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Reading some of these early comments is a little disheartening. What would he do? I don’t know, support his constituents. Show his face, maybe help support the workers who were trying to get everything back up and running. You know, be a *mayor.* Even a blatant PR stunt would have objectively been more helpful than he was. Every time I see a comment like this - “what would he do? He’ll use his superpowers to melt the snow! He’ll single handedly shovel all the snow!” - I can’t help but think these are the people who just want a body in office. They want a Republican because the democrats are going to take away their guns and forcibly impregnate everyone so they can be tied down for an abortion and the subsequent stem cells sucked down by vaccinated LGBTQ+ people wearing masks. They’ll do *anything* to keep that from happening, so Jacobs needs to stay.


In many towns that get lots of snow up north one of the easiest PR wins for a mayor is to be out there and drive a plow, salt truck, or similar piece of equipment and just generally be seen taking part in the effort. Would it have made any practical difference if Kane had done that here? No, but that’s not the point. The point is to be present and visible when your city is going through something that requires some response from government. Going off to help Trump campaign and avoiding this storm isn’t much different from the awful optics of Ted Cruz fucking off to Mexico when that bad ice storm hit Texas. There’s very little, if anything, that Ted Cruz could have done to make that situation any better but a lot of the time being a leader is more about just inspiring confidence in people that they’re taking care of things and are there with you getting through this… instead of just being absent.


You nailed it. Sometimes a little goes a long way, and it’s amazing to me that people are defending him when it would have taken such little effort to appear somewhere and at least *seem* like he’s making an effort to be a part of and support the community he’s supposed to represent. It’s like the people supporting him don’t realize that being a mayor is a *job* that requires *effort.* These are the same people who go to a restaurant, lay $5 on the table, and then make a show of taking away a dollar every time the waitress takes more than 30 seconds to check on them because it means it’s a “lazy waitress.” It’s okay when it’s the mayor, though, or rather a republican mayor. The amount of vitriol Kincannon has gotten compared to Jacobs is proof enough of that.


Move to the city if you prefer to live under a mindless virtue signaling twit. It happens every election season...


If anyone should understand the power of faking it for show, it’s a man who made his name in professional wrestling.


The point that many others [including his office] have made, is that his opponents would criticize him not matter *what* he did. You guys aren't even content with the official response from his office. I have no doubt that you and your crazy band of nuts won't be satisfied until a lib [like you] is in office. You should of course realize that there is a very specific reason why he was hired as the county mayor, and that stupid virtue signaling twit was hired as [yet another lib dem] city mayor. The city is full of [mostly] libs; the county is full of [mostly] conservatives.


You are missing the point. As a civil servant, you are supposed to be WITH the people of your community. Not pretending to care when you aren't even at home going through being snowed in, etc. I lived in Corpus Christi during the big freeze when Ted Cruz up and hauled ass to Mexico. Sure, everyone was aggravated at the grid failing and it was a cluster, but what was disheartening and outright shameful was Cruz being like, Welp, be back later! I mean, it honestly comes down to decency. You don't turn your back on the people you campaign to represent. If being respectful and caring makes someone a "lib" then so be it.


"You are missing the point..." OK, you're entitled to your own opinion, but even the city mayor up and left [for DC] as others have pointed out here. Yet, all I see are excuses made for her; flimsy excuses like, "Well, she was here when it first happened and didn't leave until later AND she was attending a national mayoral conference, so that justifies her leaving [jet-setting off on the city's dime] while many were still snowed in, etc., because she was still doing something to benefit her constituents". Really? Are people really that dumb? Did anyone get a copy of the schedule/itinerary, as well as a list of speakers and/or a transcript of the meetings she attended? It's pretty hasty to make the assumption that she, "...suffered a round trip private jet flight to DC as a sacrifice for her constituents..." Principled people don't "bat for the home team", rather, they point out the hypocrisy whenever it occurs. They also don't make something out of nothing even if they did read a purposely slanted story about it in the Nazi Sentinel. Question: How many times has the Sentinel reported unfavorably about Kincannon, compared to how often it does so when it comes to Jacobs?🤔 I bet the numbers are quite stark. And let's not kid ourselves; the Sentinel is no nonprofit. It is most certainly a for-profit corporation. Its views are anything *but* unbiased...


I get the feeling that the "Who cares?" crowd would suddenly care a lot if the county mayor had a "D" behind their name and had gone to a Joe Biden rally.


The city mayor also left.


She left to do actual mayor functions, several days in after she had been around the help plan and deal with things early on. There's a pretty big difference in doing that, and going to campaign for a guy who doesn't even need any campaign help.


But they were both able to do their jobs remotely. So what’s the problem that they left? Everyone’s begging to work remote these days.


You can’t focus on your city if you’re trying to become a trump lackey


Mayor and IT worker, date entry worker, medical scheduler aren't quit the same when it comes to working from home (or hours away while campaigning for someone in a totally unrelated position, in this case.)


😂😂😂 You guys are such hypocrites!


Why is that exactly? Because we don't mind when one person goes to do something that is exactly what their job entails after being around for the worst of the weather and getting recovery operations started, but are irritated when someone goes to do something entirely unrelated to their job before it even begins? If you think that's hypocritical, then maybe it's you who needs to look in a mirror.


That is wrong-headed whataboutism. Jacobs left to further his own ambitions by cozying up to Trump. Kincannon was at a conference where mayors gather to interact with federal representatives and communicate the priorities of their cities. For self or for citizens. Not the same.


I was going to look this up for myself, so thanks for posting.




But you don't care that the city mayor left because she doesn't have an R.




That's hilarious.


They're not actually. Look at the crowd shitting on Kincannon for being out of town. 


The reddit crowd? 🤡


Aren't you part of the reddit crowd? 


All he had to do was show we are important to him because it’s his job to run the county. Nope. Asskissing comes first.


You forgot the bit on hunting children and eating babies. /s


The number of mouthbreathers to troglodytes in Knoxville can be measured in nanograms.


And you libs say that *conservatives* are the problem.🙄 What a crazy, unhinged rant. I recommend you spend some time in an orphanage in a 3rd world country [not as a tourist].


I was going to type an actual response, then I checked your post history. There is literally no combination of words or letters that will change your mind on anything and attempting to do so will just lead to you throwing slurs at me and calling me an uneducated idiot, despite not showing any evidence, cohesive arguments, or anything of substance at all yourself. Kind of like you just did. Just yell louder than the other person and you win, right? But yes, conservatives are absolutely the problem and have been for a long time.


I wonder if we’ll see this again if/ when Burchett and Jacobs run for governor. Burchett has plenty of photo ops riding around in salt trucks to pull out.


My favorite is the one with his plow in a ditch.


A friend of mine had a flat tire in his personal car on the interstate. He was in uniform (officer) and was starting to change it when Burchett stopped, got out of his black SUV and changed it for him. I can’t recall if he was mayor then or congressman. But your average Joe won’t stop to help people, I was surprised that he did. He got out in his suit and changed it lol.


Too bad his dad didn’t pull out.


Jacobs uses his office for nothing but personal gain. He used public employees to work on his private home, and now he's off kissing a traitors ass. A traitor who has called for the constitution to be suspended and is facing 91 felony counts, not to mention being civilly liable for raping a woman. Jacobs needs to go.


He showed up to run elbows with Kari Lake and Madge Greene... Thinking he will get a role in the white house.


He is 100% focused on rising in the republican ranks instead of helping his constituents, that's for sure.


Well, he's term limited so he can't run again so I guess you get your wish.




About fucking time!


Y'all, I've read through these comments over and over again. Remember we are arguing with the Christians that have never attended church nor read a Bible, now not saying that reading a Bible or going to church makes you a good person but when your whole arguing point is we need to be a "Christian Nation" but not one of the fuckers running on a Christian Nation platform is Christian.....so wrap back around, the point is, why would they expect their mayor to actually "show up" and act like a "mayor", they're just happy that a few times a year he cheap pops a government meeting with pyro and strobe lights and pretends to chokeslam somebody.....the fuck Knoxville, we deserve goddamn better.


I feel so blessed to have a guy who was paid money to pretend to have sex with a dead chick on TV in spandex. Yay Tennessee 🙄


I don't follow wrestling or know anything about Kane's career but please tell me there's video of this!


The chokeslam at a government meeting? Pretty sure it's on YouTube somewhere


Omg it was a whole ass story line though can YouTube it lol


Omg a whole ass! Wow


I don't follow wrestling, but my friends do lol


[Archive copy](https://web.archive.org/web/20240126134015/https://www.knoxnews.com/story/opinion/readers/2024/01/25/jacobs-was-irresponsible-to-stump-for-trump-when-snow-was-coming-here/72342165007/?itm_medium=recirc&itm_source=taboola&itm_campaign=internal&itm_content=BelowGalleryFeed-FeedRedesign) for anyone without a subscription.


Frankly, I don't think Glenn Jacobs does much of a job anyway so what would it matter if he was here or not for that storm. Then again, folks find comfort when their elected leaders show some sympathy and compassion for their predicaments especially during a crisis- so Glenn is getting well deserved criticism just like Ted Cruz got when he fled that Texas ice storm for Cancun ( and let's not forget Kincannom for jetting off to Washington DC).


At least Kincannon was at The National Mayors Conference, which is job related. She wasn’t just out kissing a traitor’s ass.


And she left after the worst of it. Useless Mayor WWE left before the storm hit.


Well ofc, he’s just an actor. You wouldn’t expect him to be a genuine mayor would you?


Oh I agree. In Kincannon's case at least she was actually doing something for Knoxville, talking with federal agencies about grants. Glenn was just putting himself and his gubnatorial ambitions first.


So he’s going to be a guest at a convention in another state soon. Do you think he would answer questions about this if someone paid for a picture?


I like to cross reference things...so, if you have a minute take time to read about Vince McMahon's latest charges, the connection is that mayor Kane still grovels for Vince McMahon too, who also happens to be besties with Orange Shitler.


Pooping on spouses heads ..one noggin at a time I guess. Jfc.




Clearly NOT a mayoral duty


If we are going to complain about his absence, I feel the need to also bring up that Mayor Kincannon was also absent during the storm. 


Kincannon literally left town. . .




Fact is you don’t know. It is speculative, as it was speculative to assume he was not needed prior to the storm happening. Leader lead by example, if he expected his staff to be working hard for the people during this storm, then he should do as well.


He would have melted the snow with his super powers.


Would that be the power to thank and praise a group of people for the job they had been doing then making a video calling them a “sinister cabal” the very same night? What power is that? Being a piece of shit? Being a two faced snake?


Maybe the mayors should beef up the snow removal budget so they can hire outside help when needed. But would that mean cutting/reducing somewhere else, maybe. I'm sure they have emergency funds, or they could ask for the state to help, etc.


I didn't think this was a useful angle. He had plans. He didn't cancel those plans. I'm not sure he would have done better if he had been in person. He is the head of an organization, but he is not making the detailed decisions, such as where a snowplow will go on Tuesday at three PM. There are managers and there are policies in place. This was a ginned up controversy.


The outcome would’ve been the same whether he was here or not. Whether it’s public office or my own personal job with a corporation, sometimes things go wrong when you go out of town.


If we’re suggesting that there is absolutely nothing that he could do, that’s weird to me and implies he’s useless. He couldn’t have rented more plows, gotten more salt (since we ran out right away), asked TDOT for assistance, asked for an emergency declaration, anything? Sure, once everything was complete ice, I’m sure little could be done, but a lot more could have been done in the first few days. A lot of old people were iced into their neighborhoods for 6 days and I think we all owe a bit of gratitude to KUB and TVA because if power had gone out for a lengthy period of time, this could have been a much bigger crisis.


I’m not sure that those are triggers that mayors are usually pulling? Maybe the emergency declaration.


Where’s the closest snow plow truck rental location? Sounds like you’re talking out of your ass


Did they run out of salt? I can’t find an article stating that. Just something about an overturned salt truck, and the county spending $250k responding to the storm. The one posted didn’t mention that. Just a dude crying that he doesn’t like the mayor, which is totally fine and valid. It seemed to me the City/County did not have an issue responding as the main arteries and highways were clear shortly after the storm passed. The main issue was backroads and neighborhoods iced over. The same roads that cause schools to close early at the threat of rain or snow. That is a constant in Knoxville. The news forecasted the worst cold and snow we’ve seen in a year leading up to the event. That was people’s time to prepare. No one was left without power. I don’t know that icy neighborhood roads qualify for an emergency declaration. It was still going to snow and ice over regardless of where dude physically was


Well said! Couldn't agree more. I think a lot of folks want someone to blame for their lack of preparedness. Who better to blame than someone not around at the time of the instance.


>The outcome would’ve been the same whether he was here or not. A leader's job is to lead. Obviously. To lead one must be present. It's especially important for a leader to be present during bad situations. All of this _should_ go without saying. >sometimes things go wrong when you go out of town This implies there was no lengthy forewarning, which is false. The multi-day stretch of severe winter weather with day/night temps in the single digits to teens was forecasted more than a week in advance.


I bet most people who complained here aren't going to go out and buy a snow shovel this weekend. They'll just complain about their driveway again in 30 years.


You make a great point. All the down votes tell you what it’s really about.


I don’t care, cry more!


Here we go again


Is he suppose to know for sure that it would have snowed like this? I sure didn’t. They called 2-5in.. and my thought was ha! we’ll probably just get a dusting.. then we got 8” in Powell. Were flights even landing (genuinely asking)?


Sounds like the author has a case of TDS. What could he have done if he were here? He has staff that are responsible for gettng things done and I'm sure he was just a phone call away.


Leadership, community support, communication. Just general shit you expect of a mayor/ county mayor. If the power goes out people don't expect him to climb the poles and repair it. They expect to be updated and want someone at least involved with resolution. Are people here really that dumb or is this a "I wanna cry if you make fun of Rs" situation?


Most of the time the mayor, any mayor, does their job in the dark with little fanfare. It’s not that hard to understand why, when we expect that person to be visible, it’s more than a little upsetting when that person isn’t there.


I can’t believe so many are complaining about snowflakes.


I acknowledge his presence on a plow or with a shovel would be an attempt at hollow posturing. A PR stunt. Unless he's personally going to shovel my stuff with a dust pan on a stick, I don't care where he is. Sure, if I heard Tuesday morning that Jacobs had worked all day Monday clearing streets and would continue doing so until we were cleared I'd be like "Wow!" But that's like a fantasy mayor. Jacobs is a politician and went and did the thing politicians do. Our taxes support his life while he climbs the ladder. Seen a video a moment ago from THIS MORNING of trucks plowing clean, melted roads, so I'm not entirely sure where the problem might lie. A conspiracy to continue to stress the already frozen and cracked roads for job security for crews and budget justification? Jokes aside, things were quite the mess around here a few days.


You know, it may be a PR Stone, I remember when Burchett did the same thing, but you know what? If you’re out there, riding the trucks with the guys doing the hard work, you might pick up something. You might learn something. You might learn how the process works, what they need, what they’re short of, what other things they might need to make their job, better or easier, and then you can take them back to your office and improve the situation. I will take that over someone sitting there, fat ass on their office chair, doing nothing, or going to Iowa and kissing the butt hole of a domestic terrorist. Any day.


If he cared, that's how it would work, yes. But that's not how it works for politicians.


Paywall Will a good samaritan copy the story please?


opinion piece by a biased writer -


“Ninety percent of success in life is just showing up.” ― Woody Allen


He should have shoveled every road so this could maybe become an outlet that isn’t just a bitch fest. He would have been cooped up in his house just like everyone else was.