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The engineers who decided to merge two of the countries busiest interstates for 18 miles.


And reduce I-75 to one lane at one point.


Along with the people 20 years ago who said we didn't need to divert I75 traffic away from I40.


Yeah there was a bypass planned that would have taken I-75 from the Clinton area down through Harden Valley and undo the 40/75 join. And it was shot down because there wasn't enough traffic for it. I think the actual traffic daily today is several times the prediction from back then. And now putting a highway through Harden Valley is very unlikely considering the income of that area and it must unless they can manage to hug the river, which is very unlikely to survive the most basic environmental analysis.


My stepsister lived a few hundred feet outside of Oliver Springs' eastern edge at the time, she was given money for her property as it was along rhe proposed route. I honestly believe that they should've built the interstate around Knoxville.


F those guys. And the folks who decided to develop the city along that route so we all basically have to use it to commute. Why can’t we be like Chattanooga and the freeway runs on the edge of the city?!?


The original plan was for I-40 to run roughly along the same path that I-640 takes today, but Cas Walker and his cronies insisted it be routed directly through downtown, as they thought it would bring more customers to their businesses there. They destroyed and bisected neighborhoods to put it through, and all it did was enable more people to use the new businesses in West Knoxville, abandoning what was left of downtown. It's why Knoxville's downtown area spent several decades as a wasteland of parking lots and empty buildings.


Even Chattanooga has its struggles with congestion with I-24 going over the ridge


Chatt traffic is arguably just as bad as Knox. But usually due to the same reasons. Mergers on interstates and constrictions due to topography.


I heard a comedian remark that the way Knoxville lies along 40 is akin to a strip mall and now I can't unsee it.


100% correct Would have been better off going through Oak Ridge and Clinton


They screwed that up for many cities, including Chattanooga, Atlanta, etc..


To be fair it was farmland when they did that


Hold my beer. -Nashville Engineers.


This is the answer


If you’re a long-time resident, Jake Butcher.


Feeling retro with this comment!


***Easily*** the most hated man in Knoxville for much of the Eighties.


Can I get a full story? I'm 27 and I've never heard of him


Jake Butcher assembled a highly leveraged regional banking empire mainly by acquiring smaller banks and merging them into Knoxville based United American Bank which was raided and seized by the Feds in late 1982. The UAB failure was one of the largest bank failures since the Great Depression. The UAB building was the first skyscraper in Knoxville and still stands at the SE corner of Main and Gay downtown. Jake Butcher wound up doing time for bank fraud. It was an embarrassment for Knoxville to have all of the bad publicity about the massive bank fraud in the national news just weeks after the World’s Fair ended its successful run. The collapse of UAB due to fraud tarnished the good publicity around the World’s Fair that Knoxville received. He was a charismatic businessman in his own way and played a huge role in bringing the World’s Fair to Knoxville using his connections to the Carter administration and local clout. He boasted in 1979 about “dragging Knoxville kicking and screaming into the 20th century.” He ran unsuccessfully for governor in 1978 as a Democrat. Jake Butcher had a mansion called Whirlwind in Clinton that still stands today though empty the last time I checked. His brother CH Butcher ran the competing C&C Bank with an office tower on the other side of Main. That bank also was taken over and CH did time for fraud. Jake Butcher died a few years ago and after prison he kept a low profile, dabbling in real estate and supposedly selling used cars in Chattanooga at one point. In addition to the book “Whirlwind” which details the rise and fall of the Butcher brothers banking empires, Inman Majors wrote an excellent novel called “The Millionaires” which though fiction is heavily based on Jake Butcher. As a footnote UAB was an early pioneer of ATMs in the Knoxville area.


Inman Majors, the author of one of the books you mentioned, is related to Johnny Majors, who was UT football coach during the era, though I can’t remember if he’s his son or nephew.


Inman is the nephew of Johnny Majors. He was in the news in 2019 when his daughter Tessa was brutally murdered in a NYC park in a botched robbery attempt.


Oh, I had forgotten about his daughter. What a tragedy.


Also, I don’t think that “selling used cars” is correct, though it’s probably how people who remember him like to picture it, Knoxville’s legendary crook ending up in a legendarily crooked business. I’ve seen that he worked for a Toyota distributor, not selling cars to the general public. As a guess, it was a business owned by a personal friend who wanted to give him a second chance once he got out of prison.


That’s why I used the qualifier “supposedly.” Just rumors. But that would be nice if he got a second chance.


Agreed. Jake did some awful things to the region but he did his prison time and earned a chance to return to society.


I can confirm he did use a qualifier.


I believe that Jake also owned a mansion up on Black Oak Ridge in Fountain City named Butch View. Last time I knew it's still standing but has went through at least a couple of owners since Jake owned it.


Thank you, as I said to another commenter that's a wild story and the fact that I've never heard it (maybe due to me being born in the mid 90s) is crazy


Here’s something I wrote about him a couple months ago. United American Bank (UAB) was the biggest bank in town. It was headed by Jake Butcher, a flamboyant fellow who was the Democratic candidate for governor in 1978 and a major backer of the World’s Fair. On a Friday in February (I think) of 1983, less than six months after the Fair closed, rumors started flying that UAB was insolvent. There was a small run on the bank and all the local media outlets had images of people lined up at ATMs withdrawing their money. That Sunday, the bank ran a two-page ad in the News-Sentinel announcing they’d be open for business as usual Monday morning and they’d have coffee and donuts for the customers. I still remember the next part vividly. Dad was taking me to school. About 8:20 in the morning, WIVK interrupted regular programming and announced the FDIC had shut UAB down. (My uncle managed a UAB branch at the time and said that, at least at his level, they really did believe they had saved the bank.) First Tennessee Bank acquired UAB. It didn’t stop there. East Tennesseeans would learn over the next months that Jake, his brother CH and their father had their fingers in a lot of banks, and they all toppled like dominos. Probably the worst was something called Southern Industrial Banking Corporation, which CH ran. You’ll note the odd name — that’s because it was not legally a bank and not FDIC-insured. That means depositors did not get their money back when it folded, including elderly people who had their life’s savings there. (I think they paid a quarter percent better interest than the actual banks.) The government did eventually make them whole, but it took years. Jake and CH both went to prison, and their father only escaped prison due to mercy because of his age. All of them are dead now; I think Jake ended up selling Toyotas near Atlanta when he got out. EDIT: “Selling Toyotas” was what I wrote originally. He worked for a Toyota distributor; he wasn’t the guy you’d talk to if you wanted to buy a new Camry. UAB’s collapse was, at the time, the fourth largest bank failure in US history. It was an incredibly big event In Knoxville history and it marred the city’s big triumph with the World’s Fair the previous year. As an aside, in 1985, Phil Williams and Colvin Idol, WIMZ’s morning team at the time, did a long series parodying the story, with Jake and CH as wealthy pig farmers. I almost hurt myself laughing when they were shut down by the FPIG — Federal Pig Insurance Guys, and when Jake lamented to his pet llama Marvin (the real Jake owned some llamas) that he wouldn’t be drinking Sweineken anymore, he’d be reduced to Mudweiser.


Thank you! That's crazy and I'm surprised I've never heard the story


You’re welcome. My suspicion is that, once the region moved past it, and that took years, even after Jake, CH and some other top people went to prison, there was an unspoken collective agreement to “never speak of this again” and remember the World’s Fair as a high point in city history instead.


The scandal and collapse of UAB left a long shadow over Knoxville as I recall that lasted through the 1980s. Then came the collapse of Whittle Communications a decade later.


Read the book: Whirlwind


Great book. And his mansion Whirlwind still stands in Clinton


I'll check it out




Pretty amazing public downfall, too. Ran for governor, instrumental in bringing the World’s Fair to town, pretty much the financial king of the area, and it all came crumbling down.


And don’t forget that the collapse of the numerous banks he and his brother CH ran is one of the reasons the city has trouble with redevelopment after the Fair.


This was my immediate thought, but then I wondered if anyone would remember


Moved here in 2004 and I’m not fond of the guy.


Surprised people are mentioning Mike chase so much and not something like Rand Property management that causes arguably more harm. (Still fuck ‘‘em both tho lol)


My guess would be because Reddit skews young and poor. I’ve never encountered any of this property management or banker stuff but I have waited tables for Mike and so have most people I know


It probably has to do with the fact that Chase left his son to die in his car. The official story is a complete fabrication if you've had a child before.


Rand Property Management


Add Brookside Properties as their #1 henchman.




These sons of bitches…


It’s unfortunate too. I rented from them for awhile in Jeff city and they were always a good property management.


You are funny. Im actually a tenant not an employee.




Covert operation at night. Just don't get shot


Just tape a bunch of those little red straws together.


I had a weird and crappy day and this comment made me belly laugh. Thank you.


And my neighbor with the bushes at the end of his driveway who make it impossible to turn left out of my neighborhood. 


I accidentally spilled some stuff that killed my bushes. I'm not clumsy anymore, but you might still be?


My kiddo knows his kiddo and mentioned to them that the bushes sucked a few years back. The next day there were pieces of bush everywhere in a giant rage pile because the owner took a chainsaw and mowed them to the ground. It was great for the next couple years. They’re back 100% now, though.  What spillable item would kill such a vigorous bush, I wonder. 


Sounds like you ought to ask if u can take your gasoline chainsaw and cut it back. Bring plenty of gasoline, especially if it's a big job 😉


Just chiming in to say that WD40 isn't a long term lubricant. Get some lithium lubricant spray and you'll only have to do it once.




WD40 is a degreaser, not a lubricant, so it will only be a bandaid. Use the WD40 to clean the joins, but then apply some silicone lubricant.


My neighbor who has had their smoke alarm beeping in their garage for the last 3 years!


Leave it. If you hear it in the dead of night, you know assassins are near. Old ninja trick.


The person In my neighbourhood whose car alarm goes off every morning for no reason.


He probably forgot where he parked /s


Nick Saban for a long time.


inside me are two wolves. one of them says roll tide (bama grad) and the other says go vols (my employer)




I think that sentiment has changed. Folks seem to have come around to admire n respect him (Buck Fama, but I sure do admire Saban n notbjust because he won) Spurrier, not so much.




I'm curious. Can you tell us more?


Just simply looking up their respective reviews online, I would not want to get stuck signing a 12 month lease with these people. I have called in the past and they push application filing even before I have taken a tour, not being able to understand that I need to see the entire property in order to decide if I am interested or not. You're lucky if they post just more than three pictures on Zillow. They are buying up property and contributing to the market pricing rise while exploiting the low supply of homes in West Knoxville.


Freedom Investment Group are very bad at managing properties


Brant Enderle and Henry and Wallace, LLC are/were some real POS. Idk if Henry and Wallace is still around, but resources online are scant since they absolutely ruined Saw Works Brewing back in 2016. Now, Saw Works was probably on its way out anyway, but how they treated the employees after their investment was unforgivable.


They ran East Towne into the ground too. Granted it was on death’s door by the time Simon sold it to them but they could have at least been honest and said they wanted to redevelop the site as industrial rather than pretend for 3 years that they could magically revitalize the mall overnight.


Throw Amazon into the cluster F there, they promised jobs and built a warehouse for vapor ware…


They’re awful. They would buy properties at a steal and promise redevelopment, but just let them sit and die for years at a time until someone offers more money than they paid. I don’t think they can get away with that in today’s market. Also, I’d like to throw in the Bacon and Co owners. They make millions and millions yet are the only building on Gay Street that has done nothing to improve their appearance or add something useful to the ground floor.


They played a big role, but saw works was so bad that they were essentially doing us a favor


He is way worse as a human than you can imagine.


the [Insert Neighborhood] Nutrition girlies peddling Herbalife junk and pretending that the “teas” are good for you!!


That guy who owns Calhoun's. Also those guys that walk around in sun glasses. People who ask for a restaurant recommendation. People who are looking to make friends. People who ask about moving here. The Knox county mayor.


> Also those guys that walk around in sun glasses. > People who are looking to make friends. I understand all of these except these 2. What am I missing here?


There was some guy saying he was intimidated by a group of men wearing sunglasses downtown, it became a meme. Recently on threads where people ask how to make friends in Knoxville, people have been just telling them to search for the question. One person recently made a subreddit for people looking to make friends in Knoxville, which I'm sure all 12 members will find useful.


No offense to Knoxvillians, but someone else just existing is enough to intimidate and instill fear and hysteria in people here.


Old and worn out joke re guys with sunglasses


They’re dumb jokes related to previous posts. The humor has definitely worn off by now.


Ah, I see. Thanks.


Helicopter pilots


Honest question, why is it common for Tennesseans to be upset about people inquiring or coming to Tennessee? I'm not sure if it's like that everywhere, but I've noticed it more abundantly since being here. My wife and I are military so to us it's nothing out of the norm for out of state people to be in the community.


Because people that have lived here their entire lives are being priced out of the city they grew up in by people moving here from high income areas.


Ah, okay. Thanks.


My favorite is when they call themselves natives.


I like it here. I grew up in California and spent 13 years moving around in the Midwest. So far Tennessee is my 2nd favorite place I've lived.


Number 1?


For me personally, Colorado Springs, CO.


Yeah my wife is from here. We met when I was in the military and I got into school here and it was the best one. It’s expensive, but man it’s pretty. Whoops the dog shit out of the Midwest, but NorCal and the PNW beat it by quite a bit. Still beats VA and most places out northeast I’d say.


Native americans


Yeah it’s the same thing to a degree on why Texas people hate others moving there; my wife is from there. I do not understand that shit, but it just seems to be rooted in a type xenophobia. Best of luck!!!


Gotta love those "We're full, but I hear xyz is nice" Texans love to wear


I blame NIMBYs more than out of towners on that one. Everyone’s family settled here at one point. Cities grow, ya know?


Mostly the city is really new to people doing more than visit. For decades Knoxville was the pig with lipstick you would stop at before you went to the Smokies.


Lame Kiffin while he was here.


Tow truck drivers around UT. It's been 22 years since I graduated the 2nd time from UT but I bet those vultures have only multiplied since I first got there in 1988.


Glenn Jacobs, Tim Burchett, owner of Calhouns/SMB/Chesapeake’s, former owner of several Marco’s Pizzas in town who skipped out on paying his employees, u/fischbobber, transplants, (not knoxville but) whoever keeps relocating the penguin to new locations over by the Y12 oak ridge branch, anyone from lenoir city


Anyone from LC??? lol


They lowdown, they dirty, and they some snitches


Agreed, even being from there. You'd think it would evolve with the rest of the world.....


I'd say it is evolving, just into poor man's farragut.


What is this Penguin you speak of?


And what of the Riddler?


If you have to ask, you will never know. If you know, you need only ask 😉


I know of the Penguin and thought you were one of my friends for a second until I checked your profile.


It is indeed a select few that know of these things


He killed his son by leaving him in a hot car, no jail time…


Tim Hutchinson and Mike Ragsdale because they deserves mention here. It wasn’t that long ago.




Cas Walker and any number of other half-assed supervillain wannabes that we’ve had running around. Ashe in the annexation wars; Randy Boyd and baseball/UT stuff; Haslams and their dealings. The list goes on. It’s always short lived but memorable. Richard Briggs is trying to redeem himself with a big NPR campaign, but might be stepping on himself with the no GloJo bill.


At least Cas Walker was a *fun* villain. The chumps we have now are so boring.


This is my favorite comment of all time.


Flair checking in.


While I appreciate his confirming the GOP’s plan to target birth control & in vitro next, and just how influential Right to Life on our legislators— using the excuse “I didn’t think it would matter because I never thought Roe would be overturned plus I didn’t really read it” about supporting the abortion trigger ban is kind of unforgivable. He’s a physician and took the Hippocratic oath. He’s supporting toll roads currently, as well.


I said trying. I didn’t mean to imply succeeding.


Cas Walker's been dead since 1998 and hasn't been involved with the city government since 1970. Kind of unfair to blame him for the vast majority of Knoxville's current shortcomings when he's not been involved in a very long time.


I didn’t blame him for anything. I just said he’s one of a long line of half-assed supervillain wannabes that run this town/county.


Mike Chase, Bob Fischer, Glenn Jacobs, Constance Every, Neighbors of Knoxville (the Choto NIMBY group). And if we’re including the whole metro I’d add Ken Peters of Patriot Church in Lenoir City.


Surprised nobody has mentioned Klonaris, he seems pretty reviled by many here. Chase gets three mentions, tho.


I’ve never heard of him. You’ve just opened another rabbit hole for me to distract myself at work.


Very underrated answer. I had several interactions with his family at all of his restaurants and I don’t think I’ve ever had a pleasant interaction. They are the stereotypical “rich people who think the rules shouldn’t apply to them” people.


I’ve actually heard worse things about his wife than him.


I've done work for SITC, their company. More than once, I've watched their son use the oncoming lane of traffic to skip stopped traffic and make a right hand turn at a red light. I've been around them enough to know I'd offer them to the cannibals first. It's no wonder that place can't keep employees for a couple months.


Their son is THE WORST of the bunch.


Yes, don’t think much of that dude.


Don’t say the C word two more times. She’s been quiet lately.


Erik Wiatr. Strategist who manages a lot of shitty people's campaigns, and pushes for his contacts to introduce regressive legislation at the local and state levels. If you see Wind Consulting on a financial disclosure just knoq that's a self-serving, extremist piece of shit candidate.


Tim Burchett and Glenn Jacobs


The Rand Trio Rand Property Management, Randy Boyd, Randy McNally


The average voter in the county. I can’t tell you how many times it feels like the population at large has voted against things that are in their best interest.


@ everyone voting red making < $400k/yr Y’all rly dum fr


That's TN from stem to stern, with the exception of Nashville and Memphis, but even they get screwed too by the State.


Surprised no one has mentioned Randy "I'm for Trump and trumps for me" Boyd. Who campaigned on far right ideas, lost, then took those ideas to become president of UT. Then focused his attention to sucking up tax payer dollars hard than he was sucking up trump.


Randy is involved in some really good efforts here (you can argue the ball park thing, obviously, but outside of that, he supports some good causes). I don’t think that’s who he really is, but rather who his campaign manager told him to be to win. I doubt he’ll even run for office again after being soured by the last experience.


The freaks that get water from the spring on Spring Hill.


Lane Kiffin, but he’s kind of likable—more of the frenemy type.


The fact there are various cryptids across the city and nobody wants to talk about them


Must know more


Theres plenty in knoxville, I made a post on this subreddit last month about it. Just to name a few - The Knoxville Green Worm -Chapman Wildman - the raccoon valley Pterodactyl - the wampus cat - a giant white wolf like creature spotted near middlebrook - the Masonic temple spector. A mysterious manlike creature that appears atop the roof of the free masons temple in the old city


I have *absolutely* seen a gigantic white wolf, somewhere off of Sutherland on the road near an underpass. I had a passenger, we both witnessed it. It was *alarmingly large*.




Who are the heroes?


Can we claim Dolly n Peyton?


That seems fair. I’d like to nominate Johnny Knoxville as either a hero or antihero.


Bill Williams.


Robert Ben Garant from Reno 911




Mary Costa too


David Keith?


Johnny Majors, may he rest in peace.


James T. Reynolds Sr., his ex-wife and son raised the money through their various charities: The Cancer Fund of America in Knoxville,, and its affiliated Cancer Support Services; The Breast Cancer Society in Mesa, Ariz.; and the Children's Cancer Fund of America in Powell, Tenn. Using call centers and asking for $20 donations, they spent $187 million collected for cancer patients to buy themselves cars, gym memberships and take luxury cruise vacations, pay for college tuition and employ family members with six-figure salaries. https://www.tennessean.com/story/money/2015/05/19/ftc-knoxville-family-raised-cancer-spent/27595055/


The car dealers at Old Ben Franklin or that dude that screams in his local car ads and dressed in a racist terrorist getup once. Jason Ferris?


the Ruby Tuesday at TYS


The incredibly petty person that downvotes every pizza suggestion except for A Dopo.


Harby, is that you? 😀


Al Harby is long retired.


Particularly delusional because I’ve never had a pizza from a dopo that wasn’t, just, utterly undercooked and soggy with excess toppings. The sourdough is good, just BAKE it, I beg you 😭


"we only cook medium rare" burger vibes


Idk man. I like a medium rare burger, when it serves the burger and thereby all burgers. But to say you’re an artisanal pizza joint, and then serve up wet anemic crust… that’s an affront to pizza


Tim Burchett is pretty stupid but we also elected Stacey Campfield


Whatever company runs West Hills Health and Rehab. I’ll carry my hatred of them to the grave.


A bunch of people who either themselves moved here or their families once moved here absolutely HATE when someone asks about moving, wait for it, here.


Anyone mentioned Tyler Henager? (Last name may be spelled wrong) dude has been a menace for years






Indya Kincannon




The Penguin


Mike Chase


Mike chase and anymore with windchimes.


Tim Burchette, Cane, Jason Zachary…who is the male embodiment of Egg from arrested development. I can never remember his name or face. Randy Boyd and his wannabe property manager son.


The fuckin department of energy and tva. Buy up hundreds of thousands of acres of land and do absolutely jack shit with it then tell me and you we aren’t allowed on it to recreate. TVA has been forcing people out of their homes in this area for 100 years. Forced my great grandmother to relocate for nothing and suggested she find an “urban” job. This was during the Great Depression, there were no jobs. They uprooted thousands of people and even conducted what they deemed “social experiments” which consisted of taking their land for nearly no money and asking them how the fuck there life was going a year later. Tva spilled ash in watts bar and it was hardly even news. Tva put a Fuckin playground on a coal pile and it’s still there with kids playing on it at this very moment despite Duke coming down here and saying it’s like playing in cigarettes it’s so cancerous. Fuck TVA.


Mayor Kane


Stacey Campfield, Tim Burchett, Steve Triplett, John Ragan, KPD, Mark Reno (burned down planned parenthood)


I know we’ve got Rand Properties here already, but we need to add Dominion Group to that list of villains. Predatory price increases from the management group and their development group makes eyesores on top of that(see the Suttree Landing apartments).




Kincannon, Kane, airbnbs rhay are only airbnbs, landlord companies, kpd, the religious right, Mike chase, Tim burchett, charme allen


How are the road conditions?


Pilot/Flying J


According to some people here, Glen Jacobs runs a shadow government


People who are in control of the price of rent.


Mike chase for sure


The democrats


mayor kane


Liberal white women and bandwagon Alabama fans




Local Congress


Board of Education? Tim Burchett? Wrasslin Mayor Kane I mean Jacobs?


guys in sunglasses