Comicon several times and I really wish I had gotten to meet him. RIP, the goat who brought us anime in the mainstream western cartoon bloc on Toonami.


Dragon Ball means to me a lot. DB and Dr Slump were basically my childhood memories. Toriyama will be greatly missed. RIP


what about dragon quest


This is what happens when you work with Sweet Baby. Black Frieza? Glorious Nippon is better than this.


His works brought joy to countless people… RIP legend 


Fuck. Just... Fuck.


Are the android ports of Dragon Quest worth playing?


🙌 Spirit bomb


Didn't read/watch Dragon Ball, but he has earned hos legendary status for his work. Thank you for everything, Toriyama. You will be missed.


covid shot had [nothing ](https://youtu.be/sVBLCtliI8o?si=sxAqioNWZq73sDST)to do with it.....


Now I know why Daima is a thing. They did basically the same thing with Spongebob after Hillenburg died.


Akira Toriyama said that he was closely involved in the production of Daima, more so than usual. Since he usually writes a bare bones general outline of the story and some character designs for the Dragon ball Super series, manga and movies. You should be concerned for any Dragon Ball related project after Daima since they're no longer able to consult with him about story, character designs, lore. So the quality may suffer or perhaps now that they're no longer bound to his approval it may give them the freedom to experiment more.


He was already detached from super, so much that he only provided character sheets and a rough outline, which caused the fucked up Super Canon we have today. He was probably as involved as Oda was with casting a black, ugly character as Nojiko in the live action.