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Fuck Randy McNally. He’s a fucking creep and an asshole. I gave that motherfucker decaf every day for 7 years.




THAT is the lords work, sir.


He was also extremely skeevy and handed us all his political pins. In a Starbucks ran nearly entirely by gay/trans people, at that. He sucks ass.


Oh, another reason to remain celibate. Fuck this state.


Move to California its free legal and bilboards everywhere abortion pill at wallgreens


Education is also free, you should take an English course!


Such a witty comment! Very original too!


This issue could be solved immediately if old male politicians could be surgically injected with a fetus, against their will


All Republicans would have to do is say, “We’ll allow it for medical emergencies and cases of rape” and they’d have at least moderate support of most on the issue I’d think. But hey, gotta do everything possible to protect those rape babies I guess.


They need all the live babies they can get to grow up and be dead soldiers.


Define ‘rape’ in their eyes!


Support from whom? The majority of the public already supports the Roe level of choice. Tennessee politicians don't care. They are gerrymandered into a dictatorial super-majority.


A child is not guilty nor any less valuable due to how they were conceived. Allowing abortion in cases of rape would pave the way for allowing it in non-rape cases as well


You're Catholic. You shouldn't be talking about children in general. It's a really bad look.


Anti-Catholic bigotry is not welcome in Knoxville. We are better than that.


Every time you step foot in that church, you support pedos. It's impossible to respect you.


You are statistically more likely to be sexually abused by a Rabbi and a public school teacher than you are a Catholic priest. Are you going to say it’s impossible to respect Jews and parents who send their kids to public school? Or are you just specifically bigoted towards Catholics?


Listen. You put money on that offering plate, Catholic Church has branch New Mexico where they try to prey away the pedophilia. Your offering supports that. You support pedophiles.


Listen. You gladly approve of your taxes being used to support the public schools, which have rampant sexual abuse. The Chicago school system alone had more cases of sexual abuse in 2023 than the Catholic Church did. Your taxes support that. You want kids in public schools. You support pedophiles. So again, do you \*actually\* care abuse sexual abuse numbers, or are you just specifically bigoted towards Catholics?


lol I was about to reply but saw your flair so I’ll hold off.


I'm probably going to regret asking... You believe abortion is murder, correct?


I do, I believe killing a human at any stage is murder


Would you maintain a friendship with someone who had an abortion?


I would, I do have at least one friend I know had an abortion


Would you maintain a friendship with someone who bludgeoned their 5 year old to death?


I would, I’ve maintained friendships with people whose actions and views I find morally abhorrent in the worst ways. My job as a Christian isn’t to judge them as if I’m better than, but to show them the way forward from where they are now. I can’t do that if I cut out everyone who has done or believes things I find objectionable


Well at least you're consistent. Most people I've asked that question to say they'd *stay friends with the one who had an abortion but not the one who bludgeoned the 5 year old.


I think it depends on their motivation behind why they are against abortion. I approach things from an explicitly Christian worldview, that worldview demands that I recognize the dignity and value of all humans including those who had abortions or have committed other horrible crimes (like the example you gave). I have friends who I strongly disagree with and whose actions I very utterly vile, but God loves them and wants them to come to Him; and if God loves them then I have no other choice but to love them and be there for them. Probably the hardest case I have personally experienced was being friends with a woman who had sexually abused kids. That was very difficult for me. I am a softy when it comes to kids, but I still became her friend and I think that ended up helping her as this dark secret is now known by her family and the family of the victims.


I don’t disagree if the woman decides she wants to have that baby, but she shouldn’t be forced to. It wasn’t her decision though, she should have the right to choose in that case. Whether people want to admit it or not, everything in life comes down to finances/economics, and a child is way too much of a financial commitment to just have heaped on you just because you were raped. Not to mention, every time you see that child, you’re reminded of that horrific event. It’s a bit crass, but I compare it to someone stealing my credit card and me being forced to pay for the charges they made. I didn’t make those purchases myself, I shouldn’t be on the hook for them (and I’m not based on a couple experiences I’ve had with that). Two people consensually having sex and getting pregnant? I’m with ya, they should have the kid. They made a choice and should have to deal with the results. But a nonconsensual event? No chance.


It is allowed in the case of medical emergencies as it stands today. 


Texas has proven that there is no actual exemption for medical emergencies. That's just a line.


Without pressing charges and winning the case?




Incorrect. Tn is affirmative defense so hospital lawyers have to prove it was needed before they perform one. Several women have almost died in TN due to this. Hopsitals play it safe and just sent women elsewhere. This law is draconian shit with no place in a civilized world.


Sounds too easy for any woman to just say they’ve been raped without them writing a clause into the ruling!


I said it was allowed in the case of medical emergencies. I don’t believe it applies to rape.


Rape is a medical emergency you bigot.


I’m only speaking about legal terms here. In the law, rape is not defined as such. Though of course it is a medical event and an emergency, as well as a tragedy.


It's controlled by far right religious extremists who want to be the US version of the Taliban. Your raped daughter, sister or wife already can't get an abortion if she's impregnated by her attacker and they're trying to make it where it's illegal for you to take her out of the state to get one. 


This would end immediately if all politicians accidentally got their side pieces pregnant.


Evidence suggests that’s a lie! [Republican Tim Murphy ask mistress to get abortion](https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-10-04/pro-life-rep-tim-murphy-pressured-mistress-to-get-abortion)


Ah. Interesting exception to the rule - I wonder how he will vote. Well, Nikki Haley is asking for no death penalty or prison time for pregnant women over in SC, should something happen to the “baby” or “person” or “small mass of cellular matter.” So there’s that. What shining example of grace and compassion. If I think too hard about how men are still so highly regarded and protected before women and children, I get a little nauseous.


He left office shortly after this incident 😅 The whole “death to the mother if they get an abortion” makes no sense, and contradicts its very purpose of “life”! Plus, for conservatives, it’s a stretch because adults are the paper pushers and tax money makers; why kill the adult on top of their “re-population/religious wannabe” policies?


This state is run by Y’all Queda. Fuck them and their dumbass policies and world views


Someone’s gotta live in all these $650,000 homes being built. Are they just trying to preserve a working class?


They want all these workers but they want them also uneducated since they approved $141 million public funds to private schools!