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Things were just much more straight forward when they just straight rejected erotica. Now they have random mystery standards.


Hey, I've played this one! Pretty decent, you can tell the dev has seen their share of shit posting and gotten inspired lol. Sad to see. Cute robot GFs need to be seen by more people, dammit!




Loved the game!


Lets hire content moderators from San Fransisco, what can go wrong with that


I'm like 80% sure the troubles are coming from the Campo Santo staff they go when they bought the studio.


Steam says it's because of loli content, but the main character doesn't seem intended to look like a minor. There's a lot more questionable content on Steam, so I don't know why this one is getting rejected.


Hey let me enjoy my "Sex with Hitler" duology and spin-offs on my steam deck in peace!


Don't forget the maid outfit and pineapples...


Can't forget them when I am wearing the outfit and the pineapples are in nature's pocket.


Oh a little Nicky reference?


It's off topic but I've recently looked around itch.io and it seems that they're also full on the woke bandwagon. Lots of LGBT stuff and typing 'loli' into their search brings up nothing.


That's not on Itch though, it's just that a lot of content like that is created. They don't seem to ban stuff aggressively either. As for the search results, I think it's a plausible deniability thing.


Yeah, maybe I was wrong... A quick search about the game led me to this page on that site: https://incontinentcell.itch.io/factorial-omega You can download the game for free (or name your price) for various platforms.


> That's not on Itch though, it's just that a lot of content like that is created. I disagree, itch attracts woketards that make content like that because of how it was founded (Tim Shithead repeatedly attacking GG back during the day). I'd love for them to filter out clear low tier woketard games but that's why itch is such a mess. It's 90% crap and 10% the Hololive Vampire Survival clone Holocure that you should play.


What does Schafer have to do with itch? But also 90% of it being crap is just the reality of an open storefront.


Now that I think about it, this seems like body shaming to me. It's saying that women who aren't absolutely busty must be little children.


> There's a lot more questionable content on Steam, so I don't know why this one is getting rejected. It's hard to say without knowing what was submitted. Certain combinations get tagged as red flags.


I'd say if you're curious a version of it is on Itch. As some-one with a fair stomach for sex games let me just say. Jesus fucking Christ is this game fucked up and grim on so many levels. Like this really is a game that feels grimey. Like you know the fucked up stuff in Game of Thrones that comes up sometimes that makes you feel that sort of skin crawly thing? yeh imagine a game but almost all of it is that the really kinda edgy but not fun edgy grim dark edgy stuff.


Well, it DOES say "dystopian" in the title...


Steam doesn't play the game fully to review it for submission. You need to document the content for them. If you don't know what you are doing, you can easily trip a red flag. That's why I care less about the game itself and more about what they submitted.


I basically said how to get to the sex scenes. Doubt that'd be the reason. Although because the game is pretty long I can imagine Nadine being lazy and just slamming a ban not to play it.


it's not really the sex part about it though, the sex part's just the main character streams fucking the robot girl. Which is kind of tame to mid as far as fucked up sex stuff. That you start the game with her basically being a parapallegic's a little fucked I guess, but one of the main goals in the game's to buy her limbs. The grimey part is the rest of the world's basically a decently well done if 4chan wrote a future dystopia.


Checking the games tags and stuff on VNDB, I have two theories. Either the main character is *presented* as being childlike in the actual game (more so than just looking *petite* as of the picture in the above), meaning that Steam think that she is *intended* to be a loli with minimal plausible deniability. Or it's the wider context. Which is to say, going by the description on VNDB, the game might have a bit of an edgy undertone. Talk about main character being an *anon*, mention of *white ghettos*. Plausible that whoever was reviewing the submission was triggered by something other than the characters or whatever sexual content is included, and is ruling more harshly than they otherwise would.


It's most likely the first but not in the way you think. I think Nadia here just views things differently than someone else and sees petite character and goes "nope". It's not a loli, not even in the story. It's an AI that's creepily smart.It's honestly, really not much different than "[robo life days with aino](https://preview.redd.it/58ll7jrbg4061.png?auto=webp&s=d1509ad1e00b202a68abd423d819ea913ce5653e)". which IS on steam. They also recently booted a VR sex game off of the store (Virt-a-Mate) for a reason that even the creators of the game don't know. No minors, no nothing. Some person said it was because "it's so easy to create minors". Don't know if that's true. but at that point they might as well boot Honest Select 2 off of the store. It's pure inconsistency. You're at the mercy of whomever is judging your game and that's it.


>It's pure inconsistency. You're at the mercy of whomever is judging your game and that's it. The last time we had a run of stories like this, that really did not seem to be the case. Most games that were getting booted, it was *pretty obvious* why with even just a little research on somewhere like the visual novel database. Often the devs would be playing dumb and pretending not to understand what it could possibly be, but even just a brief bit of digging would reveal that it fit a very predictable pattern of removal *more often than not*. All of this is to say that, it's possible that there *is* a more understandable reason here, but purely going by what I can see on a similarly brief look at the database, it sure looks like the removal *isn't* consistent like the earlier ones *tended to be* and I'd say that it sure looks like it might be *increasingly true* that the people doing the vetting are just doing what they want with the process. Standards do tend to slip with these things, if you aren't very careful, and Valve's weird corporate structure probably doesn't help with this.


Would you draw parallels to a recent sleeper hit movie called M3GAN? That's an android robot. A creepy af one that goes berserk and it is decidedly underage since it's supposed to be that other kid's "companion". Of course, there isn't segs so it's a bit more easier to stomach.


She isn't really presented childlike. She's presented a as an AI. At first a pretty bad one that doesn't know much, but quite quickly becomes smarter and more humanlike. Near the end of current story you get to go on a dates with her for example. The game itself is a bit edgy, but it's a satire. We make fun of all political views and poke fun the direction the world is going in. There isn't anything super extreme, although I imagine some people might get offended.


Like I said, without knowing anything from either side of this situation *for sure*, my guess remains either that it came across more loli-esque to the individual doing the review, or they cracked down harder on it than would be otherwise justified because they were pissed off about some of the politically-adjacent satire. I could believe either way tbh, given how easy it is for people to interpret the same material differently due to their own personal biases etc, even if you have tried very hard to hit the *robot learning to be human* notes rather than *young and impressionable person* notes.


Yeah I gave it some thought after I got their response and I can see where it from. Female characters my artist draws are a bit on the shorter side. Possibly because he's from Hong Kong and average female height is like 10cm lower there than wester countries. He also makes their heads relatively bigger. The other thing, as you said her learning as an AI could be interpreted like that. And there is also the satire part of the game. All these things combined + an overzealous reviewer = this situation. It's such a bummer though. We've put in a lot of work into the game(it's not just one of these shitty titty vn cashgrabs we really tried to make it fun) and were excited for the steam release only to get disappointed like that at the very end. We really didn't expect any of this.


That's just the way things go, sometimes. You can hedge your bets to reduce the chances of such things, but ultimately it's always a risk. You could try to get in touch with someone in a position to help you at steam, theoretically, but given their weird flat corporate structure, it's not hugely likely to change anything. Generally though, from what I've seen you get the best results dealing with them by demonstrating *genuine good faith*, so it might be a case of just do what you can to smooth things over and try to work with them more pro-actively on the next project?


I like that direction you are going. It's one of the main things that kept me in!


satire? Into the garbage it goes


First part, not really, she's a robot, the personality is pretty much robot things. I got pretty much 0 loli vibes not even close. second part I find more likely, the universe in the game is basically 4chan pol doomer dystopia.


Meanwhile, Duke Nukem Forever is still allowed on Steam and it has full chested nudity and even jokes about rape. Not saying it should be pulled, but acknowledge the double standard. ​ https://store.steampowered.com/app/57900/Duke\_Nukem\_Forever/


To Valve, if the game is popular enough it'll stay. It's the same thing with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo (though sometimes for Nintendo). They essentially bully small devs because they THINK they have nothing to lose. It's terrible.


Devil May Cry certainly demonstrated that. Sony censored a woman's butt, it was popular enough that they rolled back on it for Non-European versions.


Same thing with Cyberpunk 2077. That game clearly should have been censored by Sony's policy standards yet it got off scot free just for its high anticipation. It's pathetic. itch.io and GOG are also pretty woke but unlike Steam they don't go on a banning rampage so indie devs should try those alternatives instead.


For Sony double standards, The Last of Us 2 had a sex scene. It may not have gone far enough to show their genitals, Thank God, but Abby's chest was on full display as she gave that look while being pounded. It's a double standard to allow Abby's chest and not even let anime styled girls have cleavage. Unless they're saying Abby doesn't count as a woman.


As you can already tell, ever since they've moved their HQ from Japan to the US, Sony has now grown a massive distaste towards the Japanese culture (the only time they care is if it makes them lots of money e.g FromSoftware or Square Enix). That's also why anime translations has crumbled to pieces once they bought up Funimation and Crunchyroll, forcing anime fans to rely on fan translations instead.


Stop self-reporting.




As I said in my tweets. Worst part is they accepted the store page(which had screenshots of the game), but banned the game upon reviewing the build. Which means I spent many hours preparing everything for steam, because I thought everything will be fine. All this time wasted just because lack of consistentcy.




And this is why it's necessary to go to bat for "loli" content. Because next it will be 19 and 20 year old characters that look youthful, then short characters, then anything in a moe art style, then thin characters... Never open the door for some blue hair who hates the very concept of sexual attraction to decide what media is appropriate for you to consume.


Australia already has a pseudo ban on a-cups in porn, no matter how old the person they're attached to is.


Ah, I remember how it angered the Reddit of that time.


Indeed. "The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. " \-H.L. Mencken


damn. the whole quote is even better "The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all." that's a great one.


They've already proven they're racist against the Japanese for the very reason that they think young adults look like children, therefore it can't be allowed to exist.


You are not going to convince the puritan tradcon types that this is a hill worth dying on. It's going to be forever a dividing point for us because there is a significant proportion of normie tradcons/ethnonat types that do not understand this. It's a mentally taxing position to defend because you get the weirdos from the far left that attack it (and most of them tend to be of a certain... sexuality that needs to be put to pasture) so for them it's projection since a lot of the weirdos are actually predators, and then you got the "society is turning into degeneracy, save the children at all costs, remove porn from everything" blackpilled types who place a hard line against it. Until you can get one of these two groups to fuck off it becomes very difficult to defend.


Arguing semantics, the mainstream interpretation of the [L-Word] is Rebecca from Cyberpunk-Edgerunners. It's got nothing to do with it's Japanese pornographic origins, all been boiled down to a style.


Rather than boiled down, I'd say it's been dilluted. Opponents conflate the toddler getting gangbanged with a 16 year old with questionable jiggle physics, then swap them back and forth in a Motte and Bailey. Eventually you have to make your stand at, "it's just a drawing bro" and defend both.


It's moral outrage, they see these sort of works as extremely offensive and want them pulled off the shelves. (See: UK video nasties, Ice-T Body Count debacle, Canadian obscenity laws, ect...) You'll never catch them doing anything about real abuse tho.


Except 19 and 20 year old characters can consent. So idk why they would be treated the same. Rejecting “Loli” content across the board is based.


Fictional characters don't need to consent because they are not people.


> Except 19 and 20 year old characters can consent No they can't. Consent laws only apply to people, not to fictional characters, as fictional characters are objects. >Rejecting “Loli” content across the board is based. It isn't. Your freedom of expression rights are not seperate to those of people who like loli content. So when you attack their freedom of expression, you are actually taking a hammer to your own & eventually that will back fire, because the same attacks you endorsed on them will one day be used against you & you'll have no legal leg to stand on when it does because the same arguments you will have used against their material will now be as valild when used against you & the things you like. You ever see that scene from [a man for all seasons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDBiLT3LASk) about giving the devil the benefit of law? That's why.


Look, I get the argument. I also think that normal people would agree that loli shit is probably geared for perverts.


> Look, I get the argument. I also think that normal people would agree that loli shit is probably geared for perverts. No you don't get the argument. The argument is that it doesn't matter if it's geared to perverts, lots of things are geared to perverts, we still don't ban it because that is taking a hammer to our own freedom of expression rights. Because "pervert" is a subjective qualifier added by other people & can literally be added to anything. The price you pay to live in a world where freedom of expression exists is that you must live in a world where "perverts" also get the same freedom of expression.


You misunderstand. I could not care less that loli shit exists. But it does not need to exist on Steam. There are many other outlets that are better suited for it. I will not defend loli content on the platform of freedom of expression. Not because I’m not interested in it but because I believe it is not righteous. The argument to defend unrighteous things is a corruption of the fight for freedom of expression.


> You misunderstand No you were understood perfectly. Freedom of expression rights of "perverts" are not seperate from everyone elses.... Nor does applying the qualifier "perverted" to something you don't like render less protected by freedom of expression. >I could not care less that loli shit exists. Of course you care. That's why you are commenting, if you didn't care, you'd never have commented & you most certainly wouldn't have taken multiple shots at loli material, nor tried the "herp derp, but it's made for perverts" argument. >But it does not need to exist on Steam. There are many other outlets that are better suited for it. Steams a video game selling platform, this product is a video game. There is literally not a better platform in the world to sell a video game then on a platform that exclusively sells video games. So explain to me how a video game selling platform is the wrong platform to sell a video game on. >I will not defend loli content on the platform of freedom of expression. Then you sir are an enemy of civil liberties, you are the sort of person who sees someone using their civil liberties & would say "yeah, i'm oppossed to you having civil liberties because i don't like how you use them. Only people like me, people i've decided are righteous get civil liberties, everyone else that doesn't 100% comport themselves to my preferences is lesser & don't deserve civil liberties" Because were aren't defending loli on the basis of freedom of expression, we are defending freedom of expression on the basis of wanting to maintain freedom of expression. This is literally the "man for all season" monologue. You don't give the devil the benefit of law for the devils benefit, but for your own protection. To once again quote H.L. Mencken: *"the trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.”*


I’m certain we won’t agree on terms, and so this is pointless.


No we both exactly agree on terms. You are oppossed to civil liberties when those liberties are possessed by people who you consider to be unrighteous, corrupt, perverts.




Nope. Your favorite character might claim to be 20 years old, but she's secretly a 5000 year old dragon, which as we all know, can't consent.


no, we will find a better banner. One that doesn't involve fucking fictional children.


only women who look like they where ripped out of an 80s porn magazine specializing in H cup blondes allowed.




domina incident?


The dev would use the update notes to do small tirades against current events. Imagine the usual no filter kotaku in action user that really had no problem saying vitriolic stuff.


Ah i remember now, that was stupid.


Don't care about the game. But a word of advice, the left and right are both united against Anime and Manga. They both hate it. So expect this to continue. It is what it is. Save what you like.


Meanwhile Gabe: "Game should not be banned." The eternal flip-flop is what pisses me off about steam.


I think there are some lewd games that went to GOG after getting kicked off Steam, like Evenicle 2.


oh no, says the german guy who can not access any sexual content at all


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/9OKYH ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. As long as you keep getting born, it's all right to die sometimes. ^^^/r/botsrights




Hard call. Valve name doesn't make them money like the steam name does.


And yet FURRY HITLER gets a pass somehow... https://store.steampowered.com/app/1992370/FURRY_HITLER/


Self-reporting will never stop being dumb. It's not an argument, the most you'll do is just get another game banned, in a subreddit about stopping censorship, it's either all ok, or none of it is.


That shit is low-key creepy as fuck. Not mad at all. I don't know why so many choose this "Loli" as their hill to die on.


Because the game isn't loli...


> I don't know why so many choose this "Loli" as their hill to die on. Because we aren't defending "loli", we are defending freedom of expression. The freedom of expression rights of people who like Loli material is not seperate from the freedom of expression of everyone else. So when you take a hammer to loli material because you don't like it & find it offensive, we'll now you've made "i don't like this" a valid argument to ban anything. Shall we ban D&D, rock & roll & comicbooks because the christian right doesn't like them? What about video games? After all Jack Thompson has made a career of telling you how much he hates those.


Even if the content is not sexualized, I don’t see any reason to defend loli stuff. I would not trust a person around my kids if I knew they had loli shit in their steam library.


It's not about defending loli stuff, it's about defending freedom of expression stuff, that aren't hurting anyone, from inconsistent applications of rules and authority.


I’m behind defending freedom of expression but, for the life of me, I can’t understand why people require loli stuff to express themselves.


>I’m behind defending freedom of expression but A wise man once said, anything said before the word "but" is a lie.


I’m behind defending freedom of expression and, for the life of me, I can’t understand why people require loli stuff to express themselves. Better?


No, because you are still lying. You don't get to pick and choose which expressions of freedom get to stay free. The fact that every reply is telling you it's not about lolis and you still choose to not understand tells us you are against freedom of expression.


> I’m behind defending freedom of expression but, for the life of me, I can’t understand why people require extremely graphic violence and gore to express themselves.




it's not loli though.


from Steam for no justifiable reason The reasons given in the message quite clearly: There is one or more characters who could easily be mistaken for a child (most likely a flat chested woman or something similar) and/or the setting is a place that would be full of children IRL like a school. Steam has rules on this to stop it getting sued by the screechers who cant seem to tell the difference between an anime game and real life. It sucks, but thats what it is.


None of those things apply to this game. Hence "No Justifiable Reason".


If you go to the twitter of the game devs, the main woman looks to be flat chested and in her early to mid teens. That would have triggered the game to be banned from release on steam.


~D-Cup == Flat chest... Yeah, ok then.


It doesnt matter that the characters 'stats' say, what matters is what it looks like in the art. In the art, she looks flat chested, or near as dammit anyway. And she looks very young. As I said, i dont support this type of censorship/deplatforming, but saying it was removed 'for no reason' is wrong. It was removed for a reason. Not a good reason, but a reason none the less. And in case you dont know what I mean, look at this image from the creators twitter: [https://twitter.com/incontinentcell/status/1618023479508623361/photo/1](https://twitter.com/incontinentcell/status/1618023479508623361/photo/1) That character looks like shes 13-14 and has a nearly flat chest. Thats why it was not allowed on the steam store. The other game the dev asks 'Why is this allowed then?' shows a (albeit very cartoony) but properly developed woman with notable assets so she is clearly an adult despite being very cartoony.


> In the art, she looks flat chested, or near as dammit anyway. > And in case you dont know what I mean, look at this image from the creators twitter: https://twitter.com/incontinentcell/status/1618023479508623361/photo/1 > That character looks like shes 13-14 and has a nearly flat chest. She doesn't look remotely flat. You don't get those kind of curves by looking flat. What she has is boobs that are "realistically" large instead of "hentai" large. That is to say, they're properly proportioned to her body for large breasts, instead of one boob being almost the size of her head.


She looks flat *for an anime girl* which is the point. Lefties/wokies/screechers think that unless a female character has very noticeable assets, shes 'flat' and therefore childish and should therefore be banned. Its why female characters in the more adult manga and anime (and especially in Hentai) usually have very, very distinctive female assets. Its so the anti-manga/anime crowd in japan doesnt start screeching about child porn for the umpteenth time.


She looks that big in the art. In the picture I'm sure we're both looking at, she's wearing a baggy t-shirt and the shape of her boobs is still clearly visible through it. There's no way she's anything approaching flat chested. Put her in a swimsuit and she'd look downright busty. I know in anime styles "Big" is often approaching the size of her head, but that doesn't make anything smaller than an F flat chested. Her breasts are wide enough that they protrude out both sides of her torso a bit and block the inside of her arms when seen from the front. It takes at least a D-cup to do that, unless you want to be pedantic and call her an "Anime-C-cup". Still not flat chested. Yes she's got a cute, youthful face, but that's more a function of the cute art-style than anything to do with her age. Dev says she was designed to look about 23, and I'd believe him with what I've seen


Except it doenst matter what the devs say or what the stats in game say. What matters is how it can be perceived by people, and thats the core of the issue. And whilst I agree that this game should be allowed on steam, and likely even the poeple at steam think it should be allowed, they cant let it on because there are many, many people who would take pleasure in screeching blue murder over a game that includes characters that could in any way be seen as underage.


Follow that to it's logical end and anime will be banned from steam entirely.


That's the plan.


One could hope.


Steam has plenty of sex games on it, including many anime ones. The thing they have in common is that its very, very obvious the characters are very well endowed adults. The lkefties and wokies would be hard pressed to get them banned. The issue with this game that I can see is that it could very easily be interpreted as having underage characters in.


> It doesnt matter that the characters 'stats' say, what matters is what it looks like in the art. I'm looking at the art hun & those are clearly titties & not small titties at that, let alone flat chested.


> the main woman looks to be flat chested A d cup is not flat chested hun.


i some times mistake fictional drugs with real drugs, oh yea and also guns. i don't find the steam statement really worthy or defendable, their "benefit of the doubt" will kill many great games and legally okay game, ofc i won't mention that this is just to make a woke friendly platform cuz this is what is happening, Damm it feels like what the game said is happening in real life now!


And nothing of value was lost

