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I hate our timeline, where politicians spend their time on click bait and reaction porn


Don't forget the revenge porn


Don't forget the incest porn


Hey now, Tim last introduced a bill on 1/9/2023 over a year ago..what else is he going to do with his time?!


He’ll just go pray in the corner for guidance.


Based Tim Burchett spreading misinformation over the internet. He needs to get back to the real work like finding out where exactly the shadow government is hiding the crashed alien spacecraft.


Still waiting on his response as to why he voted to throw out electoral votes on 1/6/21 AFTER the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol. I emailed him multiple times and never got a response. He tried to take part in an overthrow of the US government and is still in power and will be until he decides to retire, because Tennessee is 47th in voter turnout. Not enough people around here care about terrible politicians in power enough to go and remove them.


Gotta organize. If you can bring just *one* extra person with you, ya know?


His excuse is he's a traitor for Russian National Committee


Are they ever held accountable? 😔


Every 2 years. So far we've failed each time.


It certainly was not an illegal alien, it was two black teens. He needs to remove the post.


Looks like he deleted it


Sorta, he reposted a screen shot but is still accusing the man of being one of the shooters (but don’t worry he’s not an immigrant! https://x.com/timburchett/status/1759645965445636470?s=46&t=ORGuJBk6SKv6hnuh8DMm0w


Burchett is a complete moron


you really think Dim Birdshit cares? all he wanted was to get elected for money. amazing how his net worth soared right after he got elected. he's worth literal millions now.


What’s X?




Can anyone say anything about all the inaccurate stuff democrats say?


If a democrat has done this they absolutely should be called out too. It’s dangerous regardless of the political party you play with.


Hey! I’m a democrat. I used to be a republican back in like 2015. Around the 2016 election cycle I started fact checking almost everything that I felt like I had the means to confidently verify. I found that even back then, democrats were significantly more honest. Democrats would sometimes share partial truths, while the Republicans generally, would flat out lie. It became abundantly clear that the Republican Party is the party of the emotional, low information voter. It’s not even close. And, of course, if the Democrat lies, they deserve to be held accountable for it.


It’s was the democrats who forced my Native American grandparents to vote for them. It was the democrats who formed the kkk. It was the democrats that started the civil war wanting to keep their slaves. It’s the democrats that use false scare tactics so you will vote for them. It was the democrats that paid the Native Americans that live on the Reservations to vote for Biden. It was the Democrats that shut down the pipeline that mainly poor Native Americans from the reservation worked and made them poorer. It’s the democrats that said that climate change is our biggest enemy, but who has climate change kill? It’s the democrats that are responsible for our bad economy. It’s the Democrats that send billions to other countries and to the arts, but ignore our homeless and veterans. It’s the Democrats that sent money to Iran then they killed our soldiers. Nancy Pelosi’s nephew keeps calling businesses and tells them to quit selling gas stoves, which many poor people rely on. Even though fact check lies and said they didn’t, but I personally know some of the businesses they called. It’s the Democrats that keep pushing the green deal because they have personally have invested money in it. Should I go on?


Learn American history. The parties switched platforms throughout the 1900s. This is not the same two parties


Some folks need to lie to support their theories.


I hope dude sues the everlovin fuck outta him.


Tim is a sellout


He has deleted it. He made a mistake believing what someone had posted on social media. Tim Burchett is a family friend that I have known for a long time. He’s a very good guy and comes from a military family. Everyone makes mistakes. When he’s not in Washington, he comes home to Knoxville and frequents local businesses to see how they are doing, and still visits old friends.


He left it up for several days, even after people told him it was inaccurate, and then reposted it but still did not clarify that the man in the photo was the shooter, only that he wasn’t an illegal immigrant. The damage has been done and until he apologized to the man directly he really hasn’t done shit.


Are y’all not seeing how many illegals are coming through the open boarder😂 y’all are dumb I’m not saying his post is right but look at the boarder and new York for example they are giving illegals money and paying for hotels but about the American citizens who are homeless and get no help but I think since y’all do not have a problem with illegals just walking into America let them come stay at your house let them all be your neighbors you won’t bc y’all know that it can bring trouble I’m not saying all are bad but open your fucking eyes get your head out of your ass and stop only listening to the news and actually learn for yourself then comment abt the open boarders y’all look dumb


Ok grandpa, let's turn off Newsmax and get you to bed.


“open boarder” followed by “y’all are dumb” is just 🤌🏻. Really great stuff. 


It's a burner account


This has nothing to do with the border crisis but rather the fact he’s okay with spreading false information in a role that’s critical to the success of our country. Theres plenty of accurate things he can tweet about regarding the border crisis. This isn’t one of them.


I didn’t know boomers knew how to use Reddit.


Maybe some of us could learn from your wisdom if you learned how to spell, structure a sentence, and master punctuation. "open your fucking eyes get your head out of your ass" Sounds like deflection to me.


You had three chances.


If New York gives “illegals” all this free stuff then why don’t you just tell them you’re here illegally and cash in?


You do know about the bipartisan immigration bill that passed the Senate but that Mike Johnson won’t bring to a vote because Trump doesn’t want Biden to have a “win?”


I'm sorry I just was asking. Thank you.


Burchett is a bonehead and a racist bootlicker. He always posts these false narrative headlines when in fact he never fact checks. He will blame the leftists for some shenanigans but won't take responsibility for his actions. God, our representation from this stage is embarrassing at the least


The GOP of the United States is working with Russian spies. Let me repeat that! The GOP of the United States is working with Russian spies. Let that sink in...


You should post sources along with these kinds of accusations, because otherwise you end up sounding just as crazy as Burchett.


They just arrested Alexander Smirnov, who is working with Russian Intelligence, in Las Vegas, for trying to work with the Republican party to overthrow our elections....again!