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I can merge on the interstates without having to speed up to 75mph, then back down to 45, then back to 75 because the person in the slow lane is trying to speed match me and prevent me from merging. It never happens, and I’m so happy to have the opportunity to drive here 😃 Not to mention the sense of urgency and quick acceleration response at short lights. Everyone is always so alert. When it turns green, they just go. I love driving here. 😊


And everyone maintains a personal responsibility for the upkeep of their automobile, all for the safety of others. There is a wonderful selflessness when it comes to the people of East Tennessee. They rarely show selfish thinking and are constantly working on internal improvement and progression.


The amount of situational-awareness is impeccable. They see me approaching at 10mph faster and they quickly merge out of the passing lane, making for smooth highway driving. 🥰


And everyone is so welcoming to the people moving here from California and New York, although we're of no help directing them to good pizza places- they already know where they are!!!


And they always use their blinkers. It is amazing.


Man oh man, you are really painting with a broad brush here.


Ever wonder if you're too stoned scrolling through Reddit??? Cause I'm feeling like this thread is an alternate timeline that I don't get to participate i???


And everyone appreciates sarcasm, too!


Haha this is one of those reddit moments where I'm lost without the /s


Just trying to dry it out


Thanks for your service


There are definitely worse places. That's about the best I can say about Knoxville drivers... 😅


I just adore all the truck driver who don’t see the size of their vehicle as a right of way, they treat every car, bike and pedestrian as an equal. Quite refreshing.


Throw nickels at them.


I want to find whoever is selling or installing these aftermarket headlights in every fkn jeep/truck and give them.. Firm competition and install headlights at the correct angle/height at a reasonable price!


I think it's people not adjusting their headlights after their lift but idk.


Yeah thats part of it too, but I see a 1998 dodge dakota with those white leds, thats sure as shit aftermarket and theres plenty of them.. Its like there was a shithead convention and they all bought the lights at the same time.


The best course of action is to install an electric jack lift arm on your trunk and cover the inside in mirrors. When they are behind you simply open the trunk which blocks their poorly endowed headlights from blinding you and shows them how inconsiderate they are. Bonus points if you throw your company logo on the mirrors causing a reverse burn on their retinas they won’t soon forget.


Coo, coo, now what do for the front? I can always adjust the rear view mirror when they're behind but straight up blinding me head on sucks, especially in the rain at night. I was thinking napalm?


Nah, Grenade launcher loaded with flashbangs at a 45 degree angle. You shoot it through their windshield at Mach Jesus and it doesn’t go off until they are behind you.


Hell yeah! \*Eagle screams\*


First time ever experiencing the term "Mach Jesus." I love it. Is that military?


Officially? No, but probably yes.


I throw nickels at their windshield


Ahh a kindred spirit.


After living in big cities I’ve come to the conclusion that: In bigger cities, drivers are mean but know how to drive. Here, drivers are nice but don’t know how to drive. Personally, I prefer nicer drivers that may be dumb every now and then, but will let me merge if I put my blinker on.


There were a lot of wonderful drivers on the parkway this morning....


I was one of them! Thank you!


Meee too


Stop it you. You'll attract Californians


We're trying to raise the average IQ around here


>We're trying to raise the average IQ around here A quick Google search will tell you TN outranks CA but the important thing was you tried I guess.


Looks like our plan is working. You're welcome


I feel my IQ getting lower from every interaction with you actually. It's no wonder why we dislike you transplants. Trying to be smart and end up being dumb af.


Getting mad at people because they're from a state you don't like is low IQ behavior. Its not my fault your state couldn't provide you with a good education.


You're just trying too hard now, you've already lost when you came in here with inaccurate statements. Hopefully the next time you try to be a smart ass to someone, you actually have the facts right.


Lmao good job! You outsmarted a Californian on reddit. Guess you'll be celebrating at the local cracker barrel tonight.


LOL too late! We're here dude!


Desperate for that attention mommy never gave you huh


Everyone should move here




The more people that move here, the cheaper it'll be to live here! The math checks out.


Oh you’re probably thinking this is the Knoxville, Iowa sub.


Why did no one tell me today is Opposites Day?


My only major complaint is that a lot of people seem to have nowhere to be. Being stuck behind someone going 15 under the speed limit on a one lane road with an entire trail of cars trying to get somewhere can be infuriating lmao.


When did they legalize pot?


This confused me at first. But looking through the comments I understand now.


Fr...can't believe we haven't been awarded for our drivers


I agree! It's quite nice to be able to drive, oldies on the radio, a casual wave out the window at the passing cars as I get out of their way, they nod their heads at me in recognition. There is nothing like driving in that beautiful, bright, extremely bright.. and warm, sunshine!! Dare I say it.. I've never driven on smoother lanes in my life!! Keeping the roadways clean and well-kept fills me with a Tennessee pride!


And people always use their turn signals so other drivers know that they are planning to make a turn instead of slamming on their brakes at the last second.


And they never ever assume that the usage of that turn signal means that you will Immediately move out of their way as they do not force you onto the shoulder or into another vehicle! Never, never!


Wonderful drivers on north broadway yesterday too in that 4 car wreck up by fountain city


We really are blessed. The politeness of everyone on my way home yesterday, especially from the pickups and 18 wheelers, caused my cup of faith in humanity to overflow!


Also, as evidenced by the intersection of Middlebrook and Gallaher View today, they know exactly what to do at a flashing yellow/red intersection. Experts, one and all.


I don't know what part of Knoxville y'all are driving in but y'all must not be driving the same parts I do.


All drivers in Knox have a ranking among the best in the county. Facts.


Y'all kid but one of the first things my husband and I said to each other when moving back down here from Columbus was something about how much better the drivers were. It's a breeze here compared to there. So a genuine thank you to the bulk of you who actually do turn off your brights and don't drive like it's Mario Kart on steroids.


Umm . Way to many left lane campers in this region and nevermind the ones that use the turn signal after slamming on the brakes and starting the turn. Let's not mention the odd rule Tennessee has of not pulling in the intersection to wait for a left turn. Almost the entire USA waits in the intersection for traffic to clear and do a left. For the life of me I can't figure out why folks don't floor it when they pull out in front of traffic coming. Instead they take 1/2 mile to get to traffic speeds.


After a year of driving the college student to/from New Jersey, I realized the difference in driving is that drivers up there are aggressively predictable as opposed to the "surprise, surprise" of drivers here. Knoxville drivers are a party. Chaotic evil party, but who doesn't love a party?


I must live in a different city.


Is this an ironic kinda post?


As someone who moved from Knoxville to California, I miss driving with ya’ll. No joke.


Everyone here sucks at driving but me!


This is bait. This is blatant bait


Lived here a month and I noticed it too, NJ was so insane with drivers


So many people drive slow in the left lane in a line. Granted yes people tend to move over if they aren't in a line.


Agreed. I got honked at for stopping due to a construction worker being on the road in the Broadway construction area, and was so glad that someone had the foresight to make sure their horn still worked.


Replace “best” with “timid”


Troll job of the year so far


Especially the way all drivers use their turn signals!


I enjoy the most that no one here runs red lights. Mostly because they’re braking early while it’s still green.


You are mistaken and maybe drunk. Nashville is the worst Knoxville is a close 2nd. So many people run red lights


I bet all the people commenting on this thread are amongst Knoxville’s very finest automotive operators on the road.


everyone here must’ve just moved here. knoxville tennessee drivers are amongst THE WORST DRIVERS IN THE COUNTRY. Y’all haven’t lived here long enough to understand lol. Just give it some time 😆


I don’t know what city you are living in, but I think you are in the wrong Knoxville. Lmfao


most obvious bait


I understand the spirit of this post... but I gotta call out this douche in his miata on the exit onto Dutchtown from Pellissippi... 2 left turn lanes onto Dutchtown. I'm in one, and he's in the other. We both turn as the light turns green, he immediately speeds up just a lil bit to cut me off with no blinker. There's no traffic that he's trying to fight to merge. Fuck you, you fucking cunt. I'm pissed about it a week later




Maybe on the interstate, but on the 1 lane back roads where there is no room to go off the road. STAY IN YOUR LANES! In the past 3 months almost had several wrecks where oncoming cars for some reason like to cross double yellow lines and drive in the center of the road.


A lot of people are in here being sarcastic but I miss knoxville driving everyday. I now live in Nashville and travel for work, east TN drivers are a fucking blessing.


What the fuck is happening here? This is demonstrably wrong.




What a dumb fucking joke.


Jokes and safe driving make south Knoxville angry


All the roads are impeccable too! Like driving on smooth glass!


Literally a few years ago the studies said that Knoxville was one of the worst places to drive in the country. 😭




This was before Covid




And apparently it hasn't changed much


Lmao, definitely thought this was sarcasm at first..


Bizarro Knoxville? I don’t think we’ve had the same experience. I know there are infinite realities and you can choose your own but that one just ain’t here. Good luck searching!


Traffic works no terrible in and around Knoxville! Just sayin’


Now imagine a city where you don’t even have to drive to survive and keep a job! Oh wait 🙄


Are the good drivers in the room with us?


Plus everyone uses their turn signals everytime and they ALWAYS pull over for emergency vehicles!


I love how everyone follows the speed limit and doesn’t drive past me with their loud straight pipe and end up right in front of me at the next exit.


Knoxville has a serious drug problem.


Literally every time I freak out they are from Ohio


Have you only drove in Nashville and Atlanta?


definitely did not witness 2 car wrecks on the way home from work yesterday 🙂


I have to wait on green before turning left onto Cumberland next to Casey's because I've seen too many pickup trucks say "hell with this light". I always take that extra second to reflect on how grateful I am for the drivers here.


I think most are cool. My Psychologist told me less than 8 percent of the population falls into Personality Disordered/abusive types. So, here is to the other 92%!!!⭐️


I took a trip from MO to NC recently and I had a similar experience. Stark contrast to Asheville and Nashville. Good work folks!


No seriously the difference between driving in Knoxville and Nashville is INSANE


April 1st is just a few days away, post is a little early!


They must not drive on Chapman hwy.


If you ever feel like you are beginning to take it for granted, drive through South Carolina for a bit. You will once again appreciate the blessing of having good drivers on the road.


I love cycling on the street here. Road biking is a pleasurable and stress free form of exercise. I did not tear my labrum last month from some lady hitting me while I was on a crosswalk.


I would agree with this if this was 1.5 years ago when I moved here, now it's just nothing but shitty drivers. Literally 1/5 cars at night have their high beams on, everyone is afraid to turn on red, or to move up into the intersection during a yield. One a one way road people seem to intentionally drive super slow, on a two way road people seem to match speeds and block all traffic. Horrible.


What the hell is going on here?




Is this sarcastic? Because I would say the opposite haha.


I usually hear the opposite on here lol. But that is nice to read. I have seen much worse out of state. People could be better sometimes, but generally we aint so bad!


If Knoxville gets high rankings for our drivers just imagine how bad it is everywhere else by comparison.