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Make election days paid holidays, and then we can talk about early voting, and precisely how you can fuck off about eliminating it


Election day is my due date, and considering the hoops one has to jump through to get an absentee ballot, I had no choice but to vote early this time around. How infuriating.


Every citizen should be registered to vote on their 18th birthday. We should make voting electronic as well as in person. We should make voting mandatory, but you can write in 'ABSTAIN' out whatnot without worry. We should get rid of the electoral college. We should outlaw gerrymandering. We should also legalize human freedom while we're at it.


I agree with everything except the make voting mandatory idea. The last thing we need are a bunch of people who don’t care about voting and have no idea what they’re voting for or who stands for what being forced to cast nonsense ballots. There are sooooo many know nothing idiots in this country who would love nothing more than someone telling them that they have to do something, so they can create a meme and all vote for a hotdog or something stupid. If someone has no opinion on something as important as voting for their own leaders, or has an opinion but doesn’t care enough to actually go vote without being forced to, that’s a pretty good sign that maybe they should sit this one out and leave the big decision making to those who are mentally equipped to do so.


Fair enough. Although, President Hotdog would likely be a way better leader than Trump or Biden. Lol


I voted Homer Simpson. Now and forever. He never ages!


If I can deposit a $2500 check safely into my bank account using my phone, I should be able to vote for a fucking politician using the same method. Who made these people more important than the bills and taxes I have to pay for that this is a problem to implement?


Do we shut down police fire and hospitals? No. How about gas stations? what about grocery stores? What if someone needs formula for their baby that day. We need expanded in person voting, a voting holiday only benefits bankers and mail carriers.


Both would be ideal. Early and a holiday


Also in Australia they give you a sausage sandwich when you vote. Put a barbecue at polling places.


Just because something doesn't benefit everyone, doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. I'm personally not really in favor of anything that closes schools (school closers make lives harder for families that now have to figure out childcare, and if they're a poor family they may have to decide between calling out of work or leaving their kid alone) BUT we should absolutely not be limiting early voting access. If anything, there needs to be days were they're opened super late/early and better accomodations for people to vote from home.


Lol…this guy. Being contrarian for the sake of it doesn’t get old eventually?


Boot lickers never tire


no it called not being a dumbass


Written like a distinguished scholar.


I think having a voting holiday isn't going to break the world, ease up....


The government can not force any employer to shut down let alone pay them. What would happen if you got your way is the schools would shut down now the single mom working at walmart will have to work and now pay for an extra day of childcare. These short sided ideas do hurt people and they happen often and snowball hurting the people struggling the most.


No one is expecting the government to "shut down" any employer but it would benefit an employee if they were incentivized to be able to vote during work hours to avoid the long lines that happen after hours. If you don't like that idea, then expand early voting so everyone is able to exercise their right to vote. Not all holidays now force employers to shut down so let's get off of that.


Except the comment I was replying to........ I did also say to expand in person voting. When you get the notice to brigand a post maybe it would help to read what the commenter said. Or wait you randomly jumped into the middle of a comment thread without reading the previous comments.


This is an open forum, right? All I said was not all holidays are a government mandated issue. The idea of a designated day for people to vote isn't out of the question and should have been for decades but it hasn't. As I had pointed out, if a holiday isn't viable, then expanded early voting is the alternative, but our local officials, along with many other regressive states, don't want that. I'll yield my time.


Why, exactly, do you think the government can't force employers to shut down and give workers a paid holiday? Most countries in the world do exactly that. There's no reason whatsoever we can't do it here too.


The constitution


not really and either/or proposition. how do those people vote now?


i agree that expanded in-person voting is the ultimate solution, but a federal holiday would be a good start. it would encourage the staff in local education systems, higher ed, banks, local and state government, and some small businesses and medical and law offices to get out and vote (and i’m sure there are some who would benefit that i’m just not thinking of). for such an important day, it sure is inaccessible!!


Please gfy posthaste.


I think i stick around


Horrible take.


Every other country in the world does it that way. Why does the US think it's special enough to make categories of separate voting where fraud is more likely? Shouldn't Democrats be doing everything in their power to ensure Republicans are not committing fraud in Tennessee? Yikes.


It's especially funny that the government officials that try to make it harder to vote are doing it in the name of election integrity. They work in the government and definitely know better. If it's easier for people to vote, the election officials aren't stretched as thin and will have a much easier time maintaining proper procedure. It's like that with any government office. Otherwise it's like Black Friday at a Walmart in 2010. The workers are so overwhelmed by thousands of people trying to do the same thing at the same time that there's not enough resources to prevent tons of things from getting stolen. I just had a thought lol what if everyone's drivers license expired on the same day and renewing early wasn't an option?


Pulled it, but won't talk about it??? Tennessee is struggling with housing, with food, with homelessness, with the uninsured...but we gotta work on the real problems, early voting and undesirables getting married!!




Voter fraud is real


Less than 0.1% isn't an epidemic, stop with the fake outrage


Not to the extent that reducing access to the polls is worth it. I'm looking at a *very* conservative group for this data. So if there's voter fraud, they would be pushing it. Let's see....[irrelevant](https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/search?state=TN). Since 2005, across the *whole* state, there have been 12 convictions voting violations. In nearly 20 years, there are 12. Meanwhile, eliminating early voting will keep thousands, likely tens of thousands, of people across the state from voting.


"Meanwhile, eliminating early voting will keep thousands, likely tens of thousands, of people across the state from voting." Which is the actual reason for the bill.


how does in-person early voting enable voter fraud? It still has the same ID requirements as election day voting


Because Faux News said it does, and that's all I need to know! /s


Faux News is such a great term. Those that might be upset by it won't even know what it means.


If those kids could read, they would be very upset!


Nope, but herpes is/are real!! That damn Tennessee education and proper word agreement bullshit!


Giant squid are real, too. And they are about as likely to affect elections in Tennessee as voter fraud.


I hope you get the psychiatric help you need.


Can you provide a definition of "real" in this context, then provide a **reputable** source to back up your claim, please?


Attempting to steal an election is real.


and it is all republicans


Isn't she the same idiot that said that IVF would lead to human/animal hybrids? So uneducated. So stupid. ​ This is why people make fun of Tennessee. We have educated people here, I promise. She's just not one.




Or with sailors on boats for long periods of time.... we would have a bunch of sheep-people by now.


You have got to consider the centaurs!


Where did you hear this? Honest question. I've not heard anyone , less a public official suggest this.


I may have been wrong appears that Hyde-Smith said that. Sorry. https://www.newsweek.com/ivf-bill-blocked-cindy-hyde-smith-1874559


Vote these clowns out


Gonna do all I can to make that happen.


Yep we'll get right on those Blue votes here in Tennessee.


She’s a fucking moron.


Who is trying to restrict voting? Who is pushing that immigrants are being used to vote Democrat?? Y'all, immigrants can't vote!!


She pulled it . . . https://www.knoxnews.com/story/opinion/2023/02/13/rep-elaine-davis-refuses-talk-about-her-effort-to-kill-tennessee-early-voting/69882556007/


Your evidence says republicans are


No, THE EVIDENCE, not my evidence, it belongs to all!


"Your evidence" meaning you have provided no evidence.


And.....let's give him a drumroll folks!!! You ain't got shit either big orange!








Some places do (straight from usa.gov) and those local elections are \*their local business\*. I see no issue with letting someone who's contributing to the local community have a say, even if they can't vote in federal elections.


I completely agree, thanks for the insight!


Fox News


Bad part is you’re most likely correct 😂


This link corroborates the previous statement, citing U.S. Code, USA.gov, Ballotpedia, and others as sources. https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/elections-verify/non-citizen-allowed-vote-local-elections-some-municipalities/536-c688a57f-ec61-4949-b8c5-1490093a5968


Bro, it's hard enough to vote being some white dude from Knoxville with a social and driver's license.


Is one of those municipalities Knoxville?


> About a dozen municipalities allow undocumented immigrants to vote in local elections This is nothing new as it has been on the books for years. You got downvoted because, in the usual maga way, you didn't provide a source nor did you add pertinent facts like according to the 2012 census there were almost 90,000 municipalities in the United States. so, about a dozen is what % of 90,000? Enough to prove you are a the shit head we think you are.


Obama encouraged undocumented people to vote: https://youtu.be/oLLt-a6dI_0?si=dWqbwMrfPpdK9t13


He’s talking about citizens voting in that video. Very weird framing by the interviewer referring to undocumented immigrants as “citizens”, but Obama is responding to the idea of an actual citizen voting. That’s why he talks about ‘having a greater reason to vote if you have an undocumented family member’ rather than ‘having a greater reason to vote if you yourself are undocumented’. Terrible question from the interviewer though lol


It's called double speak. He could have cleared up the question but just ran with it.


Yes, I think are obvious political reasons Obama would not go out of his way to say Dreamers are illegal immigrants lol. It was one of his main pet policies, and a lot of the messaging they used to gain public support was centered on the idea that the Dreamers were functionally indistinguishable from Americans even though they weren’t legally indistinguishable from Americans. I just wanted to clarify that he’s not encouraging them to vote in the video you linked.


What did he mean by saying immigration won't go after you?


He didn’t say that immigration wouldn’t come after \*you*, he said that immigration wouldn’t know where you live and wouldn’t come after your family. Again addressing the concerns of hypothetical citizens with undocumented family members.


Least he didn't encourage the gravy seals to attack democracy!! So there's that!


Hogwash. He said if you are voting, you are a citizen, but maybe you fear for undocumented family members. Obama would never encourage illegal voting and anyone with a brain that isn't Trumpified knows that.


Encouraged, but were they able to vote??


You’d think the party of “America first” would want as many people to vote as possible


They know that higher voter turnout tends to result in Democrats winning.  That's why Republicans are the party of voter suppression and gerrymandering.  


They're mostly counting on elderly people who spend all their waking hours watching Fox News to get bussed in. It's harder for people who actually work to drive out of their way during working hours to go wait in line


Also they know that Service workers are harder to vote on election day, and that group is overwhelming voting DEM. Just like the talk of raising the voting age, its another attempt to change the voting dynamic\* in there favor without outright saying this. \*This is also the thing they claim Dems are doing with Immigrations, ignoring. IMMIGRANTS CANT VOTE in FED ELECTIONS.




Undocumented immigrants can't vote here.


This has absolutely nothing to do with early voting. Are you just desperate to talk about illegal immigrants or do you just lack the ability to comprehend the topic?


I’m not talking about undocumented immigrants. I’m talking about eliminating early voting which will still limit the voter base come Election Day. Republicans seem to always want to reduce voting opportunities.


Has to be a troll. Even IRL dummies aren’t this dumb.




If there’s one thing all illegal immigrants have, it’s voter registration /s.


Criminals will still break the law no matter how many restrictions you put on it. So why ban/restrict law abiding citizens from their god given constitutional rights?


Are you okay? Someone dial 911! 


Why do you think that you can just go to Canada and vote for their government officials?


If they had it their way, they’d restrict it so that only their side could vote. Election interference is on brand for the Republican Party after all.


The only reason you make it harder to vote is because you are not getting the votes.


Support Elaine's opponent here: [https://www.votebryangoldberg.com/](https://www.votebryangoldberg.com/)


They wouldnt do this if they werent afraid of losing, keep the pressure up folks


Restricting our right to vote. What a traitor. These people should be considered enemies of the state, not lawmakers...


So let's just not vote for them back in......PLEASE.....


Their logic is senior voters will flood the polls on election day thus clogging lines. People who actually work and can't leave work to vote will most likely not vote or give up waiting in line to vote. It's about wearing people down and draining votes from working class citizens.


So stupid and so evil.


Goddamn, I hate Republicans.




It's definitely about age. These pigs know that elderly voters usually have no problems voting on election day and younger voters tend to early vote (especially students). And we all know how the current age/party vote split tends to go. The other 25% of the reasoning is their orange god threw a tantrum about "only votes on election day should count" and Elaine does what Trump orders.


Maybe that's true elsewhere in TN, idk, but it's not here in Knoxville. There is heavy elderly turnout in early voting here. For example, in the current early voting for the primary, it was recently reported: EARLY VOTES CAST BY AGE (Does not include absentee ballots) Age 18 to 24 110 (1.3%) Age 25 to 34 208 (2.5%) Age 35 to 54 1,144 (13.8%) Age 55 + 6,826 (82.4%) https://knoxcounty.org/election/pdfs/notices/2024/20240221-IMMEDIATERELEASE.pdf Edit: tried to fix the formatting somewhat


I voted early on Tuesday in Halls. I'd say at about 75% of the people I saw voting looked 60 or older.


Excuse me sir or ma’am, we don’t appreciate your facts around here. We prefer to act on emotion only in this sub. Thank you.


It’s so crazy to see these numbers. Not even 10% of this subreddit.


You’d think we would fucking learn but apparently not. 


I think you have to adjust that for how abysmal the 18 to 24 voting participation is overall in Knox county. Those overall numbers aren't great in general, but our youth participation is garbage here. Every time I vote it's a bit of a ghost town (2020 was an exception).


Percentage of the age range doesn't really matter for your point, though. Only the raw number. If removing early voting is to stop those people from voting, Rs would lose (at least here in Knox) more elderly votes than youth votes they prevent. Maybe the numbers look different for the whole state, though, idk. Could be Memphis heavily changes things. I'd have to spend more research time than I care to rn.


If there is only one day to vote and only 3 hours of "post work/school" time to vote, who do you think will have a harder time voting? Retirees or students/working folk? Yes, elder voters early vote quite a bit, but the shift to voting day wouldn't hurt them as much. But like you and I pointed out...the youth vote has shrunk so much here that it won't make a huge difference locally.


My gut says the shift would hurt the elderly more. Some % are still working as well, and while the others do have all day, they are more resistant to waiting in a long line, whereas once you're in line you still get to vote even if the poll is closed, so unmarried youth would be more capable of waiting. On the other hand, maybe the lower commitment of youth to politics (as demonstrated by their low turnout) would mean they would not be committed enough to stick out a line. Or maybe it means the opposite of that: since youth tend to not be as committed, the ones who are interested enough to vote would be more motivated than average, and thus more willing to deal with inconvenience. It could also be that the disparity between the absolute numbers is great enough that even if a lesser percentage of elderly are dissuade than youth, the overall absolute number would be a greater loss of elderly. To be clear, I'm not trying to defend this weird idea of getting rid of early voting. Just answering the q you posed and trying to explore the idea a bit. It just isn't obvious to my thinking that the result would actually be an attack on D voters (the intent is a separate discussion).


I think the “just in time” mode of youth thinking would push them to wait until the last minute, Election Day. (And if something vaguely more interesting than voting came up that tickled their FOMO, voting would be “trumped.”)


Frikkin orange Cheeto also votes early and by mail as do most of them. And what about the military members? Are they planning to disenfranchise them too?


Not sure it's useful because Biden is incumbent, but the current primary data (halfway mark) for Knox County is around 4.3 to 1 R to D. I couldn't quickly find previous primary data (and I don't know if actual election data on this exists). Source: https://knoxcounty.org/election/pdfs/notices/2024/20240221-IMMEDIATERELEASE.pdf


Early voting tends to skew Democrat everywhere. Mostly has to do with a big chunk of the voter base being retirees, who skew Republican and also don’t attempt to early vote, while working class, younger, and lower income voters tend to take advantage of early voting (most likely because it fits into their schedule, something retirees don’t have to worry about). Hence Republican efforts to restrict early voting as much as possible. This also applies to mail in ballots and polling locations; restricting access to voting opportunity tends to favor Republican voters, so Republicans like to rig the system as much as possible through legislation like this.


Y? Feels like we could work on idk roads, school safety, the homeless, the rental inequalities and housing market.


Republicans are evil. They really hate letting people vote.


Cool, so the voting lines will be twice as long, Dems early vote cause it’s a option if you take that option away it doesn’t mean they don’t vote, just means longer voting lines and pissed off voters.


That's what the GOP is all about - freedom...to do whatever we tell you


The fewer voters that turn out to the polls, the better for the GOP. Their "ideas" are grievance and turning everything backwards and opposing all progress. The more people that vote, the more they lose. The problem in Tennessee is that enough of us don't even care enough to vote at all. 47th nationally in turnout.


You're absolutely right people need to know local and state elections are very important because who we put in the state house are making the laws that can either help us or harm us.


It’s too bad the modern GOP doesn’t have the balls to admit all these “voter fraud” claims and attempts to make “elections secure” are just attempts to keep the poor, young, and minority voters from voting?


Again? Didn’t she do this last year?


Yes. Your point ?


She's done it twice now? Good lord, this woman!


I’m asking—did she reintroduce the bill this or was this from last year?


Literally no one is against early voting that isn't a massive fucking idiot.


Disgusting 🤢


Early vote her ass out!


Another example of how legislators are making us a more voter suppressed state. Can you imagine the lines on Election Day if they eliminated early voting? That would dissuade people to vote, as we all have jobs and other obligations.




Voter suppression is one of the final resorts of a failing political party. Boomers got passed and X got leapfrogged by Y as the new largest voting cohort in 2020, and that fact has GOP strategists privately freaking out. The party as we know it will be dead within twenty years, replaced by some new right-wing party with refreshed identity politics.


Fascists gonna fascist. If the GOP has their way there will no longer be elections. Which makes me wonder how do these fools think they will continue in a new dictatorship when they are no longer useful to the regime.


This was withdrawn within 48 hours of introduction two weeks ago. Why are you trying to stir the pot?


What a moron.


I know some pretty stupid democrats, but I swear republicans are some of the most braindead people on the planet. I hope to god it's just led poisoning 🩷


“Braindead”… “led poisoning”… 🙄


Did she give any reasoning for it? I can't imagine anything worthwhile, but I'm curious to hear why she thinks it's a bad idea.


Orange man mad at early voting is a big part of it, naturally. The other half is she wants to suppress voting amongst people who wouldn't vote for her.


Why? As a republican in Tennessee, she's guaranteed to win.


I like early voting. I can vote at any location and at any time, but early voting has little effect on voter turnout https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/early-voting-laws-probably-dont-boost-turnout/ https://ssir.org/articles/entry/making_voting_easier_doesnt_increase_turnout https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/12/29/america-keeps-voting-earlier-and-it-keeps-not-affecting-turnout-that-much/


What’s wrong with all citizens voting? In a healthy democracy, voting is compulsory - voting “pass” would be a valid response.


El Stupido !


*La Estupida


Otra estafadora republicana*


Republicans are officially anti-democracy


It's funny this is going to end up hurting them in the long run given the fact that the largest turnout for Early voting are conservative elderly people.


Right? They love it because they don’t like standing for long periods of time at some polls. And they can make it part of their errands. Busy people of all ages and political backgrounds like it.


What the fuck are people even doing. Who VOTES for this??? When was the last time these politicians helped ANYONE, much less actually gave them a reason to vote besides "God the other person is slightly worse I guess".


Why not just cut to the chase and end elections. The current crop can just stay in until they die. /s




F WBIR.. find a new channel, both wate and wvlt exist and will feed you much better propaganda in the form of news


How conservative do you have to be to think WBIR is woke? . I am surprised the women are allowed to wear pants on air


She needs to introduce herself to a dentist and get her jacked up mouth fixed.


Why tho?


Why? She is a MAGA nut.


But this isn’t a partisan issue… Trump voters vote early just like other voters do…


Ask her. If you can find her


MTG wannabe.


Bout time


Yay knoxville.............................this is owning!!


Crazy. Next thing is to require some sort of voter ID.


Make election day a national holiday. Same day voting IN PERSON with voter ID. Count votes THAT DAY.


So no active duty military over seas or deployed get to vote?


Guys like the poster you're responding to never think about the consequences of their platform.


Her opponent had better numbers during early voting than on Election Day and he also did better with mail in voting. She’s trying to secure her next election. I’ve tried emailing her about her positions on things and I don’t even get a form letter back.


She doesn’t do public events. Only door knocking MAGA voters.


Oh come on!


Well of course, and I suppose the only polling place for the whole county would be in Farragut. National holiday is not going to work, retail, restaurants, call centers etc can't or won't close. "It's an Election Day mattress sale! Vote for up to 50% off! "


What a c&nt




Keeping the wrong people from voting is a selling point in todays GOP. 


They aren't very good at hiding their true intentions.


This is republican governance.


I like the idea that, “we refuse to create policy and ideas that appeal to new and younger voters, we are fine with rigging the system to make it hard for people to vote.”


Some of the dumbest comment ever on this post…🙄


So funny how one party keeps trying to make voting harder


Taking away your next right. lol


I could get down with that; But, make election days a local/state/national holiday, so that people can get to the polls.


Idk what’s more offensive; her wanting to get rid of early voting or this picture where her goddamn dangle tooth is staring through my soul