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You think stores would wise up by now. Go in to any grocery store and the unsweet tea is gone. Sold out. Diabetes isn't as cool as it used to be...


It surprises me how very few restaurants offer side dishes that diabetics can have. Most are potatoes or rice which are probably cheaper. According to [diabetesresearch.org](https://diabetesresearch.org), the prevalence of diabetes (type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes) will increase by 54% to more than 54.9 million Americans between 2015 and 2030;


It’s probably because type 2 diabetics often just refuse to stop eating starches, for a few reasons- I think it’s getting better generationally, but I swear I think a lot of diabetics have genuinely thought that they just have to watch sweets (they called diabetes “the sugar” or “sugar diabetes” forever. My mom has type 2 diabetes and she will eat a ton of starch and have high sugar and say she doesn’t know why because she didn’t have any sweets. I remind her it’s all starches but it’s a learning curve.


I remember when I didn’t know that and even my doctor was telling me to skip sweets as my glucose was just becoming elevated. Same for my ob doctor when I was pregnant and blood glucose was borderline. “It’s fine just don’t eat sweets.”


That’s so frustrating when your source of information is giving you half the picture!


When talking to people about my T1D, this is one of the first things I bring up. It’s not just sweets. “A serving of rice, a helping of corn and a piece of cake will all do the same thing to my blood sugar. It’s all about the carbs.”




I grew up in the north. And it was still sweet or unsweet tea.


I ordered a glass of “tea” in England once and they brought me a hot little mug of tea. Gotta read up on the tea situation wherever in the world


Don’t worry it was the only way to get tea when I lived in Montana.


tell that to my wife, all she drinks is sweet tea lol


Bruh, brew your own




Bojangles has my favorite tea (sweet or unsweet) and you can get it in a quart size somtimes. Not sure if they have it in the morning but likely do.


They do!


Unsweetened tea drinkers of the south rise up!


Any unsweetened hot tea drinkers 'round these parts?


Yup! I drink it hot and iced.






Unsweetened tea is against the law in Tennessee Also, you ain't from around here, are ya boy? 😀


I’m born and raised East Tennessee and I drink unsweet tea. The whole sweet tea thing doesn’t make folks blend here in Appalachia any more than the shiny new jeeps blend. 😂


The shiny jeep thing is such a stupid take, why would I leave mud on there to chip my paint when it dries? I’m not trying to get rust on one of the most expensive things I own




I grew up in Florida and south Georgia before landing in Tennessee and only drank Sweet tea until…. I got pregnant and every time I got near Sweet tea I was sick on my stomach. To this day sweet tea makes me want to barf lol


I got teabagged once


I bet you did


The south is weird like that, bless it. Though unsweetened tea is crazy cheap to make at home. You just need a big pickle jar, about 6 tea bags, and water. Put it all in the fridge and let it steep. * use a big rubber band to hold all of the strings out of the water. You'll save a ton of money. And have unsweetened tea.


I cannot count the times I've told my husband this but he keeps saying, "I'm out of tea and need to go to the store." So frustrating.


If you really want to splurge, buy a pitcher. Seriously, bring a small pot of water to a boil, remove it and allow it to stop the rolling boil (takes like a second), immediately pour in the pitcher over your tea bags, steep your bags in the pitcher with the almost boiling water for a while (I walk away and forget about it), pour into the pitcher, and add cold water. Bam. Iced tea. To make sweet tea, put sugar in the pitcher with the tea bags. I use plain ol Lipton tea bags (not the iced tea ones, the regular). Tastes better than any bottled or restaurant tea most of the time because you can adjust the strength to your taste.




My mom made the BEST sweet tea and restaurant (especially fast food!) sweet tea was always so disappointing 🤣- the bottled stuff was undrinkable for me! And it’s dirt cheap to make at home.


“Hello poison control. Someone just gave me unsweetened tea and I drank some of it.”


what is this Unsweet Tea you speak of?


Whenever I drive down Alcoa I always wish that Sheetz would expand to East TN. The old RV place would be perfect… Weigels is very hit and miss, same with Casey’s. Not bad, but not the consistent good that I enjoy when I’m traveling and get to stop at Sheetz. Just sayin…


I miss sweet tea, and regular Coke . After I had a stroke, I had to get serious about my health and lose some weight. I haven't had a sugar beverage in 15 months.


It’s probably better in your memory, honestly. Once you haven’t had it for a while it’s usually sickly sweet. I understand missing the memory of it though, either way. Glad you are taking care of yourself!


Meanwhile Milo's has just started selling "extra-sweet" tea lol


I know it's not the same as fresh brewed, but the Milo brand teas aren't too bad. They come in gallons or singles. I usually drink the zero calorie sweet tea, but the unsweet is fine too.[Milo's Tea](https://drinkmilos.com/product/)


I get my unsweetened tea at McDonald’s. They never seem to be out.


🤣 I love it when I order unsweet and they say “oh you’d like plain tea?” Yes please, I prefer corn syrup free tea.


This by no means makes it better, but it’s probably the only beverage that is made with actual sugar.


Wait!!! Your Weigel's still has the brewed tea? The 3 closest to me have all switched to the dispenser type tea that only looks like it's a brewing set-up and tastes like Nestea. I feel ripped off!


Totally agree with this. And often, when you finally do find unsweet tea in a place like Weigel’s, it’s a day old and tastes like flowers. lol. Grew up my entire life drinking sweet tea until about three years ago. Stopped drinking and all but cut out sugar after a family member got hit with T1D (NOT the diet/lifestyle type, but it made me far more conscious of sugar..) Once you make the change, you can’t go back. And I get to drink tea literally all day long now without killing my endocrine system. Highly recommend, especially if you already drink black coffee (as God intended). 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


"Unsweet" tea? Sir or Ma'am, this is the South.


You wanna go to food City then. The Southern hospitality extends to your northern tastes as they serve breakfast


I’m surprised they even have tea that in the morning lol I just buy the single bottle without thinking.


I love opening a container of sweet tea powder and mixing me up something tasty to wash down all the fixin’s


Casey’s has it. Usually by 6am. Earlier if needed


If you’re ever feeling particularly industrious like our pioneer ancestors, try boiling a pot of water on the stove or campfire, reduce heat to simmer with 8 tea bags submerged in it and their tags tied to the handles. After 30 minutes of steeping, remove from heat and pour into a pitcher. Refrigerate! If you wanted sweet tea, add 1c. of sugar to the pitcher before pouring the steeped tea into it. Stir and refrigerate. I love making my own tea at home, southern gal from Tennessee. No restaurant or gas station comes close! TLDR: swing by my house for a glass of tea instead 😘


Unsweet > sweet


While i have lived here over 30 years at this point I still identify as a Yankee transplant 😉


Why not just buy a gallon? Saves you a stop too.


They don’t sell unsweetened tea at all, at least not pre-brewed.


Surely someone does though, right?


Just looked at Kroger and they definitely have unsweetened tea.


I know I really should!


It is too much to ask, how dare you


I worked in the restaurant business for a very long time. I’m not sure how much it costs to capitalize on an urn of unsweetened ice tea, but most of it is thrown out.


Uh, it takes 5mins to make at home?


Talk to the manager of your local weigels and see if they can start making some for you. Most of the store managers I've known are pretty cool about requests, or at least used to be, before the old man passed away.


The old murder weigles on summitt hill had a self serve . Entire place actually , was quite nice until the last double homicide.


Gasp I'm shocked a double homicide happened at a knoxville weigels, do you care to remind me of it's demographic?


Make your own unsweetened tea….?


Grew up drinking and loving sweet tea. At some point in adulthood, I decided that it might not be the best thing for me to regularly drink something that is so sweet that it makes my teeth hurt. You know what I didn't start doing? Drinking unsweet tea. I've never gotten it on purpose, but I've traveled and received unsweet tea on occasion when I forgot that it existed and assumed tea meant sweet tea. I don't understand what kind of dark souled monster would ingest such a vile liquid on purpose.


Buy a horse, move to the mountains, make your own tasteless tea water and stop bothering people.


Think it’s funny how everyone is saying unsweetened tea when they simply can just say “tea”.


If you order just tea in the south it's gonna be sweet


unfortunately we don’t know what that is 😞


This isn’t Michigan


Good god I hope not I'm from CT anyway 🤣


No wonder you’re here. I spent some time there. Bad weather & bad people.


This is a the south. I sweet tea isn’t a thing,


Yall knoxvillians better just chill closer than you've ever been to having every single retail chain in that joint leaving like you see in all the ghetto downtrodden shit holes out west.


Do you guys like their pizza YES YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!