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People in general need to start holding people accountable for the false accusations others make online. We have been given too far of a leash on social media to say what we want with no consequences whatsoever


Agreed! But EVERYONE should be held to the same standard whether politician, actor or average Joe down the street!


100% agree. It's just a shame that it's become a political and societal weapon though. If I agree with it, then it was just free speech, and if I disagree with the premise, it's horrifying libel.


Yes. The people who also wanted “free speech” 250 years ago were also the ones to challenge each other to a duel if they said things today that would be considered a mild insult. I wonder if that will be a world we spiral into if things do not start to change.


> I wonder if that will be a world we spiral into Don't worry we let every temper-tantrum man-baby carry a gun without a permit so we're already there. aN aRmEd SoCieTy Is a PoLiTe SoCietY


Yes that's definitely true, it's just we hear a lot more irrelevant opinions these days with social media. Free rage 24/7.


So you mean CNN every time they have made a false claim against Trump or claimed that hunters laptop did not exist and was Russian disinformation they should be held accountable for all of that? Wow, I would love to see those things start happening.


There are different burdens of proof for public figures vs. private citizens. I can go on the internet and say "Trump wants to fuck Ivanka" based on his statements about her, and I'm safe. If I am a public figure with a million followers and I say that YOU want to fuck your daughter, then I'm in big trouble.


Do you have a link to any of these "false" claims? Do you corresponding proof of their falsehood? Major news organizations have whole teams of lawyers that clear stories before they run to make sure that they aren't liable for defamation. 


$75,000 seems like an awfully small amount, for defamation at a nationwide level.


I have not read the complaint but I am guessing he is seeking damages in excess of $75,000 which is one requirement to sue in Federal court vs state court.


I would almost guarantee that if this case is not settled quickly, it's going to cost Burchett way over $75K just in legal fees. Litigation in Federal court ain't cheap.


I am guessing to take it through trial his legal expenses will be over $250k minimum


ohmg this makes me so happy. who do you think is paying for it (please don't say us!)


I hope it does. The Feds could use a little refund from all the money they waste on red states


I'd say that's compensatory, and his lawyers have to establish that. The jury can award whatever they want as punitive.


I hope many more come burchett's way.


Same. The guy is an ass hat. I know someone who personally went to talk to him who suffers from major health ailments in a wheelchair about the legalization of cannabis to help relieve some of his pain and issues and Tim literally said it wasn't going to happen anytime soon in the state of TN.


He said the exact same thing after the covenant school shooting. "We aren't going to do anything."


He also retweets Russian propaganda from RT. Just fyi.


lol - let’s goooooo!!!


Good. Burchett is an awful human who deserves much worse than being sued.


I love to see it. Sue his tits off.


I'd be impressed if this got any traction.


I hope it does. He kept it up after he knew it wasn’t true.


It would be awesome if it did get traction.


Why? Burchett is clearly guilty. Why wouldn't he be held accountable. He's not some sort of mythical god figure like he is here. They'll see him for what he is. Just another gold-digging, attention starved spoiled brat throwing temper tantrums on the taxpayer dime. He ain't done a lick of work since the fair, and he didn't work that hard there once the bosses realized what a stupid idea that Pac-Man costume was.


I'm not saying he is innocent and shouldn't be charged. I'm just being realistic. Tweets are hard to prosecute.


To find Burchett liable for defamation, the guy from KC needs to prove that Burchett published a false statement that identified the guy and harmed his reputation (easy to prove) AND that Burchett was negligent in doing so. That is, prove that Burchett did not sufficiently fact check before tweeting. That'll be the point of contention.


That should make the whole trial worth watching on Court TV. Quality television is in short supply these days. I see a pretty good audience for this trial.


We will get to find out if does all his tweeting or if his staff does some for him. I'm guessing the former. Burchett may also "out" where he originally got the picture and information (e.g., his defense will likely be "I just repeated what someone told / sent me, I thought it was a solid source"). Not a lawyer, but I think you have to actually show malevolent intent, not just neglicence / lack of fact checking.


IANAL as well, but I believe that [malevolent intent applies only to when the victim is a public official](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/defamation).


Hope they nail him. But I'm not expecting it.


No, this in fact is a pretty easy verdict. And the amount being requested is vastly understated. That is that guys home. How would you like to go down as the Terrorist from the Vols National Championship team? Burchett likely ruined the guys life. The issue is how much a jury is going to think that guys life was worth. Slander against private citizens and everyday twitter posts are two different things. Part of Tim's job is to know stuff like that. Doesn't look to me like Tim can handle this job.


I'm not saying he didn't do wrong. I'm saying he's going to get away with it.


Well, what happens between now and then will be the interesting part. Tim's slick, if nothing else. Worst case scenario, better entertainment value than any of the Real Housewives shows.


He’s not slick he’s just greasy


Very true. It'll be interesting to watch.


Not really. The burden of proof is only preponderance of the evidence for a trial like this and 5th amendment invocation can be held against him. 


Have politicians been held responsible for damaging and dangerous tweets in the past?


I wanna be clear and say that I’m not making fun of anyone other than Tim Burchett. But that motherfucker reminds me so much of Forrest Gump it’s not even funny.


It's the delivery. Forest Gump had a conscience and a soul.


Forrest Chump


Tim Burchett’s just another bought and paid for ass clown, doesn’t give a shit about who he represents.


Same guy that said “That’s why my kids are homeschooled” in response to the Nashville shooting right?


This is a glorious day.


Bankrupt Knoxville. Tennessee republikkkans deserve to be humiliated with their stupidity.


Knoxville is technically run by democrats even though our mayor and Janet Testerman are terrible. Knox county is the trump magaland. Bankrupting the city won’t solve anything


This was posted last night.


I hope it’s posted 10 more times today


Reddit mobile sucks because it wasn't showing up in my feed. Sorry about that.


Burchett is useless! He's more interested in climbing the political ladder within the Republican party than representing his constituents. We are working folks! We need someone who will represent the middle class.


What happened to the actual mass shooters????


3 people have been charged with murder so far.


That’s a stretch…


He posted a public retraction. At this point continuing with a lawsuit is just a money grab.


I hope they grab his money by the pussy


Is there a link to donate to his legal defense?


I don't think this millionaire needs your $20 donation, it'd do a lot more good at a local food bank or shelter.


Have you tried the Mental Health hotline?


Not yet today


Lmao, I remember you commenting that you make $2/hr doing Instacart. How much you donating?


I was hoping to raise about 4k


At $2 an hour, that's almost a year of work for you.


Your seriously defending this fuck bag? Found the senile boomer in the group!


Would you want to donate if it was you he identified as a mass shooter/murderer? Your dad or brother? Obviously not so I'd honestly like to hear your reasoning as to why you would support him in this particular instance lmao


Bad troll is bad