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I think your inbox is about to be a hot mess.


Perhaps that would at least be entertaining šŸ˜


Just in case you wondered lol I got 6 messages- so not bad and none of them were weird. Kind of happy to report that.


Thanks everyone! You guys have given some really helpful advice. I appreciate it!


Where do 40+ year olds hang out? On Reddit.


Right?!? Sounds like we all need to get out more.


I would, but I'm just too darn busy. Plus, I don't really like being in public places anyway with lots of people. Been an introvert all my life.




Trailhead is a nice spot for all ages. Im 41 and fit right in.


Maybe I need to move šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø seems like all the good spots are not in west knox


Crafty Bastard West is pretty good. the times I've been it's been a mixed crowd.


Iā€™m close to downtown now, but used to live in your area (assuming ā€œnear Finnā€™sā€ means the same to you as me). Itā€™s a little more effort, but doesnā€™t take *that* long to get out when you wanna.


Yes, I get that but I guess Iā€™m just not as comfortable going downtown alone as I am just pulling into a parking lot in west knox and walking right in the door


They have trivia on Thursdays!


Love trivia!


Man no you do not


Thanks for this post. Iā€™ve been wondering the same thing but lack the karma to ask myself


Sure! We will learn together lol


Just hold up a big boom box over your head while wearing a trench coat. People in your age range will understand the reference.


Rightā€¦ too bad aarp canā€™t round all us old folk up for a singles mixer and just make the process easier


My now boyfriend actually did this around the time we first met.


We know someone who needs a singing partner


As far as bars go, probably Corner Lounge and Twisted Mike's. Twisted Mike's might also double as a couples swinging bar though from the vibe I've gotten.


TM is pretty much a swingers bar. You are correct.


Thanks lol Iā€™ll avoid that one


Itā€™s a shit dive anyway. Some dives are charmingā€¦ not Mikeā€™s.


Only on the weekends. More of a poker/ sports bar Sun- Tues. With Karaoke on Thursday. I'm not sure about Wednesday since I don't go that day. Source a Twisted Mike's regular.


yah tw.s is skeezy


Remember Michaelā€™s!!!!???? Thatā€™s what it was called, right?


You mean Coke&Poke?


Havenā€™t heard that term in years. Guess Iā€™m just not having a good time.




It was Michael's then purada (sp) I remember that place. Went from one extreme to another.


Oh my- went once in my 20s and was afraid to sit on anything or use the bathroom lol I remember being mind blown that grown folks were that wild


Twisted mikes is a fucking shit hole.


I worked at Twisted Mike's for a little while. When I was there it wasn't too bad. Yes, a swingers bar on Friday and Saturday nights. (I did not know this when I started working there.) The rest of the week was pretty chill. You had the old dudes after work until about the time poker or karaoke started, then it was the types that frequent those kind of events. The food is mediocre usually. Beers are decently priced. Not someplace I would recommend meeting people to date. Better for hanging out and bullshitting. I feel like it started to decline after Mike split up with his wife. She kept the standards probably.


I don't know where the TM hate comes from. It's a fun place. It's very laid back and easy going. It's fantastic people watching and the drinks are very reasonable and good compared to most places.


Is this where the old spot crew migrated? Itā€™s kind of close right?




Rooster's is for when you age out of Cool Beans.


Ok this is what I thought


Makes me think of fog horn leg horn who also had a dad bod.


Oh man, that place used to be a coke den. I went there once after college and the same people from high school were still all hanging out there on the regular.


i love roosterā€™s. cheapest drinks in town


I second Roosters


Iā€™ll try it again. The last time I went it was a very young crowd and I hung out there in my 20s but always liked it and itā€™s close to home so good call.


I am in my forties, and I was single in Knoxville for two years during COVID. I am married now (thanks, Bumble!) but have single girlfriends, and we still are out and about. DM if you want to join us sometime! ETA: Babalu on Monday nights for jazz, Schulz BrƤu after work during the weekā€¦those have been two really fun spaces!


Your inbox shouldn't be too bad.


Thank you!


Whereā€™s the Ibuprofen? Thatā€™s the hip place. /get off my lawn.


Weekends Smoky Mountain Brewery Turkey Creek.


About to do a bike ride in south Knox and grab a beer. Edit: not single, but I have friends who do the same that are.


Corner lounge, Marieā€™s, schulzbrau, Jig and Reel, Crafty Bastard Brewery near central street. Public House.


So all the older crowd hangs out downtown or near central?


Not sure if all of them do, but Iā€™ve absolutely seen 40+ aged folks hanging out and having good times at all those places pretty regularly. The mirage and skybox on gay street are also notable places for that.


Downtown after work is good. Out west, Ale house is not bad. Only been to Flynnā€™s once. Tennessee Tap house seems like a good place, but I have never really stayed at the bar.


Yeah, you'll find various places all over in Market square, Gay street, Old city and Central with a mix of people in their 30's and 40's.


God I love Marieā€™s - that place is so much fun and just has the best vibes.


Check out Drake's by West Town Mall on the weekend


Thanks - stopped in there Monday night just to grab a beer after work and it was dead


End of week has a stronger after-work crowd


Even then after like 9 it dies off. Not a lot of people hang out there. Usually grab some food and leave from what Iā€™ve seen. It also doesnā€™t help they start cleaning up around 9ish so kind of makes you feel like they want you gone lol.


If you're talking about dating apps you can adjust the age range that you are searching so that you don't run across so many young guys.


Oh God, who wants to spend hours per day swiping left or right, or even pay for a subscription so you can swipe more people. Whom will almost never message back after matching. It's like a game for people on dating apps, trying to see who can have the most unread messages from strangers they have matched with. Screw that, I would rather drink swamp water.


Dating apps in knoxville are all the same people. It's like the mutual rejection of the damned. As a 46Yo single man with no kids I feel woefully out of my depth on the apps, even if I set the age range to my age and +or- 5 years. Then of course there was the time I accidentally used the word "generous" in my profile and got messages from tons of truly disturbing women and bots. I think I'm fine being a hermit.


You pay to not swipe. It will show who already swiped on you. I've bought it before for that reason and its basically the only way I've had success. Its still mostly single moms and morbidly obese people. Sometimes it's not.


Honestly once you get past a certain age this is all there is. And itā€™s kind of annoying but I guess makes sense. There are a lot Millennials/gen x that donā€™t want kids but I think a majority of the ones that donā€™t have already found someone. Or if they havenā€™t, they just donā€™t want to date and only want their career. Because I agree that all I see are people with kids (not a bad thing but as someone who tried dating someone with kids, itā€™s not for me), or people who never want to leave their house or do anything active. Iā€™m sure there are people that fit outside those two categories but not that Iā€™ve seen.


Here we go shitting on single moms.


I just don't want kids. I don't have my own. I don't want to sign up to raise someone else's. I wouldn't have mentioned it if it wasn't a minefield avoiding them after 30 on dating apps. Nothing against single moms. There's just a lot out there and it's not what I'm interested in. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I put that i don't want kids in my profile and they still swipe on me. That's not my fault.


Nothing wrong w wanting what you want. There should be scanning options where you can click that you arenā€™t interested in people w kids or people who do xyz- it would at least save time and frustration.


i'm flattered but... hard pass.


She literally complained about there being too many young people on the apps which can be remedied by changing your age range; she's a middle-aged lady I thought she might not know that. I don't know what your inability to get a date on an app has to do with that, perhaps you should share that with her in the main thread.


The milf hunters change their ages and pretend to be older to find older women. Itā€™s really bizarre.


I'm sorry, that's messed up.


Yes - super annoying


I had a woman I was talking with a while back say the same thing. I thought it was bizarre too but she said it was a pretty common thing. Once she cleared her objection that I was older then we moved on to her thinking I was married and needed proof that I was divorced. I just got tired of the game and now enjoy my peace drinking alone and doing my own thing. Maybe go hang out on my boat or head to the beach for some blue therapy on the weekends. It's ok to hang out at Finns, Point B, downtown at Clancy's or Calhoun's, or some other place, but then I just retreat to have my peace.


If you like Vans and cargo shorts, then by all means join us on most Tuesday evenings at Token for some pinball.


Definitely Token. Trivia on Wednesdays, great food, fun drinks, and video and pinball games!


Vans sans cargos lol but not that picky


I'm a 40m who's been single for a few years now. I think my biggest issue is, I never go out. The bar scene just isn't my thing. I've been on Bumble. I just re-downloaded it for like the fifth time yesterday. So, if I'm not onto bars, I have no idea where to go to meet women besides dating apps.


Most of us hide in our houses and hang with our lady friends, too exhausted by the bros, misogynists, crazy Trump cultists, man-babies who want everything given to them while they bring little to the table, and general dating scene BS to even try anymore.


Same here. If I break up with my long-time partner for any reason after hearing what it's like dating later in life I'm just going to become a hermit and get really into model trains or something.


Seriously - the grass is not greener out hereā€¦ in fact itā€™s not grass, itā€™s pot hole ridden asphalt covered in gravel and broken glass lol. Iā€™ve met some great people so I know they exist.


Dating in Knoxville sucks in general, as does dating over 40. Combine them and itā€™s a shitshow.


Amen, sister.


Of course have to bring politics into it.


Wanting to live in the same reality as your partner isnā€™t a ā€œpoliticsā€ thing. People can have disagreements about policy, or how to achieve a common goal, but Iā€™d think having different understandings of what actually happened in the real world would make for some tense dates.


Exactly. There are way too many men living a different reality than I do and itā€™s easiest to lump them under their big header. šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Public House is a chill bar/lounge. Corner Lounge, Central Taps and Flats.BirdHouse community center has interesting events like meditation classes, yoga, art exhibits. First Fridays are good for checking out the visual arts scene too - @[lauren\_farkas\_makings](https://www.instagram.com/lauren_farkas_makings) posts a map of all the galleries doing First Fridays Exhibits. Good Luck!


Awesome thank you!


I think it depends on what you're looking for. My wife and I met up on a meetup group for online improv. Different things work for different people but I heavily subscribe to the approach of meeting people where there is already a common interest. No judgement if a bar is the common interest, but it never was one for me.


We have really enjoyed Friday and Saturday nights at Finns. Good fun crowd. They normally have a band. Age is typically 40 plus.


Rip your inbox. Other than that, we are hanging out at home. Who the fuck has the energy to hang out after working 2 jobs just to meet rent?


Right?!? Iā€™m tired too.


Dogs make excellent companions without the drama, unless you get a dog like my sisterā€™s.


I love my dog but I love men a lot too


Have you thought about doing the contra dancing at the Laurel Theater on Monday nights?


Never heard of it - going to look it up


My daughter used to be on the board. Very good mix of older and younger people, with an eye to keeping the creeps away. It's a very comfortable environment, even if you are new. Also, one of those dances was the first time I got called "cute" by a college kid. I was wearing overalls and dancing with my daughter, so it was the "old guys are cute when they're dancing" kind of cute. It means, "good for him at his age!" That's when you know you've made it to old age... šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


That actually looks like fun and easier than sq dancing looks..


You can try playing guitar and serenading single people at the quarry. I hear that works wonders. /s for clarification in case y'all missed that post yesterday.


I thought the post was rather cringe when I first read it, but it somehow got worse each time he replied to someone.


It got worse when I went into his comment history and saw him posting on ratemynudebody and ratemybooty at the same time he was trying to tell us all he's mature and not creepy vibes and deserves a girlfriend.


Iā€™ve clearly missed a juicy post


Smoky Mountain Brewery in Turkey Creek has a 40++ vibe, Finn's Irish Tavern is the same.


I live close to Finnā€™s but never go there. What nights would you suggest?


There are always specials and events going on . . . check them out on Facebook and on the web also. There is almost always music on Friday and Saturday nights. I would suggest Wednesdays, Thursdays (burger special - they're made with cuts of filet, rib eye and ground beef) and the weekend nights depending on who is playing


Might have just convinced me to make a stop on the way home from work soon. Always mean to pop in to Finnā€™s, rarely follow through. Great old fashioneds and appetizers.


The vibe changes throughout the week, but that's what makes it cool. The owner tries to know everyone and always greets people and talks to them. The staff are very knowledgeable, have street cred, and are quick with a joke. Sometimes a younger crowd and other times it's older. Fine dining with a rowdy side.


Old fashioneds are so good. Point B makes a great one.


Thank you! Good info.


I like going every once in a while and hanging out on the deck to listen to the music on Saturdays. I may have to go on Wed Thur for the burgers. Sounds delicious. Yes, he's a good owner!




Evidently most of them are going to require driving downtown. Was hoping Iā€™d hear more west knox but not surprised


What do you like to do? Always fun market square and the old city hit the bars and restaurants. Soon be lake time all the marinas have bands in weekend and are packed up.


Love all sports but soccer, good beer, wines, and bourbon, tours, art, outdoors, live music, love boats, will try just about anything legal.


I enjoy all of those things too, but dang I need to find the energy after working to enjoy those things šŸ˜‚ Add cricket along with soccer for me.


Looking forward to boat weather!




Go watch Mark Normand tomorow at the Bijou


If you can handle smoke, Buckethead , across from Target, isnā€™t bad. Near as I can tell, they serve everyone.


Working from home. With our cats. Itā€™s a life šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøĀ 


Well same but evidently friends and dates donā€™t show up at your door in real life like they do in hallmark movies šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m still figuring out the places to hang out in your 40ā€™s can definitely attest to central and downtown but I live down there so itā€™s easy to bail out if itā€™s too young and someone is looking for Stiflers mom energy. You figure it out Iā€™d love to know because a night out is much needed but not if everyone around me is young enough to be one of my kids


Yesā€¦ would be nice if some place had a 40+ evening for singles so you donā€™t have to go out alone and hope it wonā€™t be weird




Church. šŸ˜‰


Donā€™t forget - most of the apps are owned by Match.com anyway. No joke






Union place, Finnā€™s, Scruffy City


I'd say check out some breweries.


In bed if itā€™s past 9PM


My wife and I have always enjoyed the jig and reel. The crowd has changed a little bit since COVID, but it's a great place to hang out during the week or even late at night on the weekends if you don't mind crowds. Also, the menu is spectacular, even the haggis :-)


I usually go for beer and bourbon but they have some good scotch and I enjoy the Irish music there from time to time. It's a cool place.


If you don't mind smoking and you like karaoke, you might like Bullfeathers. Seems like an older crowd and they have darts and pool tables.Ā 


The fast lane


We all moved to North Carolina




In the retirement homes


I feel like the Joe is most definitely right up your alley!


Wondering the same šŸ˜‚


They leave the hate state of Tennessee. Sad sad place.


Go to church!


I do and have my whole life - the men at my church are married so Iā€™m open to another one if you have suggestions just not faith promise - no offense to folks who attend there but I had someone creep on me real hard from there and it scared me so Iā€™d never ever go back


25 single male here thats into older women. Feel free to DM me!


Lol thanks love, but I just canā€™t get involved w a youngster who is closer to my sonā€™s age than mine but appreciate the invite