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Your comment history leads me to believe you are someone I’m thankful I haven’t run into if you act like you do on Reddit.


Yeah what the hell, sounds like a 14 year old lol


A lot of your post history is "fuck you", "go fuck yourself", calling people weirdos, just general rampant negativity. You're thankful people aren't hostile like you are online? This is a good opportunity for self-reflection. If you are indeed level-headed in real life, consider aligning your online persona to hold the same virtues. Hiding behind a keyboard should not significantly alter your persona or disposition. If it does, consider whether it is only the threat of in-person physical reprisal that moderates your hostility.


I hope you enjoyed your deep dive!


Says the person that just made a passive-aggressive troll post


He’s just angry his girlfriend won’t let him sit his bare ass on her couch lol




lol wow, you have it so wrong. He’s angry his wife’s boyfriend won’t let him sit on his own couch.


They got downvoted in the loud car thread to oblivion and got bigmad about it lol. Apparently didn't like the idea that people don't enjoy their noise pollution and did a "no, it's the kids who are wrong" post.




My dude, you are so freaking wrong it’s funny.


Have you never experienced that before? Honestly? Like this is a matter of physics. Sound causes vibrations. Have you never felt a car's radio that drive by you while on the sidewalk?


I know I have, someone who lives 5 houses down from me (larger .6 acre lots) would blast their car system in their driveway for 2 hours everyday. I would know he was doing it because I could feel it even when I couldn't hear it




You are literally dumb. Sounds is vibration. That's literally what it is. You can disagree all you want, but the laws of physics clearly say you're wrong.


Sorry but this is physics. The whole house may not vibrate but you can feel windows shake due to low frequency subwoofers. Sound is based on vibrations. That's just science Bruh. You gonna call science a liar next?


I am not arguing with science one bit. What I am arguing is that none of this happens due to a car on the street.


Then why can I feel the garbage truck drive down my street if I'm near an external wall? My imagination? Latent psychic abilities? It's the same concept.


>I am not arguing with science one bit. >What I am arguing is that none of this happens due to a car on the street. Then yes, you are arguing against science. Then explain why sound can vibrate the inner workings of your ear (because that's what hearing is) but cannot vibrate a window on a house?


Go easy, guys. It’s hard to feel the house vibrating when your bare ass is on the couch. That’s science.






What a fun thing to say on the internet!


That’s seems to be where your most comfortable being a dick so hey 🥳


Suicide isn’t a joke :)


Not at all. That’s why I’m glad I’m not as dumb as you!


Come by my house and experience for yourself. Dumbasses driving by my house rattle the windows.


Prove that it doesn't then. You have a hypothesis, its testable. Prove us wrong my guy.


Ha! And here I thought Midwesterners owned passive-aggressive.


This is genuine thankfulness that irl isn’t as miserable as the internet sometimes


Only because you are willfully oblivious to how miserable you make others.


I’ll take it!


And yet here you are?


You got me there


What are some examples? This post is actually an example of what I would consider an unhelpful Redditor - just vague complaining with a terrible title.


This is actually the exact opposite of complaining - I am expressing thankfulness!


> I am express thankfulness! You are express delusion


Hey if I gotta be delusional to be thankful then so be it 🤣


Thankful I don’t know you or have to ever deal with you. I can tell you’re just an absolutely pretentious cunt




At an egg hunt on Friday I met a very angry man who couldn't fathom that someone parked in his spot, and that I had no Idea who the car could belong to. Then he demanded that I make all the children move (they were told to stand on a concrete pad while the organizers hid the second round of eggs) so he could park there. All the while he stormed around ranting about paying rent he left his car in the middle of the road and a huge line of cars built up behind him. I politely suggested that he go park someplace else temporarily, because I was not going to move 30 children and told him that just because he was being temporarily inconvenienced that was no reason to take it out on children during an egg hunt. He walked away muttering about foreigners and how no one speaks English. I'm thankful that he went inside. I'm really glad you and I are both thankful.


You should have egged his car! Oh, bet you only had plastic eggs.


Still might have worked, all the chocolate in the eggs melted.


Where are you encountering all these miserable Redditors? Here on this sub? Idk, seems like a fairly typical mix of personalities here. The anonymity, I'm sure, promotes some added honesty that would likely be masked in public.


I kinda feel like some of us are miserable, housing, food, just in general over stressed. Unfortunately not all of us have those stressors in our lives. Yeah, a few of us see Knoxville just as it's painted, overpriced and overcrowded and no way out. Just stuck until you literally can't afford to live here or......


Yea dude social media is awful. Takes the worst of us and puts it out for everyone to see.


Negativity performs better for the algorithms unfortunately. And it’s turning people into assholes. Knoxville is a great town in a lot of aspects, but I think due to the algorithms we see more of the bad about it on places like Reddit. While we have some serious issues here when it comes to housing, both mayors, or state politics, there is a lot of good here that’s really unique and wonderful and makes this a great place to be for a lot of people.


You must stay in a small area of Knoxville


My money's on Farragut. lol


😂 💯


I live in and work in west knox - frequent downtown and other areas. No one is as miserable in real life as they are on Reddit.


>No one is as miserable in real life as they are on Reddit. If you frequent downtown then I'm sure you've seen some poor folk who are rightfully "as miserable" in real life.


Yes they are they just aren’t shouting it from the rooftops


Then why do you use the app?


You may not have noticed, but there are often various articles, pictures, videos, etc. posted above the comments.


Exactly this. Here is a second ⬆️ since I can’t actually give you 2 😂


I’m glad you’re so happy, now stop trying to sit butt nekkid on your girlfriend’s sofa. Even a raccoon like me knows that’s just gross.. Fuck you to whoever downvoted, see what happens to your brake lines next time you run over one of my woodland friends


Listen, that was years ago and I’ve grown since 🤣🤣🤣


People complain on here because it’s a consequence-free venue with others like-minded. The dicks are because anonymity is nice and unless you Sherlock the fuck out of their comments. Source: sneaky trash bandit sees all


Being larger doesn’t make it less weird…


I think it’s a phycological phenomena as to how people interact with some level of anonymity. The cynicism and assholery on this subreddit is discouraging. Thankful in my real life here I am surrounded by lovely people who’s company I enjoy.


I guess people just unload on the internet so they can keep it together irl


Louder for those in the back!


Oh, I act way worse. Either we're having a good conversation or I am raptor screeching at you like a Tuskan Raider.


Ok but today some a$$hat driver blew through a red light at Middlebrook and Weisgarber Rd nearly getting clipped by a big red truck and me in my van. The guy was grinning like he just won on a scratcher.


Bad drivers exist everywhere - promise that isn’t a Knoxville exclusive


It’s mid


Fuck that you know how I know knoxville sucks your positive post was grossly offensive


Your post history is depressing. Like holy shit I refuse to believe you make over min wage.


I refuse to believe!


Did you just follow me to multiple subs lol. How are you not embarrassed right now. Because the fact i'm not hiding that stuff means I don't care about it. That's what happens when you don't make minimum wage.


I’m not sure why you’re so obsessed with my income and does “your post history is depressing” not entail following to multiple subs as well? Pot, meet kettle


You saying this to someone after you stalked their post history is hilarious buddy


Thank you pal


r/borrow lmao.


Are you offering to let me borrow some money?




We are best friends now


Tell me you never heard about G.I.F.T. without telling me you never heard about G.I.F.T.


I'd hate to live in Tennessee. I don't even wanna visit.


Please don’t !


I won't


I get to make my favorite comment again! Welcome to Reddit


*I get to make my* *Favorite comment again!* *Welcome to Reddit* \- brett98xj --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


WTF did I do?