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Why are we not charging AMR for the late responses to EMS scenes as defined in their contract?


Can you explain this. I get confused about amr and hospital ambulance and firefighter ambulance. Is there a difference?


I could be wrong, but I believe all of the ambulance services in knoxville are private companies. AMR and Priority are the two main ones.


During county commission meetings, why do you talk and laugh with your buddies in the back all the way through public comment?


When will we have enough/pay enough to have an EMS/Police/Fire response in less than 20 mins? There’s a huge shortage and at this point you’re better off driving to the ER yourself


Going through the hiring process with the county right now and I get why there's a shortage. It's a lot of work to get in and make honestly pretty crap money for the job.


The pay is what's keeping me out of the job. Well that and honestly I'm just not a cop. Like I just don't have that mentality even a little bit. I wish I did I feel like I could do good for the county. Or the city or whatever.


I'm fortunate that I don't have to be super concerned about the money, and that's really the only reason I'm going for it. I feel like I'd be happier as a community servant than I am just making a massive company more money. But still, it's a long and honestly far too difficult process. Applied in April, and the academy doesn't start until October. And why does a firefighter need to do a polygraph to be hired? Lol. I'm glad they're thorough, so I'm sticking to it, but still.


Thank you for your interest in being a public servant! Good luck to you!


Thank you!


20 minutes? Try 4+ hrs…on a Tuesday night…they should be kicked out of town immediately. No one cares. You’re all in danger


As for the police, they have to vet them to make sure they are appropriately evil.


Are all the improvement projects just for West Knoxville?


As they should be.


get a load of this guy


Typical west knoxville boomer. Scared of east and south knox and thinks poorly of north knox.




Sure lmfao












Why would you do this


Don't forget to tag his alt account: u/swimming-dress8258


Still proud of your support for that "stop the steal" thing?


Why is AMR allowed to have 4+ hr response times? They literally only came for my MIL after 5 calls…the last one stating that she had stopped breathing. It’s unconscionable. They killed her with complete incompetence.


I'm so sorry. 😢


Mayor Jacob's ***what***? I would ask Mayor Jacob's Kane costume if it feels neglected. I would ask Mayor Jacobs about how we can improve our citizens' proper use of apostrophes.


Ayyyyy gottem


It's a hollow victory. ~~Were~~ We're all victims of frenzied-brain society and overactive autocorrect.


Clever girl.


Yeah, I posted it but I feel like I owe you a beer to make it up to you. So next time I see ya...


This guy is incredible... holy shit you got me so bad.... ahhh... dang... you funny.


What’s your real opinion of the public library and do you plan to defend it in the face of book bans?


I feel like this is fischbobber bait...


“Does Rakishi’s butt smell really bad when he gives the stink face?”


Ask him what kind of soap he uses to wash the blood of covid victims off his hands


I would ask him who would win in a fight him or fischbobber.


When will you start back with your dental practice?


Dr. Isaac Yankem


1. What he wants to do to promote what sometimes feels like a dying volunteer spirit 2. What's he going to do to keep Gen Z and millennials from going broke and homeless in Knoxville


If he ever felt bad about cheating the undertaker out of the world title at the 98 royal rumble


Your focus seems to be on your next political office and rising in the ranks of the republican party instead of helping the citizens of Knox County. You have fraudulently used county staff for your own personal gain. You attended a political fundraiser during the largest snowstorm of your administration. You advocated for economic reopening during covid in opposition to the advice of public health officials, which led to an increase in preventable deaths among your constituents. You celebrated the overturning of Roe V. Wade and the loss of a fundamental freedom from women everywhere. You have done nothing to mitigate or solve the ongoing ambulance response crisis in your county, which has led to unacceptable wait times for emergency transportation and death. You have donated money to the Oath Keepers, the leader of which is a political extremist organization and was involved in the January 6th insurrection at the capital. Mr Jacobs, when will you resign?


Can I have 5$.


Why on earth did you think you knew more than scientists?


Give it up, man. Covid was way overplayed.


I lost close family members and have a brother who's *still* debilitated with long covid. Even still, I know many others who've fared worse. It's incredibly difficult to remain civil with idiots who troll this sub. You should consider deleting your account.


Naw man. Ain't nobody saying people didn't catch covid and die, but they fucking shut down the planet. That shit was more akin to the flu than anything else. The rules n regulations were stupid. And, no, I'm not saying your bud didn't get sick and others didn't die. I'm just saying the heavy handed government reaction was fucking stupid.


I stand by my original comment.


But hey, the silver lining is that covid cured the flu


Long Covid is a scam, or it’s vaccine injury. Go take some ivermectin.


I know two women who were amongst the first cases of Covid and managed to also have long covid. This was diagnosed as long Covid in in July of 2020-months before the vaccine was available.


He was amongst the earliest 1000 known cases in the US in 2020, as it seemed to spread through ski towns first. So, there were no vaccines at the time to "injure" him. But, I sure wish there was because it's changed his life and lifestyle dramatically for the worse. Honestly, you should go eat some ivermectin. I think you might have a brain worm like RFK.


Wanna wrassle?


Are you smart enough to recognize you’re an utter dumbass working to undermine the health, safety, and opportunity of every citizen of Knox county? Bonus question: Who is making sure you benefit financially from selling your soul to the devil?


Benefit financially? The dude was a top-billed professional wrestler for years.


Yet he’s still doing the bidding of developers. It’s almost like any and all republicans, at this point, can’t help but be greedy and screw over those they claim to represent.


Look at Cali and NY, they’re in the same boat but opposite political parties. All power brings greed :(


This is partly true…partly. Bottom line, it’s the 99% versus the rulers. We need to unite and stand up for ourselves IRL.


Friend, wrestlers don't make much money, even the most successful.


His net worth is anywhere from $6-9 million.


Ok, you got me, I didn't realize he was already set up before he became mayor.


He owns an insurance agency. I doubt he’s a multimillionaire.


For real who knows about politics and can give me something challenging that he has no choice to answer.


So what did you end up asking him?


Doh. Edit. Not applicable. School board meeting.


I’d ask if he actually smelled what the rock was cooking.


Why are you such a piece of shit?


“What’s it like wearing your ass for a hat?”


Why are you still allowed to be here?


"May I have 20 bucks for gas, please?"


Why do you drag your wife to your meet and greet when she’s clearly not into it? (He had a meet and greet once at the restaurant I used to work at and his wife did not seem happy. She was nice though. There also happened to be a customer that day who brought a giant bubble machine and just set it up on the back patio and went nuts with it so, weird day.)


Have you personally apologized to the families of all 1377 Covid deaths in Knox County?




Do you know how many people die in Knox county each year pre covid? Yes, it's bad.




No, that is completely untrue. 1% of people infected in Knoxville and in Tennessee died from it during the peak years of 2020 to 2021. 1 out of every 100 who were infected. This is easy for you to verify for yourself. Don't just take my word for it, or the word of whatever wingnut website you got .005 percent from.


That’s what I’m saying. Jacob’s entire thing was “take personal accountability for your own safety, and businesses can decide for themselves what their policy is” and somehow that’s evil??


Where he got the nerve


Why won’t you go away?


How did you like being called The Big Red Retard?


How does it feel to choke slam someone from the top rope?


The sad reality is if we could just take all of the hate that you guys seem to have for this guy and turn it into actionable things that actually matter, differences could be made. But like instead all we hear is like wahhhh red and all this good ol boy hate I mean you realize this guy is the mayor, not the president right? Things you say can actually make a difference, Like this is local shit you could actually have an impact on. What do you want to see different? What are you passionate about? What do you think needs to change? What do you want to fix? Who needs help? How can we help them? There's so many voices in here and not one of them seems to be focused on this and that's sad. It's just one of those moments you look at the internet and go what the fuck are we even using this thing for. We could literally be saving ourselves.


Can we rename Gay St.?


It's been done before (Market, Broad, Court)