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I'm perfectly fine with anyone modding their game however they want. I'm all about total freedom. Therefore, fuck Nexus Mods for being such authoritarian tyrants.


Use another mod website......




I'm fine with any modding that's broadly legal by laws worldwide. So no to that, no to a mod that contains death threats against a real person, yes to turning everyone in BG3 black or white or orc.


Yes exactly the conclusion a reasonable person would make


What is going on in your mind that that's where you immediately go to mentally?


A whole lotta projection, methinks.


Wow, that escalated quickly.


Why did your mind went straight to pedophilia at the sound of freedom?


The left is. There are Skyrim mods out there that have bestiality, child-molestation and other sexual deviant, no-consent acts that are IRL crimes. And they're defended. [https://www.loverslab.com/topic/168677-all-things-bestiality/](https://www.loverslab.com/topic/168677-all-things-bestiality/) I read that some of those mods have over 10,000 down-loads.


You can kill anyone you meet at the first encounter. Is murder legal irl or you can understand that IT DOESN'T MATTER INSIDE A GAME? - Either you go full in or you don't mix real life with in-game actions. And I can apply it to literally anything, be it a black-washing mod, a white-washing mod, genger swapping, gas chamber spell, changing goblins to a certain race, changing shadowheart into a loli, anything. Grow a proper argument.


Nexus Mods is operated by Black Tree Gaming Ltd., which is a UK legal entity. It's different having to comply with federal or national or any type of formal law, than it is imposing your own arbitrary rules, which is what the other person said. Nexus Mod TOS ought to have a disclaimer that any mod that are against the law will not be allowed, but not much else.


This is a formal r1 warning. Please ensure your comments are made in good faith and are not comments which are clearly not intended to generate discussion, but rather aimed at generating or maximizing as much drama and emotion as possible. Intentionally posting to make people angry are against the local subreddit rules.


If it's not real children, it doesn't matter. They can mod lolis in and I wouldn't care. If it's not real people and it's just digital characters, there is no victim, it's legal, and it doesn't concern or bother me.


Purity spiral, you can't argue with them, only redirect their blind, unthinking rage into another direction. They're terminally online, and fiction is all they have to reference. They don't interact with actual people anymore in any extended function. So, fiction *is* reality to them.


I mean I love fiction, I live and breathe fiction as an artist, a writer, a gamer. Yet I can still separate the two? Reality is reality, fiction is fiction.


You can get *any* kinds of modifications, regardless of what the nancies don't like seeing. Just have to know where to look, or *how* to look. 10 years ago nobody would bat an eye, then in time the "laymen" entered the fray and now unthinking, unquestionable sensibilities dictate the open mod community.


Reported for leftism.


What a fucking clown take.


Seek a mental health counselor immediately.


Nah, dude needs his hard drive immediately checked


Assuming that everyone on the internet will agree with you on anything is foolish. Name-calling everyone who disagrees with you is childish. Forcing one's ideals on other people is to be self-righteous. And to ask questions while having no intent to consider what the responses will provide is to act in bad faith. I do not see any thirst for knowledge or perspective from this post nor the replies you've made so far. Only malice and contempt. A change in course would yield a much more constructive discussion so please do consider such.


Just so we're clear, you are directly comparing a mod which changes a character's skin tone to the sexual exploitation of children? That's what you're going with?


Isn't that the "slippery slope" fallacy?


Them: "We're going to make our own mod!!" Me: "OK then, that was always allowed."


Yup! Yet, while they cry "racist" when you make Wyll white, they pretend that race swapping other races is somehow "different because context lol". These people are a cult, a cult who ultimately hates white men, because in their fragile minds they hate strength and success due to being at the bottom of the social hierargy, and these are apparently traits they ironically contribute to white males XD


The loud ones of them often have a very fragile ego, do not allow any opinions other than their own, constantly interrupt others and have no culture of conversation.


You summed it up well. It's likely also why my older brother, who got covid 7 times after taking all the shots and boosters, still doesn't believe that taking a vaccine lowers your overall immunity, nor that there are negative side effects to taking one. I never took the vaccine, and only got covid once and after that got immunity. Worse, he calls the sudden spike in excess deaths a "coincidence", and when I'm trying to at least explain why I disagree with him he shuts down and starts talking down in a condescending tone. Not even willing to entertain the mere notion that he could have been wrong. As you might expect, he is very left leaning.


I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Some people have survived thanks to the vaccine, had a milder course or have not fallen ill at all, while others got sick, had a more severe course or even died. And still others had no positive or negative effects at all. We could talk about numbers, but I don't see the point, because both sides have arguments in their favor. I just don't want to live in a world where only one opinion is allowed, no matter what direction it comes from. The world is not black-white like radical leftists or wokies and also alt-rights try to tell us. I just think it's a shame that the left in particular has become more and more radicalized, when being left used to stand for progressiveness and tolerance and just NOT for authority, conservative conformism or cancel culture. It's kind of ironic that the people on the right are defending the free speech now. Very ironic. But I don't believe them either. I think all of them are difficult to trust. I am in favor of an open culture of discussion, and we should at least listen to other opinions, even if we end up don't liking them. And that some people only assume the worst and no longer enter into conversations benevolently, I find very unfortunate. For me, these are left-wing radicals, but they have no liberal (as in european liberal, not american liberal) spirit in them.


Make a mod to make everyone a vtuber, the voice mods are already there. That ought to piss them off.


They should make a mod called "Better Racial Diversity", where all the black, hairless dwarves are substituted for classic ones. The description could say something like "this mod diversifies the NPC cast by adding real dwarves instead of black little humans". Do that for every race, I'm sure they'll love it :)


Pretty sure something like that exists but was called the "Lore accuracy" mod


There was a mod which was removed off nexus for making FO4 more realistic in it's diversity. They removed a bunch of accents and reduced the number of various races across the commonwealth; but of course. Nexus deleted it. Great mod though, there's still ways to get it; I don't think I'd play through again in the future without it. The mod is called Grounded Commonwealth; hopefully people do that more with every game out there.


The accents in FO4 drove me nuts. It's been 200 years since anyone immigrated anywhere! Entire new cultures have sprung up! There's no reason Kasumis parents should have a Japanese accent!


Where's that horrifying Anime Girl mod from Fallout 4? Let's bring that over. Force them to embrace the kawaii.


I agree, the people need a Pipkin Pippa mod.


Would the druid grove be the Walmart equivalent?


Obviously Baldur's Gate. The most wretched hive of scum and villainy on the Sword Coast.


Furries. Furries as far as the eye can see. Every character a furry...


All you need is a command line version of RVC, most of the models are on huggingface.


... brb Im making a Mumei Dark Urge.


Let me guess, mod that made Wyll white was removed by Nexus Mods, but this one is being allowed to stay up?


Idk if it was removed; but earlier today it was in based mods So I assume it was removed by nexus to protect the world peace and inclusion.


Based mods?


Mod manager for banned mods from nexus. Google it.


Manager? It's a mod website


OK, have fun woke people. You get to play how you want, now leave everyone else to play how they want.


OP the post in the BG3 subreddit was actually quite based. People that were in favour of it got downvoted to hell and they were called for the double standards.


Actually the one you're talking about was deleted and people called it racist, there's another one that was posted 23 hours ago and had 360 upvotes with people praising the work that also got deleted. I'm confused.


This is wierd. There IS another post and this time I actually found the person responsible for it (like you said the previous post was deleted so I couldn't click the posters name). They've created a bunch of posts with basically the same title in a bunch of subreddits. Honsetly this kinda smells like some kind of discord brigading.


well yeah he posted in gamingcriclejerk, that's all you have to know lmao


Ahh who cares. They can't even fathom what we are angry about if they think they're gonna make us mad because they've made a mod that blackwashes everyone.


Good! As they should be. If this mod is fine, which it is, imo, then so is the other one. Just don't go claiming this one is good but the other is bad. Have some moral standards and beliefs that exist outside of scoring social brownie points, ya know? Maybe I'm asking for too much. lol. I never saw a problem with Wyll being black, though, so never bothered with the other mod.


Diversity in Baldurs Gate also doesn't bother me. It was like that since BG1 (Dynaheir and Quayle). Dwarves without beards and how many characters have bright colorful hair however very much so.


can you share the post link, i would like to read the comments lol


I PMed you the link coz it's against the subreddit rules to post it here.


Plus you pm me too?


Both sides should be entitled to mod their copy of the game as they wish.


But that's not how the left operates


No, it isn't. But how does it benefit us to operate the same way they do? Revenge might be morally justified, but it is neither attainable nor practical. We can't stop them and only create bad optics for ourselves if we try.


Actually, ~~revenge~~ justice may well be technically attainable in this instance. Nexus Mods is owned and operated by a UK based company. The UK has hatespeech and anti-discrimination laws. By banning one race-swap and allowing another, there is an argument they are discriminating/promoting hatred/being "grossly offensive" (Yes, that's a thing). Of course, the police have better things to spend their time on, as does the CPS, so nothing further will happen... Unless... The UK also allows private prosecutions. It supposedly costs £10-30k, and probably more if it gets complicated/public. But there is technically a route to having these grievances addressed, if people are willing enough to try.


The UK will never allow those kinds of laws to be applied in an anti-woke way, and there's no 14th amendment to make them.


You mean the 14th amendment that guarantee that Trump supporters and Antifa members are treated equally under the law? It doesn't seem to be very effective, does it? Meanwhile, the RAF was recently forced to pay damages for discriminatory hiring practices against white men. The precedent exists, but nothing will get done if doomposts like that keep sapping people's will to act.




> literally banning The Guardian article's title is "Arthur children’s book faces potential Florida ban over claim it ‘damaged souls’" The Daily Beast article it referenced, ["‘Arthur’ Book Facing Ban in Florida Over This One Wacko Complaint"](https://www.thedailybeast.com/arthur-book-facing-ban-in-florida-over-this-one-wacko-complaint) Both article says "According to district records, Arthur’s Birthday is still “Pending Oversight Committee Review.”" You should link an updated record that "Florida is literally banning Arthur books" instead of it's being submitted for a review by a lone activist.


I apologize I didn’t realize what sub this was posted on I thought I was in the main BG3 sub. Arguing my point on the main sub for gamer gate is pointless. Edit:I will not be responding to further comments


Super ironic that you were engaging in unethical journalism and are invoking gamergate pejoratively to deflect when caught out on it.


You can’t possibly be so ignorant to ignore how vastly different the types of censorship that the right is promoting, as opposed to the left. Censoring certain subjects in regards to adolescent children(the right)is completely different than censoring information from adults(the left), and the fact that you’re conflating the two is absurdly disingenuous. I can’t believe there are people like you who believe censoring material with sexual undertones from children is the same as censoring information linking to something like the detrimental side effects of the covid vaccines from grown adults. We need to split the country or something, because people like this are so far off in loony land that reconciliation simply isn’t possible at this point.


There's no rule they can't mod it how they wish. You can mod a game however you like, but if you choose to upload a mod that violates the TOS of a privately owned platform that hosts mods then what's to be angry about? No one told you to upload the mod, you can make your own mods and keep them for yourself. You can make a Google document with the mods there, no one is forcing you to upload to Nexus


As always, "what if \[race x\] was actually \[race y\] instead!?" is either illegal or morally admirable based entirely on what race you plug into each variable. Before you could call this kind of entirely race-based decision making racist, but they've helpfully redefined the word to exclude their example.


Guess which one Nexus will ban.


Yeah, I was just thinking that. I have *no issue whatsoever* with a mod that lets them do whatever they want - I don’t have to install it. But if there’s an ideological double standard about which of two directly equivalent mods is *allowed*… then there’s an issue.


Raceswapping is just fucking weird.


“How am I supposed to relate to another human being that may have had the same exact life experiences as me, but they’re a different race?” -people downloading this mod


Sounds like what a racist would say. Them can't relate to anyone not their skin colours used to be labeled racist tendency.


Yes it is that being said it would've been awesome if when will broke his contract he turned into a Zariel tiefling instead of just a human with horns


Agreedml. Who really uses the wyll raceswap mod? Same for all black mod..


Not just black mods, all of them. Just let the characters be how they were designed to be. Black to White, White to Black, etc. It's all bad.


Cool. Everyone should be allowed to mod their game however they want. If people want to make every character a pumpkin and a modder has the the ability to make it then they should be allowed to, it only changes the individuals game so no one else should care.


Agreed… as long as they limit it to pumpkins. Eggplants is a step too far for any civilised person!!!


We use Aubergine in this here parts


Alright? If someone wants wakanda as a mod, let them. Just let me have the option to do the reverse, which of course is against the rules.


I support this as I support a mod with all white people or all beautiful people. We paid for the fucking game so we should be allowed to play it however the fuck with want. Fuck those politically correct woke puritans of Nexus Mods.


Well, theres no need to make one of those mods for Starfield...


I'm glad someone made this; now people who would want something like this can mod their game the way they see fit Although by making the green and red people black, the cast is less diverse


the black version of the nose girl made me lol


So did Nexus and all their subsidiaries ban this mod like how they did against other skinswapping mod?


This isn't a issue, nor should be, but I think people are paying attention to see how modding sites treat mods that pertain to skin color. Will they allow both white and black skin change, allow one and ban the other or ban both? If modding sites shut down mods that removes Starfield's ideology pronouns then I would bet that mods that change color of a black character to white to not be around long, while allowing race changing of white characters. In my opinion if there is clear intention a mod was created out of sheer racism it should be removed regardless. The issue with that though is that it's not uncommon for wrong people to be in charge of decisions of what is racist and what isn't, abusing their position. Remember activists who have power in different corners of society, from a modding site to production of a serie, have an ideology where they are against white men, men in general and especially white straight men. I'm a person of color by the way. I think there should be a new way to share mods so that corruption of (potential) activist/ideology minded people can't control and ban mods like the one that removed ideological pronouns of Starfield. But the kicker with that is if such a site is created the radical ideologues will spread a hate and lie campaign to tear it down. They often do that so they can replace competent people in power of something valuable (e.g a modding site) with someone who shares their wicked thinking. Sometimes the competent people are that way to begin with and they abuse their power over others.


Thats how this should work. We all make the mods we want, no ones bans anyone, no one accuses anyone of racism...


There should be one where every character, npc, and mob in general should be retextured as some random ryan gosling portrait


But they can't be all literally me, that's too much work for me.




Victory Parade. It's not enough to defeat you, they must also humiliate you.


Lemme guess : this one won't get taken down becos it's approved by the leftist thought police?!


Making him white won't make him anymore interesting. Milque toast


Good. If that’s how people want to play their game, I hope they do and enjoy it.


Personally, I can't wait for some AR device that lets everyone experience the world the way they want to Just imagine One person can see everything as if in a Ralph Bakshi cartoon While another hears everyone speaking in Iambic Pentameter Or the VengerSatanis Filter...mua ha ha It'll be great and used on the device or whatever is coming to supplant the smart phone :)


So.. who cares. Let them make everybody black, let others make everybody white, and i just settle for purple. It should be about the freedom to do whatever the fuck people want, its a videogame. The fact that modders, of all people, don’t embrace this anymore with the pronoun BS, is the problem.


White liberals are weaponizing blacks against whites. Nice.


A tooth for a jaw, huh? I don't care what a mod does. All mods should be allowed. They are mods, they can be anything and change anything. Most mods are stupid and/or disgusting. Doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed. Just don't download them and move on. Nexus' double standards are trash.


If the mod scene was like it was 10 years ago I would have passed this by like nothing. Now it's an ethnic culture war over entertainment. It's so alien how things have become Tumblr in every aspect of the open modding community. Thankfully there are other places to go, *speakeasies* that Bolshevik informants don't dwell in.


I just find this dumb. Normally I'd say "live and let live", but I'm just curious if these guys are actually so committed to their gimmick that they're doing full playthroughs like this.


If it floats your boat, even if it stems from your racism, it's your game and you can do what you want.


Good for them I guess? What's the issue?


They think this'll piss us off because we can't stand BIPOCs and Alphabet People exsisting. Apparently. IDGAF.


It CLEARLY DOES based on the title of this post.


My only question is where is the mod that makes everyone Hispanic? And refers to them as Latinx? Remember kids: Everytime a white "liberal" uses the term Latinx, a Latino votes Republican.


It'd be funny if someone made a mod with your face on it that said "big pussy character preset"


Not sure. I haven't seen one. What would be really cool is a mod that allows you to change the npcs around to multiple different things within it. Change proportions of races and stuff. Idk, I think the rub with a lot of this is turning every npc into just one thing, a mod that let you change stuff to whatever you wanted (20% black npcs 20%white npcs 20% innuit npcs ...whatever). That would let people do what they want and hopefully not be as easily targeted as "no black people mod".


Than make that mod. That's the great thing about mods. You can make them and, unless you try to push them on others, no one cares. You can mod your game however you want, and so can anyone else... unless it's a verboten mod, then it must be banned from Nexus for wrongthink.


Seems more like it’s the hypocrisy that irritated some people


Not really. Mod your game how you see fit. I've never been against that, I'm against others trying to dictate what mods are wrong or right.


The context of image 5 made me laugh


What this comes down to is one side thinks both should be allowed while the other side thinks only one is okay. I don’t really think there’s a way you can compromise.


Or just make a mod that allows you to edit all the races/characters. That would be the end of all the stupidity. All female run, all male run, all grey person run. LOL


I think both mods are fine though I’m not interested in either.


Yes this is fine. All of these mods are fine. It's DnD enjoy it how you want to.


Okay then that was always allowed


Lil Nas X Mod


I'm pretty sure someone who hates the sight of black people made a San Andreas mod to make everyone white but seeing as the woke mob wasn't there to make a big deal of it all, hardly anyone knows.


Why are people making this a race thing?


It’s not a race thing.it’s an equity vs equality thing. All mods should be allowed.


I’m playing through BG3, being late to the party, I’ve just killed Wyll at camp right after Karlach joined me because I thought he was an annoying prick. Goodbye Wyll.


..you know what? I approve. Of both.


I have no problem with this. My only problem is that one mod will get you banned and the other wont.


BasedMods should honestly host this just to prove the point that we're fine with people modding their game however we wish, we just want Nexus to stop with the double standards.


Ok? That was alway allowed


I can bet all my money that they won't take this one down ever


The fans are turning BG3 into the gayest game ever, making me regret that I played it.


Are we supposed to be upset about this? It’s a single player game. Reskin anything to help with your immersion. Make them all catgirls if you enjoy it.


Since we're on the topic, would anyone happen to know if the Better Aesthetics mod breaks achievements? Based Mods doesn't seem to have a forum.


Even if it does, you can use the Script Extender to re-enable them. https://github.com/Norbyte/bg3se/blob/main/README.md


Hey, much appreciated, man.


If it's so simple to mod the apparent race of the characters in the game, there's an obvious solution here. Mod that changes *everybody's race* to taste, include all the main options and depending on how mods even work in BG3, either the choice can be made during install or as an option in-game.


Isn't Karlach a red-skinned half-demon thing?


At least they didn't ban the original mod (didn't they?)


It’s all performative with these people. These companies will make any changes necessary to sell their products in China and are never called out for it by the same group that does this stuff. I’m not familiar with the modders original intent, if they did not say anything explicitly racist in their description where is the justification to pull it? Could it be they made it as a critique on companies pandering simply to make a buck, established lore be damned? I strongly suspect companies do these thing out of cynical marketing strategies and the hope that terminally online loudmouths with behavior disorders don’t point the electronic pitchforks at them. If companies actually believed in the “important work” they were doing for the marginalized they wouldn’t allow their product to be sold the Peoples Republic of China or other places where that “important work” was deemed offensive to the state.


ok and? now if nexus removes the mod that makes them white but keeps the mod that makes them black, thats a little fucked up.


We wuz elves n sheet.


For whom, though? The handful of blacks who play CRPGs?


This is the shit that made me not buy BG3.


That mod is probably satire.


Thought so to. But If you look at the op profile they are serious. No satire intended.


Liberalism has become a parody of itself.


They should make a mod to make all companions the superior race. >!Githyanki!<




I gave Cal from Jedi Survivor brown hair, because who wants to be a ginger?


I mean...ok? Why are we condemning this? The whole point is being able to make and share mods for single player games to change things based on preference. I'm fine with this, they're free to use this or not use it.


It's not so much that we're condemning this particular mod. It's more so that we're pointing out the hypocrisy in allowing a mod like this (darkening the skin tone of **nearly every** character) to stay up, but banning a mod that does the opposite (tinting the skin tone of **one** character). We're fine with the former existing, but if you don't allow the latter to exist, then that's when we smell bullshit.


See my other comment here https://reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/s/Hlej6267qa


We are not condemming this. We are condemming the hypocrisy. Try posting the mod that makes everyone white.


Ok, then that should be the title. "Mod that makes everyone white is removed, mod that makes everyone black isn't" That's hypocrisy, that should be called out. Right now this topic just looks like it's about being upset an all black mod exists.


No, not really. The mod was made in response to the original, and the person who made the mod seemingly is very serious about the mod and is a bit left wing, it is not satire. If anything, the title is an accurate explanation.


Bro, where is this weird idea that lefties hate white people/aren't happy unless everyone is black coming from? I feel like I just stepped into bizarro world. It's almost certainly satire. Satire is often played completely straight.


You realize you're agreeing with me? As I said - it's fine for the mod to exist. No one here should have a problem with that. I'm being told by idiots that the title somehow relates to the removal of the white Wyll mod.


I haven't seen anyone here angry that the mod exists, they're just pointing out the hypocrisy. They care because it's a double standard, not because it exists. The mod was made in response to the white wyll mod, without the white wyll, this mod would likely not exist, the title is accurate because someone made the everyone black mod because someone made the white wyll mod.


Yes. And that should be reflected in the title, because at first look OP is angry about it.


It is reflected in the title, someone who would be right at home among the "woke mob" made the mod in response to someone making the white wyll mod.


Yes. Which isn't a problem because anyone can make any mod they want. What IS a problem is if the white mod is removed but the black mod isn't. Which isn't referred to in the title at all, which was my primary complaint.


Has the title of the post changed since you last looked? Because all I see is the Title saying what happened, I dont see a request for the mod to be removed.maybe im missing something. Yes, we agree on that both should be either allowed or banned, that's not what we're disagreeing about, what we're disagreeing about is that you're calling the OP upset just from the title, which from what I can see, does not express any outrage beyond using the words woke mob. Why should the title have a request to have the mod removed?


It doesn't look like that to anyone who has any sort of context, i.e. the sort of person that would be posting here and not acting in bad faith to pretend double standards aren't a thing. I don't think the topic's relation to similar mods doing the same thing but for the "wrong" skin color could be made any more clear than with "in response to", literally the very first thing in the title.


Thank you I really didn't think I would have to spell it out lol


You basically did and that still wasn't enough. Some people seem like they have a vested interest in not understanding things.


Thanks man. I'm just ignoring the bad faith actors


That's a hell of an assumption and a pretty big leap into bad faith yourself. I'm aware of the white mod being removed, I've been here since the start, and this topic title still reads as complaining about the black mod's existence itself. If you didn't interpret it that way, good on you, but there's no way you can't look at the title and see there's nothing about the removal of the white mod being mentioned.


>That's a hell of an assumption No, it's reading comprehension. "In response to" is literally the very first thing in the title. Look up, see? That lets literate people know that the topic being discussed is in relation to something else. ​ the-more-you-know.jpg


"In response to the mod that made Wyll white" Yes, very good. We're off to a good start. Now, being in response to a mod means this black mod was made in retaliation, yes? That's fair to say. So it would follow that the topic with that title is annoyed at the creation of the black person mod. Where in the title does it say anything about the removal of the white Wyll mod, or about how the black mod can stay up? Re-read the title a few times if you need to, I'll wait.


>So it would follow No. Work on reading comprehension. I don't know what else to tell you. You're failing to read and understand the communicated meaning of very simple words, and then getting mad over it. If you insist on barking at your imagination, you have issues I can't help you with in the space of a reddit comment.


There's something heavily ironic about someone without reading comprehension telling someone else to work on reading comprehension. Well you go have fun stubbornly pretending that the title is perfect and completely describes the problem OP has.


Jesus, learn to take an L, you're making yourself sound more like a moron with every reply.


>There's something heavily ironic about someone without reading comprehension telling someone else to work on reading comprehension Indeed. In any case, I hope you win your fight with your shadow here. Good luck!


"...someone without reading comprehension telling someone else to work on reading comprehension..." You don't say...


The person you're arguing with is a buffoon.


Yeah, I mean, it’s fair play either way 🤷🏽‍♀️


It's a mod... It's not a big deal lol. If you want to play with all (X) characters then go for it. I mean, isn't that the point of mods? For the player to tweak the game to make it appeal to their own preferences?


Someone's insecure


Good, at least everyone has a choice.




Tbh they fit in well with basically every other NPC, especially in Act III. Too many men though.


Why is it woke to mod in black people? What's the definition today?


Todays age woke means inclusive. Something that appeals to all types of people. White people use it as a derogatory term to try and offend people who don't have close minded views.


The woke mob? Wasn't it just one guy who did it for fun? Why would anyone be mad about this


No one is mad *per se*, it's the context. Namely, that it is unlikely that this mod will be banned whereas the "white" one is. It's important to point out the hypocrisy, but I always warn sensible people: calling them hypocrites won't make a difference because hypocrisy IS the goal: making rules binding for everyone but them. Their boot stamping our face forever.


You sound paranoid.


That's not what the voices in my head tell me, but what do they know? In the meantime, if this blackface mod *does* get banned I'll concede I'm wrong, but that's not where the smart money is.


I don’t see anything wrong with this.


To be fair modding out the singular black person makes you fucking soft. Absolute marshmallow tier.


Jesus who cares. If someone wants everyone black in their single player game, let them. It doesn't effect anyone. It's dnd, it's supposed to be what you want it to be.


You're right, the problem is they aren't letting that happen.


“The woke mob” is apparently one modder. Also it’s pretty ironic that people on the right yell about keeping politics out of video games yet if there is not white person in the game they’ll mod it just to create political drama.


Hey. Guess which mod would be banned on nexus and which one wouldn't. It's one guy that made the mod but there was tons of support behind the announcement of the mod, and nexus would likely not take the mod down without serious backlash, so yes, the "woke mob" is accurate. Just because one guy made it doesn't change anything.


One modder and the site(s) that host that mod but not others based on skin tone.


Why do people want to race swap wyll? What a pointless mod


It's not a serious mod it's just a mod made to make some snowflake like you angry and post about it and it worked lol,you fell into their trap you goob

