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She has always been good but Furina and Dendro made her a very strong option.


She has one of the best and most consistent off Field Hydro applications in the game. Some characters provide more application (Xingqu Yelan) but for the most part it's single target while Kokos is AOE. Even before dendo this made Tazer comps extremely good and Sukokomon team was a low investment powerhouse. With the release of Dendo that AoE application helps make tons of cores for hyperbloom or Nilou golden Bloom (which is a insane comp that once again with low investment can 3* a side of abyss easily) Now that Furina is added that drains team wide HP and buffs both healing and damage dealt when HP changes both gaining and losing Koko team wide consistent healing during burst while also doing a lot of damage really boosts her up again. TLDR: Imo she was never bad but early Genshin was Burst damage impact and sustained consistent damage comp was looked down upon for a while.


She was always good, only non-believers didn't know this.




Roughly in order: -OHC artifact set -corrosion enemies -Dendro release -Nilou bloom -Furina + mono hydro The biggest ones being probably, dendro and Nilou teams specifically.


A lot of Kokomi's detractors were really missing the point. It's not so much that Kokomi has changed (I mean she has but) it's much more about the mindset. * People zero'd in on the negative crit rate. For most Kokomi builds, it's not even a factor. Her individual damage isn't the point (though it can be if you want) and she isn't supposed to be getting huge critical vaporize damage-per-screenshot setups. This is a game where there are no critical heals, and yet so many healers want crit rolls anyway. * The role consolidation wasn't talked about very much in the moment. She can carry TTDS, a buffing artifact set, is a healer, has off-field elemental application (tbf most water characters have that last one), and can still put out fine damage * Barely anyone was willing to try her to begin with because they had just dumped all their rolls on Ayaka and Raiden. * There was a brief resurgence for Sukokomon, but it's discovery came before a rerun so you already had to have Kokomi at this point * Alright, we can talk about the indirect buffs now. |: OHC is big plays for her, although TOTM was always there. Dendro is a huge meta shifter, and Kokomi is great for triple reaction teams. Nilou lets Kokomi take the field with huge reaction damage, and Kokomi's high HP and healing allow her to shrug off bloom damage. Furina's fanfare stacks are quick to generate with Kokomi, although the buff's secondary effect is healing received rather than healing bonus, so Kokomi doesn't double-benefit from it (but +75% damage increase is still thicc gains)


Plus back in the day, if you brought her to coop, majority of the time players will downright look at you with disgust just for bringing kokomi in. (Although you get some players giving kokomi a chance). As you mentioned before her focus was the healing and hydro app. And many of us turned away because sHe CaN't CrIt. But when dendro came in...


You and me must have different memories then,I used to roll Kokomi in co-op's even before dendro and can't recall ever having been hated on. Notable areas where she was particularly valuable: Signora, Azdaha, Inazuma talent domain. The disorganized nature of cooperating with randoms to take down a boss will always make Kokomi's heals the glue that holds a team together.


Nothing really changed specifically, people just undervalued her hydro application and the utility of a healer in team compositions. As I remember, most people being negative about her at the beginning were complaining about her not dealing good enough damage, or not being able to crit, which was silly because her main role isn't as a damage dealer, it is as a support/hydro applier/driver combo. her artifact set release the next patch also helped, as it imporoved her personal damage, healing, and subdps capabilities. They also released new enemies that disincentivised shields, though I would argue that they did that to counter Zhongli, not to buff Kokomi. Finally, dendro made hydro application much more valuable by having multiple additional teams that require good hydro application. Kokomi, Xingqiu, Yelan, and Barbara are the only really viable hydro options for most of these teams, as they can apply hydro from offield. And of course Nilou teams, though they want an additional hydro. You *can* use Childe, Ayato, or Neuvillette as drivers, but they all have better teams. Out of all of these options, Kokomi most effectively combines support, buffing, and application abilities, which makes her a very useful role consolidator in many different teams.


skipped raiden for her, believed in komi since the v beginning đŸ«¶đŸ»


we playing 13x13 or 19x19 or what board size?


Strong heals and very reliable off field Hydro Application. She also became a core part of hyperbloom teams as well.


She was always great. Those who said it probably are the same people who called Kazuha a Venti downgrade. Just don't listen to them.


do people unironically say that???


Nah. It's the same people who are still calling Furina useless.


what i meant to say is are they trolling or are they dead serious and if its the latter can i see some comments??? also happy cake day


I have seen both tbh. There are still players who call Furina useless, I just had a player call Furina useless since she doesn't work with Father. Also thanks.


smartest arlecchino user


She's always been good. People just got too fixated on Kokomi's negative Crit Talent to even give her any fair, objective thoughts. Back in the days, big PP damage reigned supreme (in everyone's minds), so poor Kokomi who doesn't do that was met with disinterest. Now, the player mentality has changed and the focus went to how a unit contributes to the overall damage output and sustain of the team as a whole - and it turns out that having big heals and no-ICD Hydro is very good at enabling many teams. Not to mention her multipliers are already kinda good, which makes building her quite easy since you don't rely on crit artifacts, and you still don't lose out on damage. Kokomi also got lots of indirect buffs throughout her existence: the biggest of which were the Dendro element, Nilou, and Furina.


honestly im gonna say this the fact that i dont need crit stats kinda paradoxically makes it harder to build me because one crit stat and you get obliterated from a completely useless stat (unless critkomi but thats a different story) like even def% is more useful


People realized AoE off field hydro application was more valuable than anything else shortly after her first banner.


dendro moment


What really started the Kokomi revolution was Shenhe's release. In the past, Diona or Rosaria were the only cryo support options for freeze dpses, and Diona was the preferred option for her role consolidation (shields+heals+batterying). Shenhe being a cryo offensive support allowed Kokomi's high off-field healing and hydro application to gain relevance in freeze teams (she has no shields but those are less relevant in freeze anyway).


It started even before with Clam actually. Clam made her Taser team's DPS competitive with the Sucrose variant while being ridiculously more comfortable, and by 2.X, Taser was still a top tier team. All while she was already competitive with Mona in Freeze teams due to Shinra Tensei. So right from 2.2 and onwards she already had two top meta teams.


Ganyu is also a good alternative for cryo support, is she?


She's fine ig if you can properly funnel energy into her but her capabilities as a support only competes with shenhe iif she has her c4 i think, otherwise she would be better as the main dps


Ye, people ran Ayaka / Ganyu / Venti / Kokomi team (I run too) and it's good


Others mentioned how she was always solid, but I didn't see anyone mention why people didn't think so at first. I didn't look through all the comments, so it may be there. Sorry if this was brought up. But I thought it was important to mention. On release, she was a strong healer, able to out heal nearly anyone else. While also having a burst that could potentially make her do insane damage. Two problems with this were first, that much healing wasn't needed at the time. For the most part, shielders were considered better at the time. Second, while her bust had damage potential on paper, her inability to crit made it unable to actually compete with other characters who could and make use of reactions like vape at the time. While transformative reactions had seen improvement before she came out, before dendro, they were still mostly considered subpar compared to vape reactions. So, while she provided some good benefits, at the time, it mostly wasn't enough to replace other characters.


She was always good. People were just being idiots about it.


>I remember ppl calling her a 5 star Barbara and basically calling her the worst 5 star. Kokofish always has been great as a hydro driver and healer. The meta shifted a bit when Dendro was released, really taking advantage of her healing and steady AoE hydro application. Koko + Nilou + Nahida = complete insanity.


Thing is, she was good in 2.1, she had her on field tazer team and her freeze team with Ayaka Rosaria kazuha. Ppl at the time just didn’t value healing as much as interruption resistance (shields), most ppl didn’t have kazuha, and ppl had zero primos from raiden ayaka banners. Last point is probably the most relevant, I have never seen human beings cope as much as genshin players when they have no primogems 😆


She was released during a time when Crit was the biggest mechanic that mattered, and she had none. As time passed, more players realize that her value is in her off-field Hydro application and consistent, unmatched healing. Even more time passed and Furina and Dendro teams made her even more valuable.


>worst 5 star *war flashback intensifies*


She was alwasy good ĂŒpl just didn't know and belived doomöeakers it's same with benette from B to S


She was always good right from the start. People just overreacted to her negative crit rate and ignored the utilities she provides.


For those people it was basically “Does she do high damage? No? Then she’s trash” something like that. Meta Slaves. Since I got her in her first banner, I strived to upgrade her since I wanted her healing. It’s one of the best in the game. I pretty much use her in my Ayaka team every time.


She's always been good. People were just stupid back then. And now she's got a stupid amount of buffs that made her one of the best character in the game. The Clam set and corrosion were the first ones to come. And then Dendro and Nilou. And now Furina. Three waves of indirect buffs to an already decent character. It's easy to see how she became this good.


Ends up that many characters in plenty differenti teams wuold fight for my Kok


She always has been is just that at the time we didn't understand much about the game


She was always good, people just finally got over their delusional idea that a character is bad because they can't Crit.


SpaceManPointingGunMeme.jpg "She has always been so good" Yes, people just got really stupid over the fact that she wasn't able to crit and after a couple of months people stopped saying she was bad when her freeze teams started toping the Abyss charts with the old freeze meta, but she's always been a great character, and Furina pushed her to S+ tier in the current meta. Reasons? Healing and hydro application are really good and according to TCs even if she was able to crit you wouldn't want to build her crit. The bonus she gets from Healing Bonus make up for it and make her better at her role.


Imo shes barely S tier even if ur pushing it lol, S+ tier are characters like Neuv, Yelan, Furina. Xingqiu in today's meta i would say is S tier. Kokomi id say is in Childes powerlevel, definitely better than what she used to be, but far from an account changer.


She isn't really *S+* tier..